Bimbo or Billionaire - All Hallows Eve

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Evelyn got drunk one night and applied to be on the show.
6.3k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/02/2018
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Chapter 1 - Drunken Antics

Evelyn still winced every time she thought of that night with the girls, the splitting headache the next day had been epic and they'd all sworn off drinking for weeks afterwards. Of course that had only lasted until the next Friday night when they headed out once more.

The problem was that while she could remember the pain of that night clearly, the rest of the details had been a drunken blur afterwards and it was only weeks later that the details had come to light.

They'd all seen the show of course and they'd even seen it playing in clubs before on the big screen, a loop of the "best of" moments in the show's history was a common sight at night spots. In this case "best of" meant the stupidest, sexist changes in the shows history with many of them having near pornographic endings.

None of her friends could remember seeing it that night, but it must have triggered off something in one of them as they had, apparently, submitted their names through the show's website to be contestants they crashed for the night at Mandy's place.

Of course contestants had 2 weeks after submitting their names for consideration to withdraw from the selection process, but in her drunken stupor she must have put in her old e-mail address and it wasn't until after the phone call that she'd realized her mistake.

Apparently none of her friends had thought to mention it as they had all retracted their entries and so she was the only one to get selected to come in for an interview.

Unfortunately for her, once the two-week grace period was over, the show was very adamant that potential contestant follow through with the process.

That didn't mean people went willingly and some tried and fight it, but while a few managed to succeed, there were two downsides to trying to get out of your commitment. The first was the financial impact, to say that the show employed some of the most vile, flesh eating lawyers on the planet was an understatement and fighting the contract in court could cost millions, money she clearly didn't have being just out of college and having just gotten her first job a few months ago.

The second was more... insidious. If you failed to get out of the contract, the show made sure that the audience knew full well you didn't want to be on the show and that often turned the crowd ugly.

And an ugly audience on the show could definitely make for some extreme changes if the right options came up, which the always seemed to for such contestants.

In the end she'd resigned herself to head in for the interview and see if she could sabotage it somehow, maybe act dumb and flirt a lot, then they wouldn't want her. But she knew that wasn't likely to be the case, she was the perfect kind of contestant for the show. Smart, well educated, pretty but not drop dead gorgeous. She took care of her body, but wasn't a supermodel, or even a regular model for that matter.

Their research department was top notch of course and they'd quickly seen through her thinly veiled attempt and before she knew it she was with the technical team; the Collar of Fate being sealed around her neck.

Of course it wasn't all bad news really, it wasn't like she was setting the financial world ablaze working as a junior account rep for the bank. Maybe in 10 or 15 years she'd get promoted to a management position and then ride it out until retirement. On the other hand, with a billion dollars she could start her own bank!

So it seemed like, since she had to go through with it anyway, she might as well make the most of it.

Chapter 2 - Opening Credits

The studio curtain raised as the theme music blared from the speakers with the applause of the live studio audience. Evelyn was nervous and a little embarrassed as well, the tiny white strips of "clothing" that barely covered her modesty were less than she'd ever worn to the beach, let alone on to national TV.

She felt the Collar of Fate's cold steel against her neck, hoping to get through the first round and be done with it, but something was nagging in the back of her mind, something her friend Mandy had said, "Your lucky you got picked, you could win a billion dollars!".

It seemed silly of course, there had only been one winner over the life of the show and from what the papers had said afterwards, "winner", might be too strong of word.

"Yes folks it's time to answer the question that is on all of our minds... Is she a... Bimbo or Billionaire!" the announcer's voice came across the PA system and the audience roared in response.

The applause brought Evelyn back to the moment and she lifted her head up to see Jack waving his hands around in the air as he spoke, "Thanks Dan, as you know, today is a very special show, it's our annual Halloween episode!"

Jack was wearing a different suit, black with long tails and he held a cane and over half of his face a white mask, he was obviously the Phantom of the Opera for the Halloween episode.

The audience roared again and Evelyn perked up, the Halloween show often brought out the best in the audience, they often went with the sexy nurse or cheerleader, something that wasn't over the top, but fun to go with the spirit of the holiday. Perhaps this was her lucky break after all!

