A Young Man's Fancy

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What a birthday present!
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Finally the day had come - his 18th birthday had arrived and with it his own laptop at last. He seemed to have been waiting for centuries for this day, hamstrung by his parent's refusal to let him loose on the internet alone...until now.

But from today he was free; no more parental control; no-one looking over his shoulder to supervise his browsing and he was ecstatic.

He was Chris, the strapping son of Bill and Sally; all 6 foot 2 inches of him; all 170 pounds of him. He who had another year to go at college; he who had girlfriends coming out of the woodwork it seemed; he who's jeans always seemed to be well filled; he who was a model 'A' pupil and who seemed destined for an excellent future.

But before his 18th, he'd been strictly limited and in retrospect, he could understand why.

When he was about 14 his mum had had a good talk with him about the perils of sex and of the internet and fortunately Chris understood her words and accepted that it made good commonsense to be wary and to stay legal.

But underneath he was almost smirking; he'd already started into the sex thing and already had two girlfriends, both of whom he'd bedded. Well, not actually bedded but had sex with; one preferred the local seedy cinema while the other liked to do it out in the open. And he had a mate who was a bit older and who allowed him to use his smart phone to cruise the internet; not quite the same thing as having your own computer but not bad either. His mate also sold him condoms which he'd struggle to fit over his thick 8 inch long penis.

But now he was as good as free; his parents had bought him a brand new laptop preceded by a course of instructions teaching him how to get the best from it. He'd had a computer to use for documents and spreadsheets for some time but it hadn't been connected to the internet and if he needed to do some researching he had to use his parent's computer in the lounge, but now - freedom! His mother had been the one who'd helped him choose the laptop and who then sat with him as he fired it up for the first time; her eyes bright with emotion as he began to explore.

"Hope it's what you wanted darling," she said quietly, "But don't do anything silly with it."

"I won't Mum, and thank you, thank you so much," said Chris turning to his mother and as he did so he could see her lips were moist.

"You're welcome darling," she said, "Now come on, give me a kiss and I'll leave you to play."

He leaned towards her and their lips met - not as had happened before; a quick smack and away, but instead her lips seemed to hold him and excite him far more than they should.

Ooooh Mum," groaned Chris as he broke their kiss, "Don't...!"

"Why not?" she asked, her eyes twinkling mischievously, "I'm just loving you a bit."

"I know but...," moaned Chris, leaving the rest of his words hanging.

But his mother knew all right; her eyes had caught the movement in his trousers as his penis had responded to her actions and she smiled a wicked smile.

'I wonder', she asked herself, 'I wonder what he's got down there?'

Chris settled himself that evening in his bedroom; his laptop on the bedside table and sprawled on the bed in just his underwear while he wondered where to explore. So much choice! Eventually he just typed "sexy women" and watched as pages and pages of websites were listed. Over to 'images' and there they were; women of all ages and sizes and colour, at least three quarters of them naked and shamelessly displaying their wonderful wares. Chris felt his cock lurch and stiffen and one hand automatically smoothed over his growing bulge, straightening out his lengthening penis as he did so. He intended to have a damn good wank tonight; a real celebration of his freedom and his cock was ready and waiting for some action.

But first he began clicking on some of the images; investigating the associated websites until he found what he was looking for; a site providing video clips of all kinds of pornographic content. Oh God - this was blissful - so many options - so much sex. He opened a video of a couple screwing energetically and found himself sliding his underpants down, releasing his moistening penis from its confines. The thing jerked vigorously as he held it and as he watched the action; his cock wanting to replace that of the actor as it slid effortlessly in and out of the open mouth of the pretty actress and then thrust hard into her naked pussy hole. Chris felt wetness on his penis and felt the slipperiness of his precum as it oozed out and was spread around by his slowly moving fist. He breathed a long sigh of pleasure as he started to get worked up; his hand now moving a little faster.

Steadily he worked at his cock, his hand sliding that bit faster again as the sensations fed back into his brain and his balls. He felt the twinges and spasms coursing through him as his cock surged and thrust through his fist and found himself holding his breath now as a particularly strong shudder jerked through him.

On the screen the actors were now hard at work; the woman lying on her back with her legs in the air while the man continued to drive his lengthy penis in and out of her hairless vagina, causing Chris to work his hand in time with the guy's hips, anticipating the climax. Quickly he noted that there was a little less than four minutes left in the video - so the climax would come in perhaps three minutes time...so he needed to work harder, not that was going to be a problem!

