A Slave to the Servants Ch. 24-2


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I thought of Vesa and her poor, stupid friends. The men knew some sort of punishment awaited such foolish slaves. They would never be told what it was, though. The General had assured them they would never know.

"Could we help them?" I asked softly.

"We are," Damien informed me, "they are being saved the wrath of five Warriors that have been wronged. Whatever they suffer now will be less because we are not there."

It was done and settled. Even I felt at ease with the decision, I would not be to blame for any suffering Vesa faced. Admittedly, she did deserve some form of punishment.

Vesa and her friends had attacked me outright. While they probably didn't mean to leave lasting scars, none of them expected me to truly fight back. Those foolish girls probably thought they could just scare the secret out of me.

"Our littlest member is a true Warrior!" Kein said raising fist and pumping the air several times.

The other Brothers followed suit in what was a celebration of strength.

"Four against one and beneath the surface of the water," Evan said proudly, "you used what we taught you well and adapted it to a new circumstance."

That had been wonderful. It was decided next time we train we'd use sloping terrain or maybe two against one. There were things that would be fun to teach me, especially since I'd proved an adept student.

"You need to know how to defend your back against attack," Christof said. "Foes do not always come at you from the front, as you learned."

The rest of the evening was interesting in a strange way. After dinner we sat around the fire and discussed battle strategy. It would be a lie to say I understood all of it on my own, but drawing on their knowledge it did make more sense. We sat and talked until bed.

My rib still hurt when we laid down to sleep, but Kein had a pack of something cool he laid over it. That helped some. He even arranged it so it lay draped over that side as I rested. I slept easier and breathed better when it was present.

It was an uncomfortable night. It wasn't until the moon set in the morning that I'd finally gotten fully asleep. I felt Evan wake up, but even that was not enough to truly cause me to stir. I just watched from a dream as the men woke and stretched.

The Healers were at our door before the sun started to break the sky. Evan had not woken me, yet. The Healer's loud voices did, though.

"How did you know?" they kept asking Damien as they bustled into the bedroom.

Kein lit several of the lamps as I roused myself from slumber. I winced and tried to sit up, but Bane knelt on the bed and pushed me back down. He settled beside me and leaned on the post in the center

"They have news," he said softly looking down, "be comfortable while they tell it."

The Healers could be wordy, I suddenly knew. They loved to talk and rarely got to the point quickly. Usually they were faster around Damien's family, probably out of fear, but today they looked like they wanted to revel in the telling.

Evan sat on the end of the bed near my feet. He stroked the foot lovingly, pulling the blanket back and fondling my toes. I had such tiny toes, he'd always thought they were cute. He was completely uninterested in the Healers.

In fact none of the men were interested in the Healers. They put on stoic faces that would not offend our company. Internally their conversation was about what we needed to do today. Their disinterest made it hard for me to pay attention.

Bane was right, though. These strange men wanted to draw this out. The Healers asked about me and my prior healing. They wanted to know how I'd reacted to healing cream, the cream for pain, and calming cream. Damien answered all of that politely. Lastly, they asked about the priorpregnancyand how the baby came from my body, but Damien wouldn't budge on that.

"I will only speak with Nu-reeh's permission," he told them stoically.

Damien's refusal to elaborate stymied them for only a moment, before they were back to talking.

"The fix for the broken bone," the lead Brother stated triumphantly, "will not hurt a growing child."

One of the men held up a small device. It had been the one Damien refused to let them use on me the day before.

Damien tried to look as calm as he could, but he could barely stand the irritation these men caused him. Just use it and leave, was his opinion. The sensation was so strong I nearly said it myself.

"The healing cream is not dangerous and can be used as you wish. We believe you all are acquainted with this already," the lead Healer announced.

Yes, that was a good thing. I'd not thought to question it when they used it during the last pregnancy. For a moment I felt very lucky Hannah had not been harmed.

"The heavy ointment that removes pain," the Healer said slowly, "may cause the slave to lose the child."

