Alex & Alexa Ch. 02


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"Sedit qui timuit ne non succederet.Do you speak Latin?" she asked, looking at the plaque.

I nodded. "Yeah, it says 'He who feared he would not succeed sat still'. Do you speak it?"

She giggled. "Of course, silly. Latin and Greek, in addition to the languages of the places I've lived. Karen says you're really good with languages too."

"I guess I am and I love learning them and analyzing them," I replied, nodding. "I don't speak anything exotic like Danish, though. I speak Latin, French and a little bit of other languages I've taught myself."

"Mmmm, I love French," she mused as she leaned back against the sculpture and looked up at me. "One of my favourite languages to speak. So pretty and meaningful. Say something to me in French, I want to hear how your voice sounds when you speak it."

I thought for a moment, not happy about being put on the spot but also not the least bit interested in disappointing her. I considered for a moment and smiled at her.

"Tu as de très beaux yeux." I said. I meant it too. That made it easy for the words to come right away. Alexa blushed at my statement for a moment and then smiled at me, her sapphire eyes dancing.

"Tu penses vraiment cela?" she asked.

"Qui ne voudrait pas?" I replied, grinning.

She fanned herself at the compliment, still blushing a little. "More women need to speak French around here, your voice will make their panties drop, for sure."

"I dunno about that." I chuckled.

"I'm serious," she protested, trying to look mildly indignant that I'd dared to disagree with her. "Your accent is not quite Parisian, but it's certainly not bumpkin or provincial. It was lovely to hear, trust me."

"Well now I'm flattered." I said, smiling. "So say something to me in one of the other languages you speak."

She thought about this for a moment and then smiled up at me. "Aš esu labai traukia jus."

I tilted my head. "What did that mean?"

She smirked and winked. "I guess you'll just have to learn Lithuanian if you want to find out."

"Not fair!" I laughed, pulling her to me and hugging her. She laughed and squirmed as I tickled her sides. I relented after a few seconds and she held me tight as she caught her breath. She finally looked up at me, seemingly confused.

"You're sure you're not a virgin, right? Because girls should be throwing themselves at you, I'm telling you. You're funny, charming, smart, good-looking and genuinely nice. So what's wrong with the women here?"

"I'm flattered and I couldn't say." I replied. "Maybe none of them are as great as you."

She blushed at what I said and then thought for a moment. "D'you know what a Dutch kiss is?"

I shook my head.

"It's basically just a kiss you give someone for any old reason," she explained. "Just spreading affection across the world. I'll give you one because you deserve one."

"If you say so," was my response. "What do I do?"

"Kiss me back is all you need to do. It's not weird because I'm your aunt, is it?"

I laughed again. "We've already established that particular dynamic doesn't work for us, so yeah, it shouldn't be a problem."

"Good," she said, turning us around so I was now the one against the sculpture. "Now don't be tense, a Dutch Kiss is just for the hell of it, okay?"

I nodded.

She certainly didn't seem nervous about it, since she put her arms around me and pressed her lips to mine, kissing me firmly. I put my arms around her back and returned the kiss, thrilling to the feel of her soft body pressed to mine. Her wonderful breasts squashed to my chest, her trim stomach flat with mine and our hips touching. I felt I stir down there I had no hope of preventing, but she didn't respond to it.

Her lips were warm, tasting of a lightly cherry gloss. Her hair was next to my face and smelled of herbs. Her fingers flexed on my back and she hummed very lightly into my mouth. I'd kissed plenty of girls before, but it had never been like this.

She slowly broke the kiss and looked into my eyes, a hint of a smile on her face. "See? A Dutch Kiss. And you did well."

"Thanks," I said, smiling back. "Like you said, kiss for the hell of it, right? Now I just need to find girls to practice on."

She sighed whimsically and grinned. "Well, if you find no one smart enough to volunteer, I suppose you can rely on me."

"Sounds good," I replied. "Assuming, of course, that my parents or anyone they know don't find out."

"Good point," she admitted. "Teaching my nephew how to Dutch kiss, Karen may not quite understand."

"Then we won't tell her, okay?"

"Deal," Alexa said, leaning in again and giving me another kiss. We then stood and she put her arm through mine while looking around the center of the maze. "Crap, I don't even know where we came in, do you?"

