All In A Night's Work Ch. 01

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A very dark tale of a cuckold's response.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 10/04/2003
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This is a very dark tale of a man's response to his wife's adultery. Very little sex in this part. Just blood and gore. Be forewarned.

Brady Solon was glad to be home. It had been a hard day a work. Too much work and not enough time. But that's the life of the low man on the totem pole in an office.

At least he'd get to be with his beautiful wife tonight. She made life worth living. Five foot eight inches, one hundred and thirty pounds of wonderful woman. His Sweet Thing.

Brady opened his front door to face**** an empty room. Where was their furniture, his big screen? Every room was the same except for the bedroom. All of his clothes and personal items lay in boxes stacked on the bare carpet.

The old 13" TV from the kitchen and an old VCR that doesn't record lay next to the boxes with a note attached. It said "Watch Me First!"

Brady cut the TV on and started the VCR.

His wife's face came on. He turned up the volume.

She said, " Hi Brady. I guess you'd like to know what's going on? Well sugar, I've left you. I couldn't fake it anymore. I found a real man who can love me like I need. A big strong man. With a big dick."

Brady couldn't believe this was coming out of her mouth. He'd never had a clue.

She went on, "I married you because I thought you were going places. I figured it be worth letting you screw me with that little noodle you call a dick. But you let people crap all over you, all the time. Especially at work. I know that you'll never get anywhere because you're such a wimp. So I found some real dick. He can satisfy me. Totally. I figured I deserved everything for putting up with you for three years. I cleaned out the savings and checking accounts and maxed out the credit cards. A girl needs money to get by on don't you think?"

A large man with big muscles came into the picture. "This is Bruno. If you have any ideas about retaliation, physical or legal, Bruno will be very upset. You won't like it if Bruno gets upset. Send the divorce papers to my office. Don't come near me or face Bruno's wrath. Bye, Bye Sucker!"

That fucking cunt! That two faced, no good, cheating whore slut. Brady thought.

So much for being a nice guy. It's true nice guys finish last. The truth surrounded him.

Back to the old Brady. The pre nice guy Brady. The cold blooded, heartless killer. Brady Solon was a work of fiction. He didn't exist. Except on paper. A work of fiction by some unnamed bureaucrat.

He was Jonathan Brady Hughes. A cold blooded assassin. Once of the CIA, later a freelancer. Former Special Ops and Delta sniper, the best in the business until he burned out. Then pensioned off and given a new identity.

Brady had tried hard. But it was back to the old Jonathan. Or JB.

Going into the utility room at the back of the house he moved several boxes of junk out of the way and hit a switch that allowed a door behind the shelf to open. Inside was a large gun safe. JB dialed in the combination and placed his palm on a gray pad. The door clicked open.

Inside were several rifles and handguns. Also several sets of camo clothing. In the bottom was another safe. Opening it JB pulled out several stacks of cash and an envelope with the documents for several identities. He took the contents of the safe and placed it in a footlocker except for his favorite handgun, a Glock 4o caliber and several clips of ammo and a small electronic device. He loaded the locker into his Navigator and returned to the house.

Inside he unplugged the phone. He then plugged the device into the jack and the phone into the scrambler. He dialed a familiar number. It rang twice before being answered.

"What's up JB?" the voice asked

"Dog shit is what's up. That fucking bitch has been playing me for a sucker. She left with some big muscle, no dick fucker. She even had the balls to threaten me with him." JB said

"Sorry to hear that man. I had doubts before you married her. We checked her out for national security concerns. Some other funky stuff came up. But you didn't ask and we didn't tell. I wish it had turned out different. What now?" the voice asked

"I guess it's back to the same old grind. Too bad. I kind of liked being a nice guy. But this proves the old saying, nice guys finish last."

"Look man, don't jump into anything. She's just one woman out of millions. There are good ones out there. I found one."

"Angel must have been the last one left. Damn." He swore. "I guess I need to take care of this bitch and her boyfriend. I hate to kill her. I really loved that bitch!"

