Best of Rivals

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I love hating my sister and love loving her.
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Editor's Note: this story contains homosexual content.


I always wondered about my heritage. I mean, I know who my mom is; she's Britney Alma Lott, part time convenience store cashier, part-time whore. What I mean about my heritage is, I don't know who my dad is. Mom says she doesn't have a clue either.

My mom's a little on the short side, just five feet two inches, and I'm kind of short too, only five six even though I'm nineteen years old. So my dad must have been kind of short too. We know he had blond hair because I'm blond, even though my mom's a brunette. We know he was kind of cute because I'm kind of cute and my mom is not.

She's got this brown hair that just doesn't do right, just kind of sticks out all over the place. Her face is plain, just a round face with little brown eyes and a big nose and no chin.

Her shoulders are real narrow and her boobs kind of hang down. Because of her five pregnancies, her gut kind of pooches out and her hips and thighs are kind of wide.

If she looks like that, how did she get knocked up five times? Like my mom always says, when the lights are out, a pretty whore and an ugly whore look the same. I'm not being mean when I call my mom an ugly whore; that's what she calls herself.

When she was pregnant with me and my sister, my mom must have ate a bunch of them chicken nuggets; I seen somewhere in some TV show that they puts a bunch of growth hormones in them chickens to give them extra-large breasts. I don't have extra-large breasts; thank God, since I'm a boy. But I do have an extra-large cock.

I mean, it don't hang down to my knees or nothing. Actually, it's only about six inches long when I'm hard. But it's right at five inches around.

Amy Brenda Lott, my twin sister, she has extra-large boobs. I mean, I don't go around checking Amy out, but she hates wearing a bra, so those boobs are just bouncing and flopping all over whenever she walks around; kind of hard not to notice them. Like I said, Mom must have ate a bunch of them nuggets when she was carrying us.

I'm Aaron Bruce Lott, but everyone calls me Trey. Not because I'm Aaron Bruce Lott the Third, but because I'm Mom's third kid. She said we had an older sister, but she won't ever tell us what happened to our sister.

Like I said, I'm kind of cute, even though I'm only five six and scrawny. But because I don't have a bunch of money, don't even have my own car, and live in a single wide trailer with my Mom and my three sisters and baby brother, none of the girls at my high school will even talk to me.

Amy don't go to school no more; she graduated last year. I didn't; I goofed off a bunch in the eighth grade and had to repeat it. I could have gone to summer school to make it up, but only losers go to school in the summer.

Even though I'm kind of scrawny, kind of short, I don't get picked on a whole lot. My best friend Todd does; he's about the same height as me but is about thirty, forty pounds overweight so gets picked on a lot. Our other friend Brandon gets picked on a lot too, but that's because he's got a shitty attitude. They're both eighteen and they live in the same trailer park as me and Amy and my Mom and Angela and Andrea and Andrew.

Our trailer park is right by this university here in Arkansas so there's a lot of cute guys and hot girls walking around. Some of the guys will talk to me if I'm sitting out front of the trailer. If Amy's sitting outside, they really talk to her a lot. None of the college girls talk to me, though. It's like I'm not even there.

Mom says a lot of the college guys that come into her store talk to her. A lot of them try to pick her up, even though she's not all that cute.

"Guys will fuck anything," my mom says. "Even if they got pay for it."

No, I don't know how much my mom charges. How do you even ask your mom something like that?

Anyway, first time I had sex, I mean, really had sex happened right after my nineteenth birthday. I got a detention because of some stupid shit Brandon did, so missed the bus. I was walking along Prentiss Road, wanting punch Brandon in his stupid head and this car slows down.

"Hey Sweetie, want a ride?" this guy called out.

"Yeah," I said and hurried to get into the car.

The guy got out and I got in. It was an old car, with a big bench front seat and a big bench back seat. But there was all kind of crap in the back seat, so I took the hump while the guy got back in and slammed the door.

"Aw, hey, you a boy?" the passenger asked, now looking at me.

"Hey, Gary, seen anybody else this whole time?" the driver asked and pulled back onto Prentiss.

Couple years back, Zack Bernstein had sued out school over the dress code. He pointed out there was no rules said girls had cut their hair, so why did guys have cut theirs? I think he was in some kind of death metal band or something.

So, my blond hair hangs down to my shoulder blades. Like my mom says, hey, she don't have pay somebody cut my hair. And right now, I had it back in a ponytail, so, from behind, I guess I did look like a girl to this Gary dude.

"Well, no, but, man! A guy?" Gary complained.

