As the Girl Turns

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Jake turns Jane, his 'good wife', into a 'hotwife'.
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The following tale is a little different from most of our previous works. Plus, there's more sex than usual. Everyone portrayed is over eighteen. This is fiction; as always, all characters and events, etc. are figments of our imagination and have no connection to any living or dead persons, or true events. In other words, we repeat - this is all fiction.


As the Girl Turns

I once heard that if you need to know whether what you're doing is considered cheating, then ask yourself the question, "Would I do this in front of my husband?"

Which implies that I'm not cheating. I'm on my hands and knees in this hotel room, sucking a strange man's cock. It's not 'cheating' because my husband Jake is behind me, pumping his cock in and out of my pussy, all the while as he encourages me, "Suck it, Jane. Suck that cock; make Peter cum!"

Just because it isn't 'cheating' doesn't make me feel any less like a cheap slut.


I met Jake a few years out of high school while we were both attending the local community college. It was a year after Kenny, my first boyfriend, the boy who took my virginity and the only man I ever slept with, dumped me. (We used to call it 'sleeping together' in polite society.) Kenny left to attend university and wrote an awful 'Dear Jane' letter just before his Thanksgiving break. I spent twelve months crushed by the dumping. I probably would have recovered sooner; but Kenny brought his new college girlfriend to one of the summer parties in our hometown. This was seven months after receiving the letter and I'd been hoping to reconnect during his summer break. Just seeing Kenny with his arm around her set me back another half year.

My girlfriend, Kassie, talked me into going to a Halloween party with her. Kassie and I ended up on opposite ends of the room and Jake came over to talk to me.

"Thought you'd never leave her side; figured you two were attached at the hip. Can I get you a drink?"

I looked up at this man and couldn't get over how damn blue his eyes were. He had a cute smile and a handsome face.

"I'm not drinking."

"Do you dance? Or is this some religious thing?" There were a lot of Dutch Christians in the area and many of their congregation didn't smoke, drink or dance; he might have figured I was one of them.

"I dance." I grabbed his hand and pulled him out the patio door to where couples were dancing.

As he held me, I explained. "I don't drink because I'm only nineteen and I have to drive home. A DWI would mess up my insurance."

"You're a smart lady. Beautiful, too."

Jake and I spent the next two hours together; dancing and talking. He told me he was going to school on the GI bill after spending three years in the Coast Guard. He would graduate with his AA, studying industrial drafting. Kassie was ready to go about then; Jake and I exchanged numbers and he said he would call.

Kassie gave me the third degree on the drive to her home. Who is he? Was he nice? Would I be going out with him? The usual post-party Q&A. Kassie was excited. "I can't tell you how great it was to look across the room and see you with some guy. You moped around for almost a year because of that asshole Kenny. It's time to date again. You're too damn good looking to be without a man!"

Kassie was always telling me how beautiful I was; but I didn't feel beautiful. Sure, people always said I looked like a brunette version of Diane Lane; but, if I'm so beautiful, then why did Kenny dump me?

I guess you could say my self-esteem was pretty low at this point in my life. It shouldn't have been, because the truth of the matter is, probably nine out of ten girls would trade places with me in the looks department. But, until the evening I met Jake, I would have traded my looks with Doris Bean. Doris was the flat-chested, braces-wearing, geeky girl who had the most faithful, devoted boyfriend in our county.

Yes, meeting Jake Young would change my life. For the first year of our relationship, I was in heaven.

Jake called me the Monday night after the party and asked if I would be available for a real date that weekend. Not wanting to waste any time, I told him to pick me up on Friday night. Right on time Friday, Jake rang the doorbell. He came in and introduced himself to Mom and Dad. He told my dad where we'd be and agreed to have me home by midnight. (Sure, I was a college sophomore, but Dad said if I was living under his roof, I had to live by his rules -- and his rule was nothing good happened after midnight. I think Dad hoped his little girl was still a virgin.)

Jake took me to the movies, then we had a pizza at Tony's. We sat in the car in Tony's parking lot for a good half hour after leaving the restaurant. We talked the entire time; Jake leaned over and kissed me twice; it was nice because he didn't try to stick his tongue inside my mouth; just used his lips. He drove me home and he walked me to the door.

