An Angel for Bishop


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"No... Willow, please. St-stop please. We can't... I can't do this to you..." Dan pleaded as his body shook with reaction from his attack and from the building passion.

On hearing Dan's words Willow became more desperate to bring him to release and began to stroke him faster. She leaned in to nibble on his ear and she began to repeat her earlier pleas.

The vocal expression of her desperate need for him pushed him over the brink. Dan's orgasm was sudden and intense. Throughout the surges, her hands continued to milk the cum from his tight balls. It took all of his strength to remain on his feet. He leaned more heavily against the wall.

Next, Dan felt Willow's hands running over his back and he smelled the clean scent of the soap she was using to clean his body. She started at the back of his neck and worked downwards. Soon a good lather was washing from his densely muscled back under the hot spray. She marvelled at the strength in his powerful arm as she worked her way down the right limb which was braced against the wall in front of him. This finally brought her into his view and she smiled shyly at him from beneath her wet bangs as she briskly suds up his arm. She worked the soap into his armpit and then she slipped under his right arm and began to wash his chest.

Again, she started at his neck, just under his chin, and worked her way downwards. She briefly stopped with her hands on his hips and she stared down at his semi-rigid flesh. Then she moved on to his left arm starting from the pit and working towards his hand. She dipped under his left arm and ran her soapy hands over his ass. They didn't even pause before she soaped deeply between his ass cheeks all the way from his balls to the top of his ass. Dan's eyes shot open and he looked over his shoulder at her. She spared him a quick nervous glance like she might be expecting punishment for touching him there. Her hands slowed and paused on his hips as she stole worried glances at his face. Unsure what to do, Dan turned his face back to the wall and her hands resumed cleaning his legs all the way down to his feet.

Again, Willow moved to his front to wash his legs. He looked down to see her kneeling at his feet, her face was even with his slowly growing erection. She quickly and gently washed his cock and balls then worked down the front of his legs. She stood up between his arms and placed her hands on his shoulders. Gently pushing him back she allowed the descending water to rinse the soap from the front side of his body. Her hands followed the water down his arms then worked their way down his chest chasing the soap as it rinsed away. She knelt again and ran her hands down his legs.

Dan's eyes closed once more and a wave of contentment rushed over him. When her hot, wet mouth slid over the thick head of his cock the shock caused him to gasp loudly and his muscles clenched over his entire body. His eyes snapped open to see her shining green eyes staring up at him in worship. With his muscles all locked up he couldn't move. His jaw worked but he was only able to make croaking sounds as he watched her luscious lips stretch open and descend the length of his hard cock. Soon her nose was pressed against his stomach and his entire length was embedded in her mouth and throat. Still her eyes remained locked on his. He could see her begin to turn red as her airway was blocked by his thick cock. He tried to pull back but her hands grabbed his ass cheeks and she pulled him deeper. Her eyes grew desperate and Dan grabbed her head between his hands and pushed her off of his cock. After she had taken a deep gasp of air she struggled to force his flesh back into her throat. He stepped back away from her until he was leaning against the wall of the shower. She followed on her knees and lunged forward and managed to slide his cock half way in her mouth. Dan was managing to hold her at bay so she began to bob her head up and down rapidly on the part of him she had in her mouth. He groaned and felt his arms weakening under her rapid strokes. Her tongue was slithering around the head and he could feel himself rapidly approaching another orgasm.

"Willow, god! Stop, you're going to make me cum! Willow, please!" he gasped as his arms finally gave out. She began to suck him from the sensitive head all the way down to the base in long, rapid strokes. It was too much for Dan and he felt the boiling cum rushing for release.

"Willow! I'm cumming! Stop, I'm cumming!" he strained against her almost overpowering passion.

She took him once more as deep as she could and he exploded directly down her throat. His body curled in over her and his hands rested gently on her head. Gush after gush of hot cum shot from his now too sensitive cock. Willow swallowed as quickly as she could and managed to only spill a drop or two. When he was finished she lovingly licked him clean her eyes never leaving his face.

