Arewyn Ch. 01


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Chapter Two

I hadn't been home for more than a week when I hit Izzy up with the idea of living in Dublin for two years while I worked on the project, leaving me extremely surprised by her answer.

"Are you kidding?" she wildly grinned, "I'd love to live in Ireland, Daddy."

"Really?" I asked, surprised, "What about all of your friends here, won't you regret leaving them behind?"

"Amy is my only friend," she bravely smiled, "And she's going to that all-girls prep school next year...not for me, thank you."

"Good," I laughed, lifting her into my arms, making her giggle and squeal, "We're going to Ireland, my sweetie."


That night we went to Jeff's house for a cook out, to which Izzy was thrilled when I told her about it. Jeff and his wife, Elaine, loved and adored Izzy almost as much as I did. In fact, Jeff was one of the people whom I'd leaned on the most when I was mourning Wendy's death. He'd been my best friend and still is, and of course Elaine had been stupid over Izzy, just like the rest of us, ever since the day she was born. And when she was six years old, Izzy was Jeff and Elaine's flower girl in their wedding.

"Hey, Izzy," Jeff smiled, when he saw her, "How are you, pretty girl?"

"Hi, Uncle Jeff," Izzy giggled, "I'm fine, thank you."

"Hi, Isabella, baby," Elaine cooed, wrapping her arms around Izzy, "It's so good to see you, sweetheart."

"Hi, Aunt Lainie," she cooed smiling, returning the hug, "It's good to see you, too."

"I hear you're going to Ireland with your father," Elaine smiled, "Are you excited?"

"Oh, yes," she giggled, "I can't wait."


In the time it took me to get the blueprints finished for the building I'd designed, Izzy's sixteenth birthday was rapidly approaching. When the time came, we flew, first class, from the United States directly to Ireland, and Izzy went to sleep less than an hour into the flight.


"I'm hungry, Daddy," Izzy sleepily smiled, eight hours later. And after she'd consumed the snack given to her by the flight attendant, she was back asleep, only this time she was covered up with her pillow in my lap.

"I wish I could sleep like that," smiled a lady from across the aisle next to us.

"I know," I softly chuckled, "She's been like that since she was a baby."

"Is she your daughter?" the lady softly asked.

"Yes," I proudly smiled, "She is."

"She's very beautiful," she said, "You must be very proud of her."

"Thank you, I am," I told her, "Her mother died from a brain aneurysm when she was just a baby, but she's alright, she really's amazing."

"She sounds like she's going to be a strong woman when she's grown," the lady said.

"I hope so..."


We landed at Dublin International Airport hours later and sure enough, Sean O'Neill stood at the terminal waiting for us that evening with smile on his face.

"Top o' the mornin to ya, Mike," he grinned, "How was yer flight?"

"Long," I yawned, "Long and tiring."

"And would this young lovely be Miss Isabella?" he teased, bowing, "The name is Sean, and it's an honor to meet ya, M'Lady."

"It's nice to meet you, too," Izzy giggled, "And you can call me Izzy."

"Then Izzy it'll be," he laughed, "Come on, let's get yer bags so yer pappy can get some sleep, young lady." Izzy simply giggled delightfully, with a smile on her face, the likes of which I'd never seen before.


Once again we were taken to Harrington Hall, making Izzy's eyes practically pop out of socket when she encountered the place for the first time. You see, when I graduated from college, I was very fortunate to receive a four million dollar contract on my first time out. And I thank God daily that Wendy was a genius with numbers, just like her daughter I might add, because she'd made the right investments at the right time. They were set up to mature on either Isabella's twenty-first birthday, or Wendy's death, which ever came first.

Unfortunately, but in her own beautiful and precious way, my wife had left a legacy that ensured neither her daughter nor myself would ever want for anything for the rest of our natural lives. Still though, just because we had money didn't mean that I was going to spoil Izzy, I didn't. I made sure that she knew that she had to a responsible human being who, in order to succeed in life, must also be held accountable for her actions.


"Gosh, Daddy," Izzy gasped, as we stepped into Harrington hall, "Is this where we're going to live while we're here?"

"Yes," I smiled, "Until I can find a house for us, that is."

"Hello, Mike," Kevin smiled, as he met us at the door, "It does my old heart good to see ya again, lad."

"Mister Kevin Flanagan, please allow me to introduce you to my daughter, Isabella," I smiled, turning to Izzy, "Honey, this is Mister Kevin Flanagan."

"A pretty name fer a pretty girl," he warmly smiled, "It's nice to meet ya, Miss Isabella."

"It's nice to meet you, too, Mister Flanagan," she giggled, "My friends call me Izzy."

