Alice's Restaurant: Table for Four


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Alicia looked thoughtful. "Let me guess. You realized she wasn't all bad."

"No, she wasn't bad. Actually, she seemed like a genuinely good person who had just gotten her priorities out of whack. And then, I was kind of happy. If things hadn't turned out the way they did, I never would have even met Tammy." Beverly felt kind of embarrassed about admitting that. "Does that make me a bad person?"

Alicia smiled a tired kind of smile. "No. I've thought the same thing. Carrie told me what happened after I spent several days trying to get her to notice me as something besides a rescued damsel-in-distress. She'd been beating herself up for three years. She was just a corpse wandering around looking for a grave." Then Alicia got a much more energetic smile. "But she's much more lively now."

Beverly blushed bright red. She had a pretty good idea what Alicia was talking about. Something occurred to her, but she wasn't sure how to go about asking about it. "How . . . How many people have you been with? You know . . . sexually?"

Alicia almost crashed the car while trying to park. "Where did that come from?"

Beverly was still blushing. "I just . . ." The poor girl was stammering.

Alicia came to her rescue. "I've been with my fair share of girls." She glanced over as they got out of the car. "From the sound of things, can I guess Tammy was your first?"

"And only." Beverly bit her lip. "How do you know if you're any good?"

The question was said with such childlike trepidation that Alicia had to resist laughing. "I don't know. One good indicator is if she's still there in the morning." Beverly started to turn away, looking even more sheepish. "C'mon, I'm kidding. Mostly. If you're worried, just ask her. She obviously cares for you. People don't bring 'casual acquaintances' across an entire country to go house shopping."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to land this on you. I just . . . besides Tammy and my brother Brian, I don't really have anyone I can talk with, and this isn't the sort of thing you discuss with your brother. He's still weirded out by the fact I'm . . . well . . ."

"A LESBIAN. Say it with me, 'LESBIAN.' It's a wonderful word really." The sound of the word made Beverly turn red again. "And it's okay. I forgot you've been kind of isolated. So what exactly are you worried about?"

Beverly shrugged. "That I'm not going to be able to keep her interested . . . sexually. I mean, she's had other lovers . . ."

"Like Carrie?"

"Yeah, like Carrie." Beverly stuck her hands in her pockets as the two of them strolled around the upper tier of the mall. "How can I make her happy?"

Alicia was genuinely enchanted by the young woman. All of the ugliness the girl's father had spouted had failed to even blemish Beverly's soul. All she wanted was to please someone she loved. "Beverly, if everyone could find someone as selfless as you just once in their life, it would be a miracle. I've got a hunch that if you just leave it to Tammy, she'll teach you everything you ever wanted to know and then some. Think of it this way . . . it lets you two learn about each other as you go. Actually, it's kind of romantic."

"Well, what do you do? To make a girl . . . to make Carrie happy?"

Alicia grinned. The younger girl asked for it. By the time Alicia was done describing the sexual aftermath of Alicia and Carrie's first date, Beverly was looking positively shell-shocked.

"You can do that? Your entire hand?" Beverly was forced to sit down. She had never imagined something like that.

"But that's just me and Carrie. Not everyone has the same interests. Well, since I confessed all my transgresses, tell me what you two do."

Beverly started off slowly, but gained speed as she became more comfortable. She talked about making love in the moonlight, in front of a roaring fire or in the shower. She talked about waking Tammy up by making the older woman part of a whip-cream and strawberry breakfast.

"Mmh mmh!" said Alicia. "I'll have to remember that one. Combining my two favorite things; breakfast and sex!"

"But it isn't nearly as exciting as what you do."

"It probably is to your woman. Different things turn different people on. Me and Carrie . . . well, we're about leather. You and Tammy are about lace. There's always room for an occasional crossover, but the one thing that'll hurt your relationship the most is trying to pretend you're something that you're not."

Beverly seemed to be mulling that over. Suddenly, she threw her arms around Alicia and gave her a big, sisterly hug. Alicia was a bit taken aback, but found it rather satisfying in its own way. The two girls window-shopped, played some mindless dancing game at the arcade, ate overpriced chicken nuggets at the food court and then they made another round. At one point, Beverly stopped in front of a Victoria's secret store, gazing at a silk and lace ensemble decorating one of the mannequins. Alicia could tell the young woman really wanted it.