When Dan's eyes finally opened he saw she was still sitting between his feet, biting her lower lip, her eyes on his searching for approval, for acceptance. He reached down with both hands and gently touched her face. He indicated he wanted her to stand so she rose to her feet in front of him. She was almost vibrating with need. He leaned forward and kissed her deeply, his tongue sinking into her mouth to chase hers. He realized that he could taste himself in her mouth but shrugged it off as a new experience. She must have picked up on his surprise and she froze. No one had ever been this intimate with her after she swallowed their cum. It was rare that she was kissed during sex at all and she'd gotten a beating once for having 'cum-breath' as she'd forgotten to rinse her mouth out with whisky directly afterwards as her master required. Once her surprise wore off Joe felt her arms wrapping around his broad chest and her mouth became more insistent on his.

Dan suddenly pulled away from the kiss and smiled at her. He turned Willow around and placed her palms against the wall, the stance he'd had while she washed him. Then he took the soap and the loofa and worked up a good lather on it. He began to run the loofa over her body, scrubbing off the funk she'd accumulated from her days on the road with that abusive bastard. Her skin pinked up under his tender but thorough scrubbing. He used caution around the two bandaged wounds (they'd need replacing after this). Dan followed the same pattern she used on him as he worked his way around her body.

By the time he was sure she was clean he was kneeling at her feet, her pink and slightly swollen pussy lips telling him she was more than a little excited. He wanted to return the favor and show his appreciation for her so he dipped his head forward to press a kiss against her hot skin just above her clitoris. Willow jumped and gasped. Her hands automatically went to his head and he felt her fingers slide through his wet hair. Her touch was too light like she was unsure what to do. He looked up into her eyes and he could see she was stunned he was doing this. He guessed that no one had ever thought her pleasure mattered. It was going to be a new experience for her. Good! He slipped a little lower, running his tongue in circles across the smooth flesh. He sucked her lower lips into his mouth and gently ran his tongue around the soft flesh. He could hear Willow's breath coming out in little pants. Her hands continued to slide behind his head as if to pull his mouth tighter against her pussy then they'd pull away as she realized what she was doing. He really had to lean down and crane his neck back to get the proper angle to place his mouth on her dripping pussy but her thighs had a wide gap giving him excellent access to her tender flesh. Now he was able to slide his tongue from the bottom of her pussy all the way up to the little ring piercing her clit. As his tongue made that journey he allowed it to dip deeply between her folds, drinking in her musky flavors. She moaned deeply as he did this. Once he reached her clitoris Willow's hands were where they should be, locked tightly in his hair at the back of his head. A deep gasp rushed from her body as he sucked her clitoris into his mouth and ran his tongue in circles over it. Soon she was convulsing and pulling his head tightly against her pussy, crushing his lips against her gushing sex. She yipped in pleasure as her body throbbed in bliss. He could feel her legs beginning to give out so he stood and wrapped her up in his arms, holding her trembling body against his. Her chin rested on his shoulder and her breath rushed out against his neck as she panted in recovery from her orgasm.

When he felt Willow's legs steady under her Dan reached behind her and poured out a large drop of shampoo in his palm. He dripped a little in his other hand then massaged it deeply into her scalp. He rubbed his fingers from her forehead back to the base of her neck. He gathered up her long hair and poured a little more shampoo into the platinum locks. He rubbed them together until thick suds coated each strand. Once he was sure he had thoroughly cleaned her hair, he tipped her head back to get the cascade of water to fall on her hair. He ran his fingers from the top of her head through her hair all the way down her back to rinse out the shampoo. He did this motion several times to ensure the shampoo was gone, slipping in a little scalp massage as he went. While he ran his fingers through her long hair he watched her face and for the first time he could see she was completely relaxed. Her eyes were closed, her forehead was smooth, and her brows were relaxed. Her full lips turned up at their ends in a small, contented smile. Her hands rested on his shoulders and her breasts pressed gently against his chest.