Chris reached to the bedside chair and pulled the towel off the back to spread out beneath his cock before returning to his tasks; that of watching the thrilling climax and that of bringing about his own climax. His hand was flying now; small splashes of precum were sailing through the air and his hips were jerking hard with every heartbeat - very soon nothing would stop the inevitable outcome of his efforts.

On screen the climax was nearing; the guys' hips were almost a blur as he slammed himself into the woman time after time, while on the bed Chris was having trouble keeping his hand steady on his cock, such was his excitement.

And then it was time for the money shot - the climax - the final exertion - the cumshots!

On screen the actors quickly rearranged themselves and as the woman held up her bounteous breasts, so the actor began to wank his cock above them. Chris felt his penis thicken again; felt his fist losing control as his own orgasm arrived.

"Ahhhhhhh!!" he gasped, "Oooooh fuck - yeahhhhh!"

And at that very moment there was the sound of a gentle tapping on his door, which opened a moment later. And there in the doorway was his mother; her mouth open wide as instead of speaking, she just stood there and stared.

Entirely unable to prevent his orgasm, Chris quickly fumbled with the towel in an attempt to hide his actions, but his haste was his undoing; in moving his hand from his cock to the towel he missed and his wrist jerked his cock just as a huge gout of white cum fountained energetically upwards!

"Oh God!" he cried, "No - oh nooooo!"

In an instant everything changed.

Quickly Sally stepped into the room and shut the door behind her; her eyes fixed on the sight of Chris's pulsing penis as it uncontrollably pumped jet after jet of cum onto the bedspread.

Chris could feel his face turning bright red but Sally had other thoughts; thoughts that turned her own face red too! That was some cock she was looking at and that was some eruption and she was captivated!

"Oh Mum, I'm sorry!" moaned Chris, his towel now firmly clamped around and hiding his cock, "I'm so sorry!"

"No darling, it's me who should be sorry," Sally said as she walked across the room, "I should have knocked and waited, shouldn't I?"

She sat on the bed, nearly sitting on one of the splashes of cum and put a hand on her son's hip.

"Don't worry darling, I've seen it all before," she said, "I've seen your dad do it too."

"Really?" asked Chris, his eyes lighting up, "So you're not annoyed or angry?"

"Why should I be?" she replied, "That was quite a sight actually - that was a huge squirt you made, wasn't it; that first one?"

"Was it Mum?" asked Chris, "I wasn't really watching."

"Mmmmm," she hummed, "Made me go all funny inside! And it looked as if you enjoyed it too."

Chris looked away from his Mum and saw all the sprays of cum now slowly soaking into his bedspread and realised that he should be cleaning it all up - but with his Mum sitting there, how could he?

"Um, Mum, I ought to clean this up," he said and Sally just nodded.

"Yes darling, go ahead," she said, "Don't mind me!"

"I'll have to use the towel and then you'll see me," he muttered but Sally's eyes lit up.

"Mmmm, yes I will, won't I?" she said, "Come on then, show me!"

Chris was in two minds; to expose himself or to remain covered but logic took hold. If his mother insisted on sitting there, she'd have to put up with the view, he decided. And with a swift swirl, he pulled the towel from his cock and began to mop up the wasted cum from his bedspread.

His cock, for some reason, was still remarkably hard; it still stood up from his pubic fluff and his belly, his crown still heavily smeared with white cum but instead of being shy about it, Chris now felt remarkably proud and brave. Somehow he even managed to make it jerk slightly, a quick pulse of blood causing his cock to stiffen a little.

Sally found her eyes glued to the sight, her breathing entirely forgotten - until she just had to let her breath out.

"Gosh, he's lovely!" she said, her lips agape as his cock continued to jerk and stiffen, "Does he get any bigger?"

"A little bit I think, Mum," said Chris bravely, "Why?"

"I'm just fascinated," she said, her breasts heaving with emotion, "He's already so much bigger than your dad's - where on earth did he come from?"

Obviously Chris couldn't answer that but instead he found himself pushing hard, attempting to make his cock as big as possible - until Sally stopped him.

And as she told him to 'take it easy' so her hand slid from his hip, slowly descending until her fingers brushed along his length, eventually swirling around his tip and gathering a small oozing of cum onto her fingers.

