A Promise Kept Ch. 03


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"So, how did you like having dinner at the British Embassy," Danny asked me, "And did you meet any hot girls?"

"Come on, man," I laughed, "You know that I don't kiss and tell; unlike the rest of you fucking heathens."

"Holy shit, I should've seen it," he suddenly, yet very knowingly began to chuckle, "It's written all over your face as plain as daylight."

"Now what're you ranting about?" I asked, knowing that he knew me very well, "Would you gimme a break?"

"I ain't giving you shit," he laughed, "You met someone, didn't you? That's why you've been gone all weekend, and that's why you've had this dumb, but happy, puppy-dog, look on your face all morning long...what's her name?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I denied him, "What's whose name?"

"Oh no, bullshit," he started in smiling, "I know you too damned well...and it was that girl, that English girl who you pulled out of the water last week, isn't it? Come on...give it up, dammit."

"Alright, you win, her name is Lady Natalie Wickham," I excitedly smiled, "And her parents are Lord Tomas and Lady Sarah Wickham of Essex. They are some of the nicest people that I've ever met, Danny...and I really enjoyed myself these last few days."

"I'm glad to hear it, L.B.," he understandingly told me, patting me on the shoulder, "And I say good for you, it's about time."

"Thanks, man," I quietly replied, shaking his hand while I hugged him with my other arm, "That means a lot coming from you...it really does, brother."

"Look, man," he grinned, "We take care of our own. That's how it's always been," and then changing the subject, he smiled and asked, "So; where did you go, and what did you guys do?"

I told him of the relationship that I built with The Wickham family, as well as how much respect I held for them, too; and when I told him what Sir Tomas had said about petitioning the Queen to Knight me, Danny proudly smiled and said, "Hell yeah, a SEAL Knight, that would be cool as hell."

"Yeah, it would," I chuckled, "But I don't really see it happening. Hell, I'm not even British."

"Still though," Danny grinned, "You gotta admit, it's a very cool idea..."



The BUD/S class that I had not only proctored, but my whole team took the stand down time to help me teach was graduating that day, and out of a little over ninety men, eleven were left standing in front of the podium on the Quarterdeck at BUD/S. Admiral J. Evan White, Commander of the Naval Special Warfare Group (COMNAVSPECWAR), or (CNSWG) spoke to the new graduates first, informing the men of the long held traditions of "The Teams". He also let them know that now that they were members of the Special Warfare Community, a higher standard of living would be expected of them, as well as their behavior when they were out in public. I listened, smiling as I remembered when I was once in the same position that the new graduates now stood.

Then came my turn to talk to them, and yes; I told them all how proud I was of them for the excellence in not only the classroom phases of their training, but also in their physical performances as well, not forgetting to remind them that everything they were taught in class would be put to the ultimate tests once they completed their tactical training, as well as their probationary period.



We were all sitting in the Instructor's Lounge, enjoying the air conditioned atmosphere when one of the junior petty officers came in and looked at me.

"Hey, Mike," he said, "Admiral White sent me to tell you that he wants to see you post haste, as in ASAP."

"Relax," I grinned, "I'm on my way..."




"Have you got something you want to tell me, Mike?" Admiral White openly asked me, "Because...well...something has come up that I...I still can't believe it, for fuck's sake."

"I don't know what you're talking about, sir," I told him, "What is it, and how does it concern me?"

"When have you had time to go to England in the past month," Admiral White, asked, "Better yet, have you even been to England?"

"No, sir," I knowingly grinned, "No, sir, to both questions."

"Then would you like to tell me why the Queen of England is Knighting you?" he asked, "I thought that you had to at least be a British citizen to get Knighted."

"No, sir," I replied smiling, "That's not the case here, I assure you."

"Then tell me," he asked, "What in hell is going on, and why are you being knighted? I'm your Commanding Officer, and I at least deserve to know the truth."

"I was out with guys in Malibu about six or seven weeks ago," I told him, "And I ended up not only saving the life of the Queen's second cousin, but I also made friends with her mother and father who just happen to be the Duke and Dutchess of Essex, sir."

"Holy shit," Admiral White started to laugh, "You don't do anything half-assed, do you, kid?"

"Hoo-Yah, sir," I replied smiling, "Just trying to the best for the teams, Admiral, sir."