Some conditioner would be good considering how dry her hair felt when he'd pulled off the helmet yesterday- God! Had it only been yesterday? He froze briefly. Again, he felt a flash of how surreal it was to be standing naked in a shower with a woman he'd just met yesterday. He didn't do that. Ever. And they'd had sex! She was obviously damaged by her previous treatment and on top of that history he had sex with her. The guilt was hooking its claws in deep. He shook himself. She still needed the conditioner in her hair. He grabbed a dollop and worked it through her hair, again making sure each strand received treatment. As he rinsed it away he could swear he heard Willow purr. He stared at her and realized with a start that she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on. She was also troubled, vulnerable and he'd done something inexcusable.

He blushed with shame and stepped from the shower.

As he dried off he kept Willow in the corner of his eye to make sure she was OK. He saw her catch his embarrassed expression and read his body language. Her tiny smile dropped from her face. God, he was such an ass! She was so vulnerable and he'd taken advantage and left her feeling bad. Now she was confused and her unstable anxiety had returned. She turned off the water and stepped out to dry off. Her body was trembling. Dan stepped out into his bedroom and quickly pulled on some clothes.

In her inattention Willow accidentally rubbed the towel across her bandage. She hissed with pain. Dan returned from his bedroom. He felt a little better now that he had a layer of clothing between himself and Willow. He heard her make a painful noise and saw her tug the towel from the bandage on her shoulder. The adhesive had succumbed to the steam, water, and soap in the shower. He needed to change the dressing on her wounds. That was something he could do for her that was positive. Getting her dressed would also help settle his mind.

He stepped forward and carefully examined the wound under the flap of the loose gauze and tape bandage. He carefully removed the remaining tape and saw that she was already beginning to heal nicely. She'd have yet another set of scars to add to the host already found across her back, her arms, and some on her legs.

"Willow, please hang on a second. I'm going to put fresh bandages on your wounds" he said.

He left the room and returned with fresh gauze and tape. He quickly covered the two areas and then pointed to the clothes he'd set on the counter for her. "Please get dressed and meet me back in the kitchen when you're ready."

After stopping by to start the laundry Dan walked into the kitchen and put a notepad and pen on the kitchen table. Then he pulled out a couple of glasses, the tin of digestive biscuits, and the milk. He filled the two glasses and put some of the cookies on a plate. Once the snack was on the table and the milk was back in the fridge Willow hurried into the kitchen. He could see her nervousness was back. He growled at himself for being so stupid and hurting her in her state. She mistook his growling as displeasure in her and dropped to her knees at his feet.

"NO!" he barked then instantly cursed himself as she flinched in preparation for being struck.

"No, Willow please! I'm mad at myself not you. I wasn't yelling at you. God, I'm royally fucking this up," he sighed. He pulled her gently to her feet and moved her to sit at the kitchen table next to him. She kept her eyes on the table until she saw the milk and cookies. Her face froze as she seemed to be recalling something. Dan slid one of the glasses over to her and offered her the plate. She misunderstood and took the plate from his hand. Showing more patience than he'd had earlier he took the plate back and demonstrated being offered a plate of cookies and taking one from it. He tried again and this time Willow took only one. It was little things like the cookie plate and the number of healed scars she had which gave Dan the suspicion that she'd been relatively isolated, perhaps captive, for a good portion of her life. She did recognize cookies and milk so that might be something? Maybe?

He wanted to get her talking so he could find out some clues about her past. Maybe get back to her actual name. Maybe he should start by telling her something about himself. Tell her why he was such a hot mess that she'd be better off avoiding. Maybe if she saw that it would help her get on her own two feet. "Look, you saw me react badly this morning, I mean the flashback when I first got in the shower. I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, and sometimes I get flashbacks. I haven't had one in a few months so this one really took me by surprise. They can get bad. Sometimes violent. That's why I live alone in this big house. I- I'm not good to be around," he was frowning at the kitchen table as he said this. "I don't trust what I'll say or what I might do. What we did in the shower, I am so sorry I took advantage of you. You deserve better and-" Willow started to make sounds of protest but Dan raised his hand and she immediately stopped. He didn't see her flinch but he went on. "If I can, I want to help you but I need to know more about you to do that. Maybe we could start from the guy you were with when I found you. What was his name?"

"Jackson," she whispered, as if speaking his name might invoke his vengeful spirit.

"Was that his last name?"

She nodded.

