A Simple Twist of Fate

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Brother gets fucked by unknowing sister.
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[Author's Notes]

I took me several months to write and rewrite this story. I must say that for every story I post, I have another dozen half written. Finishing a story is always the hardest part.

At one point I lost most of this story do to disk failure and my most recent backup copy only had the beginning part. I rewrote it and the story changed quite a bit.

I usually start a story with a simple plot outlined in my head. But once the writing starts, I'm always surprised where it takes me. The plot changes as I type it and sometimes not for the better. I often have to rewrite parts of a story to make them all fit.

Don't get me wrong, I love writing these stories. Sometimes making up an erotic story is much more exciting than reading one. I suspect that's true for most of the authors of adult material.

------ The Story -------------------

[A simple twist of fate]

Joshua groggily got off the airplane, stretching his aching legs. A fourteen hour flight can do that to ya, he thought to himself. He wearily moved with the crowd towards customs and two hours later hopped on a bus that would take him back to small town USA where he was born and raised.

Joshua had mixed feelings about his imminent return home. Four years in the infantry had changed him quite a bit. He was no longer the pigeon-chested wimp that had left for the Army right out of High School. He knew he could easily take any of the bullies that had routinely taunted him for years, so he wasn't afraid of any confrontation. Even though he wasn't looking for it.

He also knew he hated his parents and probably his whole family. His father, Joshua had come to understand, was more closed off emotionally than anyone he had ever known. His mother had died from cancer when he was ten years old and his father remarried two years later. Although it just made his father retreat into himself even more.

Joshua didn't mind that he remarried, but his step mother was from a rich family and always thought of herself as better than, well, anyone else.

The new step mother had two sons and a daughter. He remembered moving into their colonial home on the good side of town. He was in awe of the house and furniture and couldn't believe that he was going to live there. His new mother told her boys, Chris and Jake, to show him to his room.

Chris led the way, he being the oldest at sixteen with his younger brother, Jake following the two of them. Jake was fourteen. Chris pointed out the different rooms. He proclaimed loudly, "And this is my room. Take a good look now, cause you will never come in here again. Understand?"

Joshua knew right then and there that he was not entirely welcome. Jake pointed across the hall and declared, "That's my room. Stay the fuck out of there too!"

Joshua quickly took in the rooms, with there king sized beds, matching furniture and writing desks, perfectly arranged in front of large sunny windows overlooking the vast lawn and gardens. Each room had it's own elegant bathroom attached. His heart quickened and he decided that this luxury was worth putting up with these boys.

He was quickly escorted down the hall to the opposite end of the old colonial house. Then up a narrow staircase that took three turns before coming to a small landing with two doors on the right and a narrow hallway with a door on the end to the left. This section of the house was not elegant at all.

Chris pushed open one of the doors on the right to expose a dreary room with a small dingy window that overlooked the rear driveway and trash bins. He saw that his boxes of stuff were piled near the door. Jake told him, laughingly, "Your bathroom is down the hall. This used to be the house nigger's room, but we think you'll be right at home here." They both laughed at the expression on his face.

Joshua held his hands up in mock resignation and tried to reason with them. He said, "Look, I know you guys didn't ask for me to move in here, but I didn't ask for it either. Can't we at least try to get along?"

Jake laughed harder now, "Okay, okay, lets help you unpack and see what kind of person you are." With that comment they each grabbed a box of Joshua's things and dumped them on the floor. They ridiculed his stuff as crap and stole the few things they liked. They went through all of his boxes and by the time they left his hatred for them was cemented.

The bus stopped at the Greyhound bus station on the corner of fourth and Ivy and Joshua snapped out of his reverie. He felt a wave of nausea as he stepped off the bus and surveyed his home town in the fading evening light. It had been four long years and he was surprised how being home affected him. He collected his duffel bag and then secured it in a locker in the bus station. He decided he needed a drink to settle his nerves.

Five blocks away, he just finished his first beer when his old buddy, Jenson, came in from the cold. His name was Scott Jenson, but everyone just called him Jenson.

Soon Jenson was filling him in on all the changes in the town. They carefully avoided Joshua's family, but eventually Jenson told him that Chris was now running the business that used to be Joshua's father's. Jake was still in college, but had gotten Samantha Jacoby pregnant last summer and had to marry her.