Now Damien was surprised and looked questioningly over at me. He'd been sorely tempted to put some on my chest as I moaned in my sleep last night. Christof warned him I knew more aboutpregnancythan they did, though. Best not to tempt ill luck, he'd said, and he'd been correct.

"So," the lead Healer said, "how did you know?"

Human intelligence was not respected. Damien knew these Healers thought of me as little more than a messy toy, but he told them the truth.

"Ciara, the female, suspected these things could hurt the growing life," he said simply.

The Healers scoffed and ruffled their brows. Certainly Christof, or perhaps Evan, had given me the idea.

"Humans," Evan said in a conspiratorial tone, "are quite bright. They are protective of their own young even, amazing quality. It is as though this," he said pointing to me, "is a sentient being."

He was being an asshole and grinned at the Healers maliciously. The idiots had no idea the depth of intelligence a human could possess. Damien's family would educate them, but they didn't seem receptive. Now we just wanted them to get on with their job and leave.

The Healers missed the sarcasm entirely. They just asked Bane to move me onto a floating table. They would heal me, although none of them understood how I'd known the other things could harm my baby. Evan's explanation was evidently not satisfactory.

Once I was in position the thing was pressed into my tender chest wall. It seemed to be emitting a series of waves. My rib felt sharp pain for a moment and then it began to dull. The pain got much better, but did not go away completely.

After withdrawing the strange probe the Healers coated the area with the healing cream. The bruising lightened and breathing became much easier. Relaxing onto the floating table I felt as though I could fall to sleep right there.

The Healers were quite proud of themselves. Once they had thought about birth defects, they had thought about other chemicals, like food. They had taken the initiative to start to study the food I ate to ensure nothing was harmful. A list of acceptable food was given to Damien. He looked it over and thanked them politely as he guided them out the door.

We set off for the mountains in the early morning. Since my child was a girl Nu-reeh wanted us there quickly. I still had much to learn, obviously, and she believed it was safer. After the day before I couldn't help but agree.

I was a little surprised by how long the trip was. I'd travelled to the edge of the mountains many times before. The only time I'd travelled deep into them had been in Nu-reeh's arms. I couldn't even fathom if this trip was longer or shorter than that had been. I'd been terrified and freezing the whole time. Today, the ride seemed to take forever.

I thought about names as we rode. A strong female name was what I needed. Nu-reeh obviously didn't care if the name was from Earth, which was good. I had no idea how females were named here.

"How did you name me?" I asked suddenly.

My name was feminine and pretty. I wondered how they'd come up with it.

"My Brothers," Christof said, "had wanted a slave for a long time. I had always been against this, as you know. Still, when we heard sounds we always picked out the ones we liked and remembered them.

Eventually, my Brothers decided on the sound they enjoyed most. Your name is that sound. It brought them pleasure and peace. When they saw you, they knew you would wear the name proudly."

I smiled fondly at them. That was a good way to pick a name, but not the way I would have done it. Still it was better than the way my Mom had picked my name on Earth.

Our conversation was interrupted as shadows fell over the transport. Dinah swooped to our right and Tosu to our left. They said nothing, but flew slightly in front of us as guides.

We began to pass into the mountains with our entourage. Much like the first time the scenery fascinated me. I imagined Hannah and all she had seen; it must be amazing to be free.

"It was, wasn't it?" Christof asked reaching out and taking my hand.

I had not meant to depress everyone, but I had. Being free had been wonderful for all of us. Although it had only been an illusion for the men; they still missed the feeling. Christof had been right all along, free things should be left free.

We flew to the mountain Nu-reeh called home, but were forced to land in an unfamiliar area. The women led us into a short cave system with no other men present. They told us we would stay here until they moved us. To reinforce that, Dinah took our transport when she left.

The cave we were in was chilly. It was just a single long run with one opening out of the mountain. We walked to the back of the cave and found water seeping down the wall. A pan sat there, as did a rag. A couple dirty, wooden cups littered the ground. I was very confused.

"Welcome to the shower and our drinking water," Evan said with flourish.

Damien found an indent in the rock and pointed out several thin blankets. "Ah, the sleeping chamber," he said sharply.

The men were livid.

