An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 07

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Melody meets the parents, Mike helps Stuart.
8.7k words

Part 8 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/03/2016
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Mike slowly awoke the next morning, Melody still cradled in his arms. Lightly brushing her gorgeous red hair, he kissed her forehead tenderly. Slowly, she began to stir, kissing his bare chest and cuddling as close to him as she was able to.

"Sleep ok?" Mike asked.

"Mmm hmm. I always do when your arms are around me," she lazily answered.

Smiling, he drew her in for a slow, loving kiss. "I'm gonna go check on Darcy," Mike said as they parted. "Is she ok?"

Melody nodded, sliding out of bed with Mike. "After your wish to improve her dream, she's doing much better. I think she took your car to go get us some breakfast."

Mike put on his gym shorts and an Auburn T-shirt, while Melody slipped on her robe and a pair of black panties. Mike shook his head disapprovingly at her use of underwear. Sticking her tongue out at him, Melody reminded him they have a guest and that it would be considered rude to potentially flash her like that. As the couple entered the living area, sure enough, Darcy was standing at the table with a bag from Einstein Bros.

"Morning, lovebirds!" she greeted cheerfully.

"Someone's looking chipper this morning," Melody said with a giggle.

"I tell you what, your sofa is magic. Soooooo comfortable... I slept great." Pulling food out of the bag, she continued, "I got a plain bagel and a cinnamon bagel. Wasn't sure which you would want, Melody, but I know Mike likes both of them so pick whichever you like."

Thinking for a moment, Melody decided on half of each of them, and put butter on the cinnamon one and cream cheese on the plain one. Mike opted for butter on both of his, while Darcy had already dug into her poppy seed bagel with cream cheese. Eating their breakfast in relative silence, Mike was extremely relieved to see that his wish had helped give Darcy her confidence back.

Breaking the silence, Darcy said, "Oh! You'll love this. Stephen texted me late last night, gave me the same bullshit he always has. Check out my response."

Reading the text exchange, Melody yelped in amusement at Darcy's pointed reply. "Atta girl," Mike said.

Smiling proudly, Darcy continued, "I've already deleted his contact info and blocked his number from my phone."

"Are you worried he might try to contact you in person again?" Melody asked.

With a wicked grin on her face, Darcy replied, "I had a thought about that. Mike, I know you're great at researching consumer deals; after all, you helped me find my computer last year. Think you can help me find a great deal on pepper spray and a Taser?"

His eyes widening at her question, he replied, "Welp, the old Darcy's back."

As the group erupted in laughter, they finished their breakfast and threw away their trash before heading out to Mike's car. Heading back to the restaurant, Darcy rode in the backseat while Mike drove.

"You know," came Darcy's voice, "you're a horrible son, Mike."

"The hell does that mean?" he asked in mock offense.

Giggling, Darcy shot back, "You haven't told your parents about your new job OR your new girlfriend, have you?"

Stewing as she called him out, he replied, "Give me a break. I've been in the zone all week, and Melody will meet them at the right time." As much as he hated admitting it to himself, she was right. His folks would want to meet her.

As they pulled into the Taco Mac parking lot, Darcy said, "Well, you better get on that, or I'll do it for ya!"

She slid out of the car and headed to her own. Mike called after her, "You're an evil, sadistic girl, Darcy White!"

"You love every second of it!" she fired back, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Bye Darcy! Let's get together again soon!" Melody waved at her. Another cheerful grin out the window of her car, and Darcy was headed for home.

As they rode back, Melody hesitantly asked, "So, did you want me to meet your parents?"

Thinking for a few moments, Mike then replied, "They'll want to meet you sometime, and with the successful audition, now's probably as good a time as any. Why? You nervous?" he playfully teased her.

"Me? Nervous?" she asked incredulously. "I am an ALL POWERFUL sex genie, master of all matters of love! You really think I could be made nervous by meeting my Master's family?"

"Well, you might not be, but your shaking hands sure are," Mike replied with his smartass grin.

Holding her hands in her lap to try to steady them, she replied, "Fine, fine, I guess I am nervous. But I honestly don't know why..."

