A Promise Kept Ch. 01


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"It's okay now," I told her, "The judge told me at my trial that he would drop the charges against me if I joined the military so; that's what I did."

"I know," she sweetly replied, "You wouldn't believe how I...uh, I mean, we all missed you while you were gone, Michael. But you're home for good now and that's all that matters...to me anyway," and then she grabbed my hand and said, "Come with me...I'll take you out for a late lunch...if you want to, that is," as she unconsciously batted those big beautiful dark brown eyes of hers at me.

"I'd love to," I smiled, "Thank you, Kara."

"You're very welcome, Michael," she warmly replied, still holding my hand, "Come...we'll take my car."

"Lead the way, m'lady," I grinned, "I'm at the mercy of your every whim."

"If only that were true," she mumbled, under her breath, not meaning for me to hear it, and I acted accordingly.

"Where are we going?" I asked, "I never learned my way around Houston very well."

"Hmm," she lightheartedly teased, "I guess you truly are at my mercy now, huh Michael?"

"I suppose so," I softly replied, as I gently squeezed her hand, "But I can think of a hell of a lot more terrible places to be than being here with you."

"Oh, Michael," she gently purred, as we approached her car, "What a sweet thing to say to someone."

"I wasn't saying that to just anyone," I gently told her, "I was saying that to you, Kara."

"Thank you," she tenderly replied, as we were getting into her car, "There's something I want to talk to you about whenever we get the chance, Michael; and I want to wait until we can sit down and talk somewhere where I can have your undivided attention."

"Okay, pretty lady," I said, trying to hide my excitement at the possibility that she might feel the same way about me that I was only just beginning to feel about her, "Whenever you're ready, all you have to do is let me know."

"Don't worry, handsome," she softly told me, taking my hand again after starting her car and putting it into gear, "You'll be the first to know, I promise, Michael."


Kara took me to a place down south in Galveston which is no longer there, called "Borsellino's". It was well known for not only its Italian cuisine, but also its romantic atmosphere. She had Chicken Marsala while I ate a rather large Mushroom and Crab stuffed Tortellini, covered in their homemade Marinara sauce with Mozzarella Cheese over the top of it, all of which was baked, and the cheese was still bubbling when it was served. Plenty of Garlic bread sat in a basket on the table, with Chianti, and to say that I was full when we finished would be a huge understatement.

However, we were afforded the opportunity to talk while we ate, and throughout the conversation, I could tell that Kara had something on her mind the whole time we were there. I could no longer take it, and in doing so, I finally brought things out in the open.

"Kara, honey," I smiled, reaching across the table and gently taking her hand, "I can tell that there's something on your mind, and I would really love it if you'd share it with e, maybe I can help, but you've gotta trust me enough to open up to me, sweetie."

"Oh, Michael," she tenderly replied, "If anyone can help me with what's on my mind, believe me, it's you."

"Then let me help you," I earnestly told her, "Anything you tell me in confidence will not go anywhere else, I promise, okay?"

"Alright then," she said, sitting up and looking directly into my eyes, "It's like this, Michael; I'm in love with you, and I have been ever since we were both little," and because of the stupefied look on my face, Kara smiled and said, "So, have I totally scared you off, or what?"

"Not at all," I quietly smiled, once I regained my composure, "You don't know this, but what you just said, honors me more than anyone, or anything ever has; and to tell you the truth, I've find myself thinking about you more and more these day, Kara. I don't know why, and I can't explain it, but it's the truth."

"Really, Michael?" she wistfully asked, smiling widely as happy tears began to fill her eyes, "You don't know how long I waited for you to tell that."

"It's the God's honest truth, Kara," I softly replied, "But I would like to take things slow between us so that we don't make any mistakes, okay?"

"Of, course," she happily sniffled, "I'll take you anyway I can get you, Michael. I've only dreamed about you since I was a little girl."

"Is that right?" I smiled, "Kara, I don't deserve someone like you."

"And why not?" she asked, "I promise you that I'll never hurt you like Jenny Fucking Meyers, that bitch. Do you know that she used to screw around on you with other guys behind your back? God, I hated her for hurting you like that, but the really messed up part about it was that you never knew; and I felt that if I told you, then you would think I was just some dumb little fat girl who was jealous."