"Alright then, Izzy," Kevin grinned, "All my friends call me Kevin."

"In that case, hi, Kevin," Izzy smiled, I'm Izzy."

"Come on," he grinned, motioning us to follow him "Missus Gallagher, our cook, is makin a couple of steaks to feed the two of ya. Ya must be hungry after such a long flight."


I was glad that we'd landed at night so that I'd be able to sleep off a little of the jet lag that I knew I'd be subject to. Still though, I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed, and because it was Saturday, I was going to take Izzy site seeing in Dublin.


Dublin is the largest and the capitol city of Ireland. It is officially known in Irish as, Baile Atha Cliath or Ath Cliath; the English name comes from the Irish Dubh Linn meaning "black pool". Originally founded as a Viking settlement, it became the Kingdom of Dublin, as well as the island's primary city following the Norman Invasion; and today is one of the fastest growing cities in Europe.

We did the tourist thing that morning, stopping only for a bite of lunch; and I must say; everything I ate that day, as well as while I was in Ireland, was some of the best cuisine it's ever been my pleasure to enjoy. However, the highlight of Izzy's day was the afternoon spent shopping on Grafton Street.


I don't know what it was, but there was something about Dublin that seemed to bring both Izzy and I out of the darkness that we'd both been living in since the death of my wife...well, maybe not Izzy as much as me, but there was still something about this wonderful place, none the less.


We hadn't been back long when the phone in our suite rang.

"Hello," I answered.

"Are ya settled in, Michael?" said Aedan Donnelly's voice, "And how is Isabella?"

"Hello Aedan," I smiled, "Yes, Isabella is doing great. As a matter of fact, we've just come back from sightseeing."

"Good," he chuckled, "I'm sendin Sean around to collect the two of yas, and bring ya here to me house fer supper. Would that suit ya?"

"That will suit both of us just fine, Aedan, thank you," I smiled, "What time should I expect Sean?"


"Oh, but it's good to see ya back, Michael," Aedan heartily greeted me, as we entered his house, and then he turned to Izzy, "And it's nice to meet you, Miss Isabella. I've heard many wonderful things about you from your Uncle Jeff. He's my great nephew ya know."

"That means you're name is Uncle Aedan," Izzy sweetly giggled, "Isn't it?"

"Goodness me...if she isn't as smart as she is beautiful," Aedan grinned at me.

"Thank you, Aedan," I proudly replied, "I'm very proud of her."

"And so ya should be," he warmly smiled, "So ya should be."

As Aedan escorted us into his house, I suddenly realized that Izzy hadn't corrected Aedan and informed him of the name everyone else used as opposed to her full name. I thought it strange at the time, but looking back now I understand what was going on.


Aedan Donnelly had an estate that was as beautiful as it was old. His family had been dealers in beef in early years, and now that Dublin was beginning to grow at a more than anticipated pace; the family now had a strong foothold in the construction business there in Dublin, which was thriving nicely.

Although the Donnelly family was wealthy, they were and still are the most unassuming people one would ever be honored to meet. The men of the family were all stout but kind and gentle, only hard fighting as an absolute last resort.

The women of the family were all beautiful, but as I understood their family legend, one would supposedly be born and come with the beauty of the Gaelic heroine Deirdre, or Derdriu in the Irish tongue, only this time her soul would realize its destiny in the true love it finds in this lifetime.

In Irish mythology, Deirdre's beauty was akin to that of Helen of Troy, in that a war was started over her. To make a beautifully long story short, suffice it to say that after her true love was taken from her by a jealous, more brutal would be paramour; Deirdre committed suicide before she would marry the man who had orchestrated the killing of her true love.


"So, Miss Isabella," Aedan smiled, lighting his cigar as he leaned slightly away from the table, "Was the roast beef to yer likin?"

"Oh, yes, sir" she breathed, patting her tummy, "It was delicious, Uncle Aedan."

"I'm glad you liked it," he grinned, and then at me, "And she's got a nice healthy appetite, too."

"She's never had a problem with her appetite," I smiled, "Even when she was a baby."

"That's good," Aedan laughed, "It means she'll grow to be a strong woman."

"I guess so..."


The next day, Sunday, was the day that changed my life forever. Aedan and I were sitting in the living room of my suite talking when Aedan told me, "I hope ya don't mind, lad, but I've taken the liberty of hirin a tutor fer yer lovely daughter."

"You didn't have to do that, Aedan," I began to protest, "I could've..."

"No, it's quite alright, Michael," he gently reassured me, "The tutor is a certified teacher, her name is Arewyn, and she's very good at what she does."

