Bad Girl Pt. 05

Story Info
A repeat of the sex club with a twist and a good ending.
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Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/12/2022
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A Perfect Union

Everyone having sex is at least 18. This story is a work of fiction. I made it all up. Check reality at the door and enjoy it for what it is, a fun story. Special thanks to rancher46 for editing my story.


Chapter 16 -- Oh NO! Not again

Bill's point of view:

Six months later ...

I know something is going on. This whole week has been weird at work. I was sent out of the office for the entire week. That never happens. With four women, someone needs me, and they will break up my schedule. Not this week. I left early Monday morning and it's Friday at 4:30 PM that I'm back in my office. I see everyone discretely packing their personal items.

With Kim, I instantly noticed. Then as I looked around, I saw more evidence. They're trying to hide it, but I see pictures and other mementos have left desks as I walk around.

My birthday is tomorrow, but I don't see how that affects the office. Did we buy a bigger building downtown? Why didn't they tell me?

I call Kim into my office. She comes running.

I ask, "I don't see a box for me."

She has an expression of aguish on her face like I just shot her.

She tries to speak, "You're not ..."

I start, "Close the door please."

Obediently, she closes my door. I smile at her, which sets her at ease. It's funny how often just a simple smile solves so many issues.

I continue, "I see personal items being removed from desks. I didn't get the memo which means that mom is up to something. Fine, let her play her games. However, you can pack up my stuff before 5:00 so you don't have to stay after on a Friday. You have better stuff to do."

She rushes me for a hug. She has a small chest, but the feeling is still impressive as I can see the appreciation on her face. She kisses my cheek.

A few minutes after 5:00, the office is empty, and mom and Jane are ready to go home. I get my heavy coat, put it on, and we're ready to go home. The elevator ride down is normal. The limo is normal. Stopping to pick up Sophia and Vickie, is not normal. Some boxes are placed in the trunk.

In the limo, Jane and Vickie get my sides with me in the middle, we face forward. Both moms sit side by side across from us, making it easy to talk. They're both extremely excited. I can see it in their eyes, they can't wait for something. I could make a guess, but that would ruin the surprise. With the effort they went through in this short of time, no way I ruin it for them.

I try to sound a mix of curious and confused, "Are we going out for dinner? This isn't the way home."

Mom says with excitement, "We bought some land."

Sophia continues, "You're getting a new office."

They smile at my disappointment. I was hoping for a new home, where we can all live. It will probably be another six months at least, I bet they had a huge list of things that we need in the house.

We exit the highway and then it's a few short minutes before I see a four-story office building. There are security gates that open for us. I see several large moving trucks with office chairs, computer equipment, and sections for making cubicles. Half of the large lot has delivery trucks and installers while the other half are people I know from the office. They're all pulling in or were ahead of us and are carrying boxes into the large building.

I saw other people I didn't know on the opposite side of the building. I walk inside the building with my beaming family and the place is incredible. There is a splashing fountain, dark marble with Roman columns lining the entrance. Elevators and a large stairway go up once you're beyond security. There is an information desk and a security checkpoint. The ceiling is painted like the old gothic churches in Europe. There are several sculptures of Roman theme and an elegance to the entrance and atrium that are unparalleled. Several people are there to show employees on huge maps and handouts, where each person sits, where conference rooms are, and where the restrooms are located.

The second floor is daycare, a cafeteria, dining space, microwaves for those that bring their own meals, and then a break room playing calm elevator music. I am told our chefs make the food and everyone has the same choices with daily specials as we do.

Free parking, daycare, and lunches. Amazing.

The entire building looks like executive offices, but mine are beyond belief. The desk, table, chairs, bar, and washroom must have cost a mint. Everything was designed to extrude wealth and luxury. Even the chairs are amazing to sit in. Kim and Betty attack mom. I can see the excitement in their eyes.

My office has a beautiful view of trees in the distance. Kim eventually gets around to hugging me. Why? I didn't do any of this, it's all mom and Sophia.

Vickie and Sophia had checked in with their people. They made their way back to my office after about fifteen minutes.

