At the Lake House with Mom

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Son finds out how much his mother loves him.
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Author's Note: This is one I wrote a while ago. I think it I published under my old user name. Enjoy.

Copyright © 2011 - 2023 - This is an original work by Zeb Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Author.

At the Lake House with Mom

Chapter 1

As Mom and I walked back to the car after dropping Dad off at the airport, she put her arm around me and pulled me close. She had been doing this whenever we were together and alone. She giggled as I placed my arm around her shoulders pulling her toward me. I was a little taller than Mom, so I kissed the top of her head as we walked. Why I did, I couldn't tell you, except I loved my Mom and at that moment felt a little sorry for her because Dad would be gone for the next month on business.

Mom stopped, making me almost pull her off her feet. Turning toward her, I saw a strange look on her face as she stepped up to me. Reaching up she pulled my lips to hers. Completely surprised by this, I did not pull away. She parted her lips slightly and I took her invitation to slide my tongue into her warm, wet mouth. Her breath exploded from her lungs and she broke our tender moment gasping for air.

"Oh my," Mom whispered, "that was most intense."

"It sure was Mom," I told her trying to hide my hard-on and catch my breath at the same time.

"Now where was the car?" Mom asked weakly.

"Over this way Mom," I said shyly.

She took my hand in hers as if we were high school kids. My palms were sweaty and my mouth was dry as we walked down the aisle of cars. When we came to ours, I opened Mom's door so she could get in and I could help her, just as Dad had taught me. Mom stood there with her back toward me. I was standing just outside the door. She turned suddenly and she was in my arms in an instant.

Our lips met, hers were soft and warm, as I slid my tongue over them. Mom's tongue forced its way into my mouth. It was my turn to experience my breath exploding out of my lungs. Mom just giggled as she stood there looking up into my eyes, my hard-on pressed against her stomach.

Turning, Mom sat down quickly in her seat. I stood there waiting for her to lift her feet in and sit back. Instead, she looked up at me with her doe eyes and smiled. Reaching out, she grabbed my belt and pulled me toward her. She was quickly unbuckling my belt and undoing my pants. Before I could move, she had my cock in her hand stroking it, looking up into my eyes.

"I know this is moving fast, but I have wanted to hold this for a long, long time. Now that you have graduated high school, have turned eighteen, and will be off to college next month, I just have to have you. I hope you can forgive me for what I'm about to do."

"Mom, what..."

She leaned forward and took my hardening cock in her warm, wet mouth. Looking down I watched her eyes as her lips slid down my shaft. God, it felt so good, but she was my Mom! Damn, I wasn't supposed to be feeling what I was feeling! My cock was so hard I bet I could hammer a six-inch spike into a four by four and what Mom was doing to the sensitive head was driving me nuts.

"God, o' god, o' god, Mom if you don't stop I'm going to do something you might not like."

As I finished that statement, she started to suck harder. Then she brought her hand up to my balls and squeezed gently. I groaned deep in my stomach as my orgasm contracted my balls. My warm semen shot out of the end of my cock right into Mom's throat. She shook with her excitement as spurt after spurt pulsed out of my cock. All through this Mom kept sucking and swallowing. With one final suppressed roar, I caught myself on the door to keep from dropping to my knees.

"God Mom, that...that...what are we doing? God that was great!'re my Mom...where did you learn to do that? You're my Mom."

"Sweetie, I am your Mom and I love you, a lot. Now pull up your pants and let's go home and pack."


"Yes, pack. We are going to the lake house."

"But this time of year it's deserted up there..."

"Exactly! Now get in the car."

I pulled my pants up and buttoned them. Hurrying around the car, I climbed in behind the wheel and started the engine. Once we left the airport parking lot Mom slid down in her seat and pulled her dress up. She had on a pair of bikini-style white cotton panties and from the brief glimpse I caught as she pushed them down her beautiful legs, they were soaking wet with her juices. Looking over at me, she slid one and then two fingers into her body as I tried to concentrate on the road.

We were on the expressway headed away from the city. The road was populated with trucks in the right lane, all of them trying to get out of the city before rush hour. Mom moaned distracting me, as I looked at her plunging her fingers in and out of her body. I heard truck horns next to us blaring. Mom was not only putting on a show for me but for anyone who could see down into the car. The look on her face was so sexy. Did I just think that? She was my Mom and here she was finger fucking herself right next to me.