"C'mon. Just this one time, splurge."

"I don't know. It's probably expensive."

"Remember when you were telling me about how you liked the way Tammy looked in that thong and how you wished you had something nicer to wear than the stuff you got at the Sav-O-Mart? HELLO, here's your chance." After a little more cajoling, Beverly consented. Alicia watched as the young woman nervously allowed herself to be measured and fitted. The lady who worked there was very patient and complimentary, which helped ease the tension. Although devoted to Carrie, Alicia did feel a pang of regret when the proprietress escorted Beverly back to a closed changing area. But while the younger woman may have been hesitant when she had started this purchase, she was all smiles when she emerged with her packages a little while later.

"C'mon," Beverly said gleefully. "Why don't you get something for Carrie?"

"Well," Alicia said a bit awkwardly, "there is some nice stuff here. And I do like playing dress-up sometimes, but I had some . . . particular plans for her, and I need stuff you can't buy at the mall."

"Then let's go somewhere you can buy it!"

"Okay. You asked for it."

Half an hour later, Alicia pulled into the parking lot outside 'The Proper Madame,' a store that specialized in the types of toys that she had in mind. She was looking forward to Beverly's reaction to the place.

"Why are the windows all darkened," the younger girl asked. They went inside and Beverly's eyes opened wide. "Oh!"

Inside were all manners of restraints, whips, chains and other toys. And entire herd of cattle had given their lives for the leather garments contained within the depths of the shop. Beverly seemed to blush at everything she saw.

"May I help you?" came a low, soothing voice. Beverly turned and saw a woman in her thirties wearing a long black dress that was split open right down the middle from the shoulders to the waist. Her large breasts pushed against the dark fabric, leaving Beverly wondering how the dress managed to stay on.

"Nuh . . No. My friend was looking for stuff."

"Hello Lady Susan," said Alicia, coming from behind a rack of whips.

"Alicia!" The lady seemed quite happy to see the young woman. "It has been too long," she said, giving Alicia a friendly peck on each cheek.

"Yes. I've . . . been busy."

"Really? I thought you simply hadn't found anyone who shared your appetites?"

Beverly saw her new friend blush for the first time.

"No, I hadn't. I hate it when you're so . . . so right."

"I'm always right dear." Lady Susan looked over at Beverly. "Still, she doesn't really seem the type, unless I've completely lost my touch."

"No," said Alicia and Beverly together. "No, this is my new girlfriend's ex-girlfriend's new girlfriend."

Lady Susan looked over Beverly again. "Kinky." Her gaze made Beverly lower her head and hide slightly behind her friend. "A shame. She may not be into the scene, but she would still look darling in this leather teddy I just got in."

"Stop it. Otherwise I'm going to have to explain to her girlfriend why she's still blushing when I drop her off. Now," continued Alicia, "I need a few things. Let's start with the thigh-high boots with stiletto heels . . ."

When they were done shopping, they loaded Alicia's new belongings into the car. Alicia just hoped it all had the desired effect.

"So," asked Beverly with a grin, "shop here often?"

Alicia smiled back. "I used to. When I turned eighteen, I was in a couple of relationships that didn't last too long with people who like to play 'Tie me up, tie me down.' I really dug the idea, but it's not the sort of thing you want to do with someone you don't trust. I haven't met anyone I really trusted that much in a long time, and finding anyone who trusted me was next to impossible. I used to have some stuff, but I wound up lending it out to people who might actually use it. Word to the wise; never lend a leather thong to anyone. You won't want it back."

"I'll keep that in mind. You'll have to call me when I get back home and tell me how everything went."


"Yep. Everything."

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The next day was a lot of fun. The four women drove all over town looking at apartments and housing developments. Tammy and Beverly settled on a new development that was going to be ready soon. They took a tour of a couple of model houses, picking one that was two stories with a loft-style bedroom on the second floor. Strangely, Carrie also spent a lot of time talking to the lady showing the house.

"What was that about?" asked Alicia after pulling her lover aside.

Carrie looked a bit sheepish. "Well, I don't want to live in an apartment forever. Besides, I thought we might want a little more space and . . ."

Alicia's heart was beating a mile a minute. "Excuse me. Did you say 'we'?"

