Alex & Alexa Ch. 01


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"So it's just her being her if she touches my arm or shoulder while she's talking to me or hugging me when we greet one another?" I asked, knowing the answer and very pleased with it, but determined to play dumb and maybe a little reticent about the practice.

"Yes," mom confirmed. "If it gets uncomfortable for some reason, Alex, just tell me and I'll have a little talk with her. I doubt it'll upset her, she's a reasonable girl. I just know you can be territorial about your personal space and want you to at least try and adapt for her, okay?"

"Uh, well, I'll try," I said hesitantly, scratching my head for effect. "No promises but I'll try."

"That's all I ask..." mom said as she nodded in satisfaction and continued with the dishes.


I was sitting on my bed later that night, propped up on pillows and working on my laptop. Most guys my age would have been surfing porn, but I was cross-referencing websites about early Iron Age migration patterns and when different language groups came in contact with one another. Dorky, I know, but there's all the time in the world for porn.

Then my computer bipped at me and an icon appeared in the top left corner, indicating I had a Facebook message. It was from Alexa and it indicated that she wanted to be friends on our social media. I clicked 'accept', of course, and she messaged me seconds later, saying she was thrilled that I'd be friends with her here.

'It's so nice to be able to do this!' she typed, punctuating her messages with little thumbs up and heart emojis. 'My mother and I didn't dare have any of you on Facebook or even email in case you were found out, but now we can talk on here all we like!'

'I'm happy about that too,' I replied, smiling as I typed. 'It's a part of my family I didn't even know I was missing, so this is a great chance to make up for lost time.'

'Ikr? I cannot believe how sweet you are all being to me! Thank you so much for everything!'

We conversed back and forth for a while about small things before she seemed to have an idea.

'Alex, do you have Skype? If you do, let's use it! Seems silly to just type when we could talk, even if we are only two floors away from one another!'

I responded that I did have Skype on my laptop and gave her my information. Less than three minutes later, she was calling me and I opened a chat window. I was greeted by her gorgeous face, beaming at me in the low light of my former bedroom.

"Hi, Alex!" she giggled, waving. "This is a great idea, so much more personal than just a messenger system!"

"You'll get no argument from me there," I replied, grinning. "The room meeting your needs?"

"Oh, definitely," she said, nodding. "I'll try to not take over it too much over the summer and rob it of your identity, I promise."

"Hey, do what you need to do," I said shrugging. "I'm not some ten year-old boy worried about cooties and girl-stink."

She laughed and I could make out her shoulders. She seemed to be wearing a sports bra.

"You exercising?" I asked, hoping for a better view.

She looked at me for a moment. "How could you tell?"

"I saw your sports bra for just a moment while you were laughing," I replied.

"Oh," she remarked, looking at one of her shoulders for a second. "I thought you could only see my face and neck. Thought I'd leave a little mystery as to what else I was wearing. Don't want to be a complete open book the very first day I arrive, right?"

"I guess not," I said agreeably. "Well, as you can see, I'm wearing a plain ol' white t-shirt."

She nodded. "I was doing my yoga exercises just before I messaged you. Sports bra's kind of a necessity, because a regular bra just doesn't offer the support for, um..."

"Your indomitable turgor pressure?" I quipped, smirking.

She giggled and nodded. "Yes, my cups runneth over, I admit it. Nice of you to find a funny and intelligent way to say it rather than something more ribald."

"I imagine you must expect that from most of us colonials, right?"

"It was hard to know what to expect, to be honest," she admitted. "I mean, even though I'm actually from here, growing up all over Europe and meeting various tourists from North America gave me a lot of different impressions."

"It's weird to think you've never been back here," I suggested, trying hard to not focus on her neckline now that she'd relaxed the laptop. I could just make out the upper part of the swell of her breasts. "Mom said you've been all over the world with my grandmother but she never dared bring you back here."

Alexa nodded again. "I've been to Israel, Egypt, India, Japan, China, Thailand and Australia, all over Europe, of course, and even to Brazil. But she never took me home, in case my father found out somehow."

I shook my head. "Gonna take me time to adjust to all this, it seems surreal, like a story I'm just reading. You're lucky, though, getting to see all those places. I'd love to do stuff like that."

