Blood Slaves Ch. 07


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"Morgan, you disappoint me...I'm getting bored."

Just as I was about to make my next move, Elyse growled and her eyes lit up blood red. My skin began crawling for a moment as a gust of wind swept right over me, knocking me off my feet and sending me flying. I slammed up against the stone walls that ran alongside the staircase, then slid to the floor, dropping my sword.

It landed with a loud "clang" and Amanda stepped over, kicking it across the room so I couldn't reach it.

"Now," Elyse said, turning back towards Sara.

"This is the moment we've been waiting for."

I could feel Sara looking over at me, still struggling to breathe and struggling even harder to break free from Elyse's mental grip. The whole time I had been fighting the woman, she hadn't let up on Sara and kept her entire body locked in place with her telekinetic abilities. That was just how powerful she was, always had been able to concentrate on more than one task at a time without distraction.

"It's quite a good thing, you came back Morgan...this party

wouldn't be as fun without you, you know."

Elyse then turned her attention towards Kimberly, who looked as though she had no idea what to say or do at this point. She sat there on the mattress the whole fight, watching and staring in awe, and by now, her jaw had dropped with shock. Elyse smirked and looked back over at Heather and Amanda before she took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Alright, then Heather..."

The girl looked up, her eyes wide, grinding her fangs together with anticipation. "Now's your big moment, it."

Do what?

"I-I don't know i-if..."

Whatever it was, Heather seemed reluctant. Defying Elyse was a bad move and I knew that from personal experience, but I didn't know if the woman had heard what Heather had been whispering. I watched the former cheerleader start trembling, as she glanced over at Kimberly and the two made eye contact. Kimberly seemed just as confused as I was as to what Elyse was speaking about.

"Kill her, Heather."


Sara's POV-


No, this kept getting more and more out of control.

Elyse was no one to trust, I understood but we had a fucking deal!

I would come back home as long as she spared Kimberly, and did not go looking for Morgan. Maybe I had expected her to go back on one of those two agreements, but both of them? I couldn't let that happen. "You can't do it," I yelled, struggling against her mental hand even harder.

"Elyse, I swear if you do this, I'll-"

"You will what?"

Elyse scoffed, as she looked over at me and laughed.

"Honestly child, you're growing more and more like Morgan by the moment. I thought when you returned, I would be able to snap some sense into you but...well...I guess if losing your family wasn't enough."

I had just enough strength to clench my fists, as Elyse shook her head again and I felt myself being pushed harder against the wall as if she were applying more pressure now. I had to get down and stop this.

Being as weak as I was, I didn't know if that were possible but I had to do it. Elyse looked back over at Heather who, fortunately, seemed to be wrestling with the command the woman had just given her.

For how long though?

Wrestling wasn't good enough. I would feel a lot more comfortable right now if Heather would just flat out refuse to kill Kimberly.

"Why are you wasting time," Elyse questioned the girl.

"This is what you wanted, is it not?"

Heather took a breath, looking over at Kimberly.

"No," she shook her head slowly.

"I-I mean, yes. But not this, I...I wanted to make Sara pay for what she did to Courtney. To my friend, but...Kimberly is my friend too!"

"Is she though?" Asked Elyse.

"Or, was she just using you to help her find Courtney. Then when you found out about Vampirekind and the Hunters and realized Courtney was with the monsters...she needed a partner more than ever. So she just kept using you, knowing she couldn't save Sara on her own. Face it Heather what you had with Kimberly wasn't real, it was desperation. Two people facing the same situation in life, facing the reality that their friends might be dead. You clung to each other but now that you both know the don't need each other anymore."

Heather bowed her head, shaking slightly and breathing heavily. A heavy silence hovered over the room as I tried to study Heather, tried to read her face, and determine what she might or might not do. At the same time, I was wrestling to gather the strength I needed. Trying desperately to break through the powerful psychic grip that Elyse had over me and pull myself down from that wall.

Morgan could have gotten back up by now, but Amanda stood over her and kept close to ensure that the girl didn't make any sudden moves.

"Heather," I said, looking over at her now.

She looked up at me and balled her hands into fists, grinding her teeth together. I got the feeling that she was mentally wishing I hadn't tried speaking to her. Like the fact that I had even addressed her, had been an insult. "You don't have to do this," I started pleading with her.