"Possibly, but I think it'd be more fun to rely on your confusion to escape our prison." I declared, putting my hand over her eyes to shut them and then spinning her in place a few times. She giggled and protested but did not stop me. I finally stopped her and let her lean on me while she recovered and then told her to pick a direction.

She pointed somewhat dazedly in a random direction and I led her into one of the lanes of the maze. She sighed and put her head on my shoulder as we walked, having no clue where we were going and not really trying, either. I don't think we were ready to escape the maze yet.

Ten minutes later, we still hadn't found our way out. She leaned against me, laughing. I held her gently and she finally looked up at me.

"Alex, it's okay for you to hold me, you know. I won't break and I've been held tight by plenty of people I liked a lot less than you."

I nodded, determined to keep up with her. I put my arms around her and held her tight, loving the feel of her luscious body against mine. She caressed my back as we hugged and then smelled my chest.

"You really do smell nice," she said softly. "Not just what you're wearing but your body scent."

"Thanks," I said, my cheek against the head. "I've gotta admit, your scent really does it for me too."

"I noticed," she giggled, causing me to blush. She smiled and patted my chest. "Oh, don't be silly and embarrassed. If I couldn't get that reaction out of you then I'd be the one who was embarrassed. A girl doesn't keep her body that close to a boy's if she minds a reaction. It's natural and I'm flattered."

"Well be really flattered then, Alexa, because I've never known any girl as pretty or sexy as you." I admitted. She didn't say anything for a moment but looked into my face and caressed the hair on the side of my head. She smiled somewhat shyly and turned away a little.

"You're never going to stop earning Dutch Kisses at this rate," she murmured. "Shall we keep walking?"

"Do we plan on staying lost or do you need to see more campus?" I asked cheerfully.

"Oh, I don't feel lost with you around," she purred, taking my hand and walking along. "So here's the deal- every time we stop to conclude we're lost, we Dutch Kiss. Deal?"

"I've never wanted to stay lost on purpose before." I mused, smirking at her. She giggled and pressed herself to me and kissed me again. I held her and returned the kiss, noting that she pulled her camera out and snapped the act before resuming walking, pulling me along by the hand. We ended up back at the center and I had to catch her because she was laughing so hard she almost fell.

"Oh my God, I suck at this..." she tittered, allowing me to bring her to a stone bench nestled against one of the hedge walls. She didn't sit down beside me but rather on my lap, like it was the most natural thing in the world. I knew something would start stirring and hoped she wouldn't feel it.

She turned and smirked at me and I knew I was busted.

"I know, I know," I said quietly. "Don't be afraid of what's natural."

"Damn right," she said, wiggling her butt gently against my hips for a moment. "Nothing for either of us to be embarrassed about."

She sat on my lap for a few minutes, seemingly lost in thought. I sat patiently, my hands placed gently on her waist while she ruminated about something. She took a few pictures of us, one of which showed her kissing me on the cheek again. Finally she stood up and took me by the hand, picking a different route to try and escape the maze. I think we were both secretly pleased when we had to admit were were lost again and forced to share a Dutch Kiss. She pushed my back against the hedge wall and then leaned in to kiss me, her feet leaving the ground. I held her as we kissed, trying not to worry about crashing through the wall. Thankfully it held.

Her eyes were dancing as she pulled me along again and we finally made it out on the opposite side we'd entered from. She clapped and bounced in delight as we emerged, throwing her arms around me in a big hug. She may not have noticed the passers-by staring at us but I certainly did, especially the women. It was a pretty damned good feeling.

"That was so much fun!" she exclaimed, her eyes dancing eagerly. "You are definitely the guy to get lost with. So what shall we do now? It's hot today, Karen told me about how muggy this city can get in the summer because of lake effect, but I didn't quite understand."

I considered. "Well, we can either head indoors, or there's an awesome shade tree not far from here I like to study under. It's canopy is low but spreads very wide, almost like one of those savannah trees you see in NatGeo."

"That sounds great," she said enthusiastically. "Let's go there."

I took her hand and led her to the tree, the sight of which delighted her. She said it reminded her of a tree she'd once sat under in the Zoological Gardens in Berlin. She flopped down near the base of the trunk, arms and legs spread out, looking at the boughs and foliage not far above.