"A couple of my friends are going out to Smith Lake Sunday for a picnic. He even has a boat for water skiing. Would you like to go with me?"

"I'd love to. What time?"

"I'll pick you up at eleven."

With that he leaned over, gave me a quick kiss and walked to his car. I spent Saturday floating on air.

Sunday morning I was ready when Jake pulled into the drive. I gave Mom and Dad each a kiss goodbye and jumped into the passenger seat just as Jake was getting out of the car.

"I was going to open your door for you. You're not one of those women who think I guy shouldn't open doors; are you?"

I laughed (actually, it was more a high school giggle); Jake was such a gentleman. "Not at all, you can get it next time."

As we drove to the lake, Jake looked over at me more than once. "You look great. I can't wait to see you in your bathing suit." I was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt over my bikini. I hoped Jake would like the way I looked. We reached the lake and walked out onto the dock; Jake's friends were waiting for us. Jake introduced me to Dan and Gail Vanderhorst. Gail was a beautiful woman, at least five-seven in her bare feet and slim; Dan was six-four and looked like an athlete. Both Dan and Gail were very welcoming.

Jake untied the boat from the dock and Dan powered the boat, picking up speed and heading to the far side of the lake. As soon as we were underway; all three of them opened a can of beer; Jake offered me one, smiling, "You not driving, want one?"

I took the beer, planning to nurse it for as long as practical.

Five minutes later, Gail pulled the sundress she was wearing over her head. I had to do a double-take because at first, I thought she was naked. Gail was wearing the tiniest bikini I'd ever seen; there was just enough material to cover her nipples and vagina; when I saw the back, the strap to her thong disappeared between her tan ass cheeks. Both Dan and Jake had giant smiles as they looked her over; she does have a gorgeous body.

Gail looked over at me. "C'mon sweetie; don't let me be the only girl making it happen on this boat!"

I was very embarrassed when I saw the two guys turn their heads and wait expectantly for me to remove my shorts and tee. Normally, I would have gone down below to undress. At the same time, I was anxious to see Jake's reaction to my bikini; Kenny never failed to get a hard-on whenever I wore it. I dropped my shorts and lifted the tee over my head before looking over at Jake.

He did his best to hide it; but I could tell he was disappointed. At first, I thought he was disappointed with my body; in all honesty, it was every bit as sexy as Gail's, so it couldn't have been that. That meant it was my suit, the sexiest bikini I owned, that didn't live up to his expectations. I guess when you compared it to Gail's, it did look almost 'granny' in comparison. The cups completely encased my c-cup breasts and both cheeks of my ass were 100% covered.

Well, it's the only suit I brought; so, what's a girl to do? I just decided to make the best of the afternoon. It turned out Jake did, too. For the rest of the afternoon, he did his best to make me feel sexy and attractive. I did have two more beers during the afternoon; never enough to lose my sobriety. We swam and skied, we laughed, and we spent a little time kissing. It was a great day.

Jake and I continued to date at least two or three times a week and at least one full day every weekend. We were going a little further each week in terms of our intimacy. By week two Jake had felt my bare breasts and made me cum with his fingers. I had used my hand to get Jake to cum. A few things surprised me: First, it took Jake much longer to cum than Kenny; Kenny always seemed to shoot off within a minute or two, whether I was using my hand or if he was inside me. Second, Jake's penis, when I got it hard, felt much larger than Kenny; my fingertips barely touched with my hand wrapped around it. The head was larger than the shaft, almost like a mushroom; to tell the truth, this kind of frightened me when I thought about us going all the way.

It turns out I was worried about nothing. It was four weeks after we started dating and we were at Jake's apartment.

Jake started out slow; we were on his sofa in the living room; he used his fingers to get me wet and tingly; I had a small orgasm, then Jake removed my clothes. When I was completely naked, the first time I was naked with him, he started to remove his shirt and pants. Of course, I had already seen his upper body on the boat; but now I saw him all. Jake has a great body; he told me he was a middle-weight wrestler all through high school and continued to work out to keep in shape. Jake picked me up off the sofa and carried me to the bedroom.