Then Jenson said, "Oh, and your sister is dating Dave Borden." Joshua gasped at the thought. Dave Borden was the biggest prick he had ever met. And to think of him with his step sister, Traci, was just too much.

Traci was two years younger than Joshua. He remembered how beautiful she had turned out to be. In fact, one day while Joshua mowed the lawn he almost ran over a bed of flowers as he stared as Traci sunbathing by the pool.

Chris had noticed the incident and decided to teach him a lesson. He dragged Joshua over by Traci and told him to get a good look. Then he stepped behind him as Joshua turned red with embarrassment. Joshua tried to apologize to Traci, but Chris grabbed his shorts and yanked them with his underwear to his ankles.

As he struggled to get his shorts up he fell to the ground and heard Traci laugh at him while Chris kicked him into the pool. Joshua had never been able to look her in the eyes again. After that day Traci joined her brothers in the sport of ridiculing Joshua at every opportunity. Her favorite nickname for him became dickless.

Finally Jenson and Joshua decided to go by the High School for old times sake. It was cold and had started raining. Jenson was proud of his car. He had completely rebuilt the engine and proudly raced down the highway. The beer, rain and cold made a deadly combination. Joshua tightened his seatbelt right before the curve where they met an oncoming vehicle head on.

Three days later Joshua woke up in pain. It was as if every joint in his body ached. There was a nurse over him saying something. He looked across the room and saw someone in a hospital bed that looked like a mummy from the chest up. Their beds were at right angles and he could see the blue sky out the edge of the window next to the mummy guy.

Two days later he had awaken numerous times and by piecing together everything he heard and seen, he now believed his jaw and cheek were broken, as well as several ribs and both arms in multiple places. His buddy, Jenson was dead at the scene of the crash. The guy in the other bed in his hospital room was driving the car that hit them. He had very similar injuries as Joshua and his name was Dave Borden.

The shock of it all was too much for Joshua. He tried to speak, but was unable to do anything but make the same grunting noises he heard from his new room mate. Both arms were in casts. In fact, he was in a half body cast from his chest up. He could hear everything being said to him, but had no way of communicating back.

It wasn't until his sister and Chris came to visit Dave that he realized that nobody knew who he was. Halfway through their visit, two doctors came to his bedside and spoke to him. They asked him to communicate by moving his foot. He was able to do that. Then they asked him to blink twice. He did.

Then he overheard Chris shushing Traci so he could overhear the doctors. Joshua now knew that the moment of truth was near.

The doctor asked him, "Son, if you know where you are, blink twice." Joshua did. Then to doctor said, "We don't know who you are. Do you know?"

Joshua realized that amnesia was an easy ticket out of this mess. When he came back to this town he wasn't sure if he would even see his family and now he was even more sure that he didn't want them to know who he was. Chris would probably torture him if he knew.

Joshua blinked once.

That evening Traci returned to visit Dave. Joshua could see her enter the room and then she pulled the curtain between the beds. She spoke softly to Dave and he grunted back. Then Joshua noticed the grunts became appreciative and soon they were rhythmic. Joshua was surprised that Traci would be so bold as to jack-off Dave in a hospital. But soon she cleaned him up and bid him good-bye.

When she left, Joshua noticed she had left the curtain pulled. He was disappointed because he liked to look out the window.

The next afternoon he watched as they wheeled Dave out of the room. They told him they were taking him for x-rays and lab tests.

An hour later when the nurse came in to put a bed pan under Joshua, he grunted and pointed at the spot where Dave had been. He wanted to know what was happening to Dave, but the nurse asked him if he wanted to be by the window. Joshua decided communication was too difficult and blinked twice to appease her.

The nurse dutifully pushed his bed with the IV poles and everything to where Dave's bed had been. Not ten minutes later they pushed Dave in through the door. The orderly asked, "I thought he was in 12A?"

The nurse responded, "John wanted a turn by the window so I switched them. Just put Dave on the B side for now. I'll switch them back later." They had taken to calling him John Doe. Joshua thought it was funny to be called John.