The voice on the phone was Samson De Fontaine, the owner and director of a very special service. Used by the US and several other friendly governments and many businesses, it did the dirty work no one else wanted to do. JB had been one of his best operatives and also his best friend. One of the few men he trusted completely.

Samson said, "Look, If you don't want her dead, how about Islaie Farouke. Sell her to him. He'll keep her alive and she'll get fucked a lot. Win, Win. You don't have to waste her."

"That's true. Selling her to that fucker is a fate worse than death. Yeah, good idea Sam."

Islaie Farouke was a white slaver . He sold to all the Middle East and Third World Countries. And anyone else who had enough money.

"Okay, Brady Salon needs to disappear. I need to get rid of the house. And replace my Navigator. Damn. I just bought that fucker too. I also need to find out where the bitch is. Probably check the phone records. That big dumb fucker looked familiar. I think he works at her gym. Bruno. What a screwed up name.'

Sam said, "I can get the location in about 30 Minutes. You gonna need backup? I can be there in two hours. Or Joe is around the area. Which ever."

"No thanks. I can handle these fucks. But I'll need some clean up and a few tools. Some incendiary grenades and about 10 gallons of that solvent that can't be sniffed out. And set up a meet with Farouke. I'm doing it tonight."

"No problem. Call me in about 30 minutes. I tell you where. Okay?"

"Thanks Sam. I knew I could depend on you."

Later That Night.

She sat in Bruno's living room, watching him watch Brady's big screen. Didn't take much to satisfy that big ape. But right now he was useful and that's all that mattered. She really hated to screw Brady so badly, but that's life. He was a really nice guy. Too bad he had no balls. But he did have a nice cock. All that crap on the tape was just a head game to keep him off balance. His dick was much bigger than Muscles McGurk over there. Oh well, A girl has to do what a girl has to do.

She thought back on her childhood. Rural Alabama white trash. Daddy a drunk, Mama a whore. Moving every time the rent came due. Never enough to eat. Hand me down clothes. She swore when she left there, that she'd never live like that again. This was a small step. Not the first, nor the last.

The sound of breaking glass, then a flash of light and a loud noise ,{Flash Bang grenade} interrupted her thoughts. Then a gun blast (that she couldn't hear) and the front door crashing open. A black suited figure stood at the door pointing a large pistol.

One of Bruno's buddies managed to get to his feet and stagger toward the figure. Two blast from the pistol and two large holes appeared in his chest. The pistol swung to the other bodybuilder and like magic two holes appeared in his chest. The pistol swung to Bruno and both of his knees became bloody pulp.

The figure pulled off the mask. It was Brady. But not a Brady she had ever seen before. Looking into his dark eyes all she saw was a black void. No life, just death.

She tried to run but he caught her by her long blonde hair. "Where you going Sweet Thing? Daddy's here." he snarled. Pulling her face to face with him.

"Brady, Please don't hurt me. He made me do it. He said if I didn't, he'd hurt you and me both. I did it to protect you." She lied

"Yeah, right bitch. You were just looking out for old Brady. In your fucking dreams."

"You have two choices. One is certain death, the other is a chance to live. For awhile anyway. It's up to you. You have 10 seconds to decide."

Bruno tried to get up on his arms. Brady shot him in each elbow, then in each shoulder. Bruno fell back down.

"Times up, Bitch. What'll it be? Life or death?"

"Life , Please. Don't hurt me Brady."

He used plastic ties to bind her arms and legs. He then threw her on the sofa. Stepping outside he brought to containers inside. He splashed the contents all around the house and some on the bodies. He reached into a side pocket and pulled out a stiletto. Cutting Bruno's pants and underwear off, he looked at his wife and then at her lover.

"This is the monster dick you left me for? What a joke. I've seen bigger dicks on knats." He laughed, splashing the fluid all over the bodybuilder. Especially his crotch.