Mike replied, "Remember, in today's world, relationships are often helped or hindered by the relationship between a girl and her partner's mother, not unlike that of a guy and his partner's father, and your nerves are coming into play due to my wish for you to be an equal partner and modern woman. Gaining parental approval has always been a rite of passage for both parties in a relationship. I know that's not really fair in this situation, since you don't have a father for me to meet, but trust me when I say that as long as you are your normal, confident self, they'll love you. Obviously, they don't want or need to hear about the sexual aspects of our relationship, but you probably knew that."

"True," she said, giggling. "Do you think they would disapprove of us living together? I know in many traditions that is frowned upon before marriage."

Thinking for a second, he answered, "I don't see a need to tell them unless they specifically ask. If they ask, they probably already know the answer. If they don't ask, they don't want to know. But either way, I doubt they'd give us any grief for it. Remember, Mom's a preacher's kid, meaning she and her siblings were always watched and closely scrutinized throughout their childhood, even if they weren't doing anything wrong, just because their dad was the preacher. Mom has always said that, as long as I'm an adult and not doing anything self-destructive, I won't ever have to worry about her riding my ass for my choices."

"That's comforting. What about your dad?"

"Are you honestly worried that Dad won't like you?" he asked with a laugh.

"No, I'm really not. Good point."

Arriving back home, the pair immediately went to shower together. There were, of course, the standard orgasms that came with the territory, but Melody also watched intently as Mike shaved his face. She had never really paid attention to this aspect of his daily routine, but she found it very sexy and manly. In particular, she adored the results, running her hands and lips all over his smooth face and neck. Deciding to prove to her just how smooth he was, he knelt down in front of her, kissing her legs and stomach before eating her pussy. Bringing her to one of the largest orgasms in her short life, she could barely stand by the time he was finished with her.

As they finished cleaning up and dried off together, Mike combed his hair and slipped back into his gym shorts and T-shirt. Seeing that it was now past ten, he decided now was as good a time as any to call his parents. He picked up his phone and dialed, pacing the room as he talked while Melody relaxed on the bed.

"Hey, Mom, it's Mike... I'm good... I wanted to call to let you know how yesterday went... yes I know the results already," he playfully made his voice sound sullen before telling her the news. "Well, Maestro found me afterward, and said that the decision was really easy... I got the job."

Melody was amused at the screaming she could hear through the phone, and it wasn't even on speakerphone.

"Dinner tonight? Yeah, Cheesecake Factory sounds awesome... 6:30 works, but you'll want to make the reservations for four... yes, I am bringing someone with me... my new girlfriend... no, not Darcy!" he shook his head in exasperation. "...Ok Mom, we'll see you tonight."

Hanging up the phone, he turned to Melody and said, "Here we go."

Giggling, she couldn't help but poke him verbally a bit. "She's right, you know. You and Darcy would've made a really cute couple."

"On paper, maybe so. But she means more to me than that. I'm an only child, but she's the closest thing I've ever had to a sister," Mike explained.

"She appreciates that," Melody agreed. "I'm just glad we were able to repair her confidence before it completely shattered."

"Completely shattered?" Mike asked, slightly alarmed. "You're saying she could have been irreparably damaged after last night if we hadn't changed her dream?"

"Maybe not irreparably, but very close," Melody answered. "She was in an extremely fragile state of mind after coming home last night, essentially at a mental crossroads. Either she continues to blame herself for what happened and could have happened, or she accepts that Stephen made his choices to do the things he did and moves on."

Almost afraid to ask, Mike swallowed hard. "So, what would have happened to her long term in the former scenario?"

Frowning, Melody replied, "Very likely, she would have been unable to have a normal relationship for a long time with anyone, even you, hypothetically. The few relationships she would be able to have would have probably turned abusive, which would've only pushed her farther down the path of blaming herself. I believe your modern world refers to this as 'battered wife's syndrome,' yes?"

"But she is able to have normal relationships now, right?"

"Yep. Just get her that pepper spray and Taser and she'll be good to go," Melody said with a laugh.

Mike chuckled. "That's a relief. So how do we help her move forward? How soon would be long enough for her to start looking for a real relationship?"

