A Mother Always Knows


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"What ever you want to do is fine with me," I replied, "You lead and I'll follow."


Olivia had gone inside to change into something more comfortable as I waited for her on the oversized hammock that had been mounted between the house and a palm tree growing a few feet away. The fronds hanging from the branches of the palm tree that the hammock was tied to hung low enough, and did a great job of blocking the sun, as I laid back and enjoyed the gulf breeze as it slowly and gently washed across my entire body.

"Hi, Baby," said Olivia, pleasantly breaking from my reverie, "Did ya miss me?"

I turned my head toward the direction of her voice and was, for the very first time ever in my life, absolutely stunned by what I saw. Olivia stood before me wearing a pair of tiny baby-blue shorts made out of terrycloth, affording me a view of her beautifully long and tan legs. However, as my eyes rose up her tan and flat stomach, my mouth went dry as I openly stared at her wonderfully big breasts, as they lay softly confined in the white and near-transparent tube top she had on. Her long dark hair hung freely down her shoulders as her eyes now danced like a candle flame, flickering in the wind.

"Oh my God, Liv" I breathlessly spoke, "You look so beautiful."

She slowly glided over to where I lay in the hammock. And as she climbed in to join me, she softly kissed my lips and then purred, "You make me feel beautiful.....and I love you with all my heart."

"I love you, too," I replied, "But there's something you need to know about me before we go any further, please."

"Alright Michael," she knowingly smiled, sitting up in the hammock and crossing her arms, "What is it that you think is so terrible that it can't wait until later, hmm?"

"You need to know why Sally divorced me," I replied, "And why I've never been able to have a decent relationship since."

"Let me guess," she giggled, "Sally divorced you because you were so caught up in "trying to make it" that you were never home," I tried to speak, but Olivia held up her hand to silence me, and still smiling, continued, "And the reason you haven't had a decent relationship, is because you've basically been a bed hopping slut ever since your divorce. Does that about cover it?"

Stunned by the fact that I thought nobody back home had any knowledge whatsoever of the information she'd just shared with me, I asked flabbergasted, "How could you possibly know that, Liv? I've never told anyone what you just told me."

"I knew it here," Olivia cried, taking my hand and placing it over her heart, "Don't you understand, Michael? I've known you your whole life, and I knew when I was a little girl, that we were supposed to be together. I don't care what you've done in the past, that's over with now. What I need to know now, my love is if you're willing to move forward with me......and Caitlyn?"

The thought of Caitlyn brought a smile to my face, and I chuckled and said, "I know that she'd sure be pissed off at me for a long time if I said no, huh?"

"Yeah, she would," Liv giggled, caressing my face with her hand, "She loves you, too, Michael."

Really," I smiled, "How do you know?"

"You wanna know what she asked me when I told her that you and I were coming here," Olivia asked, as I nodded my head, "She asked me if I loved you. And when I told her that, yes, I do love you; she squealed and then jumped into my arms and said, 'Good, cuz I love him, too, Mommy'."

By this time the tears were running down my cheeks by the bucketfuls, and knowing that I was too deeply moved to speak, Olivia gently wrapped her arms around me and tenderly said, "You see, baby, you've got two people who love you so very much. It's time to let go of all the shit that's been holding you back. I promise you that we'll never hurt you, and we promise that we won't let anything bad happen to you ever again."

It was at that moment I realized my heart was now free of the chains that once bound me, and that it was time to let go and love again, as well as be loved again. "I love you, Olivia," I cried, this time out of happiness, never again allowing sorrow to ever dwell within me.

"Oh, Michael," she cooed, sniffling, "I've loved you for so long, and I'll never stop loving you."

"You better not, or I'll tell Caitlyn," I smiled, Olivia giggling as we held one another, watching the sun begin it's descent into the western horizon.


That night after a leisurely dinner that Olivia had made for us, I was in the kitchen finishing up the dishes when I heard her say from the bedroom, "Michael, honey, could you come in here, please?"

"I'll be right there," I replied, drying my hands on the dish towel


I walked into the master bedroom to find that the lights turned off, and several lit tea candles dancing brightly about the room. "Hi baby," cooed Olivia, as she lay naked on the bed, her beautiful body reminding me of something that might've been sculpted by Michelangelo, "Make love to me, my darling."