"Ok, well it's that time, let's get today's contestant out on stage... Evelyn!" she walked on to the set at her queue, smiling but a bit hesitant at the bright lights of the show.

"Hi Evelyn, welcome to the show!"

"Th... thanks Jack, I'm happy to be here!" she stuttered a bit and then found her courage and waved to the crowd.

"That's great Evelyn, we have a full show today so I have just one question for you... are you ready to play?"

"Yes Jack, I'm ready!" she replied, almost convincing herself she really was.

"Ok Evelyn, let's get a few housekeeping items out of the way and we can get going. First off I'd like to bring everyone's attention to our case girl Chrissi!"

As always the spotlight highlighted Chrissi and the buxom blonde bimbo wiggled and jiggled as the crowd cheered and whistled. Being the Halloween special though, her regular glittery dress was replaced with... a slightly shorter glittery dress.

"Chrissi was the unluckiest contestant to ever play our game here and opened twelve bimbo cases in a row. But we just couldn't let her leave with nothing so instead we didn't let her leave at all and she's been with us ever since!

Ah... Chrissi, aren't you supposed to be wearing a Halloween costume today?"

Chrissi blinked several times and scrunched her mouth in to a question of some kind before answering, "Like I am Jack!" she replied, pouting and stomping a foot as she did so.

"Really, so what are you dressed up as today then Chrissi?"

"Like, I'm a stripper! Wanna see?" Chrissi replied and started to wiggle around as she hooked her thumbs over the top of her dress and started to pull down.

"No... No Chrissi that's fine, I believe you and this is a family show after all!"

The crowd laughed, while the show was rated as PG, no one really considered it a family show even if the ratings board said otherwise. There were rumors of course the board received "personal" tours of the show each year when the show was reviewed and there had never been a fine or punishment meaded out when there was a slip of the wardrobe or other similar accidents on set.

"Ok, well in that case we also have in the back of the studio the fine technical folks who are operating the Collar of Fate tonight, we won't get a chance to see them but we'll certainly see their work on stage!

And of course we cannot forget our generous benefactor, who has put up the billion dollar prize! Our mystery man that we simply call 'The Accountant'". As always the pitch-black area above the columns of monitors was backlit revealing a person sitting at a desk but obscured in darkness like each show, but this time in his hand was the outline of a pitchfork.

Of course you all know our board, two sides with twelve steps each, revealed one at a time as the cases are opened. As always the cash side starts at a penny and works its way up to one billion dollars!

The Bimbo side is divided in to two halves, the first six are physical changes that the 'Collar of Fate' will make and the second half are mental changes. Each of the changes will be selected by an audience vote from a list of four random selections from our database!"

Chapter 3 - Round 1

"Ok Evelyn, as you know we have five rounds here. In the first round you have to open 12 cases, the second 6 cases, the third 3, the fourth and fifth rounds are 1 case each to see if you win the billion dollars or not. I need 12 numbers from 1 to 24 from you right now."

"Ok Jack, let's start with number 22 please."

"Chrissi, could you please open case 22 please?" Jack called over to her and she wiggled her way over to the case, the tiny dress trying to expose both her lower and upper privates at the same time.

Chrissi managed stay mostly covered up, and get to case 12 as well, before finally opening it to reveal a bimbo symbol.

"Oh Evelyn, not a good start with your first case!

"Ok, the first category is of course Hair! And the four voting options are... Darkness Calls, Fires of Hell, Shaved to the Wood, Angelic Halo! Ok folks as always use the pads on your arm rests and vote for which one you want."

Evelyn smiled, those weren't that bad of options really, well maybe a shaved head wouldn't be the best thing, but that one didn't get picked very often.

"Well the audience has voted and the winner is... Fires of Hell!"

Evelyn felt the Collar of Fate activate and her scalp tingle, she had never really been happy with her slightly frizzy brown hair, but the bright red strands that floated down in front of her face were amazing! Then she noticed how, as she moved, it shimmered in the bright lights of the studio.

"Yes, not only is that an amazing shade of red, as light reflects off of it will give the appearance of flames flickering! Alright Evelyn I need your next case please!"

"I think case 10 Jack."