Carrie raised her head, looking slightly perplexed. "I guess I did. Strange. Well, I guess you COULD stay with me for a while longer. If you're interested, that is." Carrie was obviously trying very hard to sound nonchalant about the offer.

Alicia looked around to make sure that the others weren't paying attention. Then she hugged Carrie from behind, slid one hand down her pants and fingered her pussy through her panties. "When I get you alone tonight, I'm going to fuck you so hard . . . It's going to be un-fucking-believable." She started sucking on Carrie's earlobe. Carrie moaned, but Alicia withdrew her hand before things got carried away. There would be plenty of time for that later. But much to her joy, Carrie looked like she was going to be more than ready. The older woman even grabbed her lover's ass on their way back to the car.

"For crying out loud you two," said Tammy. "Get a room!"

"Actually, I was thinking of getting three rooms. And a den, an actual kitchen, a big back yard . . ."

"Are you serious? I was wondering why you were asking all the questions."

"So, would you like to be my neighbor?"

"If you start singing that song, I'll have to kill you." But Tammy gave her friend a strong hug. "I think that would be great." Meanwhile, Alicia and Beverly had hi-five'd.

"Yes!" they said in unison.

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The evening rolled around, and Beverly and Tammy found themselves back at their hotel room. They had said goodbye, for the moment, to their friends with whom they intended to keep in touch regularly. Tammy was packing their things for their trip home. Meanwhile, Beverly was readying herself in the bathroom. She was very nervous, as she had never done anything like this before. But Alicia had been right about one thing. Sometimes, you just had to take chances.

"Hon, did I leave anything in there? Besides the toothpaste I mean?"

"Yes," Beverly said, trying to sound confident. "You left a young woman," she said as she strolled out. "Did you want to keep her?"

Tammy looked over, then quickly sat down on the bed. "Wow! I mean . . . where did you . . . Wow!"

Beverly had changed into the lingerie that she had bought the previous day. She was wearing white thigh-high, stand-up fishnet stockings that clung wonderfully to her legs. She had on a pair of white satin, French-cut panties that left little to the imagination. Her upper body was covered by a lavender, baby-doll nightie made of silk that was held together at the breasts by a single bowed thread. Her arms sported long white gloves; the type some women wore when going to the opera. She was still uncomfortable applying make-up, so she had kept it simple with a light blush and ruby-red lipstick. Her curly blonde hair cascaded around her shoulders and past the white-lace choker around her neck.

"Uhm . . . when . . . where . . . Did I mention 'Wow'?"

"Yes, I think you did," Beverly returned shyly. "So, do you like it? And don't just say 'wow' again."

"I more than like it!" Tammy reached down to remove her own shirt. "I'm feeling a bit overdressed all of a sudden."

"Wait," said Beverly, moving towards her lover and pushing her back onto the bed. "Let me." She worked the buttons slowly, caressing Tammy's large tits as she went. Her lover was wearing a practical bra, but it didn't much matter as Beverly intended to remove it soon. She pulled the rest of the shirt out of Tammy's jeans, then pushed the shirt down the woman's shoulders. The older woman's phenomenal body never failed to amaze her. She ran her hands over those large dark globes again before squeezing her hands behind the woman's back and unclasping their constraint. Her lips instantly shot out to capture one of the soft dark aureoles, licking and sucking it gently. She ran a hand downwards and started rubbing the older woman's crotch through her pants. Then she unzipped the pants and slid her hand underneath them, letting her hand continue its work. Tammy was moaning as she placed both hands on the outside of her jeans, pushing Beverly's hand against her moistening crotch. Beverly pushed her fingers into the fabric and into Tammy's warm slit, tracing one of her digits up and down its length.

Tammy reached up and began gently fondling Beverly satin-and-lace clad breasts, savoring their weight while marveling at the softness of the fabric. "Where did you get this outfit? And what all do I have to get you to wear it more often?"

Beverly smiled. "You just have to ask. And doing that thing with your hands is good too," she added as Tammy groped her breasts. "We'd better get these pants off you." She slid down to the floor and pulled her lover's pants off. She was face to face with Beverly's crotch. "You know, this thong looks familiar. It's like an old friend." Then she kissed her 'old friend.' She mouthed Tammy's swollen lips through the fabric, embracing them with her mouth then licking her way around them. Then with a quick move of her wrists, the thong was gone. She kissed the now exposed clitoral hood, and then her tongue went to work deep inside Tammy's body.