"Aw, Kara, sweetie," I said, my heart hurting at the very idea of what she's just told me, "I would've never thought that about you. Hell, we've known each other all our lives...our parents have been friends since way before the both of us were ever born so, it's not like I wouldn't have believed you ya know."

"I know that now," she sadly smiled, "But I've loved you ever since I knew what love was about."

"Why didn't you ever tell me, Kara?"

"Tell me, Michael," she pointed asked, "What would you have done if I had, huh?"

"I don't know," I honestly replied, "But whatever I would've done, I sure as hell wouldn't have hurt you, or let you get, or be hurt; and that's the truth."

"I believe you, sweetie," she tenderly replied, gently placing her soft palm to my cheek, "One thing I do know is that you were always so sweet to me...you really were."

"I could never hurt you," I softly told her, "I hope you know that?"

"I do know that," she smiled, "And that's why I was so upset when you left to join the service...even though I knew you had no choice, it still hurt."

"I'm sorry," I quietly replied, "Maybe I can make it up to you somehow...if you let me, I'll really try."

"Oh, I know that, Michael," she impishly giggled, "I'll think of something, believe me."

"I do believe you, and that kinda scares me," I laughed, looking at my watch, "But it's starting to get late, and I've still got a long drive ahead of me."

"Nothing scares you," she teased, "But you're right, we both have a long drive ahead of us. I'm going back home this week to get my stuff together so that I can find an apartment closer to work. That long commute almost did me in last year."

"I believe you," I smiled, "Maybe I can find something close to you and we can drive to work together. How would that be?"

"Oh, Michael," she softly grinned, "That would be wonderful..."


Chapter Four

After I'd paid our bill, much to Kara's objection I might add, we walked out of the restaurant to her car. Once she'd unlocked it, and we were in, she started her car and was letting it warm up before we took off.

"Thank you for dinner tonight, Michael," she sweetly smiled, taking my left hand and holding it against her soft cheek, "I've really enjoyed being with you, and I'm really looking forward to spending more time with you, too."

"Me too," I softly replied, "I can' wait until we get to be together again either. I know that our parents are going to be tickled to death when they find out about us."

"Are you kidding me?" she seriously replied, "My Dad is gonna be so pissed off at you for this."

"Wait a minute," I said, a slight feeling of apprehension in my voice, "I didn't think that he..."

"Gotcha," she interrupted me, giggling like a schoolgirl, "God, you're so easy, Michael," and then she continued giggling, which I found to be absolutely delightful.

"Yeah, yeah," I playfully complained, "Just wait, girlie, I'm gonna get you back when you least expect it so; I'd watch out if I were you."

"Ooo," she teased, "I'm so afraid," and I think it was right then that I began to fall, head over heels for Kara, never to return from the depths of her beautiful soul...


The drive back to my car was filled with me asking her questions about what all she had done since we'd last seen one another. I was thrilled to discover that she'd attended the University of Houston on an academic scholarship. However, when I asked about whether she'd dated any guys in college, it was almost as if I'd stumbled into some kind of wall, or something, because she clearly didn't want to talk about it, and I didn't want to push her.

Still though, when we talked about being able to see one another not only at work, but off campus as well, I could tell that she was very pleased; and why not? She'd told me in no uncertain terms how she'd always felt about me since she was a little girl, and I not only respected her for her honesty, but I also saluted her for having the strength that I knew it took to be able to share her true feelings with me, while also earning my deepest, utmost respect in the process. I don't care who you are; that takes guts to be able to do that, it really does.

She asked me questions about what it was like being in "The Teams"; and while I only spoke strictly about the training I had to go through in order to earn my place there, that was all I wanted to say at the time, and she later told me that she understood, and could literally feel the darkness in me that I'd been dealing with for so long.


When we got back to my car, Kara put hers in park, and got out to talk with me for a few moments longer before we went our separate ways.

"I wanted to thank you, Michael," she softly smiled, as we held hands, "You've always been so sweet to me."

"Any time, gorgeous," I smiled, kissing the back of her hand, as I held it in mine, "If there's anything I can ever do for you; don't hesitate to ask me, okay?"

"There is one thing you can do," she almost urgently said, "It's something I've wanted to do since we were teenagers."