She smiled warmly. "You will, Alex. I know your mom and dad both want to do some traveling after their next big papers are done, so you'll get the chance to then. Maybe I'll go with you guys, act as a guide."

"That'd be great," I said, grinning. "You'll know all the best everything first-hand."

She nodded and then thought for a moment. "So what were you doing before I messaged you?"

"Oh, nothing important," I said dismissively. "Just looking and cross-referencing some maps about Indo-European language migration through the Balkans. Just idle speculation on my part. Trust me, talking to you is more fun."

"Well, that's good to hear," she replied, winking. "Hey, want to watch me finish up my yoga? I don't have a partner any more, so maybe just someone to keep me company?"

"So just sit here and watch and talk to you?" I asked. "Sure."

She nodded happily and put her laptop on the dresser, with the camera facing out into the room. She made sure I could see her and then went to her yoga mat, which was laid out on the floor. She stepped back and I had to keep my eyes from bugging out of my head- Alexa was wearing just the sports bra and some silk, boy-cut boxers. She kept her hair back in a long braid and took a wide stance on the mat, facing me.

I watched her intently, captivated by her incredible body. As I'd suspected, her waist was tiny and her hips were not as big as her bust but she was still blessed with curves. Her legs were long and supple, very athletic. Everything about her was an erotic fantasy and even though I knew she was raised European and had different ideas of modesty, I couldn't help but fantasize that she was showing off her body to me, trying to turn me on.

And it was working.

I could feel my cock stirring in my pants but I couldn't touch myself as long as my computer was sitting on my lap. She spread her legs farther apart as she went into a lower stance and then pulled her torso to one side, stretching. Her incredible breasts, barely contained by her sports bra, squashed against her taut thigh.

I watched in wonder as she took half an hour to make it through several poses, my favourite of which was where she was lying on her stomach and arching her back before grabbing her heels. Her huge tits kept her from rocking forward and she really had to arch her back almost into a semicircle to make the pose effective. If only she'd been facing me, but I was getting the side view. My cock was throbbing and hard inside my boxers but I didn't touch it, for fear she'd figure out what I was doing.

She finally relaxed and then knelt, taking deep breaths. Her skin was glistening with a thin sheen of cleansing sweat. She approached her laptop and smiled prettily.

"Thanks for staying with me," she said gently. "I'm going to go take a shower now. Talk to you when I get back!" She then waved and wiggled out of the room.

I laid back on my bed and took a deep breath. I still had a huge hard-on and desperately wanted to rub one out, but refrained. One issue with staying in the basement was that the water pipes from all the plumbing were just on the other side of a door into a small room at the back. I could hear water draining through them as she took her shower.

This gave me an idea.

Since I would hear the water turning off, I'd know when she was done with her shower. I jumped off my bed and retrieved my second laptop. While it wasn't quite as powerful as the first one, it did have one distinct advantage in that had a detachable webcam. I placed the laptop I was Skyping with on my bed, facing the big mound of pillows I was propping myself up on.

I then inserted the webcam deep inside the mass of pillows, making sure that it could not be seen but that the lens was clearly focused on my computer screen. I then hurried over to the second laptop and activated the camera, taking a few minutes to make sure it was in perfect focus. I now had a crystal-clear view of my old room.

I was sitting off to the side of the room at the old desk we kept down there, watching the screen intently, making sure everything was on the correct settings. Then I heard the water stop and maybe two minutes later, Alexa walked back into the bedroom, clad only in a towel, her wet hair clinging to her shoulders. She stepped up close to the webcam and smiled, clearly expecting to see me.


She looked confused for a moment. "You there?"

All she could see was my pillows. She made a face for a moment and then shuffled off to the back of the room, near the side of my old bed. Facing away from me, she dropped the towel and I gaped in amazement as her incredible behind came into view. It was perfect, small and taut, muscular from playing some type of sport, obviously. Her tiny waist led into her graceful back, which her wet hair clung to. She bent over slightly, not enough to show me anything except how perfectly-shaped her butt was. She found another pair of silky boy-cut boxers and put them on, one leg at a time.

