Alex & Alexa Ch. 04


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"Fuck!" she almost shouted, gripping me tight with her legs. We kissed feverishly, desperate to feel one another's passion. I pumped against her strongly, pointing the camera down between us, showing my cock sliding in and out of her pussy. God, she was so fucking tight...

"Fucking give it to me, Alex!" she growled, her hands in my hair. "Shred my cunt, lover..."

I pumped into her harder. If I went any deeper I'd bruise her brain stem. Her slippery tunnel clutched around me, a wet vise I could not get enough of. Our tongues wrestled as we fucked, the rhythm increasing steadily. I could barely concentrate on holding the camera and she thankfully took it from me, filming for us now. We were slick with sweat again, bodies squirming and grinding heatedly.

"I love it," she whispered, kissing my ear. "I can't wait to cum with you. Oh, God, your cum in me..."

It wasn't far off and we both knew it. We panted and moaned as we kissed and nibbled one another's lips. Bodies trembled and writhed as I pressed her back harder against the tree. She gasped and strained against me, clenching me tight, pushing me over the edge.

We came together, with Alexa pressing her face to my shoulder and crying out, shuddering in pleasure. I moaned loudly as I pressed into her, cock pulsing as I came deep inside. She didn't bite me again but kissed me eagerly, across my shoulder and collarbone and then finally my face, smothering me with a hungry affection.

I held her up by her ass cheeks, stroking slowly in and out as we came down from the orgasm, melded in a state of exhausted bliss. Her thumb finally pressed the button to stop recording and she put her tired arms around me, kissing me deeply. We were both completely spent and knew it. She sighed into my mouth, her voice little more than a whisper.

"The grass..." she murmured. "Take us back to the grass if you can... I need to lie down..."

I nodded and gently pulled away from the tree I'd had her pinned against. I slowly pulled my cock out of her and we both shivered as it popped wetly from its tight confines. I scooped her into my arms and carried her like a bride back to the flat expanse of grass not far from the stream. I knelt and set her down gently, chuckling as I saw all the red marks on her back from the tree's rough bark.

"Yeah, I'm okay with that," she said, smiling. "Take a picture so I can remember it."

I used her phone to snap a few pictures and then she lay down, sprawling out and stretching deliciously. I just watched her, totally enchanted. I lay on my side next to her and caressed her soft skin. Even thought we were no longer making love, I wanted to feel her skin against mine in some capacity. I was well and truly addicted.

"Mmmmm, look at that mark you left on me," she purred, gently cupping her breast and looking at my teeth marks in the soft skin. "That's a good one, it'll stay for a while. Just like the one I put on you. It's so erotic when a lover leaves their mark on you."

She turned on her side to face me, tracing her finger over her bite mark on my shoulder. "I wish we could show off our marks. God, I'd love to be able to do that."

I chuckled. "And I'm trying to picture a world in which we wouldn't be assassinated for doing that."

"True," Alexa sighed. "So not fair. Boy of my dreams and he's not even taken, he's my sister's son. Talk about lousy."

She took the camera and nestled herself around on top of me so that the bite mark on her breast was right next to the one on my shoulder. We both grinned for the camera as she took the picture, then pressed her bite mark directly to mine for another.

"It's like they've kissed now," she said cheerfully, setting the phone aside to give it a rest. "I can't believe how many pictures we've taken today."

"It's been a blast, for sure." I agreed. "We've definitely christened this place and made it our own."

"I feel like it was meant to be ours," she said softly, looking off at the crystalline waters of the stream. "It's not even a man-made spot, you can tell it's completely natural."

"It feels like it was made for us, yes," I said, nodding. "Just you and I, Alexa. This is our refuge from now on. Whenever we want to be alone, we can come here."

"It's perfect, my love..." she cooed as she rolled onto me and kissed me lovingly.


"So did he say more than ten words while you were out?" mom asked as she watched us bring in and unload everything from the car. We'd stopped and bought some more things for Alexa, just to make our outing more convincing.

"He did well," Alexa replied, smiling. "You've got a charming young man here, Karen, when he chooses to be."

"Well that's good to hear,' dad chimed in from his place at the kitchen island. "How was the picnic?"

"High Park is a wonderful place for a picnic," Alexa said, mentioning a large park we had stopped by briefly on the way back. "We stopped by the market and got supplies for a picnic and I bought a dress, along with some other small clothing items."

"Sounds like you had a busy day," mom agreed. "We, on the other hand, did absolutely nothing, and it was glorious."