"Her last name wouldn't be Donnelly," I teased, "Would it?"

"That it tis, lad, she's me grand niece," he chortled, "Yer getting smarter all the time."

"Thank you, Aedan," I gratefully replied, "This means more than you know."

"Arewyn is a lovely girl," he knowingly smiled, "Isabella will like her..."

"That's nice to hear," I said, "Izzy's a good kid that gets along with pretty much everyone."

"Pretty much?" Aedan grinned, raising his right eyebrow.

"Well, except for when she's pissed off at me, that is," I meekly replied, causing Aedan to fall into a fit of laughter.

"I'll tell ya what," he smiled, picking up the phone, "If it's alright, I'll ring Arewyn now, and tell her to come on over and meet Isabella. How would that be?"

"That would be fine," I smiled.


We waited for no more than the half hour it took Izzy to make herself presentable to company (typical teenager that sleeps late), when there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Izzy smiled, jumping up to answer the door.

"Wow," Izzy brightly smiled, once the door opened, "Are you Arewyn?"

"That I am, my lovely," she gently replied, "And I'll bet me doughery that yer name is Isabella."

"You can call me Izzy," she sweetly smiled, "Gosh, you sure are pretty."

"Aw, thank ya, m'lass," Arewyn cooed, taking Izzy into her arms, "Yer quite lovely yerself ya know."

Izzy took Arewyn by the hand and led her into the living room where I sat with Aedan and said, "Daddy, this is Arewyn, she's my new tutor."

Arewyn Donnelly stood about five feet, eight inches tall, her body proportionate to her height, and weighed maybe a hundred and twenty pounds at the very most. I guessed her to be about twenty-five years old, and she had long, curly, golden brown hair that hung about six inches past her shoulders, and a pure complexion that the sun had barely seen. However, her most distinctive feature, which immediately held me captive the moment I met her, were her eyes, which were a beautiful gray green color that gave me a feeling of peace like nothing before. She was wearing a pair of dark slacks and a green blouse, only further enhancing her already God given beauty, and I found myself at a loss for words.

"It's nice to meet ya, Mister Henson," Arewyn smiled, extending her hand and breaking me from my reverie.

"It's nice to meet you, too," I replied, taking her hand. And the moment we touched I felt something I'd never felt before in my life. It wasn't like a shock or anything; it felt like something warm, tender and peaceful. I knew she felt it, too, because she quickly but gently took her hand out of mine.

"Please," I said, "Call me Mike, or Michael, anything but Mister Henson."

"I'll certainly do that," she sweetly smiled, her cheeks turning pink, "I'll call ya Michael."

Aedan Donnelly may have been seventy-eight years old at the time, but make no mistake; his mind was as sharp as a saber, and none of what had just taken place was lost on him. However, to his credit, he never said a least not right then anyway, the crafty old goat.


"I'd like to take Izzy out with me this afternoon so we can get to know each other," Arewyn smiled, mesmerizing me, "If that's alright, sir...err...I mean, Michael."

"Can I go, Daddy," Izzy asked, "Please?"

Reaching into my wallet and pulling out a credit card, I handed it to her and cautioned, "Remember what I taught you about being responsible?"

"Oh, Daddy," she giggled, taking the credit card while kissing me on the cheek, "You worry too much."

"Have a good time," I replied, and with that they were off, the front door softly closing after they left the room.

"Oh, my," Aedan suddenly said, looking at his watch, "It's half past established drinkin hours. Would ya care to join me for a pint?"

"Why not?" I laughed, "It's not like I've got anything more important to do right now."

"That's the spirit," he laughed, "Come on, lad."


"I liked the blueprints ya gave me, Michael," Aedan said, as we sat there drinking pints of Guinness, "Tis exactly what Dublin needs, somethin very modern."

"I'm glad you like it, Aedan," I smiled, "It means a lot to Jeff and I that you're giving us this opportunity."

"Jeff was right about you, Michael," Aedan kindly told me, "I was very sorry to hear about yer wife, my lad. But I was also told that you didn't let it make you hard. Ya raised yer daughter all by yerself, and that makes ya a good man."

"I had a lot of help from the people that cared about us," I admitted, "Otherwise I'm not so sure how everything would've have turned out."

"Bollocks," Aedan suddenly laughed, "I can see that you've had a rough go of it, but ya still kept yer heart in tact, Michael; and that's very rare, all things considered."

"I had to," I poignantly replied, "I still had a daughter to raise."

"And a fine job you've done," he smiled, "She's a lovely girl, that one."

"Thanks, Aedan..."



