After The Sun Rises

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Man and wife fulfill a long denied fantasy.
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This story is based on the true events experienced by a very special couple; Charles and Kimm.


From thirty-five thousand feet the beach was only a thin white line between vast expanses of color. Green on one side; the color of thick forest and a seemingly endless blue ocean on the other. The jetliner pulled the power from its powerful engines, quieting the whirring noise generated from the fan-blades and started its slow, gliding descent into paradise; known to Charles and Kimm as Cancun, Mexico and further south, the resorts of Costa Maya.

"This is it. We're finally here," Kimm announced as she looked out the window, trying to find their destination in the thin line of white. Charles leaned across her lap, glad to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city. And, especially glad to be here with the woman he had fallen in love with 20 years ago.

"It's feels so good to be away. Even if just for five days," he said as a smile curled onto his face.

As the strip of hotels came into view Kimm's mind travelled back to six days ago when Charles first sprung the idea for this trip. The idea had come on the heels of a long, six months of work and she thought of how perfectly he had sprung it on her with an elegantly stenciled note inside an equally impressive envelope; containing the words, "Run away with me again!"

"I love you, Charles!" she said as the plane bank onto its final approach

"I love you too, Kimm."

It was very late in the day when they pulled into the Costa Maya resort. The drive from the airport had taken them through the ancient land of the Maya and Aztec, down the coastal highway past ancient ruins silhouetted against the ocean, and jungle clearings filled with crops; and long stretches of surf, blackwater lagoons and the beautiful blue-green waters of the lower Caribbean Sea pounding the chalky sand; until Charles and Kimm thought they might be nearing the end of civilization.

Looking out the windows of the big black Escalade, they felt like foreigners in paradise; not yet acclimated and still a bit uneasy of the environment around them. The drive had been long, and as they neared the end Kimm pulled her legs up under her body, stretching the white sundress tight around her slender hips and prompting her to pull the hem of her short dress even further up her legs so they could open up. Charles looked across the console at his wife, admiring her beauty and enjoying her tanned legs and the patch of blonde bush showing from below her dress.

Kimm had never aged into the frumpy, disproportioned physique so many of her friends had fallen victim to. She had been blessed with a dancer's body, thin but with a wonderfully curved set of hips with large breasts that seemed almost oversized, given her slender frame. And now, even after 20 years of marriage she kept her body in exquisite shape. "Nature and nurture," she often told her husband. Nature had given her a slim physique and all she had to do to maintain it was nurture it with a proper diet and make sure she exercised.

The resort was at the end of a long stretch of ever shrinking jungle road, isolated on a small peninsula jutting into the sea. After checking in, they were led beyond the crowded lobby; past the entrance to the pool lined with white lounge chairs. With tall palms blocking the last of the sun's rays they were led down a pebble strewn trail lined with shrubs pushing their branches into the path looking for elusive nourishing sunlight; a path which eventually opened up onto a white beach; and with each step down the path they felt the endless machinations of the modern world retreating behind them.

Their bungalow perched above the sand on strong pillars that supported the square structure with a thatched roof and wide windows letting the gentle trade winds blow through unless the slatted covers were shut. Four wooden steps led onto a patio stretching across the front of the bungalow, wide enough to hold the hammocks tied between the pillars and a wooden door opened up into one large room, somewhat spartan, but furnished with everything needed for a bungalow at the edge of civilization.

"Why did you wait so long to bring me back, Charles," Kimm asked with a smile as she exhaled the last bit of tension from her body.

Charles had already found the beers cooled in the metal tub and held the two long necks between his fingers as he answered. "It's been twenty years. Was it worth the wait?"

"Oh, god...We've changed so much. What happened to the free spirits we once were?"

"The ones that made their way down the gulf coast without money; without worries?" he answered with a question.

"That was them!" She answered and laughed with Charles!

Both Charles and Kimm were holding back the feelings and emotions that if revealed, the subsequent discussion would have lasted well into the night.