"Ooooh Mum, don't!" said Chris, his voice all quivery, "You shouldn't!"

Her fingers twirled the sticky cum around, now rubbing it between her fingers and her thumb before she looked into his eyes.

"I know I shouldn't but he looks too good," she said as her fingers came up to her mouth, "Mmmmm, and he tastes as good as he looks!"

"Muuuuuum!" groaned Chris, feeling his penis stiffen even more, "Please don't..."

"Why ever not?" she said, her eyes shining brightly, "It's been a long time since I saw such a fine looking specimen."

Chris hardly knew what to do but his mother did and she put her hand back onto his hip and pushed until he lay back on the bed, his now entirely stiffened penis standing proudly. She reached back and wrapped her hand around his length, feeling the wet stickiness of his cum under her fingers as she began to move them up and down his shaft.

"Ohhhh God, Mum," he groaned, "Ooooooh, that's lovely!"

"Mmmmm, I bet it is!" she replied, her hand moving that little bit faster now, "Do you want me to carry on?"

"Oh God yes Mum, yes!" Chris groaned, "Keep doing that; please."

Then his brain connected for a moment.

"What about Dad? What if he comes in Mum?" he asked, panic sounding in his voice, but Sally shushed him.

"Don't worry - Dad's taken his sleeping tablet," she said, "His back's hurting and he needed some rest - we won't be disturbed."

Her hand continued to move on his cock, sending exciting thrills through his body and wild impulses as well; could he get some additional stimulation?

His hand lifted and rested on his mothers flank just above her hip and she looked down at it, knowing full well that he wanted to touch her.

"Come on then, have a feel," she said, "That's what you want, isn't it?"

Oh God - yes he did and in a second his hand reached the swell of her bosom and cupped her heavy breast, causing Sally to groan softly and to grip his penis that bit harder.

"Yesss darling, squeeze me," she moaned, her body thrusting her breast into his hand, "Feel my nipple, it's all hard."

His hand moved around until the nub of her nipple was between his finger and thumb and he swirled it around eagerly, feeling frantic waves of pleasure reach his penis. It throbbed inside her fist and she responded by rubbing him faster and harder.

"Put you hand up my jumper," Sally said, "Feel me properly."

Quickly Chris moved his hand and after a moment's fumble he found his hand sliding over her smooth warm flesh, sliding upwards until he found the mesh of her bra.

"Ooooh!" moaned Sally, "Yessss, squeeze me, hold me!"

Chris let his hand explore the shape of her full breast and then, taking her approval so far as a green light for further exploration, he moved his hand across her frontage and slid it straight inside her bra and over her other breast.

"Ahhhhh - yessss!" Sally groaned, "Ooooh God, yessss!"

His hand cupped her flesh which now felt even warmer than before and slid down until her hard nipple was at his palm. Sally squirmed above him and let out sighs of pleasure as he caressed her body - then she moved away slightly.

"Undo my bra," she said, "Round behind; there's a clasp."

Chris didn't need telling how to undo a bra; the only difference was that this was his mother but his mind was now overruled by his penis and it was the work of just a moment or two to unhook the clasp.

"Ooooh, that's better!" moaned Sally, "Come on, put your hand back."

He was going to do that alright and moments after her bra had fallen loose his hand was once again at her breast, once again caressing her nipples; tracing the outline of her aureoles; feeling the smooth swell of her generous mounds of pleasure.

"Mum, you feel wonderful," he groaned, hardly knowing where he was, "So sexy...!"

"Mmmm yes sweetheart, I'll be sexy for you darling," Sally replied, her hand now dancing around on his cock, thrilling him with her actions; stirring his second orgasm into action, "Do you want me to make you cum again?"

"Oh God yes," he sighed, "Bloody hell, yes Mum, please!"

With no further words Sally increased her movements, her fist now gripping his pulsating penis tighter; her actions sending increasingly exciting waves of pleasure to his brain, the feedback causing his cock to swell and dribble precum.

"You're getting all wet," said Sally, feeling her own pussy getting wet too, "Are you going to cum soon?"

"Not yet Mum," replied Chris panting, "Don't stop though, it won't be long..."

"Just let it go when you're ready," Sally said, her hand now sliding smoothly in the increasing lubrication, "But tell me when you're going to erupt."

