A Second Chance

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Will a cheated farmer take a second chance at love?
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Edited by: Pat

Will a cheated, divorced farmer take a second chance at love?



"We should do something about your Dad, Red. He feels lonely," Kat said while she traced small circles with her fingernails on her husband's chest.

Red Harding looked at his wife not knowing what to say. There was no possible discussion with Kat when something got into her head. Everyone who knew her knew she had a wide streak of stubbornness running through her.

"I don't know," Red said, looking at his wife's beautiful face. "Dad is a tough guy, Love. He doesn't mind being alone, or need other people, although he likes being around them to some degree."

"It's not good for the man to be alone."

Red laughed. "Now you're quoting the Bible?"

"No, if I were to do that, I'd tell you that 'your mouth is like fine wine, flowing smoothly for my love, gliding past my lips and teeth! I belong to my love, and his desire is for me...', smarty pants."

"Dad doesn't need a woman in his life. He is good on his own."

Kat started rubbing her body against her husband and kissing his neck.

"You're not fighting fair, love," Red whispered.

His wife giggled and kept kissing him, her hand sliding down his tummy. "All's fair in love and war, my darling," she whispered back, gently nibbling his earlobe.

"Mhmm," Red purred in bliss when Kat closed her fingers around his cock.

"I want to help your Dad," she whispered in his ear.

Red started pumping his cock into his wife's fist, "Good... luck... with that...," he panted.

"You're the best husband ever," Kat said kissing him hard in the lips.

She let go of his cock, turned around, and grabbed her phone, from the night table. Then, she punched in a number and after a few seconds, she said, "Laura? Red says he doesn't mind. It's a go for 'Operation Thanksgiving'."

"Wait... What? When did I say that? What did you mean with 'Operation Thanksgiving'?" Red realized a bit too late that he had been played.

"Not now, baby. Where were we?" Kat said leaning down and taking her husband's cock in her mouth. A few seconds later, he was moaning loudly, which only encouraged his wife to take him deeper. She'd kept eye contact as she continued sucking him off, sometimes letting his cock slide down her throat agonizingly slowly.

When Red felt he was about to cum, he let his throbbing cock slide almost out of his wife's mouth, erupted on her tongue, and Kat greedily swallowed his load down.


John Harding tried to focus on the beauty of the November afternoon. It was unseasonably warm, with the temperature in the low seventies. The sky was a brilliant blue. It made a perfect backdrop for the red, gold, and orange leaves on the trees.

Thanksgiving was always a pain in the ass for him. A reminder of what he had lost. Of course, there were blessings too. He was going to spend some time with his son, his daughter-in-law, and his grandson. Otherwise, he would have been perfectly happy watching football with a pizza and a six-pack.

This year was different though.

Percy and Laura, the new managers of the only bed-and-breakfast in town, wanted to celebrate the arrival of her baby girl with a Thanksgiving gathering, with real china, silver, and a mouth-watering meal prepared by Tony, the chef of the local restaurant and Red's business partner. The dinner was taking place at Molly Carter's bed-and-breakfast inn where Percy and Laura were living.

John let out a long, resigned sigh. He had nothing against Molly, except for the fact that he was pretty sure his daughter-in-law was trying to hook him up with her. Kat had been dropping hints every time he went to the restaurant to have lunch.

None of them knew Molly and him had a history together.

John entered the inn dressed in his best clothes, and greeted everyone cordially, including Molly.

When it was Kat's turn, John held her hand and said, "Come sit down with an old man, sweetie."

She smiled at her father-in-law and sat at his side. "You're not old, Dad."

Kat loved to drop the 'in-law" part. Her real father had been an abusive drunkard who had beaten her mother to death. He was rotting in jail now. John Harding had been more of a father to her than her biological one.

"You look happy, Kat."

"I am happy, Dad." Her heart expanded in her chest.

"Red is a very lucky man to have you in his life."

"I'm the lucky one. Red saved me. He and Red junior are my life. You too, Dad."

John smiled at her, "I've dreaded every family celebration since my divorce, but since you came into our lives you have turned them into something special. I know this one won't be an exception."