She had grown up as a rough and tumble young girl from a lower middle class family and had to work hard to prove herself, graduating first in her law class. That's where she met Charles. He was so intelligent and caring; so good looking and so different from the type of man she was used to and she fell in love immediately. They came to Costa Maya for a poor man's honeymoon, riding the trains and buses all the way down the Mexican coast and it seemed all they really needed was their love for each other and enough money to buy food and shelter. She felt so free back then. Unfortunately, it was much different now. They both had terrific, but demanding jobs; hers as a full partner in a prestigious law firm. They had a big house in a nice neighborhood, new cars, beautiful children, membership in an exclusive country club, and a large swimming pool in the back yard. They didn't want for anything. Except for... well, she didn't want to think about that. Charles is a wonderful and caring husband, Kimm thought as she continued to unpack.

They were tired from a long day of travel and the comfort of each other's embrace with the cool sea air blowing gently across the bed couldn't be turned down. They fell asleep spooning and reflecting on their lives since they last walked in the warm sands of Costa Maya twenty years ago. It was then that they made promises to explore their sexual fantasies and now they were falling asleep in each other's arms, wondering why they let them go with so little thought.

They woke to the soft rays of the morning sun finding its way through the trunks of the palm trees; striking first the pillow and then drifting across their faces. Kimm made coffee...wonderfully flavorful Jamaican Blue, and brought two cups into bed and the aroma drifted in the clean morning air.

The caffeine cleared his head of the morning cobwebs and he took stock of his senses. The nutty flavor flowing over his tongue with the sounds of the ocean in his ears, the beauty of this paradise just outside the windows and after sliding his hand across Kimm's breast; the feel of her skin against his fingers.

"Darling," Charles said after he thanked her for the coffee. "I worry about you."

"You don't need to worry, Charles."

"But, I do worry. I worry that I've let us fall into the trap of taking our marriage...our lives...for granted. I worry you have pushed aside your emotions and desires to become a full time mom...and full time partner in a law firm; full time everything, and how can you be yourself if you are being everything else."

Kimm felt a lump rising in her throat as Charles's concern brought her emotions welling up from somewhere deep inside. She wasn't going to tell him not to worry again. Not in this place. Not here, where promises were once made and never kept.

"Oh, Charles....." her voice cracked as she spoke."Charles, it's not your fault. We raised a family and that takes sacrifice."

"Be honest with me," he said. "Do you still think about your fantasies?"

She wanted to scream out her answer, "Yes"! But, how could she? After 20 years of repressing her urges how could she tell him that she felt them even stronger now?

He wouldn't let it go. If he could get only one thing out of her it had to be honesty. "Sweetheart. Even though we haven't spoken of them for such a very long time I remember everything we shared together. You have to open up and talk with me. You...we....neither of us are dirty for what we want together."

Tears rolled down her cheeks as he pulled her tightly into his chest; rubbing his hands through her blonde hair and kissing her neck as her chest heaved against his.

"How can I not feel dirty when I think of the fantasies that go through my mind? Oh, Charles...I want you to watch me flaunting myself; being so nasty in front of you. How can I not feel like a slut for having such thoughts?"

"Sweetheart, stop punishing yourself. Twenty years ago we were just young lovers. We thought like young lovers; our sex life was that of young lovers not realizing what eroticism was. And even though we both had desires and fantasies we didn't know how to act on them and to be truthful; our youthful hearts might not have been able to handle such things. Now, we've matured; our minds as well as our bodies; and our thoughts and fantasies have matured with us. Now, can't we both admit that eroticism should have had a place in our lives? At least here, in this place," he said.

"I know you're right, Charles. But, I have to somehow rationalize who I have been these many years with who I want to be. It's so difficult!"

"You've...." he paused for a moment to put together the right words."We've got to let ourselves go on this trip. We owe it to our marriage...and to each other. I want you to know something, Kimm. I'm totally turned on by the thought of watching you teasing another man with your body. I doubt you know how much." He grabbed her wrist, led it under the sheet and onto his hard cock. "Just talking about it has me hard."

Feeling his cock triggered something inside her, allowing her to let go of her emotions; and no longer holding them back, tears welled in her eyes as she pressed her face into Charles's chest. Charles continued to hold her close as she began a slow, rhythmic stroke up and down his cock. Under his strong arms her chest stopped heaving and the tears slowed to a trickle as she felt the emotional security his embrace provided and her thoughts began working through what he had told her. As she wiped her eyes with her free hand she asked him, "Are you sure you don't think I'm dirty?"