Chris said nothing more; he was beyond words at present; the feelings had overtaken his speech centre leaving him dumbfounded. All he could do was to suck in deep breaths as his fingers explored his mother's breasts and as her fingers explored his penis.

It was all about to become too much for his youthful body...

"Mum..." Chris started, but Sally shushed him.

"You're nearly there, aren't you?" she asked and Chris nodded quickly.

"Thought you were; you've gone even harder," said Sally, "Come on then, cum for me!"

Her hand was working quickly on his cock now and the faint slapping sounds of her fist moving his foreskin up and down could be heard above their quick breathing, but Chris couldn't let her continue for long.

His body stiffened and his hips thrust upwards as his orgasm approached and Sally knew the signs. She squeezed his cock harder and worked her hand up and down faster until, with several quick and deep pants, Chris froze - then erupted!

"Aaaaaaggghhh!" he cried, "Oh God - yeahhhhh! It's cumming!"

A long white stream of spunk squirted high in the air above his body, falling back onto his cock and his mother's hand, coating them both liberally. A second eruption sent another wave of cum up his chest; a third followed and then lesser bubbles of cum oozed out to apply a second coating to Sally's hand and his penis.

"Oh God Mum - that was wonderful," said Chris weakly, "I never expected that!"

"Mmmmm, nor did I," Sally replied, "I only came in to ask if you wanted me to get you up early tomorrow...and this happened."

Chris just lay there while Sally released his penis and brought her hand up to her face. Deeply she inhaled the earthy scent of her son's sperm and then, to Chris's complete amazement, she stuck out her tongue and licked a large dollop of cum from her hand. Swiftly it disappeared into her mouth and moments later she repeated the action, her eyes now glued to his.

"Mmmmmm, that's so tasty," she said, "Lovely and fresh; it's such an exciting taste!"

Chris had never tasted cum and felt his mouth hang open as he watched her clean her hand, then lick her lips with relish. And seconds later he simply had to suck in a huge breath as his mother leaned down and engulfed half of his cock into her mouth!

"Muuuuum, what're you doing?" he managed to exclaim but Sally, with her mouth full, didn't reply.

Instead she applied loads of suction to his cock before lifting her head away, her lips once again smacking together with delight.

His cock jerked wildly, becoming almost entirely erect in seconds and he looked down at it with surprise but he was completely shocked when his Mum ducked her head once more and sucked almost his entire penis into her mouth.

"Aaaaahhh, yesssss!" moaned Chris, "Oh God Mum - that's naughty! You mustn't!"

"Can't help it - you're so tasty," she said, "You taste so clean and young. Oooooh, makes me want more, darling."

"What d'you mean Mum, want more?" asked Chris, feeling his penis harden once again, "You going to do that again."

But his mother had other ideas and she stood up.

"No darling, not more like that," she said, her hands at her waist, "There's somewhere else I'd like to put him."

Seconds later and her skirt fell to the floor. She stepped out of it and bent down, her hands sliding her panties down at the same time. And when she stood up, she was naked from the waist down and Chris hardly knew where to look.

To look at his mother's private parts; her 'forbidden' zone; her pussy - or to pretend he hadn't seen anything! He just didn't know what to do or where to look.

And his dilemma was compounded as his mother lifted her jumper over her head and then dropped her bra from her breasts - suddenly she was entirely naked!

"Muuuuum," he moaned in astonishment, "Muuuuum, you're naked!"

"Well yes," said Sally, a wicked gleam in her eyes, "That's what happens when you take your clothes off. Do you like what you can see?"

"Oh fuck Mum, yessss, definitely!" moaned Chris, his cock jerking wildly, "You look bloody gorgeous Mum."

"Thank you sweetheart," she replied, "Always nice to get a bit of praise at my age. Now, how about you get your underpants off; then I'll come and join you."

Poor Chris could hardly contain himself as his hands pushed his pants down his legs and off his feet before laying back on the bed, his penis once again proudly erect despite two energetic orgasms. The very thought of his mother being naked was enough to provide another strong erection, rather to his surprise. Even his mother looked suitably impressed as she climbed onto the bed and straddled his thighs.

"That looks really lovely darling," she said, her eyes caressing his cock, "I'm so pleased he's managed to stand up again. But then you're so young; I bet you can cum plenty more times, can't you?"

"I've done it five times in a row," Chris managed to say and Sally smiled broadly.

"Thought you'd be able to," she said, "That's what I love about young men."