As we turned onto our street, she flipped her dress down and smoothed it over her lovely legs. After stopping in the driveway, she jumped out of the car and almost ran to the house. Inside she went up stairs. I followed her wondering if she was serious or had a change of heart. I was sort of looking forward to spending some time with her and if she meant what she had said, well I was ready. Thinking about what had happened at the airport was turning me on again.

Looking into my Mom's bedroom, I saw her standing naked in front of the bed with a suitcase opened and half full. Turning to grab something else out of her dresser drawer, she noticed me gawking at her.

"Do you think I'm pretty? As pretty as those young girls you have dated?" she asked, as she stood there almost posing for me.

"Mom you will always be the most beautiful woman I know. God, you are so hot!"

"I'm glad you like the way I look, son, god I'm so wet thinking about what I did to you at the airport," she told me as she went back to packing her bag.

I noticed she wasn't really packing much in the way of clothes, just a lot of lingerie. Sexy panty and bra sets. Garters and stockings, shear nightgowns, and at least three bikini swimsuits. Things I had never seen her in, things I thought I should never, ever see on her. My cock was standing at attention as she turned back to me and smiled.

"Go, go pack a bag. We shouldn't need much. I think we will be spending a lot of time indoors. So go pack," she prodded me by patting my stiff cock.

Backing away, I tried to think of what I had that would be sexy. I had nothing really. No sexy underwear, no sexy clothes of any kind, I did however have a jockstrap. For some reason and I was told this by a girl friend, girls at least thought that a guy in a jockstrap was sexy. I don't know why but that's what she said along with several of her friends. I had a couple of them, so I grabbed my overnight bag and threw them inside. I packed some underwear, shorts, t-shirts and a pair of sandals. I had on a nice pair of pants, a button-down shirt and a pair of tennis shoes should we need to go out.

As I stepped out of my room, Mom was standing in the hall waiting. She had on a yellow sundress with a white straw hat perched on her head. She looked so cute. Bending forward she grabbed the hem, it ended just above her knees, pulling it up to her neck. She wore no panties. God her pussy looked so sexy. Dropping the hem, she pulled down the top to show me she wore no bra. With my eyes wide with surprise, she stepped back into the bright sunlight and the dress disappeared. She stood naked before me. Turning so I could see her from the rear, I yelped my surprise at the tattoo I had never noticed. It was a little fuzzy, but I saw it through the dress.

"Mom, where did you get that dress? And when did you get a tramp stamp?" I hoped I didn't offender her.

"The dress I have had for years, your father bought it for me on our fifteenth wedding anniversary. Dad gave the tramp stamp, as you put it, to me the next year when we were in Florida. For spring break," Mom smiled at me over her shoulder.

"Spring break! You have been to spring break in Florida. You, my Mom, have been to spring break with all those college kids?"

"I was and I had a marvelous time," she replied picking up her bag and heading downstairs.

I rushed to follow her. She had the trunk open and had already placed her bag there. I threw mine in after hers and closed the trunk. I walked to the passenger side where she was waiting, standing all prim and proper as a lady should, for me to open her door. She looked wonderful in her sundress and the closer I got to her the more it disappeared. As I opened the door, she slid in allowing he dress to ride up her beautiful legs. As she reached back for the seat belt, I had a clear view of her breasts. Her smiling eyes met mine as she pulled the belt across her lap.

I closed her door gently and ran around to the driver's side, got in, and started the car. The drive to the lake house would take around two hours. Two wonderful hours with a woman, I had known all my life but hadn't known at all. We talked and as we talked, she would put her hand under her dress and caress herself as she told me stories about her life with Dad.

It would seem my Mom was a slut and had been since she was a teenager. When she met my Dad, he realized what she was and exploited her, to what my Mom said was, to his advantage. She had enjoyed every minute of her exploitation. They started with swinging, my Mom was a swinger, holy shit! They started with couples like themselves, but soon Mom wanted more and Dad was happy to help her get whatever she wanted.