I was on my back with my legs spread, looking into Jake's eyes as he hovered over me, his eyes sweeping across my nude body; his smile made me feel pretty. Jake kissed me; his tongue playing with mine. I could feel his hard penis resting against the lips of my vagina; moving back and forth. Jake's lips left mine and he leaned down to kiss my nipples; it was as if an electric current went through my body from my nipples to my clitoris, into Jake's penis and up his body to his mouth. Now he was biting my nipples lightly, sending more waves through me until I thought I might have a second orgasm. Jake suddenly stopped biting my nipples and his penis left my vagina as he leaned back sitting on his heels.

Although I was wet from my first orgasm and the subsequent teasing, Jake must have realized I would need more lubrication for our first time. Jake put his hand under my mouth. "Spit."

I looked at Jake; not understanding his demand. "Spit in my hand; we'll need it for me to go inside you."

Not wanting to delay, I did as he requested; I spit into his hand. Jake added some spit of his own and I watched as he spread both our saliva over the head of his penis. He leaned back over me and I watched his hand guide his hard penis to the lips of my vagina. Jake was smart to make certain we were well lubricated because it didn't hurt at all as it entered me; it just felt wonderful.

I never realized how many nerve endings were inside my vagina until that night. Every time the head raked through my vagina, it was as if little sparks were exploding. Within a minute or two after Jake entered me, I started to have my second orgasm.

"Your penis feels wonderful." I said when I was able to speak coherently after that orgasm. Jake was still fully embedded inside me; not moving much, just staring at me with that big grin of his which I was learning to love.

"Do me a favor, Jane; from now on, please call it a cock, not a penis. We're making love by fucking each other, not taking a science class here." Jake said this with a chuckle in his voice; I couldn't get angry at him for using words I typically avoided.

Before I could reply, Jake started to pump in and out, going faster than before. Every time he slammed into me, his pubic bone would crash into my clitoris. The feeling was incredible. He kept this up for a while, then stopped again. I was disappointed, thinking to myself, "had he cum?"

"Turn over; get on your hands and knees." I knew about 'doggy style' from some magazine Kassie had me read once; but I never tried it with Kenny. I turned over; probably blushing ten shades of red with the thought that Jake would see a part of me no one but my doctor had seen since I was in diapers.

"Beautiful!" Jake said this as both his hands grabbed the cheeks of my ass and spread them apart. "Outrageously beautiful!" Just then the tip of his cock touched my lips and he sank back inside me.

I knew about the infamous 'g-spot'; but never knew it existed until that moment. With Jake kneeing behind me, his hands squeezing my ass, his cock moving back and forth; filling, then emptying me over and over again; touching that special spot -- my hands grasping the sheets and my face burrowed into Jake's pillow -- I came like never before and some part of my brain registered that Jake was now squeezing harder than before and I could feel his cock pulse. He was cumming inside me; filling me with his sperm. It was magical!

It was true, we were 'fucking'; which was so different from the times I was with Kenny. Kenny and I never 'fucked', we made love. I don't want to sound like one of those bitches who belittles a former lover, but what I just shared with Jake was so much different from any of the few dozen times that Kenny and I did this. Maybe it was because Kenny was eighteen when we started to have sex and Jake was twenty-five; maybe it was the difference in what God gave each man to work with; no man gets to pick how big or small he's going to be down there. But, whatever the reason -- I just had the best sex of my life and I wanted to do it again.

So we did -- and it was just as good the second, then the third time. I barely made it home before my midnight curfew. Thank goodness, my parents were already in bed. As was our custom, I knocked gently on their bedroom door as I passed it in the hall and gave my usual, "home -- love you both" before going into my room.

The next day I went down to the clinic and they gave me a morning-after pill and a subscription for birth control pills. Jake would have to use condoms until the pills became effective; neither of us were ready to be parents.

The following weekend we were invited to spend another day on Dan and Gail's boat. I decided to surprise Jake this time.

Gail wore the same suit and the two guys reacted the same way when she pulled her cover-up off. I wore a sundress this day and peeled it over my head. OK -- it wasn't quite as risqué as Gail's, but it was pretty close. Every bit of my breasts above the nipples were exposed and the back side of the panties covered only half my ass cheeks. The front was so narrow that I had spent the previous afternoon trimming and shaving to avoid hairs from peeking out the sides. I literally felt naked.