"Tell me, Kara," I gently replied, "What is it, sweetie?"

"This," she tenderly spoke, and then after pulling me into her arms and pressing her whole body against mine, she began to very softly, as well as very tenderly press her lips against mine.

The kiss began slowly, and before either of us knew what was happening, our mouths simultaneously opened, as she sweetly sent her tongue into my mouth in search of my own. In an instant our tongues were gently intertwining around each other, performing a dance that was older than time itself.

As the kiss deepened, I pulled her very firmly against me, while I could feel her intimately pressing her full, soft, yet firm, round breasts against my chest. I held onto her for as long as I could before I felt the tightness coming to life in my groin, and before it became so obvious that she could feel it, I regrettably, but smoothly pulled away, bringing a slow, gentle end to the kiss, leaving both of us very worked up and breathing heavily.

"If I live to be a hundred," she softly panted, "I'll never regret kissing you just now, Michael. I've wanted to do that for so very long," and then I saw a lone tear slowly making its way down her beautiful cheek.

"Don't cry, Kara," I softly whispered, reaching up and gently wiping the tear off of her face with the back of my hand, "That was the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced in my life."

"Do you really mean that?" she asked, her voice beginning to wane.

"Yes," I smiled, "I mean it with all my heart..."


I didn't tell Kara this until much later, but as I drove home that night, I had to pull over to keep from wrecking as I cried my eyes out. I cried because of the terrible things I'd seen while I was in the Navy, I cried because of the friends I'd had and seen their lives needlessly wasted, but most of all, I cried because I'd been hopelessly lost in the dark for so long; and because now that God had placed Kara in my life, I was beginning to see a light shining through that same darkness, showing me the way home.


The first thing I did after I got shaved and showered that next morning was to call Ken.

"Hello, Mike," he smiled, "To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?"

"Nothing really important," I happily grinned, "I just wanted to say thank you for giving me a job, and also that I can't wait to get started."

"That's good to hear," he knowingly chuckled, "The President of the university, Doctor Dresden, was really excited and pleased to hear that you're going to be teaching at the U of H. He also wanted me to tell you that he has an open door policy when it comes to the faculty, Mike. I know you're really going to like him, and he can't wait to meet you."

"Thanks, Ken," I smiled, "I'll make it a point to drop by and see him some time this week."

"That's great," he said, "My wife wanted me to send her esteemed congratulations as well."

"That's nice," I told him, "Tell Ms. Sara that I said thank you, and that I love her very much."

"I will," he grinned, "So, what are your plans for today, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Well, I thought I'd start buy going out and buying myself a new car," I said, "After that I need to go to the University to pick up all of the necessary forms that I need to fill out, then get my parking pass and my faculty I.D."

And before Ken could reply, Kara had taken the phone away from him and cheerily told me, "Good morning, handsome! How did you sleep last night?"

"Good morning to you, too," I grinned, "I slept very well, and you?"

"Mmm," she contentedly sighed, "Wonderfully, especially after the night I had. So; what're your plans for the day?"

"Other than hoping I get to see you," I smiled, "I was going to go look for a new car today; and then I was going back up to Houston to get all of my paperwork completed before school starts next week. Would you care to join me; if you don't have any other plans?"

"Oh, Michael," she smiled, "I would love to go with you. Besides, I think you're probably going to need my help finding your way around...well...at first anyway."

"Sounds good to me," I excitedly replied, "Can you be ready in an hour?"

"Of course," she delightfully giggled, "I'll see you then, handsome...bye, sweetie," and then she hung up.

"What's going on between you and Kara Matlock, Mikey?" Brittany knowingly asked smiling, apparently having just eavesdropped on the telephone conversation I'd just had.

"What if I told you it was none of your business, little sister?" I grinned, leaning down and kissing her on her pretty little forehead, and then turning toward the bathroom, merrily humming to myself as I made my way back down the hall.

"Thank you, God," Brittany tearfully whispered, unheard by me, as she looked skyward smiling, "Thank you so much..."


"Hi handsome," Kara smiled, leaning over and kissing me on the cheek, the moment she hopped into Mom's car, which I'd borrowed again that day, "Thank you for letting me tag along with you today."