"You're not dirty," he said reassuringly. "You're my wife."

She giggled the kind of spontaneous giggle that only a woman can. "You're dirty little slut wife!" she said, causing them both to laugh.

With the sounds of the surf filling the moist morning air, she pulled back the sheet and pressed her mouth onto his hard cock while at the same time, opening up her legs for Charles's tongue to explore.

Charles pulled his tongue through her labia, gently licking with the tip of his tongue and nibbling them with his lips. He closed his mouth onto each lip and lightly pulled it, then releasing his hold and repeating on the other side. His teasing caused her to purr and move her face across his cock, pushing it and nibbling.

Charles and Kimm danced a lover's dance with their mouths, rhythmically stimulating each other in a way learned only through years of pleasuring each other. This was love expressed sexually.

She took him fully into her mouth as she massaged his ever-tightening ballsack; running her fingernails lightly over the hard ridges of skin cutting across his scrotum; teasing him while her mouth sucked on his cock. He began a slow, firm thrusting of his groin; gently fucking her mouth as he fucked her pussy with his tongue.

He pulled her juices into his mouth, tasting her sweet nectar mixing with the aftertaste of his coffee and smelling her aroma as it mixed with the salty air. All the while, enjoying her mouth on his cock as he fantasized about the days to come here in paradise.

Kimm's legs tightened around his face and her hand pulled him hard against her sex as an orgasm began pulsing through her body. "Oooooh!" she moaned. "Mmmmmm!" She lifted her hips off the bed, pushing to keep her excited clitoris stimulated as long as possible while the wave swept through her and then relaxing back into the soft bed with her pussy satiated.

Once she came, Charles released his cum; signaling its arrival into her waiting mouth by his moaning and the pulsing of his cock. As always, Kimm took his hot cum eagerly, pulling her cheeks together to create suction and slowly milking his balls with her slender fingers.

Their lovemaking was done with the normalcy they had grown used to. But, the intensity of this morning wasn't lost on them, nor its importance and it signaled that today was more special than yesterday and both felt more unburdened from the constraints they had placed on each other back home.

They had breakfast delivered and enjoyed their morning meal on the patio of their bungalow; looking out across a small strip of sand and a much larger pool of calm, clear water left by the evenings high tide and separating them from the beach with its blue-green waves curling themselves into a white crushing surf as they met the shore. Their bungalow was set back from the beach and carved out of the jungle, full of palms and wide-leafed shrubs hiding all traces of the resort behind it.

But, the resort was still there, just behind the stretch of jungle cover and the pool wasn't far away. In fact, it was between them and the hotel tower that held restaurants, shops, a dance club, and several hundred guest rooms. And, it was now late in the morning and it was time to play.

Charles convinced Kimm to scrap the traditional bikini she had brought on the trip and took her to find something more suitable in the resort's shops. A sexy, brightly colored string bikini caught her eye and she reached for it, but her shy personality wouldn't let her pick it up. She wasn't raised to wear clothes like that. Doing so would be flaunting herself; showing off her body for her own pleasure and that was out of character for Kimm.

Charles noticed her look at the bikini and picked up on her apprehension. He looked at her and she looked back submissively; her head slightly cocked and her eyes asking for guidance from him. She couldn't do it herself. Not after a lifetime of repressing herself and she needed his help. As she looked at Charles she was hoping he would tell her what to do. Tell me to choose it, she thought.

"Looks like we've found what you want," he said and her eyes lit up with excitement!

She whispered so the sales clerk couldn't hear. "Are you sure? It barely covers anything at all."

Charles answered her by pulling the back of his finger down her neck and kissing her.

Kimm was nervous carrying the risqué' string bikini around the shop. She knew her slim body would wear it well. But, she wondered how she would feel out on the beach in the company of men looking at her; seeing her breasts and pussy through the thin fabric.