"This is acceptable for us," Christof ranted walking back toward the gapping mouth of the cave. "Ciara cannot live this way. She will become ill."

I didn't understand, but Christof's memories told me what this was. If the women wanted to take and keep a man, but not reveal the world's secrets, they'd store him somewhere like this. The man would be unable to scale down the rock wall and was essentially trapped. It was an isolated lonely existence until the women released them.

"It is also used for punishment," Damien said wearily looking around for something to burn. "Nu-reeh told us she was angry that we disobeyed her the first time we bred you."

They'd used the plug, because I'd begged to be fuller. It had been a disaster in the end, but they'd done it to make me happy. Nu-reeh had instructed them to only use my vaginal area for sex during that time.

The men wanted to be upset and angry, but that would be a wasted emotion.

"She will not allow Ciara to be harmed," Bane soothed his Brothers. "We will merely be uncomfortable until she is satisfied."

We took the time to inspect the cave thoroughly. A hole in the back was for waste, we'd already found the water we could drink or use to wash with. The blankets would provide minimal bedding on the hard, cold floor.

"Guess this is why she told us not to insert Ciara's plug," Evan said staring at the bleak interior.

Not like any of us would be thinking about sex while we were here. This place was going to be uncomfortable and trying. Nu-reeh would make sure of our discomfort.

I felt guilty, my face was chilly, but not the rest of me. Evan had bundled me in my long blue dress and, not one, but three brown outer layers. I'd been dressed very warmly for this excursion.

"She instructed us to," Damien said patting my shoulder.

The men had me dressed in so many layers I'd be warm even at night. They had not understood the directive at first, now it made more sense.

We walked to the opening of the cave and found there was a sizable width before the drop off. It would be a near impossible feat to climb safely down, though. The men inspected the length of the shelf, counting their steps. It was perhaps a fifteen hundred steps each way. They found a pile of large rocks at one end.

I remembered my time in Nu-reeh's care and knew what the rocks were for. Christof had done a similar chore when he was first brought to the mountains.

"They aren't for Ciara, I'm sure," Evan said. "I am quite certain we will have a chore every day, Brothers."

Moving the rocks was boring, repetitive work. The men hated the sorting room, this would be so much worse. At least with the sorting room there was a point to the moving of the ore.

The sun was low but there was still some daylight left. The men took that as a sign they should start.

The rocks were obviously not intended for me. I just paced with the men and attempted to entertain them. I sang and told stories, anything to make the work more bearable.

I tried to enjoy the beautiful mountains, but that only went so far. The wind was cold and the men felt the chill even through their jackets. It got worse as the sun dipped lower in the sky. The mountains were not a place they enjoyed.

I wasn't silent until the huge shadow passed overhead. Nu-reeh dropped in front of us and we all stared at her. She dropped a small, wrapped container on the ground and glared at us.

"Do you know why you are here?" she asked.

"We disobeyed, Mistress," we said as a group.

She explained to us our faults in detail. The men had used the plug when she had told them not to. I had gotten in a fight and then allowed myself to be injured. We had all refused healing when it was initially offered.

"You had no right to make any of those choices," she explained cooly. "You are mine. The breeder is mine. I want the vessel protected even at the expense of a life of one of my own. She will make many more for me, as long as she is healthy. You did not pay enough attention to her safety. In addition, never refuse the Healers and treat her as I wish, do you understand me?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"This is for the slave only," she said pointing to the small lump on the ground.

With that said she was gone.

I was shocked and appalled. If I was injured she would sacrifice the child to keep me healthy. I would just make another one. It was a numbers game for her and it was truly sickening.

"Enough with this thought," Christof scolded pushing me toward our cave, he felt the despondence creeping into me.

Night was falling fast. We didn't want to be standing on a mountain ledge in the dark. Evan stooped and picked up the small package Nu-reeh had dropped. It smelled familiar.

The curse words were in my head. She was feeding me and only me. The men could tolerate that, it would just be uncomfortable. Nu-reeh had doubled the punishment by feeding me meat soaked in tami. The smell would make the men crazy and she knew it.