He picked the terrified woman up and slung her over his shoulder, carrying her outside and laying her on the grass. JB reached into another large pocket and pulled out several incendiaries. "Back in a minute Sweet thing." He said

Entering the house he pulled the pins and tossed the explosives around the house. He saved the last one for Bruno. Pulling the pin he tossed it in the screaming man's lap.

"Bye Bruno. See you in Hell." He said as he walked away.

He heard the screams as he picked up Sweet Thing and carried her through the woods, away from the burning house. He whispered in her ear, "Shouldn't have picked such an isolated place. Made things real easy. No neighbors for miles. Won't be much left when the firemen get here. Just a few ashes. And that cooked meat smell. Such is life."

They shortly reached a dark SUV parked on a logging trail. He opened the rear door and laid her in the back. He reached in another pocket and pulled out a pen shaped item. "Sweet dreams." He said as he used the auto injector full of a knockout drug.

He then placed her in a camo colored sack and zipped it up. He lay her crossways in the rear and piled camping gear over her. He then stripped off the bodysuit and placed it in a box marked "Film Do Not Open". Inside went the pistol and the broken down shot gun, gloves and shoes.

He quickly started the vehicle and drove away. He was several miles away on the main road, when two fire trucks roared past.

All in a night's work.

JB pulled into the empty warehouse. He got out and pulled the door shut behind him. He then pulled the SUV over to the small office area. He reached in and pulled Sweet Thing out of the back, leaving everything else in place. It would be taken care of later by Samson's men.

He carried her into the office and unzipped the bag removing her from it. He lay her on the sofa. He then cut the ties that bound her extremities.

Reaching in his pocket, he pulled out another pen shaped object, the antidote. Injecting her, he waited for it to take effect.

Sweet Thing came awake and looked around. Where was she? Then she remembered the events of the past few minutes. She turned her head and saw Brady sitting in a chair watching her.

"Where are we. What am I doing here?" she asked

"We're waiting on your new owner. He should be here in about two hours. I'm ahead of schedule." He answered

"New owner? What are you talking about?"

"His name is Islaie Farouke. He's a white slaver. He has clients all over the world. He'll make money off of you, a blue eyed blonde. Big money. You'll be some Arab sheik's plaything. For awhile anyway. When you get worn out he'll sell you to a whorehouse. That's where you'll probably die." He said

"Brady! Don't do this. Please. I'll give the money back. Do anything you want. Please don't sell me. Please Brady." She begged

"You should have thought of the possible endings before you started playing the game. It's too late to undo what you've done. Undo the hurt and betrayal. All the nasty comments. Too late." He said in a voice from the grave.

"Brady, I'm sorry. I didn't know you would react this way. I thought you were too wimpy to do anything. What happened to you. You aren't the same man." She asked

"This is the real me. My name is Jonathan Brady Hughes. Brady Solon was a work of fiction. He was my chance to live a normal life. I retired from the business of death. You made me stage a comeback. Now you have to pay the price. I wanted a quiet life. Settle down with a good woman who loved me. Maybe have kids. Live a quiet suburban, boring life. I would have given you anything you asked for." He said

"I thought you were a loser. You let people at work screw over you all the time. That old bastard Pillson screwed you out of a raise and stole your ideas. I thought you were a dead ender. I have expensive taste. Where would you get the money? Not from that piss ass job." She asked

"Bad mistake on your part. I've got more money than I could ever spend. Even you couldn't spend it all. Millions of dollars in accounts all over the world. All of it could have been yours if you would have held on a little longer. I was ready to give Pillson the boot and go on a long vacation. Anywhere you wanted to go." He laughed

"Please Brady, It's not too late. We can go away. Far away. Start over again. I'll be anything you want me to be. I know I screwed up, but in my own fucked up way, I care about you. More than I have any other man. I was born in poverty with a drunk for a father and a whore for a mother. All I know is survival. This wasn't so much about you as it was about me. My fear of being poor. Homeless. Please Brady, give me another chance. Please." She cried

"Yeah like I can trust you. First chance you get to screw me, you'll be gone. Leaving me holding the bag. Sweet Thing knows too much. There's no hope for her. None at all." He said sighing

"I'll give you the same options again. Life or Death. Now you know the whole story. If you want my advice, I'd pick the big "D". It's a whole lot better option. I'll make it painless." He said as he pulled another injector from his pocket. "Two seconds and it's all over. No pain." He looked at her with sad eyes. "That's the best I can do. I'm in a corner. It'll cost me a bundle as it is to smooth over you being dead. But because I loved you, I'll do it."