I say to all of them partially bewildered, "I am shocked at what you have done. This place is classic, cool, luxurious, and has all the amenities we need. I saw the sign for the gym in the basement. Very nice. It shouldn't be a long commute either. I love this place. I have never seen it's equal, especially in the amazing view once the front door was opened. I was speechless."

Vickie asks, "Can we take our man home? I bet he would love something to eat."

We pile into the car and instantly I see smiles on all their faces. I think I have a new house as well. They are poised to scream yet their holding in their excitement. Really, they're all like children right now. It's Christmas morning and they're waiting to open their presents. They suck at their poker faces. I will play along.

We don't turn left to go out the gate. We turn right to go down a road lined with trees. It not long before we turn, and I see an enormous house in front of me.

I shout out, "STOP THE CAR!"

Everyone looks worried. I jump out of the car and look at the magnificent home. It's huge. Three stories, lots of columns, huge windows, and an overhang by the front door, large enough for four cars. That's handy if it's raining or snowing.

Everyone else comes out to look.

Once they're out, I say with amazement in my voice, "That is a magnificent home. It's ... massive."

Mom suggests, "Let's get back in and we'll show you the outside buildings."

We all rush to get back in the limo. Around back of the house is a lap pool and what looks like a tropical pool with a Tiki theme, maybe Hawaiian. There's a slide, a waterfall, what looks to be outside and in-pool lighting, along with a large grill and kitchen area. Around a hill there is a garage, a storage building, some housing for the staff, and a combat training facility for our security.

The garage has ten bays but looks deep. We stop in front of the garage and get out. A fingerprint unlocks the door, then it opens. Inside the garage is room for about 100 cars. Inside is only a 1920 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost in pristine condition along with a 1957 Chevy Bel Air.

Vickie pulls my hand, so I look at her, "We hired two mechanics to keep the cars in working order. Your mom and sister were each impressed with the car show and bought a car they liked. You get to choose the rest. Ronnie suggested that you need a few muscle cars."

I am smiling as I say, "Oh, I think I may end up buying one or two."

I ended up buying thirty-two muscle cars. We all like the Silver Ghost, it gets the most use of them all.

They continue the tour by showing me the vegetable gardens and the flower gardens. On the other side of the house there are tennis courts. There is a lot of space between things with lots of trees to help keep it country looking.

We pull around to the front door and walk in the house. Immediately, the size and open space hit me as spectacular. In many ways it's like the old southern plantation homes with the stairs that round up to the second level and then cross over and go up to the third level. All of this is visible from the front door. Further back I see two elevators.

I get the full tour next. A large formal living room and dining room to the right for entertaining. Behind the front entrance is the kitchen. To the left is the casual living room, dining room, and the Caribbean living room. Past those are our offices. The kitchen is huge and has a large table for family and staff to eat at.

The second floor has a nursery, children's playroom, two lanes of bowling and a gaggle of pinball and arcade games. We have an old looking Wurlitzer Jukebox with bubbles that plays all our CD's. There is also a pool table, a shuffleboard, a Foosball table, an air hockey table, and a table for playing cards. On the end is a media room with the most advanced sound and video available with better than theatre seating.

On this floor and the Caribbean living room, most of the rooms have murals on the walls and the ceilings. The children's nursery and playroom are an enchanted forest and a city park.

The third floor has a bunch of guest bedrooms, a hospital room, a locked room. There are a lot of guest rooms because eventually, those will be bedrooms for the children. To the right are two larger guest rooms, mom, Sophia, Jane, and Vickie's rooms with mine on the far end. I laugh at seeing my shower has four body washes and four shampoos already.

My walls are painted with a brownish texture type of thing. It looks ancient which goes with the entire Roman theme of my room. Even my washroom is like a modern version of an ancient Roman bath. The whole look left me breathless and unable to speak.

A stunned me is guided to the kitchen where we have an awesome dinner. All my favorites are on the table. This scares me more than anything today. They're up to something. I'm introduced to Pat Johnson although they never did say what he does for us. I bet I find out soon enough.

Most of the staff is familiar looking. There are several new people from Connie's house. They seem nervous to be sitting with us. I'm positive they will get over that.

When we finish, mom gets up and places her hand on my shoulders to keep me seated. Now is when the shit hits the fan.