"Shit, just close your eyes," the driver said.

"I live up there, right off McClelland," I pointed.

"Got go straight home?" the driver asked.

"I uh, no, I guess not," I agreed.

"Like tequila?" Gary asked me.

"Aw yeah!" I agreed, even though I had never had tequila.

I've had vodka and I've had whiskey. And one time I had rum, but Todd got sick and threw up all over the place, so didn't want to drink any more of that stuff. But I've never had tequila.

We pulled up in front of a trailer in a really run-down looking trailer park. One I live in ain't all that great, but this one was really bad. And this trailer looked ready fall off the cinderblocks.

The driver grabbed a bag from the back and locked the doors of his car. Gary jiggled the knob and opened the door of the trailer.

Inside, it stunk. The whole place smelled like mold. There was a somewhat clean looking towel on the nasty ass couch and I made sure to sit real fast onto that.

"Want it mild, strong, or mildly strong?" the driver asked, pulling a couple of cups out of a bag.

"Strong," I said and both guys smiled.

These guys looked like college guys, maybe a little older. Both were wearing shorts and tank tops and were kind of muscled. Gary was a lot darker than his friend and had real hairy legs. They were both cute, though.

"Here you go, kid, drink up," the driver said, handing me the cup.

I almost spit it out. It tasted horrible and burned all the way down. But I didn't want look like a pussy in front of these guys, so swallowed it.

"Good stuff, huh?" Gary asked, drinking his easily.

"Yeah, I said, voice strangled.

"Hey, kid, how old are you?" the driver asked.

"Nineteen," I said.

"Good, good," the driver nodded and poured himself some more tequila.

"Hey, let me ask you something," the driver said, sitting right next to me on the couch.

"Yeah?" I asked, taking another sip of the tequila.

"Know how, you know, when you was in school? You know, you in the locker room?" the guy said.

"I mean, hey, we all do it, you know?" Gary said.

"And you looking around, you know, and there's all these dicks, you know?" the driver asked, putting his hand on my leg.

I could feel my face getting hot. Yeah, I'd looked at the guys, seen who had a big package, who didn't. And, yeah, I kind of wondered what it'd be like, you know, sucking a guy, getting my meat sucked.

"I uh, yeah," I agreed and emptied my cup.

"I mean, shit, ain't nothing wrong looking, I mean, shit, we all do it, right?" Gary asked, refilling my cup.

"Yeah, I guess," I agreed.

"Ever wonder what it'd be like?" the driver asked, holding out his cup to Gary.

"You know, don't make you no faggot, wondering what another guy's meat would be like," Gary said and poured some more tequila for his buddy.

"I mean, you know, normal stuff, guys just being guys, you know?" the driver said, running his hand up and down my leg.

Gary peeled his tank top off and he had a real hairy chest and belly. The driver's hand was lightly rubbing up and down my hard dick; he was still running his mouth, but I couldn't hear nothing.

Gary's dick was hard and popped up and hit him in the belly when he pulled his sorts down. The driver pulled his own shirt up and off, then unzipped my jeans. I was glad he did; my dick was trapped and starting to hurt.

Gary held out his dick, pushing it against my lips. I opened my mouth and let him slide his dick in.

I could taste his sweat and could taste some other kind of salty and bitter taste as he thrust his meat into my mouth.

"Damn, kid's got a monster here," the driver said and I felt him squeezing my dick.

"Uh huh," Gary moaned, thrusting is dick into my throat.

He backed off when I started to gag. The driver wiggled my jeans and my boxers down over my hips and rubbed and squeezed my dick and my balls. My balls are kind of big too, I mean, they're not the size of grapefruits or nothing, but they are kind of big.

"Damn, kid, that, that's a monster, you know? What you call it? Godzilla?" the driver asked.

"Ugh! Oh God yeah," Gary yelled and started pumping his jizz into my mouth.

I swallowed; this was my only clean shirt. It was Andrea's turn do the laundry and I knew, sure as I was sitting here, she 'forgot' to do it.

The taste wasn't all bad. The texture was kind of nasty, but it didn't taste terrible. I'd heard my mom and Amy, my twin sister talking and laughing about how bad jizz tastes, but if dick snot had a better texture, I wouldn't mind it.

"That good, huh, Gary? You know? He good?" the driver asked Gary when Gary pulled his soft dick out of my mouth.

"Yeah, yeah, you know? I mean, shit, close your eyes?" Gary agreed.

The driver stood and offered me his dick. I was kind of pissed; he'd been stroking my dick and it had felt pretty good. But I opened my mouth.