I took my time removing my clothes, partially because my eyes were glued to her body and I wasn't about to miss anything. Once I was naked, I climbed slowly onto the bed to who I now knew had been meant for me all along. Olivia was the one person that knew me almost better than I knew myself, and I had been given a very special opportunity that comes but once in a great while.

"I'll love you forever, Liv," I breathed into her ear, right before I tasted her lips. As she returned the kiss, the feeling of our naked bodies pressed tightly together became an aphrodisiac of its own. Her large soft firm breasts pillowed against me, her hard nipples burrowing into my chest while I reached down and grabbed the firm fleshy globes of her perfect ass and pulled her against me, as I ground my rock hard cock against her moist mound.

Suddenly she climbed on top of me, and raising her head to look into my eyes, and while slowly rubbing her dripping slit up and down the underside of my cock, she smiled and softly cooed, "I'm only going to do this with the man I plan on spending the rest of my life with so, if we do this Michael, we belong to each other. Do you understand me?"

"Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?" I laughed, rolling us over so that I was between her legs now, "I love you, Olivia Sanders, and I'm never ever gonna let you go, how can I make you understand?"

"By putting this inside of me, right now," she grinned, as I felt her soft hand placing the head of my cock at the entrance to her pussy, "The only thing I know about sex is something that hurts me to think about. Show me what it's like to make love, Michael."

She was so wet that I was able to go all the way in with one smooth gentle push, groaning, "Ahhhhh..." as our pubic bones met.

I slowly moved in and out of her as she became more comfortable with having me inside of her. I had just developed a smooth and sensual rhythm when Olivia suddenly grabbed my ass with both hands and said, "Faster baby...harder...Ooo, yeah that's it." With Olivia urging me on, I began to pump my cock in and out of her at a more rapid pace, almost near the point of pounding her, when all of a sudden, and at the very tip top of her lungs, she let out a very loud and reverberating, "OOOOH.....OOOH GOD, MICHAEL...YES, YES, FUCK ME, BABY. OH YES, OOOOHHHH I'M CUUUUUUUUMIIIIIIIINNGG!!!!!"

That was all it took to trigger my release, and with a loud groan, I released rope after rope of hot scalding sperm deep into her womb, painting the walls of her vaginal canal with my seed.


As we lay together, looking into one another's eyes, relishing in the afterglow of having made the most intense love either of us had ever experienced, I smiled and said, "Damn, baby, that was so good. But holy cow, you were loud."

"See, I told you there was a reason that we came all the way out here," she giggled, "You can't fart back home without someone talking about it behind your back."

"That's for damn sure," I laughed, "Wait till they hear about us."

"You're so silly," Liv smiled, "What makes you think they don't already know, Michael."

"Hell," I laughed, "All of Padre Island heard us so, who's to say they didn't hear us back home, too."

"You're an asshole," giggled Olivia, playfully swatting my chest, "Has anyone ever told you that?"

"They have now, my love," I laughed, hugging her while squeezing her beautiful bare ass, "They have now."

The rest of that weekend was spent with us getting to know one another on a deeper, more intimate level, telling each other our wildest dreams, but sharing our darkest fears and finding comfort in the arms of one another.


That last evening before we had to drive back the following morning, Olivia and I were walking down the beach with our arms round one another. The tide was going out so, it was slightly windy, as I pulled her in close to me, then gently kissed her lips and said, "I can't live without you, Liv, I won't. After the concert I want you and Caitlyn to come back to California with me."

She leaned away from me, and tenderly looking into my eyes, sweetly replied, "Because I love you, Michael, I would go with you to the ends of the earth. But I have a daughter, and I can't just up and move to California. Surely you can understand that, can't you?"

"Of course I understand, baby," I smiled, "But I meant what I said. I can't live without you, Liv. Besides," I teased, "You know you're gonna come with me."

"You're pretty sure of yourself, there, aren't you?" she smirked.

"No," I admitted, "Actually, I'm scared shitless."

"I love you so much," she giggled at my discomfort, "Don't worry, baby, we'll figure something out, I'm sure."


We arrived home around one-thirty that next day to the sight of Leah and Caitlyn playing and horsing around in the pool.

"Why aren't you in school, young lady?" Olivia demanded of her daughter.

