A Trip to Tokyo Pt. 02

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Chris wants more than McDonald's for dinner.
4.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/04/2019
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Chapter 4

The limousine bus pulled to a stop outside the Shinagawa Prince hotel. As people began to exit, Chris shook Andy's shoulder to wake him up. He had slept almost the entire way from the airport. Chris, on the other hand, hadn't slept at all. She had sat there, staring at her husband, reliving what she had done, wracked with guilt. Chris cried for the last thirty minutes of the ride into the city, realizing how she had betrayed her husband and shattered her wedding vows. As Andy opened his eyes, Chris promised herself that she would never let something like that happen again. She would do everything she could to be a good, loyal wife to her husband.

She prodded her husband and said, "This is us," before standing and making her way to the front of the bus. Nervously, she searched for Hiroshi, but he was nowhere to be seen. He must have gotten off quickly. When she climbed down the stairs and exited the limousine, he was not waiting outside for luggage with the other passengers. She scanned the parking lot, the hotel entrance and around the perimeter, but didn't see him anywhere. It was as if he had vanished, or had only been her imagination.

"Did I fall asleep on the bus and dream the whole thing?" she thought for a brief moment. The tenderness in her labia from having been stretched more than usual, the minor cramping in her womb from the pounding it had taken, and the lingering remnants of Hiroshi's seed leaking from her vagina told her otherwise. It had happened.

She sighed, collected her suitcase and followed Andy inside to check in. The desk clerks at the hotel all spoke perfect English, but with that same patterned accent the Japanese all seemed to have, from pronouncing the English words phonetically.

There was one slight hiccup when it was her turn at the front desk. Chris needed to provide a valid credit card, to cover any incidentals. She tried to use the Chase card, but it was declined. She cast Andy an angry look for not having paid the bill on time. She used their only other credit card, which was accepted. However, the hotel put a small hold on the account, which further stretched its dwindling available balance.

Unexpectedly, the hotel was very western and even more elegant than the Winstar World Casino, which until now was the most sophisticated place they'd ever seen. Their room was on the 12th floor, overlooking the nearby train station, and featured a single king-sized bed, a small table with two chairs, a large wall-mounted television, and a mini-fridge. This was, by far, the fanciest hotel and nicest room they had ever stayed in. Actually, it was the only hotel room they had ever been in, as cheap, roadside motels in East Texas don't really count as hotels.

The most unusual feature was the bathroom. The toilet was in a tiny room, all by itself, which seemed very foreign to the couple. "I might get claustrophobia when I have to take a shit," Andy said, crudely. "I guess I'll have to leave the door open."

"Please don't," Chris replied, rolling her eyes. The toilet had a heated seat and a remote-controlled, warm water bidet built in, which blew both of their minds. They'd never seen anything like it before. Andy decided to try it out right away, and took a long dump, then used the water jets to spray his ass clean, while shouting to Chris about how "badass" it was the entire time.

Next to the water closet, was a glass-enclosed room that contained the ultra-modern Japanese-style bath. It wasn't just merely a tub, like in most bathrooms they'd ever seen. This was a literal bathing room. It was tiled in black marble from floor to ceiling, with a drain in the floor, two showers on one side and a big, deep rectangular tub on the other. The shower heads were large, round and disk-like, giving off a dense cascade of rain-like droplets. A long hose, connected to each of the showerheads, led to hand-held sprayers with built-in brushes.

The tub was incredible, with numerous jacuzzi jets. It was deep enough for you to sit upright and have water up to your neck. Chris couldn't wait to try it out.

Instead, she decided to unpack their bags, putting most of their clothes into the dresser and hanging her dresses and Andy's one good shirt in the closet. That's when she found the traditional Japanese robes hanging inside for their use. "Oh, look!" Chris declared when she saw them, "Kimonos!"

One was pink and covered with cherry blossoms. The other was solid gray. She assumed there was one for each of them. An attached placard explained that the robes were for use while at the hotel and not to take it home. If you wanted one, you had to buy it in the hotel gift shop. If the robes turned up missing, they would charge the credit card $150 each.

"Oh, this says they're not kimonos," Chris said as she put on the pink one, over her clothes. "They're called yukatas and whatever you do, don't steal them."

They were both dead tired after the grueling flight, but they hadn't eaten since the plane, and that was several hours ago. The hotel room had been pre-paid and included coupons for three meals daily at the hotel's restaurants.