"We'll split it," I offered hopefully.

I'd feel awful being the only one to eat.

That idea was met with fury. Nu-reeh would just devise worse punishment if they did something like that. I'd eat and they would suffer. That is how it had to be for now.

None of us voiced it, but we all hoped, one day we would be free to make our own choices.

The men did not mind going hungry, they'd done it before. In the past they'd not been subjected to smelling tami all night, though. We settled just outside the cave and Evan opened Nu-reeh's package. I would eat out here, so the whole cave wouldn't smell.

Leaning against the wall Bane thought of whole new realms of curse words to describe Nu-reeh. The meat appeared to have been cooked just the way they liked it. She was being particularly malicious in this punishment.

I tried to eat quickly, but Damien scolded me. If I didn't chew I was likely to get a stomachache, that was common knowledge. I slowed down, but ate as quickly as I could.

"Strange," Evan said looking out over the mountains, "Ciara does not taste the tami the same way we do."

As I ate dinner the men discussed my human differences. They suppressed their hunger by distracting themselves. We sat outside until I'd finished and left the fragrant container many steps from the cave's entrance.

"A bit of this, too," Kein said pulling a package out of the pouch at Christof's back.

As we walked into our cave Kein handed me a bit of the dried root that treated vomiting. Christof had thought to bring it in case we couldn't get it in the mountains quickly. Lucky for us, he'd tucked it into the pouch at his waist. There was enough in there to last several days.

After we all took a drink from the back of the cave, we sat and talked a while more. The stars were coming out, so we sat and watched them until Damien declared bed time. Evan took the first shift on watch and sent the rest of us to sleep.

Stretched out on the stone floor I had to laugh to myself. I'd never slept on the floor on Earth, but it was almost becoming a habit here. I almost missed the uncomfortable chair on Mom's front porch.

The men were not at all bothered by our circumstances. They trained in much rougher conditions than this. Being in a cave, sheltered from the elements, would have been a luxury during their younger years.

"Still," Bane warned laying on one side of me as Damien laid on the other, "the mountains are a dangerous place. We will not sleep deeply here, Ciara. You must not either. Be prepared, little Sister, you must be ready," he warned.

Damien found Bane's concern unnecessary.

"We will protect her, Brother. Let her sleep if she can," he encouraged patting my hand.

Damien had no doubt of their ability to defend me. Neither did Bane and he was frustrated by Damien's refusal to understand. He propped on his elbow and looked at his lead Brother sternly.

"She is part of the family," he said with emphasis. "This is how the family handles this situation."

Damien's personal thoughts on the matter were fluid. If Bane wanted me to integrate into this part of their life, he had no qualms with it. Damien shrugged and Bane lay back down relaxed. We were a family and this is how the family slept when we were in possible danger, withone eye open, so to speak.

It was the middle of the night when I was startled fully awake. I'd been sleeping lightly, following the pull of the Brothers. Now Christof was rising to take his turn at watch. He looked over at me and motioned me back down. I should rest, this was just his turn.

My eyes were wide open, though. I rose and stretched.

"I'll just sit with you for a moment," I smiled quietly. "For some reason I'm too restless to sleep."

The men relented. I was awake and not at all sleepy. It shouldn't harm me to sit up for a moment. I felt the other four fade into light slumber as Christof and I walked toward the cave opening.

I'd experienced them take watch in the dreams. It was always the same. They took in the surrounding area and then settled on a place where they could monitor their Brothers' safety most effectively.

Christof and I communicated silently. He remembered nights they'd actually been attacked by things in the night. There were things to look for, telltale noises that would indicate something creeping up on us. It wasn't hard to do if you had experience and Damien's family had lots of experience.

We sat and enjoyed each other's company until his turn ended. Kein met us as we walked back to the thin sleeping pallets. He bid us a good rest and patted his Brother on the shoulder. The closeness reassured all of us. At the very least we were left together for this.

Nu-reeh fed us in the morning, all of us. The men moved stones and I tagged along for the rest of the day. She fed me twice more, but not them. The men ate once a day.