Aunt Ellen Ch. 3


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"Good," I said. "Does she know about me? I need to know."

"Actually, she does," Matt said hesitantly. "She asked me who had taught me to fuck so well, because she'd like to thank her. I thought she was just kidding but she said she was serious, as long as it was someone she actually could thank without spoiling things. I've learned that she keeps her word, so I swore her to secrecy and told her in confidence. She's looking forward to meeting you. She says she really does want to thank you."

I laughed. "Well, that's a change for the better. I usually get blamed! Anyhow, Matt," I went on, "do you and Kathy want to stay overnight?"

"Could we?" His voice was eager, excited.

"I don't see why not." And there just might be three in the bed.

"If you're sure, Ellen. I seem to remember something you said, Ellen, last weekend."

"Something good?" I teased.

"The best," he said firmly, "the very, very, best." In the background I heard someone call his name. "Gotta go now, Ellen," he said hastily, "see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, Matt, I'm looking forward to it. See ya, stud."

I hung up. Well, well. I wondered whether Kathy would be ready to join in a little three-way fun. I would have to wait and see. While I was musing the 'phone rang again. "Hello?" I said.

"Ellen?" said a half-familiar voice.

"Yes. Who is this?"

"It's Sarah. Sarah Trueman. Remember?"

"Of course. Hey, we're gonna be neighbours. Your friend Suzi found me an apartment in the same block as you."

"That's great! When do you move in?" she asked eagerly.

"Not for another five weeks. My lease starts just before the Elsman family get home. I'm here until then," I said.

"I'll give you a hand to move in, Ellen, just tell me when."

"That would be great, but I haven't got much stuff to move."

"No problem, Ellen. I'll just supervise and make coffee." She laughed. "Now, the reason I rang."


"A few of us girls get together on a Monday night, just for a drink and a gossip. Would you like to come along, get reacquainted with people?"

I started to say, 'thanks but no thanks', then thought, why not? "I'd love to," I said.

"Great!" said Sarah. "There will be you, me and two, maybe three others." She laughed. "Hell, it's no big deal, Ellen, just a bit of gossip and bitching."

"I think I'm up to that," I said, "when and where?"

"Eight. Reilly's bar. We have a booth sort of reserved until eight-fifteen every Monday. If no-one shows, Tony - he's the barman, he'll point us out - Tony just removes the reserved sign. So, see you there?"

"Sure thing, Sarah, but I probably won't get there until about eight-thirty and I'll probably have to leave early. That OK?"

"That's fine, Ellen, see you then." She rang off.

Well, something else to look forward to, I thought. But tomorrow came first. I fed and walked the dogs, then prepared everything for the next day, had a slow leisurely bath and took myself off to bed early. Dildo-less again. I even impressed myself with my self-restraint.

Next morning I just pottered around, playing with the dogs, then taking them for a good long walk. It was noon before I got back. The plans I had for dinner revolved around cold roast meats and salad, because I had no idea what time we'd eat and I didn't want anything spoiling. I grabbed a snack lunch and took a quick shower then settled myself to wait for Matt and Kathy.

They were prompt. I smiled to myself when I saw Matt almost run around his pickup to give Kathy totally unneeded assistance in getting out. He grabbed a couple of light overnight bags and he and Kathy came towards me hand in hand.

It was the first time I'd seen Kathy. She is only about an inch taller than me, around five feet eight, and like me she has dark brown hair, although hers is longer than mine and she'd tied it back with a yellow ribbon. She's slim, with almost boyish hips but enough flare in them to show she's a woman, a slim waist and a modest but shapely bust, braless today judging from the jiggle in her t-shirt. Long, lightly-tanned legs showed beneath her shorts.

"Hi, Ellen," said Matt. "This is Kathy. Kathy, my Aunt Ellen."

"Just Ellen, Kathy, please." I stuck my hand out. "Good to meet you."

"Good to meet you, too, Ellen." She smiled shyly, flushing a little.

"Do you two want to swim?" I asked.

"Sure do," said Matt and Kathy nodded.

"Right," I said. "Matt, you use the cabana. Kathy, come with me, you can use my bedroom."

"OK," said Matt. He grabbed his bag and set off for the cabana, whistling.