"You don't have to listen to anything Elyse says..."

"You're shitting me right," the girl scoffed. "I signed up for this, Sara. I wanted this. I wanted her to turn me, I wanted power. The power to make you pay for what you did to Courtney and when I begged for it, she gave me it."

Elyse smiled proudly, although I doubted it was pride towards Heather for owning up to her own decision and standing up for her at the same time.

It was more of a cocky expression, as you'd expect from her by now I suppose. "Listen," I said shakily as I stopped trying to break free now, and started trying to focus on Heather.

"I-I know what I did..."

Heather growled under her breath, seething with rage.

"I...s-shouldn't have done it..."

I was being genuine. Kimberly's life was on the line but it wasn't all about that, it was about everything involving Courtney.

"I could blame Elyse and Amanda, and Morgan and shout about how they forced me and how it was my first time feeding...that I was starving...but at the end of the day, I-I enjoyed it! I hated Courtney, as much as she hated me but that doesn't make it right, I still-"

"Fuck you!"

Heather roared, her eyes glowing yellow as the room started shaking now...something was happening. Her rage was surging, boiling to the surface, cold air blasting throughout the basement and making her hair fly around in her face as she dug her nails into her palms until they drew blood.

The lights in the basement even started flickering a bit.

"Just, SHUT UP!"

She looked back at Kimberly then, panting heavily as power coursed through her veins. A power that I had no idea, how she'd managed to obtain. Heather was new to all of this, just like I was and I knew Elyse had probably been teaching her to use her abilities since she turned her, long had they been training? Not more than a few days.

Maybe, it wasn't all as impressive as it seemed to me though.

Elyse and Amanda didn't seem too concerned, though Elyse was grinning a little bit wider at the girl's reaction than before if that were even possible. Morgan didn't seem any more impressed than her sister or former Mother.

"Heather please," Kimberly spoke now.

It was her turn to plead. Plead for her own life, at that because Heather didn't seem interested in listening to anything that I had to say to her. "Please, I know you're hurting," Kimberly said slowly.

She was trying to hold back tears of her own. "Sara's right though. You don't have to do this...we're friends. I care about you."

Heather took a breath, looking down at her feet but still clenching her hands tightly and trembling. The room had stopped shaking, the wind stopped howling but everything still felt cold as ice.

Suddenly, just as it seemed like she was about to step down and refuse Elyse and her orders...

"I'm growing impatient Heather," Elyse said, with a look of irritation I had never seen. "Do it now, or I will. And you will be punished for defying my orders when this is over."

Heather looked towards Elyse, and then Amanda stepped up and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder to give it a gentle squeeze. The two looked into each other's eyes and it was almost like Amanda was trying to warn the girl, pleading with her to just do as Elyse ordered. With a soft sigh, Heather began stepping towards Kimberly, moving slowly but with a renewed sense of confidence, and I began to panic.

"No," I said, struggling harder now. "No, Heather please!"

Kimberly jerked at the chain around her ankle, I could hear her heart pounding faster in her chest as Heather drew closer to her. As the girl stopped at the foot of the mattress, glaring down at Kimberly with her cock dangling between her legs now, she seemed to be shaking slightly. It wasn't with hesitation or anxiety though...more like, shaking with anger.

"H-Heather," Kimberly gasped, looking up at the girl now.

"Please, I...w-we're friends...please, you don't have-"

"I'm sorry, Kimberly...I am..."

With that, Heather grabbed the girl by the hair and yanked her head backward. Kimberly gave a sharp gasp in the movement and Heather flashed her fangs, hissing loudly like a cat as her eyes flashed yellow again. Elyse's face lit up, beaming with excitement and anticipation.

Amanda seemed a mixture of emotions, both eager and hopeful, yet anxious somehow. She glanced over at Morgan, still seated and pressed back up against the wall where she had landed earlier, and studied her sister's expression. Morgan's stare was blank until she looked past Amanda and towards me as tears began to stream down my cheeks.

"Heather, stop it!!!" I screamed.