"Do you know his first name? Do you recall hearing anyone say it?" he asked.

Willow thought for a minute and recalled how he'd cut a man's gut open for teasing him about his name. What was it? Ah. "Percy."

"Percy Jackson. Good!" Dan wrote down the current year then the name next to it. He was building a time line for Willow. "How long were you with Percy?"

Willow seemed to be having trouble with measuring time. She shook her head sadly. She seemed like she really wanted to help as when she couldn't answer his questions she grew a little more anxious.

Dan thought for a moment. "Do you recall how many winters you spent with him?"

Her eyes lit up, as he'd found a way to ask the question in a way that she could relate to. "Three."

Dan subtracted three from the current year and wrote that year down. "Very good!" he said and smiled at her. Her face lit up at his praise. While he loved to see her smile Dan began to feel a little uneasy about her reactions. "How did you meet Percy?"

"He killed my previous master and took me. I belonged to him."

Dan looked up sharply, the dots finally connecting in his mind. "Oh god," he whispered "and I killed Percy and took you."

Willow's face split into a beautiful smile that lit up the room. Dan finally understood that this was what she'd been waiting for him to declare! His ownership of her! She reached for his hands but stopped when she saw him draw back in shock. Confusion crossed her face then a deep sadness. "But you don't want me." She looked at the scars visible on her arms and a tear trickled down her cheek. "It's OK. I'm hideous and worthless. I'm sorry." She seemed to shrink in on herself.

Her despair snapped Dan from his shock. "Willow! Oh my god Willow, you are NOT hideous! How can you think you're hideous? You are the most beautiful creature- WOMAN, woman I have ever seen. You take my breath away and I can't think straight when I look at you! Worthless? I'm not worthy of YOU!" he almost shouted at her.

"But you don't want me?" she whispered in a tiny girl voice her hands clenched in her lap, her eyes down, and tears trickling down her cheeks.

"Of course I WANT YOU! But- but you're a beautiful woman not a... toy to be stolen, shared, or traded around. I didn't win you from that asshole! I didn't kill him so I could steal you for my own. I killed him because he was going to kill you and you deserve to live and he didn't. Yes, I rescued you but not so you could belong to me but so you could have your own life and make those decisions for yourself." Dan was shaking in reaction by this point. Recalling how he'd killed Percy had put him at risk for another attack. He could feel it coming on. He started to gasp and the room went sideways.

He was pinned down under the truck and he could smell the gas from the ruptured gas tank. Bullets thunked and pinged into the trucks body panels above his head. He knew he had to move but back was the only direction and something under the truck was snagging on his jacket. He had dust in his nostrils and could taste the grit... and feel softness pressing against his face. It smelled so good, like home.

As his surroundings came back into focus he realized he was under the kitchen table with Willow. He was in a fetal position with his head pillowed on her lap, her hands running gently through his hair.

Once the shaking in his muscles subsided he pulled himself slowly to a seated position on the kitchen floor. She slid out from under the table and knelt before him looking in his face with a strange mix of worry and desire.

"You see, I- I'm messed up pretty bad. I'm not worthy of you," he rasped.

She grabbed his face and looked deeply into his eyes, the boldest gesture he'd seen her make so far. He felt himself getting lost in her emerald gaze.

"I decide? I choose to belong to you!" Willow said, eyes wide, fearing punishment for her actions, fearing further rejection, but desperately pushing through it.

Dan looked at her blankly as her words sank in. He was conflicted and emotions swept across his face.

He was amazed she wanted anything to do with him after she'd been exposed to his condition. That precious feeling was hope.

He was also so proud of her for being so direct and for her bravery.

Still, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Choosing to belong TO someone? Belonging WITH someone he could understand. Maybe she just chose the wrong word but he didn't think so. He really was out of his depths here.

Her agitation was growing. He could see panic seeping into her eyes. He wanted to help her. God he wanted that SO much! Allowing her to become completely submissive to him was wrong but she was having a mental break of her own. She needed him, someone, to take on that role for her. He was hardly in any condition to be nursing her mental state when his own was so broken. It seemed to be the lesser of the evils he faced.