"Chrissi, if you can manage to get over to case 10 without flashing the audience please!"

Chrissi pouted, "But I like the audience sooooooo much! Can't I flash them just a bit? Pretty please?" she whined.

"No Chrissi, not unless you want the ratings review board to come down hard on us."

"Oh! I like the ratings review board, *especially* when they cum hard on to me! *giggle*"

The audience broke out in laughter and Chrissi broke down in to a giggle fit before eventually making it to the case and opening it.

"Congratulations, your first cash case!" the crowd cheered, not as hard as they had for the first bimbo case, but they cheered none the less.

"Ok Evelyn, you're on the board, what is your third case going to be?"

"Case 19 Jack." Evelyn replied and crossed her fingers as Chrissi made her way to the case and opened it.

"Another cash case! Good work Evelyn, what's your next case going to be?"

"How about 17 Jack!" she said, getting excited now that she was ahead of the game.

"Your third cash case! That's a whole dollar your up to! But no time to waste, what's your next choice?"

Evelyn almost jumped up and down at her luck, "Case number 5 Jack!"

"Well, I guess your luck had to run out eventually, that's your second bimbo case! Let's reveal the second Bimbo change and the four randomly selected items our audience gets to vote on!"

The crowd cheered as the board displayed the category.

"Category is Voice! And the four voting options are... Heavenly Chorus, Valley High, Husky and Sweet, Pause for Effect! Ok folks it's all up to you, vote now!"

Evelyn liked her voice and was nervous about what the audience might pick.

"Well the audience has voted and the winner is... Husky and Sweet! Technical team, please, activate the Collar of Fate now!"

The collar activated and Evelyn felt her neck tingle for a few seconds as well as something like a small itch in the back of her mind.

"So Evelyn, let's hear that new voice!"

"Ok Jack, it kind of feels weird but... wow!" she said, her voice now oozed sex appeal with something that sounded like an actress from the golden age of movies.

"Alright Evelyn, let's get to the next case, a number if you please..."

"11 Jack." she said, even saying a simple number sounded like a come on now.

"You're forth cash case! That's a whole $10!"

"Yea!" she screamed and beamed a smile to the audience as they cheered.

"Ok Jack, l want case number 8 next!"

"Oh, that's another Bimbo case Evelyn, let's see, the category this time is lips! The options for the audience are... Sexual Sensitivity, Sweet as Candy, Fire in the Hole, White and Wild.

Audience, please make your choice now!"

Evelyn didn't like the sound of any of the options, but suspected with the Halloween theme of the show it might be an easy choice for the audience.

"Ok Evelyn, the audience has chosen... Sweet as Candy! Not too surprising for this episode!"

The collar glowed pink as it worked on her lips, though they tingled she couldn't really feel them change in any significant way.

"Ok Evelyn, why don't you give those lips a little lick?"

Evelyn stuck her tongue out just a bit and licked her lips, a sugary sweet taste greeted her as she looked at one of the monitors to see the deep cherry red colour of her lips.

"That's right Evelyn, your lips now excrete a slight sugary red coating, that's completely calorie free... of course!"

The audience cheered as her tongue traced over her lips once more.

"Well Evelyn I need another case, what's it going to be?"

"Jack I'm going with case number 4."

"Another cash case! Your doing great Evelyn, but what is your next case going to be?"

"How about case 1 Jack?"

"That's your fourth Bimbo case! The category is Body Shape. The options are... A little Imp, The Heavenly Ratio (1:1.618), To Hell and Back, Patchwork Perfection!"

Evelyn sighed slightly, she was still ahead of the game and honestly her body could probably use a bit of help, but these options seemed a little too Halloweeny for her taste.

"What do you think Evelyn any thoughts on what option you'd select if it was your choice?"

"I don't know Jack, maybe the Heavenly Ratio one, it sounds kinda nice?"

"Well, that it does, but the audience has made its choice and I think I'm starting to see where they're going tonight... To Hell and Back!"

Evelyn cringed slightly, it didn't sound like the worst option of the bunch, but she doubted it was the best either.

The Collar of Fate came to life and her entire body began to tingle, but especially so around her ass. She looked down at her body and couldn't see anything happening at first, but then she noticed her skin getting slightly darker, then slowly becoming redder and redder.