She wouldn't do it...not really...she couldn't do it, that's what I kept telling myself over and over again. As Heather stared down into Kimberly's eyes, however, she seemed to pause for just the briefest moments.

And, when she closed her eyes and took one final deep breath, she dropped down to one knee at Kimberly's side and yanked Kimberly's hair so she could turn her head to the side and expose her neck.

"Heather!" Kimberly cried one last time, just as Heather brought her fangs down and just barely grazed them over the soft of her neck. Before she could pierce her skin, however, the basement suddenly shook as one of the dusty old windows a few feet away from the mattress exploded with shards of glass flying everywhere.

Everyone dropped for cover as the glass shattered, I squeezed my eyes shut and turned away as I heard debris pelting against the walls and the concrete floor. When I opened them again, I was surprised to see that Morgan had managed to get back on her feet and sprinted across the room, just in time to knock Heather out of the way and throw herself over Kimberly to protect her from the shards of glass.

I was even more surprised, however, when I looked up at the now broken window and through the cloud of dust, I saw Lisa poking her head into the room. "Hey there," she said with a sly grin.

"Hope we're not too late for the party!"

All I could do was stare, the biggest smile I'd ever had sprawled across my face as I sighed with relief. I was so happy to see Lisa at that moment, I swear I could have cried tears of joy.

As the shellshock began to wear off though, Elyse and Amanda recovered from being knocked over by the blast with Amanda helping her Mother back to her feet and both women looked infuriated. "Hunters," Amanda hissed as she clenched her fists tightly.

"Kill them," Elyse muttered, dusting herself off slowly.

Lisa ducked slightly from the broken window, then threw her feet forward and into the room, dropping down onto the concrete floor, and held up her freshly sharpened machete.

Amanda roared, rushing across the floor in her direction and Lisa came barreling forward ready to greet her. They met head-on with Amanda grabbing the red-haired girl by her machete-wielding arm and twisting it behind her back in an attempt to disarm her. At the same time, Lisa's brother Mike slid in through the broken window with his machete and rushed in to provide backup to his sister.

Heather had gotten back to her feet now, stumbling about some as she tried to regain her senses. When she had managed that, she noticed the struggle between Amanda and Lisa and Mike rushing in to assist. Growling with rage, Heather intercepted the male Hunter by charging straight for him as fast as she could run.

Mike turned to see her coming right in time, falling back and ducking out of the way just as she leaped and tried to pounce on the young man. He came back up as she flew over him and when she landed on all fours, turning her head to look back over her shoulder and flashing her fangs, she found the hunter standing with his machete and smirking at her.

"Come get it, bitch!"

"Fuck you!"

Heather lunged at him again and this time, Mike swung hard from left to right just before she could get to him...the blade of the machete grazed Heather's right arm and she hissed, then growled as she stumbled back and grabbed the wound on her wrist.

It burned and crackled as she started panting and suddenly, I watched the former cheerleader stagger as if that simple wound to the wrist had caused more damage than it probably should have caused.

Heather sunk to her knees, gasping and panting, then groaning in pain as she began clutching at her sides and screaming in agony. The sudden noise interrupted the chaos between Lisa and Amanda, prompting both girls to look over and see Heather writhing around on the ground.

"W-What the fuck...did you d-do to me!?" Heather demanded, tears filling her eyes from the pain. Lisa smirked, as Amanda held her with her arm still twisted slightly.

"Dead Man's Blood," Lisa laughed.

"You cowardice whore," Amanda hissed. "Can't you Hunters ever fight fair, bitch?"

"Sure," Lisa laughed. "The day you bloodsuckers fight fair."

With that, Lisa shoved back against Amanda and managed to untwist her arm from behind her back. She threw her elbow into Amanda's stomach, knocking the wind from the Vampires lungs and causing her to stumble slightly.

"That's the problem with Hunters," Elyse said, speaking for the first time now and Lisa and Mike both looked over towards the Coven Mistress. "You're all such pathetic fighters. You fight dirty because you know the odds of taking a Vampire's head off in one attack, are slim. So you have to rely on the blood of the dead to weaken us...such...cheaters, you humans are."

"Whatever gets the job done," said Mike.

"I'm afraid for you, it won't get the job done here though."