"Nana said I could play hooky today," Caitlyn sheepishly replied, "Please don't be mad at her, Mommy."

Olivia rolled her eyes at me and said, "I'm gonna have to have another little talk with my mother." Then her face softened as she dropped to her knees with her arms spread out and giggled, "Come here and give me a hug, you pretty little angel."

Caitlyn squealed as she quickly climbed out of the pool, and then soaking wet, ran to her mother and threw her arms around her, tightly hugging her neck. "I missed you, Mommy," she cooed, "Did you and Mike have a good time at the beach?"

"We sure did, sweetheart," Olivia smiled, patting Caitlyn's little butt like I guess all Moms do, "Maybe next time you can go with us. How would that be, baby?"

"Ooo, that would be great," Caitlyn giggled, and then bashfully looked at me, "And maybe Mike can take me surfing again."

"Why don't you guys put on your swimming suits and join us?" Leah casually smiled, "Poppy's gone fishing and Mom's inside, maybe you can convince her to come out here with us, too."

"That sounds like a great idea," I laughed, on my way into the house.


"So," Andie teased while we were alone in the house, "What did you two do this weekend?"

"We had a great time together," I smiled, "And we got to know each other again."

"You know that Libby loves you," Andie replied, "She always has, and, she would never hurt you, or let anything happen to you, Mikey."

"I know she does, Andie" I smiled, as I hugged my sister, "And I love her, too."

"Oh sweetie," she cried, hugging me tighter, "I'd always hoped you two would get together, and now it's happening. I'm so happy for you both, sweetie."

"So, why all the tears, Sis," I asked smiling, "Shouldn't you be smiling?"

Andie leaned back in my arms and with an expression on her face that I'd never seen before; she looked at me and sadly replied, "When Trevor was killed, I thought my life was over, Mikey."

"I remember," I quietly said, "My whole heart hurt so badly for you, Andie."

"I know, sweet boy," she tenderly said, hugging me, "You and Mom were the two people who kept me from jumping into the abyss. I'll bet you didn't know that, did you?"

"No," I replied surprised, "I didn't know that."

"Leah was just a baby then, and you were right there to help with her," Andie smiled, while gently caressing my face with the palm of her hand, "And Leah loves you so much, too."

"That's only because I spoil her rotten," I teased, "And give her anything she wants."

"Oh God," Andie playfully gasped, "Don't I know that." Then she smiled at me and said, "I want you to know, Mikey, that I hope you'll think about staying here instead of going back to California."

"What am I supposed to do about work, Andie," I asked, "I can't just stop you know?"

"Isn't there something you can do to work it out?" she adamantly offered, "This is your home, Michael, and you've been gone far too long now."

As I'm sure I've already said, and if not, let me tell you now that any time Andie had ever called me Michael; it had always been when she was pissed off or upset with me for one thing or another. And even though I was a grown man, I still didn't care for the thought or possibility of having a confrontation of any kind with my sister. Instead, I simply smiled while gently hugging her, and after kissing her on the forehead, I grinned and replied, "You're right Big Sis, I love you and I promise to give some serious thought to what you just said, okay?"

"Oh you silver-tongued little shit-ass," she loudly giggled, "That will do for now, but I'm not gonna let it go, Mikey honey."

"Good, I would think you were sick or something if you didn't," I laughed, smacking her on the butt, making her squeal, "Now go and get your swim suit on, and then come out and join us at the pool.

"Mikey, Stop it," she giggled, as I continued trying to swat her, "You better watch it, Buster."


Chapter Six

Because of the previous weekend and all the things that had taken place and come to pass in that time, I was more than ready for rehearsals that night. Of course Olivia rode with me to rehearsals, and as I always liked to arrive anywhere between forty-five minutes, to an hour before everyone else, we had a little time to talk, this time about music. I was uncovering and powering up my gear when Olivia grinned at me and said, "I would say that it probably takes a long time to learn how to use all that stuff, but knowing you; it probably only took you a couple of months, I'll bet."

"Actually, it took me a little over a year,' I smiled wearily, "And that was sitting down at it every night and connecting one module at a time to see what it did and what kind of sound it made."

"It looks like it would be very difficult," she excitedly replied, "I could never learn to work that thing, Michael."