Finally, when the tingling stopped, her skin was a crimson red from head to toe. She stretched a hand out and turned it over, that was when she noticed her tail flick between her legs and she gave out a shriek.

Jack gave out a small fake laugh, "Evelyn I see you've noticed the addition the Collar of Fate has made to your backside. That's right, that's a fully prehensile tail to go along with that lovely new colour of skin!"

Evelyn was in shock but tried to "feel" the tail and control it, bringing it up between her legs and look at the slightly triangular tip.

If she'd thought that this wasn't the worst option before, now she dreaded what the other ones might have been!

"In line with the Halloween theme of tonight's episode, your body has completed a trip to hell and back, taking on the shape of a succubus as it did so!"

Evelyn was in shock, she'd never be able to walk down the street like this or anywhere else, what was she going to do?

"Ok Evelyn, I know it's a shock but we need your next case please!"

Evelyn tried to focus, it was done an there was nothing to do about it now, "Case 21 Jack." she said, her voice still sounding strange to her.

"Ok Evelyn, your back on track... it's another cash case! You're up to $1000! Just two more to go, what will your next one be?"

"Uh, case number 2 Jack." She said, regaining some confidence, she was going to break even at worst in the first round she thought as her tail started to swing from side to side slightly.

"That's cash case number 7, that's $5000! Which one is going to be your final case for the round?"

"Case 18 Jack." she said, knowing she was going to be ahead no matter what now.

"That's your final bimbo case of the round Evelyn, you've done great this round but now it's time to find out your options for the fans favorite category... Breasts! Tonight the options are... Pointing to Heaven, Chains of Hell, Inflatable Balloons, Toys for the Boys."

The audience roared as Jack read out the category and options, but Evelyn knew what the choice would be as soon as it left his lips.

"No surprise here and my hunch is confirmed Evelyn... Chains of Hell!"

The collar activated once more and Evelyn felt her nipples come alive. Slowly she could feel something cool forming inside of them until the tip of it poked out the side. A shiny metal nub that curled down from each side until it formed a perfect ring with no join in it hanging from her nipple. Then the first link of a chain formed, then another until a small silver chain linked the two rings together.

But the chains didn't stop there, another link formed in the middle the chain and started down towards her pussy while she could feel another chain forming around her neck and a ring forming in one of her nostrils.

By the time the chains finished, they linked her nose to her neck to her nipples to her belly button, around her waist and finally to her clit.

All without a single latch or clasp among the links making it a permanent part of her unless she wanted to literally rip them from her body. Even then, she knew they would simply grow back, the Color of Fate's changes couldn't be reversed by simply removing them.

"Ok Evelyn, that was a great round, 7 cash cases and 5 bimbo cases! Your doing great, but now it's time for The Accountant to do his work and make you an offer."

She looked at the board and couldn't believe it, even with the terrible fourth change, she was doing amazingly well. She only had four cases to go to the billion dollars.

Evelyn absent mindedly tugged at the chain between her breasts and felt a wave of pleasure run through her nipples. It would seem there was more than just the chains the Collar of Fate had added to her breasts as she'd always hated having her nipples played with, but now they were sensitive and pleasurable.

Jack was right though, as much as the changes had been more extreme than she might have liked, she was doing well. Many contestants at this point had already burned through all their physical changes and she still had one left.

"Ok, The Accountant's offer is in... he's very happy with your progress so far, he's always been a big fan of our Halloween special. He's offering up a two for one special, one rung up the cash board for two rungs up the bimbo board to end the game right now.

That's ten thousand dollars to call it a day!"

Evelyn thought about it, two bimbo rungs meant both the final physical change, face, but a mental one as well, clothing.

But was it really worth it, the next round was only 6 cases, if she just broke even she'd only be going up 1 more bimbo rung to vocabulary for two more cash rungs...

And honestly, with how things were now, even a career change, the 9th bimbo case, wouldn't be so bad at this point, she wasn't going to be able to go back to work at the bank looking like this anyway.

Of course, she could quit right now, but with only $1000 and no hope of keeping her job after the show, that really wasn't an option.