"Well, nothing we'd discuss with you two, that is," dad added, smirking at mom. She gave him a wry smile and a swat on the shoulder. "Sounds like the kind of day we all needed."

"It was good," I declared, yawning. "I'm gonna help unpack this stuff and then take a nap. Keeping up with Alexa can wear a guy out."

"Sounds good, sport," dad said, taking a sip from his beer. "After you finish the lawn you started this morning. Can't leave it half-done."

I looked at him in exasperation. "Seriously?"

"Hey, it's still light out," he reasoned. "Go ahead and knock it out and then you can do whatever you like."

I sighed and nodded, knowing better than to argue. Plainly my parents were happy that Alexa and I had gotten out of their hair today, but there was still the matter of my atoning for waking them up so damned early. I scooped up the shopping bags with Alexa's purchases in them and tromped upstairs, trying to look annoyed. I put them down on her floor and returned to the kitchen, where the three of them were talking cheerfully about what we'd seen. Alexa seemed to have an eidetic memory, because she described several places we had seen just in passing but could make it sound like we'd been there.

"Well, let me go and get this over with." I muttered, heading out to the back. I've no doubt that if she could have, Alexa would have watched, but keeping my parents engaged seemed more relevant, in fact. She didn't want to seem like she was focused on me for reasons we dared not explain.

I returned the push mower to the garage and brought out the rider, which was considerably quieter, if you can believe that, and also would take far less time. Now that I didn't need my parents annoyed with me, like I had this morning, I just wanted this over and done with as quickly as possible.

Half an hour later, I was pushing the rider back into the large shed and the sun was westering. I sighed and figured there was not much point in taking a nap since night would soon be upon us. I went inside and found them still chatting away in the kitchen, discussing her accreditation.

"Did I miss anything?" I asked in a tone that indicated my general lack of interest in an answer.

"Nothing to worry your pretty little head about," mom said, holding a glass of wine. "You going to be interested in supper?"

"I could be persuaded," I replied, not terribly hungry but not wanting to appear like anything was abnormal about my behaviour. "Picnic food was good, but there's always room for more."

"Spoken like my son," mom sighed. "Alright, why don't you three mosey on somewhere out of my kitchen while I whip something up?"

Dad, Alexa and I sat in the living room and watched TV for about half an hour before mom summoned us back to the dining room, where she'd laid out dinner, which consisted of a stir-fry. We ate and discussed the coming week's plans- mom and dad had papers to grade and then would begin their summer theses, so they would be gone a lot. Since my grades had been excellent, dad and mom had agreed I did not need to get a job for the summer, but I was obligated to keep the house in shape and also stay in practice for swim team.

This left the matter of Alexa, who's status was still up in the air, concerning not only her schooling come the fall but also the finalization of her residency and citizenship. If Alexa was indeed worried about these things, she didn't express it, showing remarkable confidence and aplomb.

"Unless you need him for anything else," she mused as she finished her plate. "I was hoping I could borrow Alex again to go downtown and get a local phone number. I could also use some more supplies and the sooner I get all these things done, the less reliant I will be on having him take me everywhere."

"I don't see why not," mom reasoned. "It beats sitting here watching him play video games. Alex, will you please take your aunt to the mall tomorrow? Get an early start, we don't know what she might need."

I nodded. "Yeah, I can do that. I should start going back to the gym on campus once this is all done, I haven't worked out for a few days now."

"True," dad said. "See if you can get Alexa a membership, she was mentioning something about using the university's gym while you were mowing. You'll have a workout buddy then."


"Try not to sound so enthusiastic about having a girl as a workout partner," mom chided, fixing me with a look. "May do you some good."

I helped clear the dishes and then went downstairs to shower. The bite mark was a little sore now, especially under the hot water, but nothing I couldn't handle. I looked at it in the mirror and had to admit that I was rather proud of it now.

Sitting on my bed, watching TV, my computer finally notified me of a Skype call. I opened the window and was rewarded with the sight of my beautiful aunt, smiling happily. I was thrilled when she blew me a kiss.

"Think we'll get any time together tonight?" she asked, giving me a naughty wink.

I nodded. "They'll turn in around ten because they have to be up early. If you wait til eleven, they'll be passed out, both of them."

"Good," she said, looking very pleased. "Because I need you. I don't want this day to be done yet."

"Me either, Alexa," I agreed, meaning it. I wanted to feel her again. "Just let me know when you can sneak down and we'll wrap up our special day properly."

She nodded. "I'll keep my screen up, but I'm going to relax until then. See you soon, lover..."