Kathy picked up her bag. "Ellen?"

"Yes, honey?"

"Can we talk in private?" She was flushed.

"Sure. Come on inside." I led the way to my bedroom and gestured her inside. "OK, Kathy, what is it?" I had a feeling I knew what was coming.

She flushed again, then looked at me. "I want to thank you."

Ah! "What for?" I asked gently.

"For showing Matt how to be such a considerate lover." I took Kathy's hands and tugged gently at her, to sit down beside me on the bed. "I didn't," I said.

She looked surprised. "But Matt said it was you; you were his first, he said."

"I was, yes," I said, "but I didn't teach him." I smiled at her. "It comes naturally to him, Kathy. We're lucky women, you and I. Matt has an inborn consideration for his partner, it's important to him that we enjoy it as much as he does."

"Oh, I do!" said Kathy fervently.

I laughed. "Me, too!" I stood up. "Come on, we're supposed to be getting changed." I had a sudden thought. "Kathy, you and Matt are lovers. The pool here is private, no-one can see. Do you want to wear anything to swim?" I grinned. "It's much nicer naked."

"What if someone comes?"

"They have to ring the bell. We're OK."

"Then let's go naked," said Kathy. "Give Matt a treat." She began to loosen her shorts and cheerfully, I followed suit. Naked, we looked at each other for a moment. I held out my hand. "Come here," I said. Puzzled, Kathy came to me. I turned her so that we stood side by side, reflected together in the big wall mirror. "Matt said you reminded him of me," I said. "I think I see what he means." I laughed. "Although he said that last weekend and I don't think he'd seen you naked then."

"He certainly had not," said Kathy, laughing. "In a bikini, yes."

I looked at our reflection again. The same build, the same stance, the same eye colour, hair colour, one hairstyle shorter than the other, the tits similar in shape and size and seeing them on Kathy I realised I had rather nice tits. We have the same shaped face, although Kathy's nose is straighter than mine, with a little tip-tilt to it. Apart from a slight difference in the size of our areolas we were almost twins. "Incredible," I murmured.

Kathy took my hand. "Come on, Ellen, let's give Matt that treat." She paused, flushing slightly, then looked me in the eye. "If anything happens with Matt, I mean, you know, sexual..."She paused.

"Yes?" I prompted gently.

"I'd like us to share it," said Kathy in a rush.

I hugged her, our tits pressing together. "Thank you, Kathy." I leaned back and held her at arms length. "I know, you know and Matt knows that he and I have no future; I'm his aunt, for goodness sake. But I really would like to fuck him at least once more."

Kathy grinned. "At least twice, I think, he has very good recovery!"

I laughed out loud and took her hand. "Come on, let's swim!"

Matt's face was a picture when Kathy and I went out to the pool. He was already in the water wearing his swim shorts, but as soon as he saw us he wriggled out of them and threw them to the pool side. I glanced at Kathy, raising my eyebrows.

"Do you think he has something in mind?" I asked her.

Kathy smiled wolfishly. "I hope so. My pussy is soaking!"

I laughed. I liked this horny girl friend of my horny nephew. It looked like we might have a good sexy time. "Mine too!" I said, "come on," I grabbed Kathy's hand and we jumped into the pool.

We swam around for a while, playing, bumping into each other, stroking each other in passing. A couple of times I grabbed Kathy accidentally when I was reaching for Matt, but she just grinned at me and grabbed back. We didn't swim for more than fifteen minutes or so, because we could all feel the sexual charge that was building over us and eventually I could stand it no longer. I swam to the side of the pool and clambered out.

"I am going for a shower," I said, "anyone else coming?"

Matt and Kathy grinned at each other and followed me out. We used the shower in the master bedroom because it was the only one big enough to take the three of us together. By the time Kathy and I had finished helping Matt to wash his cock it was hard enough to bore concrete. At least, that's what Matt said. Kathy and I wanted it hard enough to do some pussy penetration. Once we were all washed and dry, except for our hair, I led the way to my bedroom. At least, I tried to lead the way, but Kathy wanted to hold Matt's cock, too, so we compromised. Kathy used her left hand, I used my right and we both took a grip of Matt's pole; it was big enough for us both. Matt reached an arm around each of us and cupped a tit and we marched to the bedroom in step, giggling like fools.