She then took out a small white tank-top and wiggled it down over her head and shoulders, just turning to the side for the briefest of moments as she pulled it over her breasts- I saw them for a split second, huge and magnificent, with tiny aereolas and nipples. They were very perky in spite of their size, which was unusual but not unheard of for really fit women with strong backs. I looked at the corner of my secondary computer screen, making sure it was recording everything it saw.

She then came back to her laptop and knelt in front of it, pursing her lips and looking either confused or distressed. Clearly she was waiting on me and didn't know where I was. I paused the recording and hurried back to my spot on the bed, crawling on and pulling my laptop back onto my lap, careful not to crush the hidden webcam behind me in the pillows.

"There you are," she said, brightening up when she saw me. "Welcome back."

"Sorry, went to the bathroom," I lied, hoping I had no facial tics or tells that might give me away. "Have a nice shower?"

"Very," she said, nodding. "North American water pressure is quite a bit stronger, generally, so it was very cleansing. I'm not used to a detachable shower head, either."

"Yeah, that'd be mom's idea," I replied, making a wry face. "You probably don't want to know why. God knows I don't."

She giggled at my ribald statement and then propped her chin on her hands, staring at me. Then there was a knock at her door.

"Alexa? How are you, darling?" called my mom from the other side of the door.

Alexa thought for a split second and them put a finger over her lips to shush me. She tapped away on her keyboard for a moment before going over to answer the door. She welcomed my mom into the room, giving her a hug as she did so.

"I was just talking to some friends back in Berlin, updating them on what's happened since my arrival." Alexa said, pointing at her computer screen. It may have sounded initially like a lie, but there was no guarantee she wasn't also Skyping with friends back in Europe while talking to me, was there? It was, perhaps, mere obfuscation, in case my mother thought it was not right for her sister to be Skyping with her son.

My mom looked at the computer screen and smiled. "I'm glad you're able to keep up with your friends and life beck there while you're adjusting here. We'll do everything we can to make sure you feel comfortable."

"Thanks, Karen," Alexa said, smiling warmly and clasping her hands as they sat on the edge of the bed. "That means a lot to me."

Mom nodded. "And really, don't worry about Alex if he seems a little distant or difficult. He'll warm up to you, I promise. It's probably just hard for him to accept that there's an entire aspect to his family life now that he was never aware of of."

Alexa smiled. "I hope so, he seems so nice, I really want to get to know him."

Mom put her hands on Alexa's upper arms and gave them a squeeze. "Be his friend instead of trying to be his aunt and he'll be fine. Michael has no siblings so Alex has no cousins aunts or uncles from that side of the family, just his looney grandparents."

Alexa giggled. "Mom told me what she knew about them. I look forward to meeting them some day."

"We'll see what we can do. Anyways, Michael and I will see you in the morning. You make sure you get a good night sleep, okay?"

"I promise." Alexa said, leaning in and giving her sister a hug and a kiss before my mom left, closing the door behind her. Alexa sat still for a moment before coming back to the computer and pressing some buttons. Then she grinned at me.

"Sorry about that," she said. "Didn't know how my sister would react to me Skyping her son while he was in her basement."

"I get that." I replied, shrugging. "So, the thing about your friends. Was that a lie or a partial truth?"

"Partial truth," she admitted. "I was conversing with them right before you and their webcam is still open, even though they've gone to bed. So it was simply an omission of all facts."

"Clever," I chuckled. "You don't strike me as the lying type."

"I'm glad," she said. Then her voice took on a note of concern. "But what your mom said, about you needing time to warm up to me and come around? Alex, I'm not bothering you, am I?"

"Not at all," I said, shaking my head. "To be honest, I'm amazed at how well I'm getting along with you and I like you already. I guess it really helps that you're my age, not at all what I expected. We're cool, Alexa, no lie."

"Thank God," she said, seeming genuinely relieved. "She had me worried there for a minute."

"I do like trolling my mother and messing with her head, though, so I'll probably continue to pretend this is difficult for me as long as she's around."

Alexa giggled at the thought. "That's so sassy of you! You're a brat, I love it! Well, I'd hate to give it away, so I'll play along when she's around or your father. So what about when they're not?"

"Like I said," I grinned. "We're cool in every way. Be your normal, huggy self."