"You're welcome," I happily grinned, "I'm glad you're here..."


I went to the Chevrolet Dealership in my home town that day, and because I'd always liked that type of car, which was the only reason that I'd gotten into one with Lance Howard to begin with; I bought a brand new Corvette Stingray. It was a Metallic Midnight Blue, Kara's favorite color...and mine, too; convertible that was fully loaded, complete with the factory 427 engine.

"Oh, my God, Michael," she purred when I took her for a ride around the block, "I absolutely love this car."

"Good," I smiled, handing her the keys when we got back to the dealership, "You can follow me in it back to my house to give Mom's car back to her before we go to the U of H campus."

"Oh, no," she said, "I can't do that, I'm afraid something might happen and then I'd feel terrible."

"Nothing's going to happen," I grinned, and then quickly kissed her lips right before I got out of my new car, to get back in my Mom's car, "I'll see you back at my house in a few minutes..."


"Holy shit, Mikey," Brittany smiled, when she saw Kara pulling into the driveway in my new car, "When are you gonna let me drive it?"

"Hmm, let me think," I teased, "How about never?"

"You're such a shit sometimes," she said, lightly smacking my on the arm, "Come on, Michael...please?"

"Alright, just this once," I said, handing her my credit card, "Go down to the gas station on the other side of town and fill it up with gas, and then bring it right back...and if you get a speeding ticket while you're driving it; it's your little ass that has to pay for it, not mine."

"You've got that shit right," she giggled, getting into my car, "Your ass hasn't been little since you were a baby, Mikey," and then she backed out of the driveway, honking the horn as she drove off."

"I think you've got a nice ass," Kara softly whispered in my ear, lightly grabbing it in the process, "I've always thought so."

"So do you," I quietly replied, as she allowed me to gently palm her beautiful little ass, too, "And I'll never get tired of looking at it, or touching it either."

"Mmm," she purred, gently backing into my hand as I touched her butt, "I sure hope not..."


"Holy shit," Brittany said, with a wild look in her eyes as she pulled back into the driveway in my car, "This thing hauls ass, doesn't it?"

"Yes, it does," I grinned, "Now get your little butt out of my car. Kara and I are going into Houston and we probably won't be back until late tonight."

"I'm so glad to see you two together, Kara," Brit smiled, with happy tears in her eyes as she and Kara hugged, "I told you that if he ever came home and saw you again then everything would be alright, didn't I?"

"Yes," Kara sniffled, returning my sister's hug, "Thank you for all your help Brittany."

"I didn't really do anything, sweetie," Brittany sweetly replied, "But you're welcome just the same."

"Yes you did," Kara continued sniffling, "You stayed on my ass to stick with it when I really needed it, and I'll always be grateful to you, Brit."

"I love you, my hopefully soon to be sister-in-law," Brittany whispered into Kara's ear, unheard by me, before they broke the hug.

"I love you, too, Brit," Kara quietly replied, "And I always will..."


"What did you mean when you thanked Brit earlier?" I asked Kara, as we drove up Highway 36 into Houston, "Is something going on between you two that I don't know about?"

"It's nothing bad, Michael I swear," she softly replied, "I'll tell you about it later...just not right now, okay?"

"It doesn't matter," I told her, "Especially if whatever it is brought us together, my beauty."

"You really mean that, don't you," Kara asked, "Especially when you called me your beauty?"

"Of course, I meant it," I smiled, holding her hand with my right hand, as I drove with the left, "I'll never lie to you, Kara...not ever."

"I love you, Michael Walker," she softly replied, raising my hand to her lips and softly kissing the back of it, "And I know that you love me, too; you just don't know it...yet," as she quietly giggled to herself because of what she'd just said."

"Hmm," I knowingly chuckled, "You think so?"

"No," she pointedly replied, "I know so, and one day soon you're going to open your eyes and realize that I'm right."

"You're probably right, sweetie," I told her, "And I want you to know that I'm not going to fight it if it happens...I promise."

"What do you mean "if?" she sweetly asked me, "You should forget about "if' and start getting used to "when" , okay handsome?"


When we finally reached the U of H campus, Kara took my hand as we walked across campus, making it very obvious to anyone who might see us; that I clearly belonged to her, and only her.