Joshua noticed that Dave was out cold. They probably had to medicate him pretty strongly. He knew because he had made the trip to X-ray and the lab the day before.

Thirty minutes later Joshua woke up. Traci was at his bedside say, "Wake up sweetie." Joshua knew right away that she thought he was Dave. He grunted and Traci kissed his forehead.

She asked if he had a hard day and he blinked twice and grunted again. She said with an impish grin, "I know exactly what you need. Do you want some relief?" Joshua grunted discouragingly and blinked twice.

Tracie was surprised and then a look of recognition crossed her face. She smiled delightedly and said, "You little devil, you. I know what you want, but I don't have any, you know..." Then she leaned in close and conspiratorially whispered, "Protection."

She sighed and said, "Oh well, I should be safe this time of the month." She jumped up and left the room. She returned with the night nurse who was saying, "... a great idea. Just don't get too wild. And don't worry about John Doe. He's so medicated he'll probably sleep until noon tomorrow." The nurse pulled the door shut and snickered a good luck to Traci.

Traci pulled the curtain closed around the bed. Joshua's eyes got big as she started to pull her tight top over her head of long blonde hair. Her blue eyes glinted with anticipation as she undid her bra from her back and let it slide down her arms.

Joshua stared at her beautiful full breasts. They were more perfect than any he had ever seen. Not too big or too small. Firm, but natural with reddish pink nipples that poked out like little top hats. They swayed back and forth as she pulled her shoes off and then she slid out of her skin tight blue jeans, revealing her long tanned legs and the tiniest thong panties.

At this point she noticed the nice pup tent Joshua was creating with his sheet. She eagerly pulled the sheet and gown away and exclaimed, "Wow. You seem bigger and harder than ever. I guess it's been a long time now."

With that said she bent over him and licked his penis from base to tip and then popped the head of his dick into her mouth and swirled her tongue all around it. Smiling she looked up at him with a naughty look and said, "You even taste better than before." Then she dropped her head to capture the whole cock in her mouth and began bobbing up and down with abandon.

Joshua was in heaven. He hadn't planned this and certainly wouldn't have gotten in a crash on purpose just to trick his sister into a blow job, but he couldn't help but believe that God had finally noticed all the shit he had been through and now God was trying to make up for it.

About five minutes later he felt the damn was about to burst. Traci stopped and pulled her skimpy panties off. She tossed them over his mouth and he could smell the scent of her pussy. Then she gingerly climbed up on the bed and straddled him. This caused some pain to his arms, but he wasn't going to complain.

He had the perfect view of her gleaming wet pussy as she lowered herself onto his swollen dick. The head pushed in and then she settled herself down and he was completely buried into his step-sister's pussy. He realized then that he could die right then a happy man. It was the hottest most intense felling he ever had.

Traci cooed, "Oh my God! You're bigger than ever right now. You feel soooo good inside me. I'll try to be gentle, but I just want to fuck your brains out."

And she proceeded to do just that. Joshua made it last as long as possible. He never wanted it to end. He was in heaven. In fact, he secretly nicknamed Traci's pussy as heaven right then. And then he felt the thunder from deep within. Traci felt it too. She almost screamed, "Dave, Dave, Dave, fill me up Dave!"

After Joshua came he stayed hard while Traci continued her frenzied ride and soon she grunted louder than he had and she shook the whole bed with her orgasm.

She calmed down and leaned forward carefully to put her right nipple into the open slit over Joshua's mouth. He licked and sucked it as best he could and she whispered, "That was the best fucking sex I've ever had. You're my stud Dave. I love you so much. I can't wait until you're all better and we can get married."

Joshua just grunted appreciatively. Traci fed him the other nipple and he grunted again. He could feel his cock getting harder. She noticed too and she slipped off him and the bed. Then she took his cock in her mouth again saying, "You taste so good tonight baby." Then she gave him an expert blow job. Her naked ass pressed up against his hand that was supported by the cast. She wiggled her ass as she slurped up and down on his cock so he wiggled his fingers into her hot wet pussy.

By the time he blew his load into her mouth she was pretty worked up. She swallowed every drop and then climbed onto the bed and sat on his still hard dick. She fucked him a long time until they both came again. She was so excited she leaned close and said, "I don't know how you did it. Maybe it's the drugs, but you've never lasted more than three minutes before, much less cumming more than once."