In the bedroom we disentangled ourselves and collapsed onto the bed. I looked at the others. Matt was sprawled on his back, pole erect. It needs a flag, I thought. Kathy was cross-legged, her cunt gleaming pinkly beneath her dark brown thatch of pubic hair.

"Matt," I said, "you have two horny females here and both of us want to be fucked. Unless you can grow an extra prick we'll have to take turns, so which one of us do you want first?" I grinned at Kathy. "There's no question of jealousy, because we both know we'll have you."

Matt opened his mouth to speak, but Kathy forestalled him. "You first, Ellen, because you're the hostess."

"With the mostest," quipped Matt. "Yeah, OK," I said. "Kathy, has this stud demonstrated his pussy-eating talents on you yet?"

"Mmm, yes," she replied dreamily.

"Right, Matt, on your back. Kathy, sit on his chest and let him eat you, while I attend to this pole."

Kathy grinned at me and swung her leg across Matt's belly. She bent and gave him a deep, wet kiss first, then wriggled up so that Matt's talented tongue could wreak its magic. Matt took her hips in his hands and pulled her forward a little. I couldn't see what he did but she jumped, then moaned softly. I bent and licked Matt's cock. It twitched at my ministrations and I chuckled softly, then took the swollen tip in my mouth, swirling my tongue around it, then taking it as deep in my throat as I could. Matt moaned. I think he must have breathed out heavily because Kathy giggled suddenly, then moaned herself. I let Matt's cock ease out of my throat and nipped lightly at it with my lips as I let it escape from my mouth.

I moved slightly to my left so that I could see better. Matt's face was wet with Kathy's juices and his tongue and lips were busy. I saw his tongue flick lightly over her clitoris before he sucked at her labia. My pussy twitched, perhaps in sympathy, and I moved to kneel astride Matt's legs. I shuffled forward until his cock was just below my soaking cunt then lowered myself gently onto his pole.

I couldn't help myself, I moaned in my turn as his steel hard cock rose into my aching pussy. I rested a moment, my ass on Matt's thighs, his full length buried in me as far as it would go, before gently raising myself until he almost left me then sinking back, to feel the welcome return filling my depths again. I moved gently, establishing a rhythm, exulting in the feel of Matt inside me. Kathy's back was just before me, lightly tanned, a little mole almost at the point of her shoulder blade. Impulsively I leaned forward and kissed it. Kathy stiffened, then pressed back against me, smiling at me over her shoulder.

Trembling, I raised my hands and cupped Kathy's tits. Her hands came up to cover mine and press my fingers against her. Her breasts were soft, yet firm, yielding to my fingers, her nipples like pebbles. I pulled them gently between fingers and thumbs, never stopping in my gentle rise and fall on Matt's prick. I kissed Kathy's neck, then licked her lightly. She shuddered, her hands gripping mine as I played with her breasts. Her breathing was quickening and I kissed the back of her ear.

"Are you close, Kathy?" I whispered, "has Matt's tongue got you close to coming? Do you feel that pressure building up inside you? Do you feel like you want to explode?"

"Oh, yes!" she moaned. "I'm so close, Ellen, so very close. Touch me, please, play with my tits, it feels so good!"

I was aroused, thrilled to be caressing another woman. I didn't think I was turning lesbian, not with Matt's hard cock inside me, but the soft feel of Kathy's skin excited me. She began to tremble, to shudder in my arms, Matt's lips and tongue bringing her to the edge, my fingers tipping her over. She stopped dead for a moment, then screamed tightly, a shudder washing over her like a wave. She slumped for a moment, half conscious in my arms, then roused herself and turned her head, looking me in the eye.

"Thank you, Ellen," she whispered.

I leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. "You're welcome, honey." I smiled. "My turn now," I said, resuming my gentle rhythm.

Kathy smiled back at me, then moved her hand behind her back, between us, feeling gently for my clitoris and letting her fingers stroke it lightly as I moved up and down on Matt's cock. The sensations had been building in me and now that Kathy had climaxed I could feel Matt beginning to thrust up into me as I moved down. Kathy smiled vividly at me over her shoulder.

