Betrayed by Her Stockings

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Revenge is best served cold.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/08/2020
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Betrayed by her Stockings

As he waited for the whore to come home, he reviewed their life together and the last month since he had discovered her adultery.

He had thought he had found a kindred spirit, one who loved the same things he did sports, travel, eating out, walking, theme parks and nature. They shared the same sense of humour and loved to surprise each other. What really made her so special was she wore stockings. He was amazed as she was the only one he had met in some time who still wore suspenders and stockings. She explained that she loved the freedom they gave. Soon she was using his desires to wrap him round her fingers.

She kept clear distinctions between work stockings, like the Charnos, M&S ones and the romantic, more sensual feelings ones like Falke, Le Bougeot and Levante. Not only that, the lingerie matched. Practical for work and more sensual or even downright naughty for pleasing them both.

Soon they were spending a lot of time together. When they moved beyond the kiss goodnight stage to the romantic, caressing one, he loved to tease her by slowly working his way up and down her thighs. He would lightly touch her silky knickers but no more. When she had enough, she would have him remove her knickers and eat her pussy. She was always very wet. He enjoyed the feel of her stockings around his head as he moved around her intimate spots, tasting her sweet pussy, nibbling the lips. She was very vocal and told him when to move to fingering her or even playing with her rosebud. When he fingered her arsehole, she seemed to come more violently but she never allowed anal sex. She could cum and cum again. All the time, he was being aroused by her as she ran her stockings over his back and waist as he kissed and fingered her pussy. When they fucked, her pussy was like a furnace and he melted quickly.

She distracted him whilst watching her favourite soaps by stroking his penis for what seemed like hours with her stockinged feet before sliding him up her nylon covered legs to her soaking wet pussy. Both would come very quickly. If the wrong time of the month, she developed a way of using the soles of her feet and toes to caress and clamp the penis head before rubbing it in small circles. The feel of this with the stockings made him cum and cum, often far too quickly.

He learned the complexities of seamed stockings and why they needed a six-strap suspender belt to ensure the seam never moved. He would kiss her up and down the seam. Just checking they were straight.

While they did have a lot of more conventional sexual encounters as well, they enjoyed play time focused on her nylons. She even had him dress in them occasionally and their lovemaking was intense. She seemed to really enjoy sharing the sensations together. She developed her own way of caressing him up and down his legs. She liked to play with his rosebud but never inserted anything into his bum. Sometimes he wished she had as she drove him wild. Within months they were living together and after eighteen months they got married.

It was fortunate that they didn't want children quickly as three years later, he was about to throw her out. The bastard she was fucking was receiving his balls being toasted by his wife.

About four months ago, he had thought something was amiss but assumed it was because he was working on a serious case which was taking a lot of time and effort to trace the culprit. It was the type of case which gnawed at him, a young girl being sexually assaulted and left for dead. Fortunately, she had been found in time but like all on the case, they wanted the perpetrator. He knew his mood meant he wasn't the best to be around, but she seemed to understand. After nine days they found the culprit and things appeared to be approaching normal.

Some parts of his shift cycle meant they didn't spend a lot of time together but on the other side, they were often available through the day for each other as she worked flexy time so could take afternoons off. Recently, she had started going in earlier and finishing around one.

After initially reconnecting, he felt a gap between them about ten weeks ago and that had only widened. He couldn't recall them actually making love since then. She did relieve him but he noticed he seemed to be relegated to the office stockings which were not as smooth to run your hands or more delicate parts over. When he asked, she just said she hadn't changed when she came home. He was sure he still saw the romantic ones among the laundry. He dismissed his little voice saying, "Who's she wearing those for?"

On looking back the only time they played in recent weeks was when he took her out, almost as if he was buying her services. The stockings felt rough and she seemed eager to get the dirty deed over and done with.

A month ago, on his second last night shift, he had managed a whole night of paperwork so came home on time and woken her with a cup of tea. She seemed surprised as she was normally away before he came home. They exchanged pleasantries but she didn't want to have any physical contact. She headed for her shower. He was putting stuff away and headed to the bathroom with fresh towels. The door was slightly ajar and he saw her in the mirror shaving her pussy. She would never do that for him. Alarm bells were now going off in his head.

He went to bed and pretended he was going to sleep as she came through. "What's your plans for today?" she asked.

"I'll probably spend some time on the golf range as the competition is a few weeks away. The lads are talking about playing tomorrow afternoon to get some more practice in."

She seemed very pleased when normally she would sulk at that. A quick peck on his cheek and she was gone.

After she left the house he got up. The first thing he did was check the laundry basket. He seldom washed anything so she may not have hidden any evidence. He smiled as police speak came to him. He was on the case. He found her sensual knickers from the previous two days still there. Both had clear spunk stains. Now he truly knew. He photographed them and took a swab for DNA should he need it later. He left the basket seemingly untouched.

His friends and colleagues would describe him as laid back almost horizontal in fact but none would want to be the one he was after. He was relentless and extremely diligent. Many defence counsels would see his name on the Police report and tell their clients to plead to get the lowest sentence. Now he had his own case. He was going to find who the bastard was and ruin him.