"You were right about how low it was," she remarked, taking more pictures. "There's barely two meters of clearance before the canopy. That's amazing."

"It's great to study, because you still feel like you're not completely exposed, you know? It feels... secure." I agreed as I sat down next to her, looking down at her face.

"Hm, it'd be a great makeout tree when the traffic was scarce," she mused, smiling. "Have to come back here."

I laughed. "You'll have no end of volunteers for that activity once you're attending, best believe it."

She blushed and then moved over to settle her head onto my lap, one hand on my thigh and gazing out over the green stretch of the campus.

"You're so kind," she said softly. "It'll be great to come here with you in the new semester."

I grinned and stroked her hair. "You pretty much decided?"

She nodded. "You guys are my family, I want to be with you while my life sorts itself out. Do you suppose that's okay?"

I gently pulled her up to a semi-sitting position and held her hands, looking into her eyes. "I think that's perfect," I said, nodding honestly. "Alexa, I'm serious, take my room, it's the least I can do for you. I'll make the basement my man cave and everyone will be happy. I'd love to have you live with us."

Her eyes shone as she leaned in, taking my cheek in her hand and kissing me on the lips gently, almost... lovingly.

She pulled away from the kiss and sighed happily. "Alright, show me more of this campus before my lips get chapped..."


We sat in a corner of the cafeteria, one of many spread around the campus, but this one serviced the several thousand students that attended the liberal arts buildings. We'd chosen a remote location that was away from the main area and partially obscured by plants. We were drinking beers and I ate a hoagie while Alexa was powering her way through a burger excitedly.

"Ugh, it's so greasy and tasty," she said immediately after swallowing. "There's four slices of bacon, cheeseandan onion ring on here, not to mention barbecue sauce. This is so bad for me and it's wonderful!"

"I'm glad you're enjoying it," I laughed. "It's just plain old cafeteria food to me."

She nodded. "The food in Europe, speaking from a strictly sybaritic point of view, is much more flavourful, but this has a quality all its own, because it's greasy and naughty andso damn bad for me."

She kept making wry faces and smirking as she drank her bottle of beer, clearly amused.

"Don't blame me," I said, holding up my hands. "I offered you a perfectly good micro."

"Yes, but there was a moose on the label," she protested. "How do you expect me to equate moose with something tasting good?"

We laughed and talk more, the food and beverages now gone. She was sitting quietly, tracing her fingernail around the mouth of her beer bottle, something on her mind.

"So tell me something," she said, smiling at me. "And be honest. When I woke you up this morning, you had, well, you were rather aroused, if memory serves."

"Yeah," I said, blushing and rubbing the back of my head. "Still not quite over that little fiasco."

"Maybe, but be honest," she said, speaking quietly now. "Who or what were you dreaming of?"

I raised an eyebrow. "What is this, truth or dare?"

She shrugged. "If you like."

I sighed. "I'll be completely honest. I don't remember. Once I woke up like that, I pretty much forgoteverythingI'd been dreaming about."

"Poo," she said, pouting prettily.

"Why, were you hoping it was you causing my boner?" I asked, looking at her squarely.

"Well, maybe a little," she admitted, turning her eyes to look at the floor. "You have to admit, that would be flattering, wouldn't it?"

"Yes, I guess it would," I laughed. "Okay, your turn. Truth or dare?"

She looked at me for a moment and her eyes glinted with amusement. "Dare."

She and I both knew I wouldn't dare her to do anything outrageous, since word traveled around campus quickly and their was no telling what might get back to my folks, therefore she seemed quite confident in her statement.

"Alright," I said, wearing a small, evil smile. "Lift your shirt and show me your bra. Five seconds."

Her eyebrow raised now, but then she peered past the tall plants to make sure no one was looking our way. She then took the bottom of her shirt and raised it up, exposing her bust to me. My eyes widened as I took in the sight of her chest- she was easily a 38DD in North American sizes and the black, lacy bra she was wearing deserved an award for the incredible job it did of somehow containing them.

Then her eyes went wide as I pulled my own phone out from its concealed position on my lap and snapped a picture of her, fully exposed. I grinned evilly and she whispered something under her breath. It sounded like 'perkele', but I couldn't be sure.