"I'm starving," Chris said as she sat on the bed, looking at a book that explained what kind of food each of the hotel's numerous restaurants served. It had other helpful information about the hotel, the Shinagawa area and Tokyo in general. "Let's go downstairs and get some food. This hotel has so many interesting places to eat."

As she continued to peruse the book, she heard Andy open the mini-fridge.

"Oh, cool, Jap beer," Andy said. Before Chris could reply, she heard the telltale sound of Andy cracking open the can of beer.

"Those aren't included, Andy!" Chris exclaimed.

Andy froze with the open beer against his lips, "They're not? Well, it's just a beer, how much could it cost?"

Chris jumped up and found the menu for the mini-fridge and small snack pantry. "What kind of beer is that? Domestic or International?"

Andy looked at the label and read it out loud: "A Sahi Super Dry," he said. "International."

"No, Andy," Chris corrected him, "We're in Japan. That's domestic."

She scanned the refrigerator menu until she found the entry for a can of Asahi Super Dry. "That's one thousand, two-hundred yen," she said, reading from the card. "That's like... Holy shit! Andy! That freaking beer cost over twelve dollars!"

"Twelve bucks for a can of beer?" Andy shouted, "Are they fucking crazy?" He sniffed it, then took a long swallow.

"It's good, but it ain't worth no twelve bucks. I'd rather have a Bud anyway. They got anything other than this crap chink beer?" He looked inside the mini-fridge again. "Oh, they got Bud! Hell, I'll just have that. How much is Bud? It has to be cheap."

Chris checked the menu. "Holy Shit! International Beers, including Bud, are fifteen hundred yen!"

"How much is that in real money?" he asked.

"Andy! It's all real money," Chris replied, giving him a dirty look.

"Yeah, ok, well, what's that in American?"

"That's like sixteen bucks," Chris explained.

"For Bud? Fuck it. Chink beer it is, then."

"Andy!" she shouted, looking at him in disgust.


"Stop with the racial slurs, already? We're not at home here; we're in their country. And chink refers to Chinese people, not Japanese, anyway."

"So, it's ok if I said Jap beer, instead?" he asked sarcastically.

"No! Just call it beer. You don't need to make a point of insulting a race of people over it."

"Yeah, whatever," he said as he chugged half of the can.

She shook her head and went back to looking at the hotel guide book. "The hotel has a few fancy-looking restaurants. I'm not sure you would like any of them. There's also like a food court, with like a spaghetti restaurant, a few that I don't know what they are, a McDonald's, a bar of some kind..."

"McDonald's it is," he cut her off, without needing to hear the rest of the list.

"McDonald's??? I didn't fly halfway around the world to eat McDonald's. I want to try new things, Andy. Why don't we go down and look around? Some of these places look interesting."

"You go," he said, hopping on the bed with what was left of the beer. Just bring me back a Big Mac, fries and a Dr. Pepper."

"Seriously? You're not coming with me?"

"Naa, I've heard enough gook-talk for one day," he said as he stripped down to his boxers.

"Dammit Andy, will you try to not talk like that?" she scolded him again. "It is really bothering me."

"What the fuck has gotten into you? You never gave a shit what I said before?"

"It's different, now. We're visitors in their country. We should try to be tolerant."

"Yeah, fuck that. So, don't be too long on bringing me back my dinner. I'm kind of hungry."

Chris stared at him for a few seconds, wanting to yell, but knew it wouldn't do any good. She let out a sigh, then resigned herself to go on down and look around by herself. She grabbed her purse and one of the room keys and turned to walk out.

"Hey Chris, hold up," he called to her. "I changed my mind. She stuck her head back around the corner, smiling hopefully. Andy had his boxers off and was stroking his flaccid cock.

"I want you to give me a blowjob before you go."

She stood still watching him pulling on his dick as it started getting hard. The last thing she felt like doing just then was to suck his dick. However, as his erection bloomed, she remembered the lavatory on the bus and what she had done with a total stranger. Guilt washed over as she felt a little hungry itch between her legs at the memory of Hiroshi's cock pumping inside her.