Like many crimes the first port of call was to follow the money. After examining their bank records and credit card bills, he spotted his first clues. She hadn't made any payments to their joint account in six months. They used that for servicing the credit cards and general household bills and for their holidays although there wasn't much left. She had wanted to keep her own account so she could surprise him she had said.

There were payments to a local hotel which he never used. He added that up and began a sheet of dates, costs and where. He wasn't going to be ending up paying for the whore and this bastard!

When he checked those against his shifts, they were all one day later than when he was on nightshift. How long did it take payments to be debited? It seems they kept a lower profile when he was working during the day when he could possibly spot them. Now he had to find out who?

He knew she left work around 1pm so he set off to follow her. He was sure she wouldn't be expecting him to do that so it should be easy. He had a fairly nondescript car which blended in well. He saw where she had parked, found a spot to watch discreetly and waited for her. Just after one, she came out looking very happy, got in and drove off. It was soon clear she was heading to that hotel.

He knew a vantage point so headed there hoping to get there before she arrived. He hoped the man would be in his car which would give him an opportunity to find his name. As she pulled in, he was in a spot allowing him to photograph her and the bastard whilst not being visible to her. Damn! She must be meeting him inside as there was no one else in the car park. He would give them their due, they were being careful. He had time, all the time he needed.

He recorded the time she arrived and later the time she left. Through his camera lens he could tell her clothing was slightly disarranged. He watched her leave and waited for the man. After twenty-five minutes a man came out and for some reason he took an immediate dislike to him. He was verbally abusing a female member of staff who had tried to get his attention. He couldn't hear what was said but the bastard's displeasure was clear.

He smiled when the hotel security came out. From his look, he knew he didn't take kindly to a man abusing a female so this could get interesting. The man continued his tirade but the security guy was taking quietly. He knew that was the time to watch out. If he had been trained properly he would know where every pain centre was and would be adept at holding them for just long enough to get control and for the person to realise the error of their ways. As the man's hand brandished towards the girl, the man stepped in and took what to a bystander would look was a light touch. The man instantly stopped and looked at the security man. He appeared to be in some pain. Not enough, he thought! The man must have decided this was a battle he was going to lose so seemed to apologise before leaving somewhat reluctantly.

From the staff's reaction, it appeared the man was well known but not liked. He hoped he could use that to his advantage.

The bastard got into his top of the range car and set off. He knew he had to be the person he was looking for because most hotel guests parked at the rear. The lunch crowd had gone and his was the only car which had been there when he arrived.

He was easy to follow and soon they were at a well to do part of town. Maintaining his distance, he saw him pull into a drive to a house which must have cost an arm and a leg. Noting the address, he carried on and returned home.

She seemed surprised he was home so early but he just said he felt his back so decided to rest rather than force some more balls. Normally she would have offered to massage his back but there was no such offer.

When he asked why she was freshly showered she said she was sweaty from work and wanted to clean off. Well, he knew what sweaty work she was referring to.

Later that night at work, he checked the voters roll for that address and found the names of the occupants. She was well known as her family owned quite a bit of the town and many of the businesses. It made him think she was the money and he was a parasite. Soon he would probably be a former parasite! As it could be traced back to him he couldn't research him on the firm's computer systems he would wait until tomorrow.

He watched her leave the house in the morning. He could see she was wearing sensual stockings so she planned their last rendezvous until his next set of nights. He would be waiting for her at her work again but for now he had some research to do. He also needed to see that security man but how to do that without tipping off the whore and the bastard?

On reaching his home, he found the laundry basket empty. All his shirts were washed and ironed, which he normally did himself. If he didn't already know, this would have seemed strange behaviour from her.

He found out a lot in the local newspaper but what intrigued him was the fact that the bastard and his wife were to attend a charity ball at the golf club on Saturday evening. From the photos it looked like he enjoyed a drink so he would feed some intelligence to the traffic police about the event. It would be the icing on the cake if he was caught. He later learned that they had almost caught him. He had blown just beneath the limit. His wife was not amused and was tearing him a new arsehole as he was supposed to be sober. They did catch five so it had been a worthwhile tip.

He was waiting for her and like clockwork she left looking happy and again headed to the hotel. He checked the car park and the bastard's car was there. The only cars which didn't move apart from theirs were the ones parked to the rear where the guest parking was. He was more than convinced that he had the right bastard so made his way home.

When she arrived, she was shocked to see him. He pulled her close for a cuddle saying his back was bad so he couldn't play today. He could smell the sex on her despite her perfume. She broke away and said she was going to shower. When he suggested that was a good idea he would join her she shot him down.

The evening was frosty and as he hadn't any sleep he had an early night blaming his tiredness on the painkillers. She never offered to massage him or any other assistance.

Over the weekend, she asked him to take her places as she normally would but he said his back was too sore, so she went off by herself. He wasn't going to pander to her, she was on her own as far as he was concerned.