She looked at him with tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry Brady. Really. No bullshit. I just didn't realize what I had in you. Now that I know, it's too late. I think I really do love you."

In a small voice, she said, "I'll do what you advise. But can we make love one last time? I promise, no tricks. To prove good faith, I'll tell you where I hid the money. Please."

JB became Brady again for a short time. They made love several times in the hours left. It was wonderful, but it was also sad. So sad that all the chances Brady Solon and Sweet Thing had for happiness had passed them by.

Finally the time came for the curtain to come down on the last act.

Brady kissed her one last time, then became JB again

He quickly pulled the injector from his pocket and popped her before she knew what had happened. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she gave one last deep breath. Then it was over.

He quickly put her back into the camo cover and zipped it up.

Pulling out his cell phone he called Samson. "Where you at man?" he asked

"I'm about to leave the airport. The plane was behind schedule." Samson answered

"Look tell him it's a false call. She died in the cross fire at the house. Give him my apologies and offer him ten thousand for his trouble. If he squawks too loud, give him fifteen." Directed JB

"Okay. No problem. I'll be there in about fifteen. Later." He said

Farouke had no trouble with ten thousand. In fact he was suprised to get it. He told Samson, "Tell your friend JB I appreciate his offer of expense money. Most don't worry about my time. Tell him I'd be glad to do business with him again."

Shaking hands with Samson, he turned and got back on his plane.

When Samson arrived at the warehouse JB sat in a chair looking at the bundle on the sofa.

"Couldn't do it could you. I knew you couldn't sell her to Farouke. Did you inject her?"

"Yeah." JB answered. "It was quick. I really loved her Sam. I couldn't do it. Couldn't condemn her to a nightmare life as a slave."

He stood and sighed, "Lets get this show on the road. Is the boat ready?"

"Gassed up and fully stocked. You want me to take care of the body?" Sam asked

"No. I'll dump Sweet Thing at sea. She always liked the ocean." He said standing. "That my car?" he asked pointing to the red Navigator.

Yeah. Everything you wanted is in the back. I put 250 thousand in the console. If you need more, just call. Leave the car at the docks. Someone will pick it up."

"You sure you're okay about the boat? I plan to be gone awhile. I can always buy another." JB asked.

"Man, we bought that boat together. You haven't used it in years. Take as long as you want. Angel is expecting and gets seasick real easy."

"Wow. Congratulations man. That's cool. You take care of that woman. She's one in a billion." He said

"Take it easy man. Relax for awhile. Enjoy your ill gotten gains while you can. Call weekly, okay?" Samson ordered

"Yes Mother Sam. I will." He said as he dodged a short punch from his friend.

JB picked up the body and walked to the car. He gently laid her in the back, then shut the hatch. He got in the drivers seat and drove out the door Samson had opened.

End of Part I

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Oh, mercy. This writer is stuck on stupid. It's easy to write a BTB when you bring this made-up super killer who has supernatural powers, unlimited funds, and no morals. Oh, brother...

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago

Liked it. A lot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Deus ex machina for the new era. The undercover Seal or Ranger or SAS

Yes everything is turning to crap then the God In the Machine shows up and saves the day. Lazy writing. Surely you can devise a better plot than this!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Why you turned this into a RAAC went against everything you wrote, just a big huge 1*** for this waste...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Finally A Story I Can Relate To

Had I walked into my house to what Brady had, Bruno would have just signed his Death Certificate...and so would Carol/Sweet Thing. And I do know how to disappear. In fact, it is in my mind to do so. Super fantastic story. I wish I could give you at least a hundred stars!

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