She realized she owed Andy at least a blowjob. She smiled, dropped her stuff on the table and crawled onto the bed between her husband's outstretched legs. She slapped his hands out of the way and started jerking it for him. It was at its fully rigid state and as big as it would get. She'd always assumed Andy's dick was big, but she remembered the way Hiroshi's felt in her hand. Hiroshi's was bigger around and had filled her hand more. And, yes, it was at least an inch longer.

"How big is your dick, Andy?" she asked him, with her face near his balls.

"I don't know. Big enough," Andy told Chris, watching her work. "Like eight inches or so. I haven't ever measured it."

She knew there was no way it was eight inches. She was just curious. It wasn't like it really mattered. She estimated it to be maybe six inches, which meant Hiroshi must have been about seven.

"Bigger than any Jap," he caught himself making the racial slur and corrected it, "-anese dude, that's for sure."

She was just putting her mouth around the head when he spoke. She coughed, choking on her spit.

"See, you can't even suck it without gagging," he said proudly. "Suck my big American dick."

She did it, but she wasn't enjoying it. She rarely did. She usually only did it because Andy insisted on it. She'd heard stories of some women who loved sucking cock, but she never understood how that was possible. A few seconds of intense oral attention and Chris was surprised at how turned on she was getting. Maybe it was because she was thinking about Hiroshi the entire time she sucked on Andy's dick. Suddenly, Andry grabbed her head, forcing her mouth down his shaft and started cumming.

Chris tried to pull away, but Andy held her in place as he shot his sperm into her mouth. She had two choices, choke or swallow. She chose to swallow. When Andy finished, he let her go. Chris jumped up and grabbed the beer can, hoping to wash the taste out of her mouth, but Andy had emptied it.

"Hurry up and get my dinner," he said with a smirk, "You just had yours."

Chris went to the bathroom to rinse her mouth. When she came back in, she saw the open book showing pictures of some of the local restaurants. She remembered Andy's insistence on having a burger and fries.

Andy's choices of food were a lot like his way of having sex: simple, direct and always the same. He was a meat and potatoes kind of guy. For once, Chris wanted something different. She chuckled at the thought, realizing that today she already had tried something different. She immediately felt guilty again.

"So, come with me, honey," Chris begged, "I don't want to walk around Tokyo alone. Let's go try one of the restaurants. Be a little daring. We're in Japan. Can we please try something new for a change."

"We have two weeks," Andy replied. "We have plenty of time to try whatever you want. I already got my mind set on a Big Mac. Hurry up, that blowjob made me hungry."

Chris gave up and left, slamming the door a bit too hard. She took the elevator to the lobby and explored the hotel checking out each of the hotel's main restaurants. They had their menus on display in both Japanese and English. She was surprised at how expensive the food was. Their coupons would only cover a few of the dinners on the menu. They would go broke making up the difference in prices. McDonald's was sounding a little better by the minute.

She walked outside, and the air was much cooler than earlier, now that the sun was sinking toward sunset. She saw a few signs pointing to the food court area, called Wing Takanawa. It was like a two-story mini-mall filled with 10 or more different, tiny restaurants. There was a wide range of options, and the prices were more reasonable than in the hotel. The coupons worked here, too, but even so, they would need to be conservative to avoid spending all their own money food.

She found one little restaurant that looked intriguing. It was a Japanese place that served a variety of deep-fried items. The restaurant had a glass case just outs most interesting thing was that just outside the entrance, realistic plastic models of the food served filled a glass display case. Each dish had its name in both Japanese and English, with the price. To her pleasant surprise, it appeared to all be deep fried pork and chicken. It all looked super crispy, and the smell was making her mouth water. Best of all, the price was very reasonable, and their coupons would cover everything, including enough for both of them to have a beer.

Chris wished she had a cell phone with her so she could call Andy, but she knew it wouldn't make any difference anyway. His mind was made up, and she knew Andy. He was as stubborn as the day was long and would refuse to give in just on principle. With a sigh, she went to McDonald's.

The girl at the counter looked incredibly cute in her sexy little uniform, as she greeted Chris in Japanese and asked for her order. Chris didn't know what to do until the girl pointed at a laminated visual menu that covered the countertop.

Chris perused it slowly, feeling awkward that she was holding up the line. All the Japanese writing was throwing off her concentration and making the English text disappear. Finally, she recognized the picture of a Big Mac and tapped at it. As she did, she noticed and read the English title: Big Mac Set.

