After The Dust Had Settled


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"Well, I don't know about all that," I replied quietly.

As we were getting out of the truck, Andie looked at me and insistently asked, "Mark, why do you do that?"

"Do what?" I asked.

"Every time I pay you a compliment, you always try to downplay it like it's nothing?" replied Andie, with a slight irritation in her voice.

"I don't know, I guess it's just that....well...I don't think I'm all that good," I said, putting my hands in my pockets.

Coming around to my side of the truck, Andie wrapped her arms around me and said, "Aw baby boy, look at it this way. Number one, Doctor Breeden would not have given you a full Master's program ride if you weren't any good. Number two, I've been around some very impressive pianists/keyboardists my entire life and you are, hands down, the best I've ever heard!" Then after softly kissing my lips, she added, "Last but certainly not least, I love you with all my heart, Mark and that's not something I give lightly!"

I stepped slightly away from her and replied, "I guess I'm pretty good. It's just that...well...I refuse to act like all those egomaniacal assholes that Bryan was talking about at the party the other night!"

Andie began to giggle then as she pulled me close to her; she smiled and said, "Baby, you'll never be like them, ever!"

"Why are you laughing?" I asked smiling.

Andie kissed me lightly on the lips and replied, "I'm laughing because I love you and no one that I love would ever be an asshole!"

That night after dinner, we stayed in my room while Andie filled me in on what to expect from the up and coming classes that I would be taking. She also let me know which teachers were strict and precise and which teachers were a little more lenient.


The next day, which was Wednesday, I had an eight o'clock Creative Writing class. My teacher's name was Miss Darlene Johannsen. She had just graduated from Southern Methodist University (SMU), in Dallas, with her Master's degree in English Literature, and as I found out later, we were her very first class. The moment I walked into the classroom, I felt at ease and comfortable. It also didn't hurt that my teacher was a knockout either. She had long blonde hair that flowed to her waist with blue eyes that, while they were not as beautiful as Andie's, were very pretty in their own right. Her body was nothing to laugh at either. Still though, she couldn't hold a candle to Andie, not many women could then, nor can they now.

As Miss Johannsen began to speak, informing the class of what she expected of us, I realized that I was going to like her class. As she assigned us our work to be done in class, I was hoping that all my classes were going to be this easy, but I had a feeling that that was most definitely not the case. "Now class, I want you to write at least a thousand words and I want you to be as descriptive as possible. In other words, I want to be able to see in my mind that which you write about," she told us as we began to write.

This was going to be easy for me. All I did was to describe the way I felt whenever I was around Andie. I described in detail, all the things that happened in inside of me the first time I ever laid eyes on her. I explained the feelings that arose within me the first time I saw her play. I even described what I saw through my eyes as each note emanated from her sax when I watched her put her soft lips to it for the first time. All of this took me about forty-five minutes to write, and when I was done; I handed in four pages, finishing before the rest of the students. Because we were allowed to leave once our work had been handed in, I went back to my room to study for a pop quiz that I knew we would be having in my next class, which was World History.

It just so happens that I love history. I always have, and when I was in high school, my teachers would love it when I would debate with other students about the pros and cons of different historical events or characters. Now, because I'd taken some first year college level classes in high school, one of them being World History; I would be taking a second year level history class this semester in college. I already knew ahead of time that Andie was in this class with me so; I was looking forward to not only being with my girlfriend, but getting off to good start. The only thing was; I forgot that this was one of the teachers that Andie had told me was very strict and that her teaching methods were very rigid. This began the onslaught of a historical campus-wide awareness as well as the exorcism of professors teaching their personal political views in the classrooms.

When I walked into the lecture hall, I found Andie sitting in the third row of the middle section of seats. I made my way over to and sat down beside her. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and said, "Hi, baby! It's good to see you made it here."

"No problem," I replied grinning.

"Oh no?" she asked, one eyebrow raised.

I kissed her lips and said, "No, all I had to do was follow my heart and it led me right here to you."

"Oh my, what a charmer you are..." Andie purred, then added, "....but you better save it because you're gonna need it in this class!"

"Oh yeah, I remember now. This is what's-her-name's class, the one you said was a real bitch," I replied.