"Oh," was all the driver said as I swallowed his cock.

I could only fit about half of him; he was probably as long as mine. He gripped the other half and pumped it in his hand real fast.

"Ach!" I complained when he just shot off a big old load of spunk into my mouth.

After a minute, he pulled his dick out of my mouth. I drank what was left in my cup to kill the taste of their jizz. Kind of a waste of time; Gary was already hard and wanted me to suck him off again.

"Hey, what about me, huh?" I asked and pointed to my own meat.

"Kid's right, Gary," the driver said. "You know? We uh, we should, you know, give him a hand."

Next thing I knew, Gary had pulled me off the couch and onto the dirty carpet. My jeans got pulled down to my knees and I was kind of trapped there.

I felt something warm trickle down the crack of my ass and I started to yell. The next thing I knew, the driver had his hand over my mouth.

I screamed; Gary's big ass fingers all of a sudden just jammed up my ass. I don't know what that warm stuff was, but it wasn't doing a very good job of lubing me up.

I screamed again as I felt Gary's fat meat pushing up into me. The pain was crazy; I'd never even put a finger up there and he was shoving his dick up there.

"Aw, mother fucker, yeah," Gary said and I felt his hairy belly pushed up against my ass cheeks.

Crazy thing is, the pain started to leave. Now, I just felt weird, kind of like I really had take a massive dump. I felt stuffed full.

"God damn, fucking kid's tight," Gary said as he started to pump in and out of me.

"Yeah?" the driver said, stroking his own meat.

"Yeah, ugh, God yeah, tighter than a pussy, you know?" Gary said, huffing and puffing.

"Well, don't ream him out too bad," the driver said.

Gary fucked me like that for a couple of minutes, just sawing back and forth. I hate to admit it, but it didn't hurt no more; it kind of felt good.

"Ach, aw shit," Gary just yelled out and I could feel this stuff squirting into my guts.

Gary pulled out and the driver knelt down behind me. Gary must have opened me up pretty good; the driver was able get his dick up my ass in only a couple of pushes. He was a little bigger than Gary, but, like I said, he was able get up in there pretty easy.

"Yeah? Yeah?" Gary asked, wiping his dick with a dirty towel.

"Yeah," the driver grunted, fucking me.

Next thing I know, my own dick just kind of jerks and I'm blowing my load all over their carpet. And it's a massive one, I mean, I'm just shooting and shooting.

"Shit!" I cried out. "Damn, sorry 'bout that."

"Fuck, like we give a shit about that nasty ass carpet?" the driver laughed, pounding into me really hard now.

He spunks into me a minute later. Then we drank some more tequila. By now, I'm really starting feel it.

I came to about an hour later. Gary and the driver are gone. I pulled my pants up and went looking for the bathroom.

My God, the bathroom was disgusting. I've seen gas station bathrooms ain't that bad. But thank God they had a half roll of toilet paper there.

I kind of held myself up; I didn't want even touch that toilet seat. As I half sat, half stood, stomach all knotted up, I thought about it. I'd sucked a guy's dick. Two guys. And let both them fuck me up the ass. I mean, I didn't put up no kind of fight or nothing. And my dick got all hard. I almost started to cry.

The toilet wouldn't flush, so I had to leave the floaters in there. There was no water in the sink either so I couldn't wash my hands.

When I left the trailer, this guy in a pickup truck slammed on his brakes. He rolled down his window and started yelling at me; why was I in Old Man Jannesen's trailer?

I started to cry. I didn't know why I was in Old Man Jannisen's trailer, I didn't know who Old Man Jannisen was.

Billy Collier, the guy in the pickup felt sorry for me and gave me a ride home. It wasn't but about a half mile to our trailer, but my ass hurt too much to walk all that way.

And when we pulled up, my sister Amy was sitting on the steps, scribbling in her stupid pussy cat notebook. She had on her Marin Morris tee shirt, thing was about two sizes too small and her shorts that was way too short. Way she was sitting, both Billy and me could see brown hair sticking out them shorts.

"Whoa, who's that?" Billy asked me.

"My dumb ass sister," I said. "Thinks she's some kind writer."

Billy told me to introduce them, so I did. Amy smiled and got up, sticking her titties way out. I had to go to the bathroom again so left them out there.

"Who's that?" Angela, my other sister asked, looking through the living room window.

"Billy. Gave me a ride home," I said.

Angela and Andrea, they look just like our mom. They're not ugly, but no one would ever call them pretty. But for some reason, Angela thinks she's the hottest girl in the world. She decided to go out and see if she could steal Billy away from Amy.