Izzy and Arewyn were sitting in one of the local café's having coffee when Izzy asked, "So, how long have you been a tutor, Arewyn?"

"I began teachin in Belfast when I was twenty," Arewyn replied, "But when I turned twenty-one my family was killed by an IRA bomber and I moved here near Uncle Aedan where it's safe."

"What's the IRA?" Izzy asked.

"You're not to worry, my lamb," Arewyn smiled, patting Izzy's hand, "Ya need to think about the future...and damn the bloody past."

"I really like Ireland," Izzy giggled, "Everyone has been so nice to me since I've been here."

"Oh, ya do, do ya?" Arewyn happily replied, "We Irish are a fairly happy lot."

"I really like your accent," Izzy grinned, "Makes me feel like I'm living in a fairy tale."

"Is that a fact?" Arewyn laughed, "Well, ya might not think it's such a fairy tale once yer schoolin begins, Miss Isabella."

"Nah," the teenager confidently smiled, "I've always been good at my schoolwork."

"Oh, have ya now?" Arewyn suddenly chuckled, "You've not yet had me fer a teacher, girl so; I'd look out if I were you."

"Okay then," Izzy confidently giggled, "Bring it on. I'm ready."

"I certainly will," Arewyn delightfully giggled, softly tweaking the tip of Izzy's nose, "Let's get ya home, my lass. I imagine your father is probably wonderin where ya are."


I heard them the minute the key hit the lock, and not two seconds later, Izzy's voice called out, DADDY, ARE YOU HERE?"

"I'm in here," I replied, from the living room

In the less than a second Izzy and Arewyn appeared wearing big smiles on each of their faces.

"Did you two have a nice time today?" I asked Izzy, "You didn't give Arewyn any trouble, did you?"

"Oh, no," Arewyn smiled, "She's a lovely girl and we had fun, eh Izz?"

"We sure did," Izzy giggled, "And I want to invite Arewyn to have dinner with us tonight?"

"Oh, no, I couldn't," Arewyn uncomfortably said, "I've got get home and cook supper fer Uncle Aedan."

"I understand," I replied, watching the relief wash over her beautiful face, "Another time then?"

"Perhaps," she brightly smiled, "I'll check me schedule and let ya know." Then she smiled at Izzy and said, "I had a nice time today, Izz, and I'll see ya later."

"Good evening to ya, Michael," Arewyn politely grinned.

"Good evening to you, too," I smiled, "We'll see you soon," and then Izzy walked her to the door.


"So," Izzy said, plopping down on the couch beside me wearing a silly grin, "What're we gonna do about dinner tonight?"

"Do you want to eat here," I asked, "Or would you like to go out?"

"Out," she quickly replied, "Definitely out."

"Okay, my angel," I smiled, "Go get dressed, be sure to wear something nice, and I'll take you out to eat."

"Thanks, Daddy," she happily chirped, "I love you."

"I love you, too," I smiled, "Even if you do drive me crazy sometimes."

"Come on, Daddy," she giggled, "You know you love me."

"Yeah, yeah," I teased, smacking her on the hip with the newspaper I'd been reading earlier, "Go get dressed, young lady."


Chapter Three

Izzy and I took a taxi, and per Kevin's advice, went to a restaurant called "Cusack's", on Grafton Street and South William Street. It was a very nice place that Izzy and I enjoyed very much. They even had a touch of home in the form of Jim Beam bourbon, which went down very well as an after dinner liqueur.

Izzy had the Mediterranean Chicken, while I treated myself to ten ounces of some of the most flavorful beef I've ever tasted. The staff was full of very colorful people that both Izzy and myself enjoyed meeting.

Our server was a seventeen-year-old boy named Robert, whom of course Izzy was going ga-ga over, and he was quite knowledgeable and extremely courteous. He was a good-looking kid, and while I didn't like it that my daughter was acting way she was, he was still a very nice young man.

"So," he politely smiled, "Is this yer first trip to Ireland, then."

"It is for me," Izzy cutely replied, batting her eyes demurely, "My Dad has been here once before."

"Welcome then," he smiled, "I hope ya enjoy yer holiday."

Before I could reply Isabella quickly, and in know in no uncertain terms, said, "Oh, we're not here on holiday. We live here, well, at least for the next two years, because my Daddy is a brilliant engineer and he's building a new high rise office building in the City Centre."

"Is that a fact?" he brightly smiled, and then looked at me, "I'm going to be studyin engineering at University next year. I'm going to Trinity College, sir."

"Good for you, Robert," I smiled, "I'm sure you'll do very well."

"Thank you, sir," he grinned, "Will there be anything else for you this evenin?"