She was embarrassed with herself for thinking such things. And, even more so for wanting Charles to watch her. After purchasing the bikini, a sundress and a pair of pool slippers, they headed back to the bungalow to change; where Kimm primped her hair and fiddled with her new bikini as she sipped her gin and tonic.

"Stop delaying. Let's go!" Charles playfully scolded, knowing she was nervous.

She grabbed his hand and followed him down the path and out onto the warm white sand of the beach. The seagulls flew overhead and cawed in a seemingly rhythmical way with the sound of the surf as Charles and Kimm walked a short distance down the beach away from the hotel and the growing crowd of sun worshippers surrounding the thatched roof bar and toward a weather-worn wooden pier, jutting out into a natural bay of calm water protected by a peninsula running parallel to the surf. Two couples were already on the pier, which afforded enough space for maybe a half dozen more. The pier was usable only by small boats and only one was moored beside it; an old open-hull pastel-blue wooden boat, gently bobbing up and down.

Charles and Kimm weaved their way past the two couples, nodding a hello and continuing to the end of the pier where they laid their towels onto the planks worn smooth over time by the sun and wind and water. The planks were spaced far enough apart to look between them at the clear water three feet below and further still; ten feet down to the bottom where the pinkish colored conch shells, with their horns protruding in ever tightening spiral bands had collected amongst the sand and other shells.

Laying on their tummies they could feel and hear themselves breath; the involuntary motion of their body pulling air into their lungs pushed their chests against the towel and after a long while, their breaths synchronized and the realization of time seemed to go away and it failed to prompt them anymore. As the sun moved across the sky, time and its demands weren't noticed. Instead, only sensations and urges created a need to act. If they were thirsty Charles waved down the ever-enterprising beach boy, carrying corona's and cold gin for his customers on the beach. If their skin felt hot they jumped into the water to cool off.

Kimm mentioned the beauty of the conch shells on the sea floor below. So Charles dove; holding his breath down to the collection of conch below the pier to bring Kimm a memento from Costa Maya. Feelings, emotions, desires and needs moved them to act; not time and not the demands of a society a thousand miles away.

And finally, after submitting to nature as the governor of her actions, she tossed her inhibitions aside, rolled over onto her back, removed her top and lay on the pier, exposed and naked except for the tiny bikini bottom like several of the women around her.

Charles leaned onto his side to admire her. He was so proud of her and knew how big of a step she had taken. Kimm was a very bright, but shy woman that often let her inhibitions rule her behavior. Now, as she lay on her back, topless with only the smallest triangle of fabric covering her pussy, she had symbolically stopped repressing her urges. And, he was proud.

Kimm laid her head on a rolled up hotel towel and spread her arms wide; forcing her ribcage to expand; creating a series of parallel shadows, one between each rib, defining each and Charles wondered if that might be the most erotic part of her body. Or was it her breasts laying above her slender ribs; plump and full orbs with puffy nipples that fell off the side of her chest, blocking the sun and creating their own shadow running across the tender skin below the pit of her arms.

Below her ribs, the small of her back was lifted off the towel by the musculature of her buttocks; creating a uniquely feminine S-shape from her ribs to her ass and Charles could see light sneaking through from underneath. On top, her flat tummy glistened with small beads of sweat trickling off her breasts and down between them, collecting in her belly button; slowly filling it up until it overflowed into the wispy blonde hair above her pussy and soaking the panel of fabric covering it until her suit was completely see-thru from her sweat.

The only piece of clothing on her body was a string around her waist, running across her pelvic bone and well below her tummy with a small amount of the now see-thru fabric looped around the string and providing a very alluring decoration between her legs and then connecting to another string running up the cleavage of her ass. Both of Kimm's knees were pulled up with her feet wide apart. Her legs gently opened and closed to her own rhythm, alternatively loosening and tightening the long, slender muscles of her inner thighs.

The sun had tracked its way far to the west, almost touching the fronds at the top of the palm trees before they walked off the pier and onto the beach with its warm sand underfoot and made their way back up the path to the bungalow to eat and replenish their body's energy that was pulled from them by the hot tropical sun. They had dinner delivered and after the meal they made love and afterward, their bodies told them to sleep.