Five seconds was over way too fast and she lowered her shirt, looking at me in amusement. "See anything you like?" she asked impertinently, swirling her finger in some barbecue sauce still on her wax paper and then bringing it to her mouth to suck it off while still looking at me.

I took a deep breath and sighed. "Absolutely. I expected you to refuse."

"Glad I didn't?"

"Oh yeah." I said heavily. "You're beautiful, Alexa."

"Well, it's not the first time you've said so, therefore I believe you," she said cheerfully. "But you snapping that pic at the last moment? Well done."

"You're rather, um, unashamed about your body." I said, trying to sound delicate.

She shrugged. "It's only a bra. My bikini tops are smaller than that and I'm supposed to be seen in those. People are so hung up and repressed here about the silliest things."

Alexa then grinned. "And yes, you'll get to see my bikini top, probably tonight if we use the hot tub. Sound good?"

"Uh, yeah, sounds great," I said, stumbling over myself at the thought of her tits restrained only by a tiny bikini top. "You have a deal."

"Glad to hear it," she said casually, rising to her feet and adjusting the bottom of her tight shirt. "Show me some more buildings and then it'll be time to meet up with Karen and Mike. I want my last two hours to count."

I showed her around some more and aside from holding my arm, nothing noteworthy happened for the majority of the tour. It was only close to the end and a couple of minutes before we were due to meet my parents that she deviated from the tour plan. We were in the botanical sciences building when she decided to visit one of the greenhouses. She took me by the hand and dragged me into one, enthralled by all the flora around us. It was one of the more tropical greenhouses and quite humid inside.

It was also empty of guests, except for us.

She stopped beneath some large palm trees, turning to look up at me, her hands on my chest. She smiled warmly at me, her eyes deep and crystalline.

"Alex, this has been a great day," she said softly. "You showed me around the university I'm going to go to, you've kept me laughing and entertained, but most of all, you've been wonderful and kind to me. I've needed that a lot recently, and you're not just my family but you're becoming a very good and dear friend to me. Very quickly. I want and even need you to know I appreciate it. So much."

I smiled and nodded, trying not to shift back and forth from foot to foot nervously. "I- thanks, Alexa. You've really come to mean a lot to me, too. And quickly. I-"

She put a finger over my lips, silencing me, still looking into my eyes. "I brought you here because we're going to be around company soon, and constantly. I wanted to give you one last kiss. I don't know if it's technically a Dutch Kiss, but it's an expression of my genuine appreciation for what you've done for me and also who you are. Do you understand what I mean?"

I nodded.

"Good," she said, putting her arms around my shoulders. "Then kiss me..."

I didn't hesitate. I took her into my arms and pressed my lips to hers. Her body almost seemed to melt against me and the world fell away, our existence no bigger than the tiny space beneath a greenhouse palm tree, but vaster than the whole universe. I could feel my heart and hers beating together, lost in an eternal moment.

Lost with this beautiful girl. My friend.

My aunt.

And I really didn't care at that moment.


We were laughing and having a great time while we ladled out our portions of food from the various boiling pots ensconced in our round table. Mom, dad and I came to this place frequently while Alexa had been to several such restaurants in Europe so we were all at home here. Alexa seemed to have an impressive appetite when she was relaxed and comfortable, because she ate several helpings of beef, lamb and vegetables by herself. Pretty sure only my dad ate more than she did, and that was just to prove he could.

Toward the end of the meal, mom excused herself to go the ladies room while dad got up to pay the bill. There was silence until we were sure they were out of range and then Alexa smirked at me, patting her finger gently against her lips.

"You sure that my lipstick and gloss were back on correctly when we met up with them?" she asked, giggling nervously. "You took my original coating of it right off my mouth with that kiss, you know."

I smirked at her. "This from the woman who tried to suck my fillings out when a Dutch Kiss unexpectedly became a French kiss."

"Psh, you don't have any fillings," she retorted. "And yeah, that kiss did get a little intense, didn't it?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it did. Good thing we managed to stop ourselves right before that old prof came in to check on his plants, right?"

She let out a low exhale. "Yeah. The prof..."

"And I'm still baffled as to how you managed to snap yet another picture during that." I laughed. "But yes, your lipstick was perfect once you reapplied it," I added assuringly. "They didn't give it a second glance. We tidied ourselves up pretty well."