Kat smiled at her father-in-law squeezing his hand.

"I get what you mean, Dad. Growing up, the holidays were always stressful for me too," Kat said, shaking her head to get rid of the unpleasant memories. She smiled at John, "I'm happy now. Very happy."

John hugged his daughter-in-law and squeezed her tight in a bear hug.

"You deserve happiness too, Dad. You've been alone too much time."

John tensed up at her words.

"So this is what this Thanksgiving gathering at the inn is all about? Are you trying to hook me up with Molly?"

As usual, her father-in-law went straight to the point. There was no beating around the bush with John Harding.

She batted her eyes and said, "Maybe. Molly's a fine woman. It's time for you to move on and leave the past in the past, Dad," Kat added in a sweet voice.

"Easier said than done, I'm afraid. It's hard to move on when the person you married, falls in love with another man, cheats on you for months, and leaves you and your son, looking for... well, whatever my slut ex-wife was looking for."

John's voice raised in intensity and anger to a higher pitch.

Kat squeezed John's hand again. "I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to bring out bad memories."

"When I found out she was cheating on me..." John muttered clenching his fists, "...my whole world crumbled into pieces. Something inside me broke, Kat. However, I didn't let anyone else see the breaking. Especially my son. I had to stay strong for him."

Kat hugged her father-in-law and kissed his cheek, lingering there. "I know what you're talking about, Dad. My childhood and adolescence were hell. I couldn't let anyone know my secret or they would have put me in foster care."

John smiled at Kat and leaned forward to kiss her forehead. "And even so, you turned into a wonderful woman."

"Thanks for opening up to me, Dad."

"You're welcome, sweetie. You're one of the few persons I bare my soul to." John leaned to his side, and whispered, "I'll tell you a secret. You're the daughter I always wished for and never had."

"Awww, Dad!" Kat squeezed John's hand. "Your divorce was years ago. Your ex-wife is dead now. Red doesn't need you to be strong anymore. You should try to move on."

"And yet, it feels like yesterday. I wasn't able to put the pieces back together." John muttered under his breath, giving a long gulp to his beer. "You shouldn't worry about me, sweetie. I'm fine."

"I love you, Dad. I want you to be happy again."

John shrugged.

"Maybe, I'm just meant to go through the rest of my life alone," he said calmly.

Kat frowned, "And maybe you're not."

She smiled and wrapped her arm around John's arm. "Why don't you give love a chance?"

John laughed. "I think someone wrote a song about that."

"Katherine..." Red's voice held a warning tone. He had overheard the whole conversation, of course.

John rolled his eyes. "It's okay, Son. I can fight my own battles. So, this Thanksgiving gathering was your idea or Laura's?"

John turned his head to set his eyes on Molly's niece, who was around there too.

Laura gasped, "How did you know I was involved, Mr. Harding?"

"I might be a farmer, but I'm not stupid, Laura. If you two are trying to hook me up with Molly, you must be involved," John reasoned.

Kat and Laura winced at John's words.

"Busted," Red said, and laughed.

Laura and her husband Percy lived with Molly, and they ran together the only bed-and-breakfast inn in Middletown. The inn belonged to Molly, and even when she still did some work, she was mainly retired, leaving her niece and her husband run the place.

Kat jumped out off the couch. "I'll go check on the turkey."

"I'll go with you," Laura added.

"Isn't Tony taking care of it?" John asked.

"Yes, he is. But Molly and Tony are fighting all the time about pretty much everything. You know women can be very territorial about their kitchens," Kat winked at John and went into the kitchen.

John was sure the girls were regrouping and changing strategies for round two.


Molly was nervous. Thanksgiving was so family-centered. It always brought home to her the things that would never be hers, a husband, children, a family. Everything she had ever wanted, everything she wished. Having Percy, Laura and their baby girl living with them was a true blessing, but she couldn't help but feel alone.

This year they were celebrating Thanksgiving with the Hardings. It was Kat and Laura's idea. Molly knew there was a hidden agenda behind this whole thing. And she was sure, the agenda included John Harding.

She knew John enough to know he wasn't comfortable with the idea. However, she let the girls do it, because secretly, she hoped they could rekindle the relationship she and John had many years ago.