Elyse's eyes flashed red and Mike suddenly clutched his chest, grunting and dropping to the floor, his machete slipping from his grip and Lisa turned to look at him with concern. "Mike?"

"You can't rely on a dead man's blood when it comes to someone like me," Elyse said, clenching her fist tightly. The tighter she squeezed, the more Mike cried out in pain as he held his hand over his chest.

He fell over onto his side finally and Lisa rushed over to him, dropping to her knees to lift his head into her lap. "I'm very old, girly. Ancient. My powers are great and though your dirty hunter tricks could bring me to my knees if you could get close enough to deliver a worthy'd have to catch me, first."

"Mike," Lisa gasped, holding her brother in her arms.

"He'll die slow and painfully," Elyse growled.

"And, so will you!"

Suddenly, Lisa had lost her hold on her brother and screamed as she was lifted into the air by Elyse. She floated right in mid-air, feet hovering just above the ground as she began grabbing at her throat as if she were choking. With Heather still out of commission, seemingly paralyzed by the dead man's blood now, she lie on the ground and continued twitching in pain.

Amanda stood nearby, laughing hysterically as she watched punishment being dealt to both Lisa and Mike. And from my spot, still pinned to the wall by Elyse and her invisible hand, I still felt as helpless as I had minutes ago when Heather was prepared to kill Kimberly.

Lisa and Mike had come to save me, to save Kimberly too I assumed and now they were the ones suffering as a result. Part of me wished that they hadn't gotten mixed up in all of this, but as Hunters, I knew it was their responsibility anyway. Something had to give though.

I had to find a way to make this stop.

We had to win this fight, one way or another.

Something caught my attention just then, from the corner of my eye and I looked back towards the mattress in the corner of the room for the first time since Lisa made her entrance.

Morgan looked up at me, holding an unconscious Kimberly in her arms and a desperate look on her face as she laid the girl's head down gently. Morgan raised a hand to her lips as if telling me to stay calm and silent, and then motioned a few feet away with her head. I followed her direction to where I saw the katana she had dropped earlier in the fight. It lay just a few feet away after Amanda had kicked it from her reach.

Morgan would have to crawl to get to it, but Amanda and Elyse both had their backs turned and their attention focused on what they were doing to Lisa and Mike. There might be a slight chance, she could make it there and grab the weapon.

Please, let this work I thought as Morgan began cautiously crawling her way across the basement floor.


Morgan's POV-

The concrete felt cold against my hands and knees, as I crawled anxiously towards my lovely katana. Just within arms reach. I knew I could make it as long as I stayed perfectly quiet. As long as Elyse remained focused on torturing Lisa, which I was confident she would.

By now, I could already tell as I looked over at his body lying there in the middle of the floor, Lisa's brother Mike was gone. His heart stopped cold in his chest, his life snatched away and put to an early and abrupt ending by my former Mother. He never stood a chance, and it was sad I had to admit...though I had no clue, why I felt any sympathy for a Hunter.

In a sense though...his death would come in handy I thought, as I finally reached my sword and wrapped my fingers around the handle, then looked back over at the lifeless body and then back towards Elyse, her back still towards me.

It would be so easy. So easy, just to creep up behind her and drive my sword straight through her back. From her current standpoint I knew, she would never see it coming until it was too late.

Just to stab Elyse, however, would not do very much of might leave her stunned with shock for a few brief moments, but when she gathered her thoughts and realized what had happened, she'd likely kill me on the spot.

I needed more than just my sword.

With weapon in hand now, I crawled towards Mike's corpse and grabbed his arm. With a deep breath, I flashed my fangs and bit into his wrist drawing blood. "Sorry kid," I said in my mind. "At least you can still help us though."

"Please," Lisa choked, as she continued hovering above the basement floor now. She was still grabbing at her throat, gagging and foaming at the mouth as Elyse squeezed her windpipe shut with her mental grip.

More than that though...more than the desperate need for oxygen that Elyse was forcing on the poor girl, Lisa could feel her entire body burning. It felt like Elyse had thrown gallons of gasoline all over her and lit a match, igniting a fire that could never end.

The pain only seemed to grow worse and worse with every passing second, and Lisa began wishing that the Vampire would just put an end to it already.