They were then inviting single men along with couples to their parties. This all happened before I was born of course. Soon they were just inviting single guys over to fuck Mom. Surprised by all this I was having trouble driving because my dick was so hard. Mom and Dad continued to throw her 'gangbang parties', as she called them for a couple of more years. Then she told Dad she wanted a son. The parties stopped while Mom and Dad tried to conceive. Two months after going off the pill, Mom came back from the doctor's office and told Dad she was pregnant.

They were both overjoyed and planned a party for the next weekend. Damn, my Mom was a horny slut! All through her pregnancy, she had multiple sex partners every weekend. Dad just couldn't keep up with her by himself, so on weekends they would get a motel room for their parties. Each night there would be as many as ten men in the room waiting to fuck my Mom. During the day she and Dad would sleep then go out for something to eat until the next group showed up to take care of Mom's problem.

After I was born, the parties stopped, completely. Dad was not only exhausted from helping Mom take care of me but trying to take care of her needs too. At one point Dad was so tired that he almost had to go to the hospital. That's when Mom started having 'friends' come over at night or while Dad was at work and I was napping. Dad recovered and Mom was sexually satisfied.

As I grew up, they moved their escapades out of the house to an apartment Dad rented just for Mom. Grandma, who didn't know anything about Mom, would come over to watch me. She was happy to do it. While Mom would go on 'errands', she needed to do them during the day. At night, they hired a babysitter for me and headed out. She said it wasn't every day or every night, just on weekends and the occasional Wednesday afternoon. Whether Grandma suspected or was curious why every Wednesday, Mom didn't say.

When I was ten, they bought the lake house for all of use to enjoy. Mom said it was a place to relax and enjoy her husband and son. She told me she really enjoyed being at the lake in the summer. She said there were several houses where parties went on which she could let loose without shame. I do remember when growing up there were a lot of nights that Dad put me to bed and Mom headed over to the neighbors to 'talk'. However, as I got older they had to be more discreet with how they got Mom what she so desperately needed, cock.

By the time I was in high school, they had stopped, not because of my age, but because of AIDS. Dad would bring around a select few men, uncles to me, for Mom. She told me condoms were required for everything they did together. She then told me that Uncle Bill was not really my uncle he was her lover until this morning. This morning she had decided only to have sex with Dad, oh, and me.

Chapter 2

My mind was reeling as I pulled up into the driveway of the lake house. It was really only a four-bedroom, five if you count the basement as a bedroom, wooden house. It had been painted many different colors while we owned it, but right now, it was a sun-faded light blue with light brown trim. The only good feature of the house was the copper roof.

Opening the trunk I grabbed both of our bags, then slammed it shut. Mom whirled around to see what had happened. I smiled as her dress flared out like a parasol showing me her lovely legs almost up to her naked pussy. What did I just think? Moms don't have pussies! I had seen my Moms twice today and it had looked marvelous. I winked at her. For some reason that made her blush. Now I had seen Mom blush many times, but this time I thought, she looked so sexy, that I could feel myself becoming aroused.

Mom held the door open for me as I carried the bags to the big bedroom, the one Mom and Dad used. Right behind me, she pinched my ass as I dropped the bags. Spinning around to face her, I pulled her to me in a lover's embrace. Her lips were soft and partially open waiting for my tongue to dance with hers. Letting my hands drop to her ass, I gave it a little squeeze. Mom moaned into my mouth as I pressed her against me.

We kissed for a long time. It felt like hours and was so wonderful I didn't want it to stop. I was in lust with my mother. God, she was so hot and a great kisser. Her hands were on my head, caressing and running her fingers through my hair. Finally, I could take no more. Pushing her gently away from me, I spun her around and unbuttoned the back of her dress. She just stood there letting it fall from her shoulders to puddle around her feet. I pulled my shirt off and slid my pants and underwear down my legs. Mom just stood the way I had left her.

I stepped up behind her, reached around her, and cupped her breasts. She moaned, leaning back against me. Her arms came up wrapping themselves around my neck. She turned her face up toward me, her lips were there for me to kiss. I kissed her passionately as I caressed her tits. My cock was aching as it pressed into her back. I backed away again, spun her around to face me, and pushed her backward onto the bed.