Joshua just grunted as she cleaned him up and repositioned the sheets and everything. She kissed him on the forehead and said good bye, promising to repeat the performance tomorrow night.

The next morning a new nurse came in. She explained, "Melody, your regular nurse is on vacation for the next two weeks, so they asked me to cover for her shift. I usually work in the Cardiac unit, but I'm sure you boys wont give me too much trouble."

She put both Dave and Joshua on bed pans and then checked their IVs. When she went to give medication through the IV she checked their wrist bands for ID. She looked puzzled because Dave Borden and John Doe were in the wrong beds. She went and asked the night nurse who told her, "You know what an airhead Melody can be. She probably put the bands on the wrong patients.

Dave was still pretty out of it so the new nurse asked Joshua if he was John. He didn't really know what was going on, but he instinctively blinked once to indicate he wasn't named John.

That was settled, the nurse had new wrist bands made and put them on the patients.

Later that day, Chris and Traci came to visit Dave, but they came to Joshua's bedside. As they spoke to him he was surprised. Chris actually was concerned for him. He knew Chris thought he was Dave, but it was a shock to hear him talking nice to him.

Dave, now completely awake, overheard them and became very upset. He couldn't speak, but he grunted loudly and thrashed his legs about. Traci ran to get the nurse and then the nurse tried to settle him down.

Chris said to Joshua and Traci, "Man, that fucking idiot is psycho." Traci agreed. Joshua just giggled to himself.

The nurse returned with a doctor who heavily sedated Dave. Chris and Traci bitched to the doctor and twenty minutes later, Joshua was in a private room.

That evening Traci showed up even earlier. Now that he had a private room, she felt less inhibited. She checked with the nurse and then closed the door and pulled the blinds. Then she fucked him mercilessly. She had three orgasms and confessed to Joshua, "Dave, I can't believe it. Until last night I never had an orgasm from a cock. We fit together so perfectly and you last so long now. You fill me up sooo much. I love you and I don't care if I get pregnant. I can't wait to have your babies."

And so it went every night for three weeks. Joshua was actually starting to get soar from all of the sex. He was also worried about the day they would find out about the mix up.

The doctor and nurse came in and told him it was time to change his cast. They used a vibrating blade to cut away at the cast. When his arms were finally free he motioned for something to write with. The nurse and doctor agreed it couldn't hurt.

Provided with paper on a clipboard and a pen Joshua wrote, "I"M NOT DAVE."

They were stunned. The nurse quickly asked, "Who are you then?" Joshua wrote, "NOT SURE. MAYBE JOHN."

A quick review of the x-rays revealed the awful truth. Their ID bands were corrected and then Chris and Traci showed up for visiting hours. A nurse stopped them in the hall right outside the door to Joshua's room. He heard Traci scream, "NO!!!!!" And then there was a commotion in the hallway.

Joshua didn't know what happened, but he didn't see Traci or Chris anymore. He got better and a couple weeks later was able to talk a little. He had to have one more surgery to put his face back together. He heard that Chris had paid for everything. The best plastic surgeon was brought in for him.

After the surgery Chris visited him. Joshua asked him why he had helped him. Chris said, he didn't know who he was, but he had his reasons.

Two weeks later Joshua woke up to see Traci by his bedside. It had been almost two months since she had screamed outside his room.

He stuttered, "T T Traci?"

She replied, "John. I just wanted to see you."

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't tell you. I tried."

She put her fingers to his lips and said, "Shhhhhhh. I know. It was a terrible mistake."

Joshua tried to apologize more, "It was terrible, but..."

"I know. I was there too. I have to tell you something."

Joshua didn't know what to say. He was mesmerized by her clear blue eyes and the soft smile on her pretty face.

She gently took his hand in hers and said, "I didn't know it was you, but I knew you were different from Dave. I kept thinking Dave had turned into the perfect lover, but..... It was you."

Joshua took a chance here, "You're so beautiful and I'm all messed up. I thought you were my angel. You gave me the strngth to survive this."

Traci smiled even more and surprised both of them, "I think I love you."