"Why not," I asked, "You were smart enough to get your Master's early, weren't you?"

"Well, yeah," she replied, "But that was different, and nothing like this."

"Liv honey," I smiled, "I know in my heart that if I showed you how, you'd be playing this thing in no time."

"Do you really think so, Michael?"

I suddenly had an idea, and with a knowing grin spread across my face, I looked into her eyes and said, "I'm so sure of it that I'm willing to make a bet with you."

"What kind of bet" she suspiciously asked, but still smiling none-the-less, "And what're the stakes?"

"If I win," I replied grinning, "You and Caitlyn come out to California for a week to see if you like it."

"Okay," she grinned "And what do I get if I win?"

"Name it," I assuredly replied, "I'll do anything you want."

"Come home for good, Michael," she sadly replied, a lone tear slowly making its way down her cheek, "Please?" I sensed a sudden, to the point of terrorizing, fear arising in her, but before I could say anything further; the other members of the orchestra began to show up for rehearsal, ending the conversation for the moment.

However, as a parting shot, Liv grinned at me and said, "I'll bet you that I'll play those synthesizers better than you, and in a shorter time than it took you to learn."

"You don't have anything to bet with," I quietly replied, "Or, do you?" As opposed to answering me vocally, Olivia raised her right eyebrow then slowly turned and walked to her place at the piano, maintaining the same cute and cocky smile as she sat down.


The spirit of Rachmaninov was truly alive during rehearsals that night as every single instrument and voice rang out in a melodic blending of pure and unblemished tones, each in time and harmony with another other. What I was not only bearing witness to, but was also a part of, was a perfect, almost cosmic flow of musical perfection, the likes of which every musician dreams of in the deepest most secret reaches of his or her heart.

I felt my heart beat as every note sounded, and it was then, for the first time ever, that I felt fully alive and knew that what I was doing was that which I was truly meant for, and by the will of God Almighty, I was born to do. I also realized just then, exactly what it was that my mother meant when she used to tell me that I was special, and now I knew what I had to do. As I looked out into the orchestra and across to the choir, I saw a smile on every single face of every single musician there, reinforcing the decision I knew I was going to have to make in the not too distant days ahead. But before I decided anything I was going to find out just what it was that Olivia seemed to be afraid of when we were talking before rehearsals.

"Everyone sounded perfect tonight," I announced, applauding my peers, "I salute and applaud you and I want you to applaud one another," as loud applause rang out throughout the pavilion once rehearsals had ended.


Later that night on the way home from rehearsal, Olivia sat right next to me as I drove. "I need to ask you something, sweetie," I told her, "And I want you to tell me the truth, okay?"

"Ooo," she giggled, "It sounds very ominous."

"I'm not kidding," I replied, slightly irritated, "This is very serious."

"Okay, Michael," she said, more attentively, "What is it you'd like to know?"

"Before rehearsals tonight when we were talking about your coming out to California, you seemed like you were afraid of something," I explained, "And I'm not trying to sound like anything other than someone who loves you very much. That's why I'm going to ask you what it is that you're so afraid of?"

Olivia began to tremble slightly, which I could feel as she sat next to me. Then she looked at me as the pain she was feeling just then was clearly discernable in her eyes, and sadly replied, "It's the past that I'm afraid of, Michael. Everything bad that has ever happened to me, took place while I was going to college out in California and I'm afraid to go back out there."

As she told me this I found myself being not only taken by surprise, but also feeling somewhat ashamed of myself for not remembering her telling me about the trauma she went through, as well as where she went through it. I began to understand what she was feeling, and in doing so, I could almost feel it, too.

"I'm sorry, Liv," I softly said, gently kissing her hand, "I wasn't thinking so; if you don't want to come to Malibu, then I understand."

"I know you do, my love," she cooed, as she leaned over and softly kissed my cheek, "That's why I've decided to take Caitlyn to Disneyland over Spring Break, and while I'm out there; I'm going visit an old friend from a very long time ago.......and it just so happens that he lives in Malibu."

"Is it anyone I know?" I teased, "I just happen to live in Malibu, too."

"Silly boy," Liv giggled, scooting over to snuggle close to me on the bench seat, "But I sure do love you."

"I love you, too, Liv," I smiled, gently patting her left thigh, "And I promise that I always will."