The older woman was squirming in the most erotic fashion Beverly had ever seen. Tammy couldn't seem to get enough of her lover's tongue buried in her sweet sex, and Beverly had no intention of denying her any of it. It took only a few minutes before the Tammy's body was racked with pleasure as her orgasm rippled from her head to her toes. Beverly kept up her attentions all the way through, making sure there was no break in the pleasure stream. When done, Beverly crawled like a cat down the bed, licking the 'milk' from her lips. She lay on her side next to the still-recovering Tammy and started suckling one of those magnificent breasts again.

This time, it was Tammy's turn to slide a hand under Beverly's naughty panties and she began fingering the blonde girl's pussy. She grabbed a firm handful of Beverly's ass and held her in place, but enjoying the feeling of silk nightie on silk panties on firm ass. Her fingers had a mind of their own, and they knew every crack and crevice of Beverly's anatomy. The explored her mound, clit, lips and the depths of her box. They slid inside and curled towards the front vaginal wall, looking for that special spot, which they found with little difficulty.

"C'mon," she told Beverly. "I want you to cum for me. I want you to get those pretty little panties all nice and wet."

Beverly wasn't particularly inclined to argue. She was biting her lip as Tammy's fingers performed their delicate operations. Tammy rolled her over onto her knees and then knelt behind her, pushing the underwear aside and inserting three fingers into Beverly's cunt. She used them like little pistons, and soon she had her lover grunting. She reached forward and grabbed one of those heavy breasts, fondling it through its silky prison. After a few more minutes, it was Beverly's turn to experience the 'little death.' Her pussy clamped down on Tammy's fingers and she buried her face in the blanket as she started moaning louder. Her body shook, her breathing speed increased and her pussy spasmed. And that was how her orgasm took her. Tammy kissed the girl's ass on one cheek then the other before withdrawing her hand.

Once Beverly regained her composure, Tammy pulled her up to a kneeling position. The two women kissed for a few moments, enjoying the short rest between activities.

Tammy was looking at the single bow keeping Beverly's nightie tied up. "You know, you look just a Christmas present. I want to unwrap my present now." She tugged on the string and the article of clothing popped open, leaving Beverly's large breasts swinging in the air. The garment then fell delicately off her shoulders, and then Beverly removed her own gloves. There was only a very soaked and very small piece of fabric that was keeping them both from being naked. Luckily, the panties also could be untied at the side, which Tammy quickly took care of. They pressed their bodies together as the commenced another long, sweet kiss. Their tongues went exploring each other's mouths, savoring the sweat and cum residue.

Tammy went to whisper in Beverly's ear, allowing the younger girl's mouth to latch on to the sensitive skin of Tammy's neck. "Did you know that you are absolutely perfect," she said.

Beverly blushed. "I'm only as good as my teacher," she said. "I hope I get to spend the rest of my life learning from you." It sounded kind of awkward, but it was the best way to express how she felt.

Tammy looked deliriously happy at that statement. "From now until forever, everything I have to give is yours." They just stared at each other for a moment, and almost subconsciously spread their legs so that they could push their pussies together. With their legs interlocked, they began rubbing and humping against each other. This was one of their favorite positions, as they were able to look each other in the eyes the entire time. They did allow their fingers to play a part in the game, and they fingered each other as the grinding continued. Then they just rubbed each other clitoral area and increased the tempo of their hips.

Just a few months earlier, Beverly would never have imagined this taking place. It seemed so long ago when she was just the nervous daughter of a bigoted preacher in the wild's of Alaska. Now, she had successfully pushed all the right buttons on her gorgeous, dark-skinned lover a continent away from where she had spent her entire life. It was a place she once thought she would never escape from. But her knight in shining armor had rescued her, she was being taken to the refuge of the knight's castle far away from the dragon that had threatened her very existence.

They were both panting heavily and sweating more so. Their fingers and thighs were working at fevered pitches. And then the goal was achieved, as simultaneous orgasms rocked their bodies. The clung to each other's legs for support as their pussies spasmed again, causing their sensitive outer portions to rub against each other some more.