Giggling, she lifted her legs high into the air spreading them in invitation. Looking down at my first glimpse of her wide-open pussy, I couldn't help myself as I rushed forward and planted my lips against her clit. Her squeal of delight was the first real sound either of us had made since getting out of the car.

She tasted so good and she was so wet. I knelt there with my face plastered against her body for a good half hour. Mom was moaning and crying at the same time as I plunged my tongue as far as I could into her pussy. She finally could take no more and pushed my head away looking down into my eyes.

"Where in heaven's name did you learn to do that so well?" she asked, as I crawled up in bed next to her.

Leaning over her I pressed my lips to hers, allowing her to taste herself on my lips. "Maria Whiteside, she loved to have her clit licked for hours."

"Really? I never suspected her of seducing you."

She pulled my lips back down to hers reaching down to stroke my cock in her delicate hand. I groaned as she pulled on me. She pulled again harder. On the third tug, I got the message and climbed between her legs. She giggled as I hovered over her looking down into her big green eyes. Reaching between us, she took my cock and brushed the head up and down her labia. For me the feeling was exquisite. For her, it was...a dream come true.

"Oh god, I have been waiting for this moment for so long. Push it in sweetheart. Please put it in mommy?"

Looking down between us, I watched as I pushed forward. My cock began to disappear into my mother. Soon I was all the way in her body wrapped in her warmth and wetness. It felt, well it felt so good I almost came. Mom was watching my face as I screwed it up in pleasure. Letting myself down, until I propped myself up on my elbows, I pressed my lips to hers. I didn't move a muscle. Mom started to buck her hips as her mind caused her to go wild with lust.

"Fuck me, son, fuck me, please," she cried out.

I slowly pulled back, then slowly slid back into Mom. Over and over, I slid in and out of her luscious body. Staring into her eyes I slowly started to speed up my thrusting. Mom's face was a mask of lust and pleasure as my cock invaded her body. Squishy sounds of love emanated from between our legs.

"Yes, yes, yes," she repeated, over and over, as her orgasm ripped through her body.

Shaking and shivering, she bucked up to meet my every thrust into her. I was now pounding into my mother as fast as I could and as hard as I could. She loved every thrust, every slap of our bodies against each other. She started screaming and calling my name as my orgasm built. As she told me she loved me, my cum shot out of my cock. Spurt after spurt of my milky seed splashed against her cervix.

Exhausted I froze in position on top of Mom. Her legs wrapped around my waist, her arms around my neck, she was crying and whispering how happy I had made her. I smiled as I looked into her eyes and gave her a quick peck on the lips. I rolled off her, lying on my back as I watched her in the mirror above the bed. What? I had never noticed it before. She did look beautiful lying next to me though.

"When did you get the mirror installed?"

"Last week, when Dad and I came up here for the weekend, I thought you might like it, I knew your father would love it and I kind of enjoy watching you now."

"Me too Mom, you hot lying next to me. Geez, I can't believe I just said that."

"What, you don't think your mother is hot?"

"That's not what I meant and you know it, Mom."

"I know dear, I know, but you will get used to this soon. That's one reason your Dad took this assignment, so you and I could get comfortable together. I want you to be comfortable between my legs, in my arms, in my bed."

"Mom! That's Dad's place, I can't take that away from him."

"Son, for the next month you will be my lover, my son and I will be your mother and your whore. I will do what you want me to do, whatever you want. I am yours to command, Son. Just as I am Dad's to command, do you understand?"

"Mom, let me get used to being in your arms first. We have a month to talk about the other stuff you are telling me about."

"Fine, then go get me a clean, warm, wet washcloth so I may teach you to be comfortable in my arms."

"Right, be right back."

After Mom cleaned herself up, we spent the rest of the afternoon cuddling, kissing, and touching each other. I just couldn't get over how willing she was to let me touch her in any way my heart desired. At one point, I just lay between her legs inspecting her labia. I watched them engorge with blood every time I licked them. I was fascinated with her sex. I was enthralled with her body. Her smooth, soft skin, her firm, pliant breasts, and big hard nipples, she was glorious.

Laying there facing each other, every now and then kissing passionately, we both giggled when my stomach growled.