"I like this roller-coaster!" she said.

"Are you close, Ellen?" asked Matt urgently, "because I am. I'm going to come, Ellen, very soon."

"Oh, Matt," I groaned, "just hang on a little, baby. I'm close, very close." I quickened my movements so that the bed began to shake beneath us. Kathy's fingers stayed with me, stimulating my clitoris, Matt's cock thrusting furiously into me.

"Oh, Ellen! Oh, god, oh my...I'm coming," Matt yelled urgently, and I felt his cock begin to pulse inside me. That did it for me, that and Kathy's urgent fingers, because I felt a tremendous surge of feeling right through me, my pussy clamped down in spasm and I shuddered into climax, shaking uncontrollably, collapsing forward over Kathy and Matt until we ended up in a sprawl on the tangled bed, our entwined bodies gradually stilling into quiet.

I think I passed out, I'm not sure, but I felt Matt's softened cock slip from me and I eased myself carefully from the tangle and collapsed on my back beside Matt. Kathy eased herself to his other side and the three of us lay there, saying nothing, regaining our equilibrium. After a moment, Matt slid his arm under my neck and gathered me to him, doing the same to Kathy on his other side. He kissed Kathy and then kissed me.

"Thank you, my darlings," he said. "That was fantastic."

Kathy caught my eye and flushed. "My first threesome," she murmured.

"Hey," said Matt, "what about you and me and Lisa?"

"Yes," I said darkly, a mock frown on my face. "What about you and Matt and Lisa?" Tell me more!

"I don't think that counts as a threesome," said Kathy thoughtfully. She looked at me. "Ellen, what's your definition of a threesome?"

"You mean, in sexual terms?" I asked. Kathy nodded. "I guess it's three people engaging in mutual sexual activity simultaneously. " I thought for a moment. "Yeah, I'll go with that."

"Simultaneously being the keyword?" asked Kathy. I nodded my head yes. Kathy turned to Matt. "With Lisa and me it wasn't a threesome, it was a twosome with a spectator, yes?"

"I suppose it was, " said Matt.

"Tell me more," I said, intrigued. What about you two and Lisa?"

Kathy giggled. "It was when Matt came back on Tuesday. Lisa and I had been playing with her sister's dildo. No penetration," she added wryly. "Anyway, we were in Lisa's bedroom, naked, and I had just made Lisa come. She said something about not wanting to lose her virginity to an artificial prick and that the first prick to reach her promised land had to belong to a real live male. The next thing we knew was Matt saying 'can I volunteer?'." She looked fondly at Matt and laughed. "We had no idea he was there. Lisa got up and said 'yes please' or something and Matt fucked Lisa while I watched, then he fucked me while Lisa watched." She smiled at Matt. "Two virgins in the same afternoon, how can one guy be so lucky?"

I laughed. "How indeed?" I winked at Kathy. "Do you think we can raise our mutual friend to his next task? I've been fucked, and very nicely thank you, Matt. It's your turn now, Kathy," I said, smiling at my nephew's horny girlfriend.


Comment and constructive criticism invited.

For those of you who are curious about Matt, Kathy and Lisa, see 'Change of plan' by my collaborator, Frederick Carol, also on Literotica.

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Rapier875Rapier875over 8 years ago
This is so good !


ChucksSiteChucksSiteover 12 years ago
It is nice to be a follower and....

read these stories long after they were first posted because I know that there is more to come (cum?). I'm now finding that it is difficult to read this part of the series with Ellen now the narrator rather than Matt. I keep trying to picture the scene and think it is Matt and then have to re-image the scene when I realize that it is from Ellen's perspective. Whatever - it's still good fun and there's a couple of chapters left plus another story, "Laying the Ghost." So, these young people are apparently going to really enjoy life in a hurry. At this point only a couple of weeks into the saga, there are at least 3 ex virgins, maybe more and one very satisfied aunt. Bravo!

_vernon_vernonover 16 years ago
Where's the rest?

Very well done, but there are so many hints of things that could happen. But I really like what you've done so far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Great story Alex

Incredibly well written Alex will you be writing another chapter Alex?


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