As the others stand up, mom says to me, "You are going to have a chat with Pat. He's going to explain tonight to you and why he's here. We are going to prepare ourselves, then we will meet up later." She kisses me on the lips. "Love you."

Jane, Sophia, and Vickie all kiss me passionately before following mom up the stairs.

Once out of sight, Pat comes closer to me and takes a seat. Pat is a handsome man that has no issues with getting dates. He looks like he could have been a model. Why is he here? I admit, I'm nervous in my own home.

Pat sets me at ease, "Loosen up Bill, this is all good. Your mother and Sophia hired me to assist your family. I'm an author."

Why the hell do we need an author?

I am astonished, "Did you say you're an author? I don't understand. I've never heard of you."

Pat laughs before answering, "I use different pen names. With my subject, I like animosity. You see, I write dirty stories. I will continue to do so, but she wants a setting or an introduction for every Saturday night. I have a room, a budget to decorate, and craftsmen to build. Your interior decorator will finish the room. I have a storage building and my own elevator. The room is soundproof to keep you safe from the children.

"I have been told about you and your family. I know their likes, their dislikes, and their fantasies. They love talking about you. It's so easy to tell how much they all love you. I won't judge you, I'm here to do a job I love.

"Before I explain tonight to you, DO NOT hurt me." I smile. "I am but the messenger. Trust me, I understand what tonight's plot will seem like. It's not. You WILL have a blast tonight. Follow me. We're going to your bedroom so I can prep you for tonight."

I am apprehensive about this. My one saving grace is that I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that they love me. So as long as they don't take me to NSA, I should be OK.

I look at the costume and my blood boils. Pat is mighty scared right now. He sits sheepishly on the bed. He wants me to sit in a chair and calm down. I am NOT calming down!

Pat hesitantly speaks, "Bill. I know what this looks like. I won't sugar coat this, you're right."

I almost explode and kill him on the spot.

Now a very worried Pat says, "Tonight's activities come full circle. There was a very bad night a few years ago where you were tricked. I have for you, an invitation to the same event. Hold on buddy. The night is going to start the same. You will put on the same costume. Your hands will be restrained. There will be an auction."

I am quick to interject, "I don't think any of you will make it out of here alive."

Pat tries to be soothing, "This time you won't freak out. They will bid big money for you. Because the money is so much, a group of women will have to combine their resources to buy you. This is the way that ominous evening was supposed to work out. You will be sold. The women are going to use your body.

"You will be forced to eat pussy, endure long slow blow jobs, and oh my, they DO want to fuck the living life out of you. I have had my share of wild nights due to my good looks. I have never seen a group as amazing as you have and as completely in love with you as they are.

"I'm going to make you a deal. I see how freaked out you are. You're scared because of the memories you have. Just because I like you, and they are so awesome looking, I will trade places with you."

I sit there and look him in the eye. He doesn't flinch. He doesn't smile, his poker face is perfect.

I use a low, deep, soft voice to tell him, "If anyone ever touches them sexually, hell will not stop me and the extreme destruction I will rein down on that individual."

He is taken back by my intensity.

Being the highly intelligent man that he is, he says, "Can I use that line in my next book?"

After ten seconds he bursts out laughing, "You had me going there. Wow! You are going to be a TON of fun."

Now using my confident voice, "I wasn't joking."

That killed his amusement.

I ask him, "Isn't that chain and lock a bit small to restrain me?"

His smile is back, "Oh yes it is! I was warned. That is strictly for show, out of fear that it might upset you. I have seen that's not good. Even I can break that chain."

Now that he has relaxed, he's more casual, "Look here Bill. I am being paid to write scenes to keep sex interesting in your group. I have a budget, staff, and an ever-changing room to do anything I can to set the mood for a night of fucking. As soon as I fail, they will hire someone else. This is a great job; I'm motivated to keep you happy. Never worry about what something looks like. My task is to make THEM horny, so they fuck you more.

"I don't like this setup, you have too many bad memories. This isn't a good plan. They think this will help you for some reason. Connie and Sophia pushed hard on this. Connie is your mom, right?"

I look at him hard enough he might collapse.