Andie smiled and said, "Her name is Ilia Von Rohmer and she is a total bitch!"

I chuckled and replied, "With a name like "Von Rohmer" I can see why. That's a German name ya know!"

"Well, that explains it then," laughed Andie.

About that time, Professor Ilia Von Rohmer walked into the classroom. She was a solidly built woman who wore a very hard look no her face. Her coal black hair was braided to, and pinned up upon her head. She came in, and after dropping her books onto her desk, peered at the class, and with a clear German accent, said, "Open your text books to page one forty-six!" Her lecture began at the point in history where Nazi Germany invaded Poland. For a period of about forty-five minutes, her emotionless voice droned on and on, nearly putting me to sleep. However, I was awakened from my reverie when she began to talk about Adolph Hitler. It was almost as if she were infatuated with the man as she spoke of his accomplishments. She began to rave, making him look like some kind of hero when the rest of the world knew what an animal he was.

She spoke on and on, praising him until I interrupted her by standing up and saying, "Excuse me, ma'am, but the whole world knows that Adolph Hitler was a monster!"

If looks could kill, I would've been drawn and quartered on the spot. She gave me an evil glare that sent near paralyzing chills down my spine and hissed, "You will sit down and shut up, young man. This is my class and you will act accordingly or else you will get an "F" in this class. Do I make myself clear?"

"I stood defiantly and said, "I will not sit down and shut up while you stand there and glorify someone who was not only a monstrous, bi-sexual pig who kept Eva Braun on the side the side to make the rest of the world think he was straight while he ravished teen-aged boys, but was responsible for the murder of over six million innocent people!"

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, SPEAKING TO ME THAT WAY!" she yelled, her fists balled tightly.

"Mark, take it easy, or she's gonna flunk you and you'll lose your scholarship" whispered Andie, warning me.

I looked at Andie and winked, then answered the professor's question with, "I'll tell you exactly who I am. My name is Mark Thompson! My mother is an attorney and my father is a judge, and I know for a fact that the law says that you're not allowed to teach this totalitarianistic, Nazi bullshit that we've been listening to for the last hour!"

The whole class had heard the argument, and by now, was cheering me on, making Professor Von Rohmer furious. "YOU WILL ALL BE EXPELLED IF YOU DON'T SHUT YOUR MOUTHS THIS INSTANT!!!!!" she yelled.

"You can spout that Gestapo crap all you want, but you and I both know that you don't have the authority," I said, realizing that at this particular point in time, I didn't give three shits less about college, much less my scholarship.

It took no time before Professor Von Rohmer was upon me with her hands around my right arm and the devil in her eyes. And with the smell of coffee slightly mixed with liquor on her breath, she leaned in with an evil hiss, and violently shaking my arm, said, "I will find a way to silence you, young man. You can count on it!"

Grabbing her hands with my own, I squeezed them hard enough to make her release her grip, and then growled, "Keep your fucking hands off of me, Bitch!" Then turning and grabbing my books and the rest of my belongings, I left the classroom without looking back. I knew that I was going to have to answer for my actions, but I really didn't care. What she said, the way she acted, not to mention her putting her hands on me, was neither allowed nor permitted, and I was not about to stand for any of it.

The moment I got to my dorm, I went to the resident advisors office and called my father from there. I told him everything that happened as well as everything that Professor Von Rohmer had said to me and the other students in the classroom, including her threats of expulsion and that she had put her hands on me as well as what she'd said about silencing me. I told him the truth about what I had said to her as well. I've never lied to my parents and they always respected me for it. After asking me a series of questions pertaining to the matter, my father assured me that I had nothing to worry about, and that I had done the right thing in calling him. He did, however, tell me to immediately go to Dr. Breeden's office and apprise him of the situation.


"You've got to be kidding me? She actually said and did that?" asked Dr. Breeden, after I informed him of the morning's activities, omitting nothing.

"Yes, sir, you can ask anyone that was in that class this morning," I replied, and then added, "Professor Von Rohmer said she was going to give me an "F". Am I going to lose my scholarship?"