I nodded to her and went back to watching TV, every once in a while looking over at my computer screen to see my sensual goddess, laying on her bed, reading or sorting small items from her luggage. She was wearing sensible pajamas, in case my parents came by her room. But I knew that the moment they were gone, so were the pajamas and her glorious body would once again be mine.

And it seemed so right.


Alexa squirmed in my lap, facing away from me, my cock deep inside her pussy. She had her face turned to me and we were kissing needfully, tongues slithering and probing. My hands wandered over her warm, soft skin, caressing every bit of her, tracing gentle circles around the bite mark I'd left on her lovely breast.

"Alex..." she murmured quietly, her arms reaching back around my neck as she churned on my cock, our bodies locked together in our lovemaking. I shuddered as she squeezed her muscles around my shaft, responding by tilting my hips to penetrate further into her and she gasped softly. We were on my bed with me sitting up propped against all my pillows and her nestled into my lap. She had come downstairs as soon as it was safe, melting into my arms and kissing me. Our bodies reacted to one another as if we were born lovers.

She hissed and bit my lower lip as I fingered her clit, making her grinding down in lusty circles on me. This was not a marathon fucking session, we wanted to cum together, to feel me deep inside her. The thrill of my parents being a mere two floors away was an unspoken taboo, but it was still there.

"Mmmmm, I needed this..." she whispered against my lips, caressing my cheek.

"At least we've gone hands-free now." I replied, causing her to giggle. Indeed our phones were recording, from a TV table at the bottom of the bed, looking straight on at us, where every single moment of my penetration of her was wetly visible. One of the phones was even zoomed in, to make sure we missed nothing when we watched later.

It was much longer before we were writhing and squirming heatedly, moaning into one another's mouths and then shuddering as we came, my cock throbbing madly as I released my essence deep inside her. Her pussy clenched me hard, milking every last drop out of me until we just went still, hearts thumping and chests rising and falling. It was the perfect end to a day we had both desperately needed and looked forward to repeating as often as possible.

It was a day of great relief for both of us.


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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Fenris420Fenris4205 months ago

My three favorite things about this series so far...

3. The premise (long-lost relatives unexpectedly connecting... I know... even though that could describe 90% of incest fantasy tales, this one is subtly unique.)

2. Your descriptions of everything (clear and concise)

1. The characters (all very likeable... IMHO, the only thing possibly missing is an antagonist, but maybe that will come in later chapters)

I'm enjoying the shit out of this story. Thanks! 5/5*

Djmac1031Djmac1031over 1 year ago

Hot and steamy. A well written fantasy.

Alexa is the perfect sex goddess fantasy; open minded and adventurous, yet somehow not coming off as too over the top.

While your sex scenarios are pure flights of whimsical fantasy, your characters behave just realistically enough to remain human and not just pure sex robots.

Which can be a tricky balancing act.

5/5 on to the next.

mrdata9770mrdata9770over 2 years ago

(2/24/2022) "No, Alex, Napoleon didn't 'think things through’ when he invaded Russia; this is worse," mom replied. "What on earth makes you think I'd let you spend all damn day in the basement, ignoring the rest of us?" Soo… over the top, but funny nonetheless. Obviously, I’m late to the game, what be six years? But here goes. You definitely could have had some editing done, IMO. There were only a few errors though. That I could find. I’m worried. I agree with Stillrandy and Princeluke. I commented on the last chapter writing I was hoping for a happily ever after for them without sharing. Unless it was a three-way with another woman for Alexa, and yes, Alex too. I see three major obstacles to them staying together. One, that they’re related, of course. Two, Alexa is so much more experienced than Alex and she keeps bringing up her experience. And three, they are very young only nineteen and eighteen. The odds are truly stacked against them. I will be shattered if one or both stray and devastated if they end up going their separate ways. I’m a romantic at heart. Five stars of course.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I liked the story and the installments prior. Like some others, I am a bit put off by all the video and other photography involvement. Seems like an unnecessary element of the story..

PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 2 years ago

Wonderful chapter! 5 stars from me on a job well done. Only thing I’m hoping is that they stay monogamous with no one else added in. While Alexa’s past would be a bit of a turn off for me, if I was Alex and in love with her I would be able to let it go as well though I probably wouldn’t be as into it as he seems to be haha. Anyway great story so far and I really hope the following chapters are as good.

P.S. I read your feedback and just was wondering what you meant by it’s far out of canon? Is that to mean that they do actually stay monogamous which is different from what it seemed was going to happen in earlier chapters?

5 stars and onto the next one xD.

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