Pat puts up his hands in defense, "No, no. I don't care. I just want to understand the dynamics so I can maximize future weekends. Each week, I need your thoughts on what worked and what didn't. I gather everything revolves around you, so I need to keep you happy. So. Now that you know my goals and what the plan is, can I get you to put on the costume and make you a pretty slave?"

As I start stripping, he brings out an airbrush, like he's going to paint me.

I ask, "What the fuck are you doing? You going to paint me?"

He smiles at me, "Nothing gets by you I see. Yes. I am going to paint you. I want to add scabs where your wounds were. I want to highlight your chiseled chest, so you look even bigger and stronger. I want to paint on welts like you've been whipped. I could just whip you, but I figure my life expectancy would be close to three seconds."

I chuckle, "Naaaaaw, you would get six. The first three, I laugh at you. The next three is me pulverizing your body. So yes, paint away Van Gough."

Pats giggling, "Wow, how the hell do I explain you to my mother when she asks about my new job?"

I laugh at him as I put on the slave uniform, for the second time now.

I suggest, "You're an author, I'm sure you will come up with a good story."

I let him put the chains and locks on me. However, at that annoying spreader bar for my hands, my look made him drop it on the floor. I just might like this guy.

Pat places a dark mesh hood over my head so I am blinded. He then stands behind me and uses his hands on my shoulders to guide me out of my room and to the previously locked room.

Once outside the door, I am giving more narrative, "Like the previous 'adventure,' you're going to be placed on a small stage. The women are out in the audience. It's a small room, you will know where they are. I need you to be careful as we walk through the doorway. It only goes in three feet and then we follow the wall to the right. We will come out at the end of the wall.

"I am the auctioneer. I promise to make this fun for you. No matter what I say or what they do, I want you emotionless, or non-caring."

I chuckle, "That won't be hard to do."

Pat is nervous again, "I need you to remove your underwear." He pauses. "They need access. Don't worry, I won't touch you. Even if you are delicious."

My patience is wearing thin, "Pat. You're starting to annoy me. Let's get this over with, shall we."

Pat's giggling as he says, "Don't worry, I don't swing that way. Just checking your sense of humor. It needs work."

I grunt.

Pat gets the idea, "Ok, let me open this door. Take small steps and I will guide you. You're doing great. OK, stop right here. Let me do my thing, and then I will come back and get you. Don't move without my help. I don't want you falling off the stage. They would KILL me if you ended up in the hospital again."

I hear Pat walk through a curtain and do his thing. He is terrific at voices.

Pat uses a stadium announcer voice to say, "Welcome to the First Annual NSA Beefcake Slave Auction. Due to a nasty blizzard outside tonight, we only have one slave tonight."

My family shouts out, "Noooooooo."

Pat continues with his rich deep voice, "Fear not young ladies. For I have the biggest, meanest, and wildest mountain of a man. He's got a cock long enough to spear five of you at once. He has muscles on his muscles. He is so studly that even after being shot, he came her to help the hungry children for charity.

"Oh yes, he is a deep, loving, and compassionate man. He's been shot twice for you all, saved Jane's and Libby's lives. By some miracle, he didn't kill Vickie when Bill saw the twelve-man gangbang. This is a good, decent man. I dare say that none of you are worthy of him." He pauses to let that sink in. "Yet. He's here. At your mercy. Selfishly giving of himself again for your amusement.

"Without further ado, I present to you ...." He pulls on my chain to pull me forward. His hands on my shoulders, places me in the middle of the stage. "Don't move." He pauses. "Please."

He is back with a different voice, "Welcome ladies! I have here a wonderful piece of man. You are bidding on the rights to own this man for twenty-four hours. His safe word tonight is pineapple. Failure to abide by a safe word is a three-month expulsion from Saturday night fun."

Damn, he's setting the rules. Nice.

Pat shouts out, "Bidding starts at $100."

Jane shouts, "$100!"

Pat shouts out, "Do I hear $200?"

Vickie shouts out, "$200."

Before Pat can say anything, "Sophia shouts, "$500."

I hear Sandy shout out, "The girls from the Global Advertising company, bit $973."

Of fuck! All of them are here? It's good the bag is on, I'm blushing.

Mom shouts out, "$5000."

Libby shouts out, "The girls from Anderson Insurance bid $12,000."