"Honestly, almost immediately. She's completely over Stephen and loves being friends with the two of us. Seeing our relationship has given her confidence that such a bond can and does exist, and she's now determined to find it for herself."

"She always has been tough," Mike mused. "Does she currently know anyone who would fit the bill? Someone that we might be able to nudge her towards?"

"Let me see..." Melody closed her eyes in concentration. "There is Stuart, your tuba friend. He's had a secret crush on Darcy for quite some time, but she's never been single at the right time. He also figured she would want you over him any day, though my existence might convince him otherwise."

Considering this possibility, Mike smiled. For all of his quirks, and the fact that tuba players were essentially frat boys that never grow up, Stuart was definitely a good guy deep down. In one instance, a mutual friend of theirs was bragging to Stuart and Mike on the college band bus about how he was so over his girlfriend, but was waiting until after Spring Break to end it. In his words, he wanted one last week of solid banging to remember her by. Stuart immediately lit into him, calling him a pussy and not a real man. He reminded this guy of how much guys hate it when girls play mind games and don't say what they really want, and that he would be no better than those girls by doing what he was talking about. That exchange told Mike everything he needed to know about Stuart as a person.

"Stuart... would be good to her. And good for her," Mike replied.

"Great! I assume you still don't want to use any magic to get them together?"

"Correct," Mike said. "First, we'll introduce you to my other friends in the ASO, Stuart included. That'll get him thinking that he doesn't have to worry about me as competition. Would confidence be an issue for him?"

"Maybe a little, but I doubt it, once he knows you're no longer single," said Melody.

"Ok, cool. Now what about Darcy? Would she be interested in him?"

"At this point, he's not really on her radar, though that would easily change under the right circumstances," Melody speculated. "For example, if she sees him interacting with me in the same way that you do, playful yet respectful, I bet she would definitely start to feel a strong attraction for him."

"Nice. That'll also be a good angle for me to convince him to ask Darcy out. You two have quickly become good friends, and girls love guys that treat their girlfriends well," Mike continued.

"If our careers turn south, we could always go into matchmaking," Melody said with a laugh.

Picking his phone, Mike sent a group text message to Darcy, Seth, and Stuart asking them over Sunday evening. The text said he wanted to feed them and play some video games with them as thanks for their help in his audition preparation, though it was really the setup to introduce the guys to Melody. This just might give Stuart the kick in the ass he needs to ask Darcy out.

As he finished sending the message, Melody's voice came from the bed behind him.


Slowly turning, he was instantly speechless at what he saw. Melody was kneeling up tall on the bed, suddenly dressed in some of the most eye-popping lingerie Mike had ever seen. Her torso was enveloped in a tight, black corset, which caused her amazing tits to seemingly defy gravity. The corset itself blended seamlessly with her lacy black panties, and accentuated her milky white skin beautifully. Small strips of fabric extended from the bottom of the corset and down her toned legs, connecting to a set of long, soft stockings. A pair of shiny black pumps completed her outfit.

Melody kneeled near the edge of their bed, keeping her hands behind her back and subtly thrusting her chest out. With an innocent look on her face, she said, "You were so sweet yesterday. Fighting off that disgusting man, taking such good care of me. You were quite the hero. But you never received your... hero's reward."

As he slowly approached her, she ran her hands down his chest before slipping his T-shirt up and over his head. Caressing his chest and clean-shaven neck, she kissed his cheek softly before whispering in his ear. "My hero..."

He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her lips passionately. She returned the kiss with reckless abandon, running her hands through his fine, blonde hair, causing him to moan in pleasure. Parting her lips from his, she began to kiss her way down his neck and chest, slowly approaching his pelvic region. Looking up at him with lust and desire in her emerald eyes, she gently slipped her fingers into the waistband of his gym shorts and slid them to the floor.

With his hardened cock now pointing directly at her, she smiled wickedly and slowly began to stroke it as he stood by the bed. Kissing his tip sweetly, she then moved to the base and slowly licked the entire length of his shaft. Finally reaching the tip again, she started back down his cock, taking him into her mouth as she did so. Mike marveled as she worked him just as masterfully as she had in the very first blowjob she had ever given him, his new larger size not hindering her for even a moment. She swirled her tongue around him as she continued to engulf him into her mouth, finally arriving at the base of his cock, deep throating him in the process.