"Be on the tarmac at Eighteen Hundred hours," he ordered me smiling, "And make sure that you bring your ceremonial dress uniform with you. By order of the President of the United States of America, you and I are taking a trip to England together so that, as your Commanding Officer, I'm on hand to bear witness to your being knighted by the Queen of England...holy shit, I still can't believe it."

"Oh, one more thing, skipper, I grinned, "You are taking Mrs. White on this trip, yes?"

"Are you kidding me?" he laughed, "She would have my hide if I didn't. Besides, she wanted to tell you herself how proud she is of you, Mike...and just so you know, kid; I'm very proud of you. It's not every Commander that one of his men gets knighted by the Queen of another country. You make me proud, son."

"Thank you, Admiral White," I respectfully replied, "I want you to be proud of me."

"Well, you've certainly outdone yourself this time," he chuckled, "That's for damn sure."


"So, tell us," Dave Turner grinned, when I got back to our A. O. (Area of Operations), "Is it true that you're going to England with J. Even White to be knighted by the Queen?"

"Yes," I said, "It is."

"Good for you; Mike," Dave excitedly grinned, "In case I've never told you, you're a great operator, and not only am I proud to call you my friend, but I'm proud of you, too."

"Thank you, Dave," I sincerely replied, "I thank you for everything. You've taught me more than you'll ever know about not only how to be a good Frog, but also how to be a good person, and I'll never forget you for as long as I live. I'm also very glad to know that you, as my direct C.O., are proud of me...I want that from you."

"This is nothing," he laughed, "You ought to hear Stephanie going on about it...she's so proud of you, Mike...and I know that Jill would be, too."

"I know," I reflectively smiled, "I know that she's up there looking down on me right now, and she's proud as hell..."



1800 HOURS

"So, what's the flight plan, sir," I asked, as we waited while our Gulf Stream was being towed from the hangar, "I assume we're flying to JFK and then catching a commercial flight from there to Heathrow, correct?"

"Nope," ha laughed, seeing the perplexed look on my face, "We're flying to Andrews Air Force Base in Washington D.C. where the President has authorized Air Force One to take you to London, where we will land at RAF Lakenheath. From there we will be taken, via military transport, to the house of a couple of friends of yours from what I hear, Sir Tomas and Lady Sarah Wickham...oh, and leave us not forget their daughter, the young lady who's life you saved, Lady Natalie Wickham."

"We are all so proud of you, Michael," Mrs. White sweetly told me, "I'm so excited that I'll know a real live English Knight."

"It's not like that," I said, "At least I hope it's not..."





"Would you be Masterchief Walker, sir?" asked a young airman, who greeted us at the bottom of the stairway of the aircraft.

"That's me, and you don't have to call me, sir. However, these folks accompanying me are..."

"Admiral and Mrs. J. Evan White," the airman proudly stood at attention, "We have a car waiting for the three of you, if you'll follow me please," and then he led us to a large black, Presidential/Executive Style, as in it had bullet proof windows, limousine, that was waiting for us right there on the tarmac...





"Welcome, young Michael, welcome," Sir Tomas smiled, excitedly greeting me the moment I exited the limo, "My, but it's good to see you, lad."

"It's good to see you, too, Sir Tomas," I greeted him, then turned to J. Evan and Mrs. White; and with a warm smile on my face, told him, "This is not only my Commanding Officer, but these fine people are also two very dear friends, Admiral J. Evan, and Mrs. White. This is Sir Tomas Wickham, Admiral, and Mrs. White," I told them, "And he is Lord of Essex."


Chapter Six

"Michael," cried the voice of the one person who I'd missed the more than anything, making me turn to happily find that Natalie was just about to wrap her arms around me, which, of course I was more than happy to let her do. Then she tenderly kissed me on the cheek, and very lovingly, yet very softly said, "Oh, my beautiful Knight...I'm so happy that you've finally decided to come here."

"Uh, huh," I knowingly grinned, "I wasn't really left with a choice, M'Lady."

"One always has a choice, darling Michael," she sweetly smiled, "You just happened to have made the correct one, that's all."

I heard Admiral White playfully clearing his throat, making me turn and look at him with a stupid grin plastered across my face, and yes, he took notice of it straight away, laughing as he did so.