Thanksgiving Day went well. Tony outdid himself. Turkey, roast beef, and ham competed for the family's attention as the main course. Of course, there was a vegetarian option for Laura, potatoes, yams, corn, peas, carrots, rice, and buns. There was never enough room to put all the food out at once. They would have a week's worth of leftovers despite eating so much they would almost get sick.

John found himself relaxing, as the evening progressed. He enjoyed the smiles they shared, the laughter, and the stories they told.

After dinner, Molly and John were left alone. Percy, Laura, Red and Kat went out for an evening walk.

"They are not very subtle," Molly said softly, looking at John.

"So, you're in this too, or you're an innocent victim like me?" John asked Molly when she sat at his side, on the couch.

"A little bit of both, John," Molly smiled at John. "I knew what they were trying to do and I let them."

Molly took a deep breath and let the air out slowly.

"Are you feeling okay?" John asked her. "I have some great digestive pills."

"If you must know, it's Percy and Laura. They look so incredibly happy together. And I'm glad for them, I really am. More than I have words to say. But... when I watch them I can't help but wonder how it would have been for me... and you."

John nodded. "I felt a stab of envy too when I saw Kat and Red together. Since Kat gave birth to her baby she's practically glowing," John admitted in a low, understanding voice.

"Did you ever wonder how things would have been between us if my father hadn't intervened?" Molly asked.

John exhaled. "Many times, Molly. But he did. And you chose to run away instead of facing him."

The tears Molly had been doing everything to stop, flowed anyway. "It was the right choice at that time. It wasn't an easy one, please believe me. And yet... Looking at the two of them..."

John picked up where she left off, "...I couldn't help but feel we missed out on something pretty spectacular."

"Yeah." Molly forced a watery smile. She dabbed at her eyes and took in a deep breath. "Although if we see them again in a year, they'll probably be fighting over who leaves the toothpaste cap on and who leaves it off."

Molly leaned back into the couch, reminiscing about all the travels she did around the globe. She looked around, seeing the treasures she had collected from almost every country in the world. They didn't seem so important now considering what she had missed.

"What's on your mind?" John asked.

Molly folded her arms in front of her. "Nothing."

She studied the strong column of his throat, visible in the open neck of his shirt. Finally, she gave up and said, "Us."

John didn't look unhappy about that. "Well, duh, I guessed that. What about us"

She felt herself begin to relax and smiled. "Do you think they know what happened between us when we were in high school?"

Molly looked into John's deep blue eyes, noticing all over again what a ruggedly handsome man he was. And it was more than just the symmetry of his features. It was his kindness and compassion. The humor he exhibited. The way he picked up on a person's slightest change in mood, the way he was always willing to help.

John Harding was one man who was beautiful inside and out. A man who revered family and friends. He should not be going through life alone.

"I don't think so," John said. "Your father, the almighty Maximilian Carter, did a good job erasing any trace of our relationship."

Molly let out of long sigh.

"We were really in love at that time," Molly smiled with dreamy eyes.

"Yes, we were," John conceded.

"You were my first real boyfriend, you know? The first to cuddle and hold me close. The first to touch me, with your strong hands. The first inside me," she whispered, her cheeks blushing.

Molly felt once again as if she was eighteen. They'd been so happy, crazy in love. They'd had problems, sure. But they'd been young and in love for the first time. They'd believed they could overcome anything. Together they'd seemed strong, invincible. They'd learned differently.

"And then your father caught us in flagrante delicto," John muttered under his breath.


"What the hell were you doing?" Maximilian Carter shouted at his daughter, Molly.

Molly and John had been sneaking around the whole summer. Molly hadn't been able to resist the danger, the intrigue... and let's face it, the sex. But above all, she loved John. He was the one. She had no doubts about it. One day she was going to marry him.

However, Molly really couldn't blame her father this time. Finding a boy with his hands all over your valedictorian daughter would make any father murderous.

"None of your damn business, Dad," Molly snapped back, climbing off John's lap and pulling her skirt down.

John slid an uh-oh glance her way, but he kept quiet. He knew anything he said right now would only make things worse.