The sensations were unbelievable for Mike; no girl had ever done this to him before. The back of Melody's throat contracted around him, squeezing the head of his cock as she held him there. He was momentarily worried that he might choke her, but soon remembered that nothing bad would happen to her if he didn't want it to. She began to suck and bob her head at a steady pace, keeping her tongue firmly planted on the underside of his shaft. An occasional swirl as she approached his head, and Mike was already nearing climax. Trying his best to warn her, she was undeterred, reaching around to grab his ass cheeks as she accelerated, essentially fucking him with her mouth. Nearing the point of no return, Mike leaned over, steadying himself with his hands gently on Melody's back, and finally exploded, spraying his hot load of cum down her throat with a growl of ecstasy.

Drinking his seed masterfully, she looked up at him with her incredible eyes, sucking him from base to head one last time before releasing his cock from her lips with a slight pop. As he heaved and panted, she came back up to her knees, cradled his drooping head in her arms, and whispered to him, "I hope you're not done with me."

"Not... even... close," he finally managed. "Recharge me, please."

Tingle. Flash.

Once more horny and pulsing with energy, he pushed Melody onto her back as she squealed excitedly, crawling over her to kiss her. Though his romantic, loving tendencies were her favorite part of their lovemaking, she also loved when he decided to take control. Slipping her arms below her waist as they made out, she again began to stroke his saliva-coated cock with her hand. This produced exactly the reaction she desired, with him beginning to kiss her neck before working his way down to the exposed tops of her incredible cleavage. As he explored her new outfit, she continued to lustfully egg him on.

"It's all yours... I'm all yours... everything that disgusting son-of-a-bitch will never get to do to me... you can do to me... all... you... want..."

Mike's explorations lingered around her breasts for some time before traveling lower, making his way to her lower body. He caressed one of her stocking-covered legs gently, kissing his way up her exposed skin just above the knee. After repeating the process with her other leg, he finally arrived at her panties. Though he was formulating a smooth way to yank them off of her, he suddenly realized that wouldn't be necessary.

"Crotchless panties? You bad girl..." he marveled.

Giggling, she purred, "Thought you might like that."

"Definitely," he replied, slipping his finger into her moist slit. "It's the perfect combination of convenience and kinky."

As he fucked her with his finger, curling it up to massage her G-spot, he reached his left hand up to fondle her heaving tits. Before he could grab them, however, Melody grabbed his wrist, and began sucking on his middle finger lustfully. This new sensation caused his cock to twitch, and he couldn't wait even a second longer; he had to be inside of her.

Standing up at the edge of the bed, he forcefully, but playfully grabbed her legs and dragged her to him, impaling her on his cock as he did so. She was already soaking wet from his fingering, and she gasped with widened eyes as she felt his cock fill her completely up. He began to pump her at a moderate pace, angling his thrusts slightly upward to continue hitting her sensitive G-spot. As he fucked her, she couldn't help but fondle herself, groping her own breast with her right hand and using her left to play with her clit. Before long, the combination of the three sensations brought her to a small, yet very pleasurable orgasm.

Feeling her seeping juices and contracting pussy only spurred Mike further, as he assumed a power stance and increased the speed of his thrusts. Straightening her right leg against his chest, he wrapped his left arm around it while reaching forward with his other hand toward her tits, taking one in his hand firmly. His fervor only increased Melody's enjoyment. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and she began gripping the sheets tightly, moaning all the while.

"Oh, god... so good... he's so strong... he is her hero, after all... he saved her... he should do... whatever he wishes... he must take her... he must make her his... he... must... CUUUUUMMMMMMM!!"

Her moans of pleasure, combined with the stunning visual of her lingerie-covered body, were too much for Mike to withstand. Working to time his climax with her role-play, he finally erupted inside of her, spewing his seed into her womb as she squirmed and writhed underneath him. Leaning his torso over her, he slid his hand up to softly caress her cheek. She sat up slowly, keeping his softening cock inside of her, smiling as she leaned in for a slow, sweet kiss.

"You like coming up with your little role-plays," Mike said with a smile.