Just as I knew, Andrea had 'forgot' to do the laundry. I tried to help her, but we still weren't finished by the time Mom got home. Andrea got an ass whipping and Angela, Amy and me, we got a lecture about how we was supposed make sure each other did our chores.

An ass whipping lasts maybe three, four minutes before Mom gets winded; she smokes three packs of cigarettes a day. But her lectures can go on and on and on. Her arm will get tired long before her mouth will.

"Mom, Trey was helping me," Andrea came to my defense.

"But you'd been home a little sooner," Mom said, so I wasn't about to win here.

Billy started showing up all the time. Angela kept trying to snag him, but, seriously? Even though I think Amy's a dumb ass; she's going be a poet someday, she thinks, and a bitch, she's still hot. Angela's not hot. She is a dumb ass and she is a bitch, but she's not hot.

All of a sudden, Amy's got an engagement ring, even though she's not knocked up and Mom really had bust her ass get us clothes for a wedding. Billy asked me to be his best man, since I'm one introduced them, so I actually had to get a suit for this.

Mr. and Mrs. Collier were gigantic assholes. They did not like Amy and it showed. They didn't like me or my sisters or my baby brother.

The wedding was the shittiest wedding I've ever been to. There's a garden close to the trailer park that always has weddings and me and Todd and Brandon, we'll put on our best clothes and crash them for the booze and food. So, I've been to a lot of weddings. This one was the worst.

The reception was even shittier; Mr. and Mrs. Collier had a cash bar and some shithead playing crappy music. The photographer was one of Billy's cousins and he didn't look like he knew what end of the camera did what. I think if the Colliers could have made us pay for our food, they would have.

It wasn't all bad, though. Mom heard Mrs. Collier telling one of Billy's aunts that we were nothing but poor white trash, just one step up from being niggers. Mom's punch knocked out three of Mrs. Collier's teeth. When Mr. Collier tried to grab my mom, I gave him a punch that put him on his huge fat ass. Lucky for him, one of Billy's uncles apologized for their inexcusable behavior and even bought me and Mom a drink at the cash bar.

A few weeks after the wedding, Brandon, Todd and me, we're walking around the trailer park, just walking around. There wasn't shit to do; my baby brother Andrew was sick and screaming and crying so my mom didn't want us in her trailer. Todd's sister Dana had one of her boyfriends over so didn't want us in their trailer. And Brandon's mom had one of her headaches, so we're just walking around and talking.

Both Todd and Brandon thought my sister Amy was hot, even though I told them she was a huge bitch. Brandon thought Dana was hot; Todd and I both thought she was nothing but a skank.

Me? I was kind of thinking I'd fuck either Todd or Brandon. They're both kind of chubby, with chubby asses. They both like candy way too much, and they both drink Dr. Pepper by the gallon. Dr. Pepper's okay, but when it comes to soda water, I like Fanta Orange.

I heard my mom yelling for me and left Todd and Brandon. I found my mom standing on our steps, looking irritated. Actually, that's nothing new; she looks irritated most all of the time.

"Your sister, God damned that Susan, I swear to God, bitch up and left Andrea at the skating rink," my mom said. "Need you watch Andrew, have no idea where Angela all of a sudden up and run off to."

The local university had just one a football game and the students were loud and rowdy. A couple of them were drunk, even though they weren't old enough to be drinking. Anyway, my mom pulled out of the parking lot of the skating rink and a car, packed with seven drunk, screaming and yelling students, plowed right into my mom, even though they were in the other lane. Mom and Andrea were killed on impact. Three of the students in the students' car were seriously hurt, but none of them died.

And Billy decides, not even a week after the funeral, that he doesn't want to be married to Amy no more and leaves her. He just sticks her with the bills for the big fancy ass double wide he just had to have and moves back in with his mommy and daddy, the big asshole.

"See the apple didn't even fall from the tree," I sympathized with Amy.

"Who's Sissy's big boy, huh?" Amy asked Andrew, holding our brother on her lap. "Huh? Who went potty like a big boy?"

"Andrew! That true? Huh? You went potty like a big boy?" I asked and the little brat just smiled real big, don't say nothing, just smiles.

"There anything to do?" Angela whined.

"Same thing as last time you asked," Amy snapped.

Amy got served with divorce papers and Billy was trying to get out of paying anything for the trailer, and want pay Amy no alimony. Amy signed it and mailed it back; said it just wasn't worth fighting over.