Dan whistled and he got an elbow to his ribs from Gail. Jake's eyes got big and he came right over and gave me a great big hug; squeezing my ass cheeks during the hug. I was happy he acted so pleased; I was falling more in love with Jake.

Over the next several months, Jake and I had sex as often as possible. Jake continued to add new positions and things to our love-making; but I still didn't want to suck his cock. Although Jake would sometimes use his mouth on my pussy (another word Jake asked me to use, "it's a pussy, not a vagina"), and even though I had more than a few orgasms when he played with my clit using his tongue, I couldn't get myself to do anything more than kiss the head of his cock. Despite Jake's disappointment in my reservations, he asked me to marry him and I said 'yes'.

When I told Mom and Dad I was getting married to Jake, they didn't object. Mom asked a few questions regarding how much I knew and loved Jake; whether I understood that this was a lifetime commitment. I tried to calm Mom's misgivings, telling her how much Jake and I loved each other and how good he was to me. I was only twenty years old; but I knew Jake was the one. Mom and I planned for the wedding and everything seemed to be straight out of a fairy tale. The wedding was perfect; Kassie was my maid of honor; Dan was Jake's best man. Dad cried when we had our Father-Daughter dance. It was a perfect day. Jake and I honeymooned at the beach near Panama City on the Florida Panhandle. I continued to wear skimpier and skimpier bikinis, all at Jake's urging; and Jake rewarded me with his incredible love-making.


Jake and I moved into a nice two-bedroom apartment half-way between both our workplaces. Married life was wonderful; we hardly ever fought; but we did have some disagreements from time to time.

One of our worse arguments occurred a little over a month after our honeymoon. It was after a Saturday night visiting with Dan and Gail. They had us over for a barbeque and we were enjoying a beautiful evening when Gail suggested we all get in their new hot tub.

I was a little bit tipsy, but not drunk. "I didn't bring a suit. Can I borrow one of yours, Gail?"

Dan answered for her. "We don't allow suits in our hot tub; house rules." And with that, Dan and Gail stripped off their clothes and jumped into the tub. Jake looked at me, "When in Rome, baby." and stripped out of his shorts and shirt. I was the only one left standing outside the tub.

"C'mon baby; we're all friends here." Jake laughed as he said this.

It was time to make a decision; I wasn't wearing a bra and my panties were a tiny see-through thong. I really didn't want to get totally naked in front of Dan and Gail; friends or no friends; but maybe I could get away with wearing just my panties. I stripped off my shirt and shorts and jumped under the water as quickly as I could; the bubbles in the tub hiding my bare breasts.

Dan had watched me with wide open eyes. "What about those panties; they have to go, too."

"Not going to happen, Dan. You'll just have to bend the rules tonight."

Then Jake started in on me. "Honey, I don't think it's fair that you're the only one wearing clothes. C'mon, take off those panties."

"Jake, you really consider what I have on, clothes? I have my breasts bare in front of another couple for the first time in my life. Please let it go."

While Jake and I continued to have this little tiff; Jake trying to get me to "loosen up and quit being such a prude"; my peripheral vision caught Gail shifting toward Dan. It appeared Gail was on Dan's lap and she was slowly moving up and down. Jake must have noticed it, too because he stopped whatever he was saying and stared at his two friends.

"Damn, that's so hot!"

Dan heard Jake's comment and gave us a big smile. Then Dan lifted Gail off his lap and sat up on the rim of the tub; his hard cock was pointed straight up. Dan was looking right in my eyes as he grabbed Gail's head with both hands and pulled her mouth to his cock. Gail didn't seem displeased by this at all; in fact, she swallowed the entire thing, right down to the base. Dan wasn't as large as Jake; but it was still something I couldn't imagine possible. Where did it all go?

"Jake; please take me home."

"What the fuck? What do you mean; take you home?"

"I think it's time to go home." I got out of the tub and put my shirt and shorts back on, even though I was still wet. I went into the house and walked straight toward the front door and out to our car. Three minutes later Jake walked out of the front door, got into the car and drove me home without saying a word. He continued to give me the silent treatment until we entered the apartment.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jake wasn't yelling, but his voice carried a venom that was unlike anything he ever used. "You're such a princess, you think you have something to hide? You can't show us that precious pussy of yours?"