Maximilian Carter's mouth opened and shut like a fish thrown on the banks of a lake. "What did you say, young lady?"

"You heard me, Dad. I'm eighteen years old. Who I date and what I do with him is none of your business."

"You're not going out with this half-wit again," her father retorted.

"Half-wit?" Fury spread through her with such force her hands shook. "John has a higher IQ than you do."

"What?" John blurted.

Molly shrugged. "I peeked in the files when I was at the principal's office."

"Bad girl," John said with a smile.

"What have you got against John?" Molly demanded.

Her father's lip curled. "You mean besides the manure under his fingernails?"

John frowned at his hands which were perfectly clean.

Molly sighed. "Never mind. You never could see past your pompous nose."

"I didn't have to look far to find you two." Her father snapped.

"We..." John began, but Molly gave him an elbow in the stomach so he said "oof," instead.

"Molly," her father said, "you can do so much better."

"'Better is in the eye of the beholder."

Maximilian Carter lips tightened. "You aren't going to take up with John Harding."

"Watch me!" Molly leaned and kissed John's lips deeply. Her tongue was practically licking his tonsils.

Her father's face flushed. John thought she needed to stop baiting him before he had a stroke, right on Panoramic Point, the unofficial kissing spot in Middletown.

"Let me put it this way," he said. "If I see you with him again, you better find a new place to live."

Molly shrugged. "Fine by me. Do you want me to move out tonight? John has plenty of room on his father's farm."

"Molly, you can't..." John stopped speaking when she narrowed her eyes.

Her father appeared shocked. Had he actually thought that threat would work?

"Then, I have no other choice than to have John arrested for statutory rape."

"What? Are you out of your mind, father?" Molly screamed at him.

"We're both eighteen years old, sir," John said.

"Yeah, but that's not what I'm going to say. I'm going to tell everyone that you took advantage of my innocent daughter while she was still a minor. I'm going to paint you as a gold digger," her father said in a firm voice. "I can pull a lot of strings and call some personal favors to make your life miserable, John Harding. Maybe I won't win in the end, but I'll make sure to present such a strong case that I'll plant the seed of doubt in everyone's minds."

Molly jerked back as if she'd been hit. "You wouldn't dare to do something like that, father! Statutory rape is a serious offense. You'll ruin John's life. Are you really such a monster?"

"Watch me." An evil smile spread across Maximilian Carter's face.

"Fine. You might have won this battle, father. But you have just lost me. You've interfered in my life for the very last time."

Molly broke up with John as soon as her father left.

"You can't be serious, Molly. You know I love you, and I know you love me too. What we have is real."

"Don't you think I know that? But you don't know my father. If we defy him, he won't rest till you end in jail and your father ruined," Molly sobbed through her tears.

"We'll run away together. We'll elope."

Molly shook her head, despite her tears he saw determination.

"I'm sorry, John. I'm really sorry. I can't let you ruin your life for me."

The next day Molly was gone. She completely disappeared without a word, a letter, or a phone call. She traveled around the world. Jumping from one country to another, doing something, anything, staying busy. Trying to forget him.


Molly's tears streamed down her round cheeks.

"I have no doubts in my mind that my father would have done exactly what he told us he would do. It was hard, but I would have done anything to protect you. That same night, I told my father I wanted to travel around Europe. The next morning I was already on a plane to Paris. I returned three years later, hoping for a second chance with you. However, you were already married with that slut... sorry, with Ginger," Molly said between sobs.

"Slut suits her just fine, Molly. Tell me one thing, I understood why you broke up with me, I even got why you went away to Europe for a while, but I never understood why you didn't send me a line asking me to wait for you. You just wrote me off."

"It wasn't fair to ask you that, John. My father would have always interfered in my life. He would have always tried his best to make our lives miserable. I couldn't let him do that to you. And he would have done it, trust me. He was a very powerful and influential man, he knew all kinds of people. He could have crippled you, ruined your father's farm and forced him out of business... He would have never accepted the idea of me marrying a farmer. In my family, you married for power or status," Molly sniveled, wiping the tears from her face.