"Sir, and Ma'am," I announced, looking at Admiral and Mrs. White, "Please allow me to present to you, the beautiful Lady Natalie Wickham, Princess Royal by royal appointment, as well as the daughter of Sir Tomas, and Lady Sarah Wickham, Duke and Dutchess of Essex."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, M'Lady," J. Evan respectfully bowed, "My wife and I are very honored to be..."

"Please, Sir, and Ma'am...calling me Natalie will be perfectly alright," she sweetly smiled, "Michael calls me by my title just to bust my bollocks...err...uuh...I...I mean..."

"I know exactly what you mean, Natalie," Admiral White gently interrupted her, while half glaring at me, before he broke it off smiling, "He does that to me sometimes, too, my dear."

All of a sudden I heard the sweet sound of Lady Sarah's voice affectionately say, "Michael... you dear boy," and of course I turned around right before she got to me, and then after giving me a firm, but gentle hug, she pulled back to look at me, and with an ever so warm and comforting smile on her face, said, "Welcome home, England's American son," and then grinning, she hugged me again and softly giggled, "I told you that we'd get you Knighted for saving our Natalie's life, dear Michael."

"You give me too much credit, Lady Sarah," I gently smiled, "But it really is good to see your beautiful face again."

"Sarah, dear," Sir Tomas said, coming from behind me with Admiral and Mrs. White it tow, "I'd like you to meet Michael's Commanding Officer and his wife, United States Navy Admiral and Mrs. J. Evan White. He told me some very wonderful things about our Michael."

"That's nice, dear," Lady Sarah sweetly replied, "You must come and share them with us...please..."


"You should hear the things Admiral White has said about our Michael, Sarah," Sir Tomas proudly told his wife, "I was completely enthralled."

And after all the introductions had been made, Natalie took me out in the back garden of the estate in order to spend some time alone with me.

In the mean time, Sir Tomas and Lady Sarah were still in the house, or should I say, Castle, having tea with Admiral and Mrs. White.

"So, tell me Admiral White," Lady Sarah excitedly smiled, "What kind of warrior is our darling Michael?"

"He one of the most fierce men I've ever seen, M'Lady," Admiral White smiled, "And from what the men in his team tell me, he's extremely terrifying under combat conditions. It's been said that when his enemies see him coming, they run and hide in fear."

"There is one thing I have noticed about him, Admiral," Lady Sarah sweetly smiled, "He's a very special young man...he gives his heart freely without any worry of repercussion or consequence, and I think that's a very lovely quality in a man, especially this one."

Unfortunately he lost his fiancée in a car accident a few months ago," Admiral White sadly replied, "He hasn't been the same since."

"Perhaps that will change over time," Lady Sarah impishly grinned, "He only smiles when he's around our daughter."

"I meant to tell you, Lady Sarah, "Mrs. White smiled, "Your daughter has got to be one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen and I thought you should know."

"Thank you, Mrs. White," Lady Sarah kindly replied, "She's always been a happy child and we're very proud of her."

"And so you should be," Mrs. White knowingly grinned, "She sure has Masterchief Walker turning to and stepping high."

"I know that he's been through some very sad events," Lady Sarah said, her eyes beginning to fill with tears, "But the look on his face when my daughter is near is absolutely priceless."

"I think you're right, Lady Sarah," Mrs. White grinned, "I think you're absolutely right..."


The moment we were out of sight, Natalie threw herself into my arms, pressing her soft lips against mine, as well as pressing her beautiful body just as closely.

"Oh, Michael, my Darling," Natalie urgently breathed, once the kiss had ended, "I've missed you so very much, and I'm so happy that you're here, m'love."

"I can certainly tell," I replied very tenderly kissing her lips, "I missed you, too, more than you know."

"It's a little after noon," she sweetly replied, stopping to tenderly kiss me, "This time tomorrow night you'll be a fully endowed Knight. What do you think about that, my darling?"

"Uh huh," I teased, "The last time we made love, I was already fully endowed, according to you."

"You nasty boy," she impishly giggled, "So, how long are you here for?"

"We leave the day after the ceremony," I told her, "This is being highly publicized in my country, because; after all, it's rare that an American Serviceman gets knighted by the Queen of England."

"Daddy has made arrangements for all three of you to stay here with us," Natalie knowingly smiled, "Maybe I'll crawl into your bed and keep you company while you're here."