"I can do that," she agreed. "I suppose I'd better turn in. But I do have a weird question for you."

"What's that?" I asked.

"Well, my friends and I, we often leave our Skype or webcams on overnight, sort of a 'watch over one another' thing. Do you... do you want me to include you in that?"

I thought about what she was suggesting. "That all there is to it? We just keep our webcams trained on each other's beds all night and if one of us wakes up, it's easy to see the other person's not raped or murdered or anything?"

She snickered at the imagery. "It sounds pretty dumb when you put it that way, since you're in the basement of the house I'm staying in. But yes, that's the gist of it. Only difference is, normally I sleep naked."

"Yeah, I do too." I said.

"Well, obviously if we're going to keep our webcams on, we'll have to have some clothes involved," she pointed out. "Does my current attire work for you?"

"Yup," I said, standing and showing her how I was dressed, just my t-shirt and boxers. "Can you live with this?"

She smirked. "You're a guy, you can lose the shirt if you need to. This isn't the 1600's."

"Thank God for that." I muttered, stripping off my shirt and exposing my chest and waist to her. She giggled and made a fanning motion.

"Ooh la-la," she cooed, winking. "Quite a swimmer's build you've got there, nephew-mine."

"So I've been told," I remarked, pleased by her reaction. "My dad keep telling me that one day my body will grown into my brain."

She put her hand over her mouth and giggled. "Well, if Gigantor says you will, then you probably will. That man is ungodly huge. I really hope your mom's a cowgirl."

"Oh, ew," I replied, wrinkling my nose in distaste at the image of my parents fucking. "There's an image I didn't need."

"It's not so bad if you're not their kid," she lilted, smirking at my discomfiture. "Your parents are pretty awesome, Alex. I owe them a lot."

"Well, just try not to pay them back by making my eyes bleed with that sort of imagery, okay?" I insisted.

"I promise," she said, smiling and winking. "Alright, my computer's set up where it will be staying for the night, I'll give you a moment to place yours."

I nodded and looked around the room, deciding on a TV tray, which I set up close to the bed, enough to let her see the length of my body. I also subtly removed the webcam from between my pillows and put it with the other one. I then clambered onto the bed and smiled at her.

"It gets really dark down here, Alexa, so I'm gonna switch the camera's mode to starlight so you can see me through a creepy green and black filter, okay?"

She nodded, already back on her own bed and pulling up the sheets. "Sounds great Alex. See you in the morning."

She blew me a kiss and laid down, probably falling into a deep sleep by the time her head hot the pillow. I watched her for a few moments before turning off my own lights and then drifting off to sleep, making sure I had my sheets secured around my waist, in case she woke up and looked my way. If I was going to have the dreams I expected to have, I didn't want to be sporting a massive boner the first time she saw me.


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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Marklynda2Marklynda25 months ago

Definitely a great premise, foresee some interesting interaction occuring. A great start to what promises to be a well thought out and written story. I look forward to reading the next chapter. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

Djmac1031Djmac1031over 1 year ago

Well set up premise and character introductions. I admire your self restraint in not jumping head first into a sex scene.

I might critique Alex a bit for his pervy move with the Webcam, but I'll forgive him. I was a young man once, too.

5/5 on to chapter 2

ForbiddenLover78ForbiddenLover78about 2 years ago

Coming back to this after having read it all the way through once (and the various companion stories, right up to part 23 of Mike and Karen), I can see how you've developed the characters and fleshed things out as you've gone along. That does leave a few inconsistencies with earlier sections, however. For example, "Michael has no siblings so Alex has no cousins aunts or uncles from that side of the family". Clearly this part was written before you conceived of the entire DeBourne clan up in Kapuskasing.

mrdata9770mrdata9770over 2 years ago

(2/22/2022) This chapter was a great setup for the series. Well written; no sex was required here. Five stars.

inkcredibleincinkcredibleincover 2 years ago

The chapter is well-written. You are off to a good start with introducing your cast of characters. Gave you a 5 because you didn't inflate the word count too much. It gets difficult for readers to catch up on reading if, say, they forget the contents of the previous chapter, and have to read through 10 plus ridiculous pages of content.

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