"If what you say is true, and the fact that she put her hands on you without physical provocation, then no. At the very least, and I do mean the very least, all that will happen to you is that you will have to testify at her hearing when the school brings charges against her for assaulting you," Dr. Breeden informed me. Suddenly the intercom on his desk came to life, informing him that Andie was waiting to see him in the outer office. He smiled and pushed the 'speak' button on the intercom and said, "Just in time too, send her in Mrs. Davis!"

The door opened and Andie walked in as Dr. Breeden's secretary, Mrs. Davis, closed the door behind her. She smiled widely when she saw me sitting in the chair in front of Dr. Breeden's desk and said, "Hi Mark. Are you okay, sweetie?"

Before I could respond, Dr. Breeden rose from behind his desk, and with a wave of his hand, indicating that he wanted Andie to take a seat in the chair next to mine; he smiled at her and said, "Miss Matthews, I'm glad that you're here. Please take a seat and tell me what happened in Professor Von Rohmer's class this morning." She began to tell him everything I had told him earlier, and when she was done; Dr. Breeden looked at her and replied, "Tonight I want the both of you to write down, word-for-word, everything she said, and when you're done; bring your completed papers to me, first thing in the morning. Is that clear?" We both nodded, indicating that we understood what he'd requested of us. I had to go to one more class that afternoon with Dr. Richard Barnes, my Psychology 101 teacher. I liked him and he seemed like he was going to be a good teacher. I knew I was going to enjoy being in his class.


That night was practice night with "Prodigy". Needless to say, everything went well and practice went off without a hitch. Bryan and Danny had put a set list together and I was informed that we would be playing the upcoming Friday and Saturday nights at "Nick's Uptown Lounge" in Dallas. I was really looking forward to it as this would be my first professional gig with my first rock and roll band. After practice, we were all sitting around talking about music when Bryan smiled conspiratorially. Then looking at Tommy, Danny and Phil, he laughed and said, "Do you guys wanna tell him or do you want me to?"

"Tell me what?" I asked confused.

"Tomorrow, after we're done with the One O'clock, we're all going to get our promo picture taken," Tommy said grinning.

The confusion must've been evident on my face, when Bryan asked, "What's wrong little brother?"

"I don't want to sound like a dumb ass, but, what's a promo picture?" I replied, feeling slightly stupid.

Bryan reached over, and putting his hand on my shoulder, asked, "This is all new to you, isn't it?"

"I'm sorry that I don't have any experience guys. I just never got the chance when I was in high school. My parents are very driven people and they believed that school was more important than having a social life," I said ashamedly.

Danny stood up and walked over to where I sat. Placing his hand on my other shoulder, he grinned and announced, "We'll pop your cherry easy so it doesn't hurt ya too bad, little brother," and then laughed along with everyone else, me included. It was then that they all explained the reason of having a promo picture. Bryan made sure to include the news that we would all be going into the studio next week to record a three song demo that would go along with the promo picture to help us get bookings in the future.

Later that night, Andie and I were sitting in my room and had just finished writing down everything that had happened in Professor Von Rohmer's class that morning. I finished before Andie and I sat on my bed, smiling and watching her. I loved the determined expression that she wore on her face as she wrote. She was, and as far as I'm concerned, still is, the most beautiful creature on the face of the earth.

She must have seen me looking at her from out of the corner of her eye, because she suddenly turned, and with her beautiful blue eyes on fire, looked at me smiling and said, "Are you staring at me, Mark?"

"I can't help it...I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, Andie," I replied, then added, "Ya see, I've been feeling something for you that I've never felt before, for some time now and I just...." Before I had a chance to continue, Andie had smothered my mouth with hers in a deep and passionate kiss, deeper and more passionate than I'd ever had in my life. Soon she began to grind her crotch against mine and the obvious occurred shortly thereafter. In no time, Andie had me as hard as a rock. I knew she could feel it and I didn't care.

As she ground herself against me, she pushed her wonderfully soft breasts against my chest and leaned into my ear and breathed, "I love you with all my heart, Mark. I think it's time we took this to the next level," and then softly reaching down and unbuttoning my pants, she reached in and pulled out my manhood, and while softly stroking it, purred, "What do you think, baby...Hmmm?" I reached down and took her hand off of me, making her ask, "What did I...?" I interrupted her by kissing her. When I pulled away she was smiling. Then I took off her shirt, not before I was able to unsnap her bra, all at once. I laid her back on my bed and began kissing her.