"I don't know," I teased, "The proprietor's daughter might have something to say about that. After all, it's her place in my bed that you'll be taking; and from what I know of her, she can be a dangerous wench."

"Who're you calling a wench?" she delightfully and raucously laughed, playfully smacking me on the butt, "Bugger off, you little wanker."

"I love you, Natalie," I told her, "And there's not a damn thing I can do about it."

"I know, darling," she sadly agreed, "I wish things were different for us, Michael...my beautiful Knight."

"I'll tell you what," I said, "Don't think about it, and let's just enjoy one another until I have to go back, okay, baby?"

"Alright then," she said, "But let's make a pact right now, shall we?"

"Sure," I smiled, pulling her into my arms, "What kind of pact are you talking about, my love?"

"This one," she sniffled, "I promise that there will always be a very special place for you in my heart, if you'll reciprocate and keep me in a special place in your heart. Will you do that for me, my darling?"

"You're already in my heart, Natalie," I tenderly explained, "It happened the day I first laid eyes on you."

"I love you, Michael," she warmly replied, as she tenderly held me close to her, "I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I guess I'm going to have to deal with never seeing you again...my beautiful Knight..."



I was taken to Buckingham Palace, escorted by Sir Tomas; and while I didn't get to see the Queen, I felt honored to be there none the less. The reason that Sir Tomas took me there to begin with, was because there were certain things I was supposed to say, during the ceremony, and after her majesty knighted me. And I was basically being trained how to be knighted...pretty wild, huh?


When I got back to Wickham Manor, the jet lag was beginning to catch up with me and I needed a short power nap so that I would be fit to stand before Her Majesty, the Queen. What no one else knew was that I was more excited about being Knighted than I'd ever been about anything before in my life. However, I was glad that I was able to get a good nap in before the ceremony, because it turned out to be one of the most endearing events of my life.



5:00 AM

"It's time to wake up, young Sir," said Sir Tomas' gentleman, Perkins, as he woke me, "You've got a very busy day ahead of you today, and I was instructed to wake you, sir."."

"What time is it?" I asked, sitting up in bed and rubbing my eyes as I looked around, "Hell, it's still dark outside. What's going on, Perkins?"

"It's a quarter past five in the morning, sir," he replied, giving me a friendly smile, "You're to meet Sir Tomas in the great hall at half past five, and I'm sure that he will tell you all that you need to know, Sir Michael."

"Huh," I dumbly replied, as I was getting dressed "Who...Sir what?"

"That will be your name after today, Sir," Perkins grinned, "I'm simply helping you get used to it, Sir Michael."

"Come on, Perkins," I chuckled, "It's just Mike, you know that."

"Not for much longer," he proudly smiled, as we walked out of my bedroom, with me following closely beside him, "Sir Tomas is going to explain the gravity of that which is about to be bestowed upon you, young Michael," and the before I could reply, we were standing before Sir Tomas, who was waiting for us at a large table with only two places set.

"Thank you, Perkins," Sir Tomas said, "That will be all."

"Very good, Sir," Perkins replied, "I'll leave you now," and then he was gone


"Good morning, young Michael," Sir Tomas smiled, "I take it you slept well?"

"Yes sir," I grinned, "I slept like a new born."

"That's good," he smiled, "Her Majesty wants you to be at your best when you see her this evening."

"Can I ask you something, Sir Tomas?" I ignorantly inquired, "And please forgive me for being so uninformed, but why is everyone making such a big deal of my being Knighted?"

"I guess I can see how all of this would be a little overwhelming, I suppose," Sir Tomas smiled, in the kind and understanding way that he does, God love him, "I've something to tell you, young Micheal, and this is something you need to know, before Her Majesty dubbs you, which is what it means to be knighted. It's called being inducted into The Order of the Bath."

"What is that," I again, ignorantly asked, "Is it like being accepted into a fraternity, or something like that?"

"I guess you could say that," he smiled, and then began, "In the Middle Ages, Knighthood was often conferred with elaborate ceremonies. These usually involved the knight-to-be taking a bath, possibly symbolic of spiritual purification, during which he was instructed in the duties of knighthood by more senior knights. He was then put to bed to dry. After being clothed in a special robe, he was led with music to the chapel where he spent the night in a vigil. At dawn he made confession and attended Mass, then retired to his bed to sleep until it was fully daylight..."