Tuesday morning, he was early shift and got a massive break in his case. A call came from the hotel about a sudden death. He went along and after establishing there was no foul play, the deceased being in her eighties and in poor health the local doctor and her own GP conferred and a death certificate was granted.

The security man was happy as they could have her removed quietly so as not to disturb the other guests. When that was done, he invited him back to his office.

"What's on your mind?" he asked. This startled him but as he learned, he was a former cop so he may be able to read people like he did. He told him his suspicions and who he thought it was.

"What do you want to do with him?"

"I'm going to hang him out to dry though I would love to take a flame thrower to his balls. I can't remove his balls and tourniquet his little prick till it falls off so I'm going to destroy everything he has. I'm sure his wife is not aware but her family solicitors will have made a cast iron prenup to avoid paying this louse anything if he strayed."

"What do you need?"

"I have the dates my card has been charged for this hotel. I think they were meeting here when I was in bed on nightshift."

"We hold our CCTV for a year due to the way people try and con us into making payments to them. This guy is a big arsehole and I would love to help you but what we have may be only them in the corridor, perhaps entering a room but nothing inside to say they weren't playing scrabble, strip or ordinary.

"The bonus is that we know the room or rooms as the business holds a few rooms for guests or out of town business partners so we know the cameras we need to access."

"That would be helpful but if we knew what room and could get a camera or two in it that would blow them up."

"When are you on nights again? I'll speak with someone I know who dabbles in that sort of thing. I'll ensure he gets the room we set up. Do you want to view the footage, something I don't encourage or just get the gist so you can bin the bitch and toast him?"

"I may view it but later. Let me know what happens. I have four nightshifts instead of seven on this cycle due to training. She wasn't happy but who cares about her. If you can have copies made for his wife, I'll deliver them.

"I hope that when confronted they won't want any publicity so won't go after how this information was obtained anonymously. I'll keep you out of it and if necessary take all the blame so let me know how it was set up so I can be convincing."

They finished their coffee, shook hands and he headed back to the station. Later he received a text saying they had corridor photos of the man and his female partner which they had emailed to him. It confirmed his suspicions.

The next few weeks were slow for him. He noted how she avoid close contact with him and was evasive when he began talking about their holiday which they had still to plan. The more she evaded the more he made suggestions which annoyed her even more. She always found fault in whatever he brought up.

She never wore her sensual stockings in front of him. He was so glad when he went onto his set of nightshifts.

Each morning he watched her leave their home wearing sensual stockings. He knew they would be caught by the cameras concealed in the room. He felt relief that this was almost over. He really wanted to meet the bastard and explain his feelings. That may happen in the future with no witnesses' present. He hoped he liked hospital food for he would be there a while.

Now his final one was over and he already was aware of what the whore and the bastard had been up to. He had two sd cards with their sexual antics on them. He was about to deliver those to the bastard's wife along with the time and place where she could catch them later today.

He had watched him drive off. He waited for ten minutes to give him time to come back if he had forgotten something. When he didn't, he walked to the door and rang the bell.

A maid answered and he asked to speak to Mrs L. When told he would have to make an appointment, he told her he was a Police Officer and needed to speak to her now. The maid took him into the large entrance hall and asked him to wait. Ten minutes later his wife came down the stairs. She did not look happy and that would not change anytime soon he thought.

Before she spoke, he apologised for the intrusion but he had learned something which she needed to know about a person very close to her. She looked stunned but when she looked at his eyes there was no subterfuge, just a steely determination. She told him to follow her to her office. Once inside she closed the door so they wouldn't be disturbed.

As he explained that her husband was having an affair with his wife which had been going on for at least three months, if not six, her face went from that "denial" look to "I'm going to kill that bastard." He explained that the evidence he had as he handed her the sd cards would not normally be admissible but if she needed him to he would testify how he obtained it illegally. He hoped her solicitors could avoid that as he would lose his job at the very least.

He had typed out the room number, times they were normally there and who he would be with so she could confirm everything personally or have some others do so. She nodded.

When she asked what he was going to do with his wife, he told her that he would be waiting at home and give her the option of explaining what had happened that afternoon. He doubted she would, hoping it would go away and then he would hit her, proverbially, with everything. It made no difference to him, she was gone from his life, period. There was no chance of him changing his mind on that. He thought he knew how she would react, threatening to expose his vices but he had the sd cards of them so did she want her friends to know.

For the first time, Mrs L. laughed. "You love hosiery don't you?" He nodded incredulous that she knew that. "Your eyes have been following my legs whenever you had a chance!"

He smiled, "busted!"

He apologised as he was leaving for what he had done but felt it necessary. She told him he had done the right thing and she would have everything arranged shortly to cut the balls off her soon to be ex-husband.

As he left he called the security man to give him a heads up that the whore and the bastard were going down that afternoon. He laughed and said he hoped for a good show. "You take care of yourself."

He had a few hours to wait so he went to his vantage spot where he could see the comings and goings at the hotel. Just before one, the bastard arrived. His whore arrived about fifteen minutes later. Now he waited for the cavalry.