"I'll have the Big Mac Set," Chris said slowly. The girl acknowledged her choice. "Hai. Bigu Maku Seto." She then blasted out several Japanese words which caused Chris to freeze again.

"Uhhh?" Chris said, staring at open-mouthed.

"Durinku wa?" the girl asked more slowly.

"Oh, drink?", Chris asked, recognizing the phonetically pronounced word. The girl smiled, shaking her head.

"Do you have Dr. Pepper?" Chris asked.

She got a blank stare in response. Then the girl pointed to the visual menu and indicated the logos for the beverages they had. "Wichu durinku do you wanto?"

"Doctor Pepper?" Chris asked slowly.

The girl frowned, then replied, "Only these," as she again gestured to the drinks on the menu.

"Oh Coke, please."

"Kora? Hai. Dochira no saizu, sorry, whichu saizu? Bigu or Chisai, eh, sumaru, bigu or sumaru?" She held her hands wide apart when she said "bigu" and close together when she said "sumaru."

"Oh, big, please," Chris answered, grinning and holding her hands wide apart.

The girl laughed and told Chris how much it was going to cost. Chris handed her one of the meal coupons. The girl stared at it like it had come from Mars or something. "Shoshio machi kudasai," (just a minute, please) she said and stepped away from the counter.

Chris waited for several minutes until the girl returned with someone whom Chris assumed must have been the manager. It was a middle-aged woman in a more formal uniform. They held a rapid conversation and then the manager said "Ok, no problem," and walked away.

A couple of minutes later, with a bag of McDonald's food and Coke in hand, Chis headed back to the hotel. She felt a combination of triumph and disappointment: triumph at having successfully ordered food by herself and disappointment that Andy would not come with her and wanted to eat McDonald's. When she opened the hotel room door, she was immediately met with the distinctive sound of sex.

"What the fuck?" she thought as she burst into the room.

Andy was laying on the bed jerking his dick again. There was porn video playing on the TV.

"What are you doing?" she asked in shock, almost dropping his food.

"Oh, look what I found on the TV," he said, releasing his dick to take the food from Chris. He tore into the bag, then took a big sip of the soda.

"Eww, that's not Dr. Pepper," he snarled. "What the fuck, Chris? I told you to get me a Dr. Pepper. I fucking hate Coke."

"They don't have Dr. Pepper," she explained. She was staring at the TV. A couple was having sex, but their genitals were blurred out. You couldn't really see any penetration.

"What kind of fucked up place is this?" Andy asked angrily. "They have porn on the TV but blur out the good parts, and they don't have Dr. Pepper in McDonald's."

"Uh, can you turn this off?" Chris asked, feeling slightly awkward. However, she kept looking at the screen. At one point, the man pulled out and jerked off all over the girls face. She got a good look at his cock, and it was smaller than Andy's and much smaller than Hiroshi's. She wondered why they would use a guy with such a small cock in porn. Maybe Andy was right about the average size of Japanese cocks. If so, did that mean Hiroshi was abnormally large?

"See! I told you they all have little dicks! I'd be a super-stud here," Andy bragged as he bit into the Big Mac. "Mmmm, well at least the Big Mac tastes exactly the same."

Chris grabbed the remote control and changed the channel. As she flipped through, all of the channels were Japanese. She finally came across one in English showing re-runs of old American TV shows. Oddly, she cycled all the way through the channels and never came back to the sex scene. She looked more closely at the remote control.

"How did you find the porn video?" she asked, her brows wrinkled up again.

"I don't know, I hit some button on the remote. It was on a menu that came up."

She pointed at a button, "You mean this button?"

"Yeah," he said eating a mouthful of french fries.

"Andy!" she yelled, "You did it again! That costs money! Can you stop wasting all of our money on stupid shit like sixteen dollar beer and blurry fucking porn!"

"Sorry!" he said, "I didn't realize it would cost money."

Chris shook her head and had about all of Andy she could take for a while. "Look," she said as she decided to do what she wanted, instead of what Andy wanted her to do. "I'm hungry, and I found this cute little restaurant downstairs. I was hoping you would join me, but I'm going to go eat there. I may go exploring after, there's a lot of stuff to see around here."

"Ok, I'll stay here," Andy replied, completely non-plussed. "I'm probably going to turn in early. I'm worn out." He picked up the remote and started flipping through the channels looking for the American television show.

She was hurt by his indifference. "You really don't care what I do, do you?" she asked.