Deeper and deeper I kissed my beautiful Andie, making her purr like a kitten. I didn't know what I was doing, but then my human instincts took over. Only after feasting on Andie's beautifully round and full breasts, making her squirm beneath me, I took off her pants and began to take off her panties until she stopped me. I looked at her face to see her smiling and she said, "All in good time, Tiger. I've got something for you first. Now stand up and let me take off your pants before we go any further!"

No sooner had I stood up than she had my pants around my ankles and her lips around my cock. I found myself becoming paralyzed, not being able to move. My beautiful Andie gently laid me back on the bad proceeded to give me the blow-job of the century. It only took mere seconds before I was exploding in her mouth though. However, she lapped up every drop and swallowed all of my sperm, but not before sucking me dry. Then with a smile on her face, she scooted up in the bed until we were face-to-face and kissed me deeply, making me taste myself on her and said, "That was so you wouldn't cum too soon when we make love, baby!"

It didn't bother me in the least. If anything, it only deepened my desire for her. Now I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, how being loved purely and unconditionally truly felt. I kissed my way down the front of her body, only briefly stopping to caress her nipples, which were rock hard by now, and then I plunged, headlong down her stomach to the dark thatch of furry (remember that this was in the seventies) brown hair that lay between her long smooth legs.

Andie moaned as I used my face to gently part her thighs, and once her legs were spread open, her feminine aroma began to permeate the air, making my mouth water and awakening my cock again. She must've seen the question on my face when she reached down and spread her beautiful pussy open, and pointing with her finger to what I now know to be her clit, softly said, "Kiss me right there, baby. I love you so much, Mark!"

I licked and sucked her clit for only a few minutes when, suddenly; her body became as rigid as steel. After grabbing me by the hair and humping her pussy against my face, her orgasm overtook her making her moan and squeal, lasting a good fifteen to twenty seconds. I simply held her against me and kissed her face as she came. When she opened her eyes again, I saw pure and total love radiating from her eyes every time she looked into mine.

"Hi," I whispered.

"Mmmm...hi baby," she cooed, running her hand down the front of my body and grabbing my iron hard cock. Then she looked me in the eyes as she smiled and said, "This is it, baby! I'm giving myself to you!" Then she climbed on top of me and slowly lowered her velvet walled pussy down my eight inches of solid cock and became the only woman I would ever be inside of. I was now the only man who would ever be inside of her also.

As Andie sat astride my cock, she moved her hips in a way that made her breasts dance. I reached up and gently but firmly pulled on her rosy pink nipples with the thumb and fore finger of both hands. The harder I pulled, the more she shuddered until she began to cum again. I watched as wave after wave of pleasure swept across this beautiful angel God had put in my life. Before long, the animal urge in me took over, making me gently roll her on her back placing me between her silky thighs.

Suddenly, she got a delightfully nasty little grin on her face, and reaching her hands down and placing them on the cheeks of my ass, she grabbed hold and said, "This is something we've both been waiting a long time for, baby. Come on, Mark! I want you to fuck me hard," and that is exactly what I proceeded to do. I was glad that I had already cum once and saw the wisdom in Andie's sucking my cock before we fucked. As I slowly pushed and pulled my cock in and out of her pussy, I could feel her body shivering slightly, making her smile. Then whenever I would push my cock back into her, Andie would erotically moan and use her legs and heels to push my ass, wanting my cock deeper inside her.

I started off with slow, gentle strokes until I could hold back no more and began, much to her delight, pounding Andie's little pussy as hard as I could. We were both now being driven by pure animal lust, each trying to get the other to cum. After a time I began to feel the all too familiar tingle that started deep inside my core. And when I could no longer hold back, I cried out as I emptied my balls deep into Andie's molten cunt. The moment my torrent of sperm hit her cervix, she began to cum, sending us both into simultaneous erotic seizures of pleasure, our bodies intertwined together and writhing in orgasm. The last thing I remembered was Andie telling me that she loved me before everything went black.