A Lovely Older Woman


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I had dressed myself just for him hadn't I? I had not worn a bra just for him, and telling myself I hadn't done it for him. I had put on the skirt with the slit in it for him. I had put my hair up for him, dangly sexy earrings for him, and last, but not least, my backless high heels that accentuated my legs, just for him!

And now I was getting from him, what I had been trying to deny that I didn't want from him. That I did need him, he had told me I did, I did want him in me again, he had told me I did. I had said, 'no I didn't,' but he was right, I did! I was now hopelessly flopped back on my table and he was nearly sucking me inside out. I came, and I came again, just for him, and only him. I had never in all of my life wanted to cum as much as I did now, and it was all just for him.

"Leo," I bleated, as somehow he poked a finger into my ass, as he emptied me of my senses through my red hot watering fanny. I had my feet flat on the table. My shoes were gone somewhere, my knees were well parted, which made everything easy and open for him. But whether I put them flat on the table, or he did, I never knew, they were just there. He sucked and licked me into a whimpering frenzy. I was running cum out of my fanny, I could feel it spitting and spouting. My husband would have dropped down dead if he had seen me like this. I was totally gone, I felt as if my bones had disintegrated, and all I was now, was a mountain of flesh on my own table, in my own kitchen, and I was being eaten alive by this wondrous boy.

My arms were above my head, my brain was frazzled and fried, how many times he made me cum I would never know, but it was a lot, I can tell you. I don't know either, if this was all unknown pent up sexual frustration on my part or not. That my mind and body had instigated this or what, all I knew was that this was the most thrilling, and exciting thing ever to befall me in my life.

Then somehow I was looking up at him from my submissive place on the table. There was a daze and a haze around me, I was completely pliable and subjective to whatever he had in mind for me. I would find out a little later that he was naked from the waist down now. He looked down between my legs, I actually wondered what he was looking at, and what he was going to do, Stupid stupid girl that I was! He simply rammed his beautiful cock right into me once more. The first few thrusts determined my breathing pattern, every in one, drove it out of me, and every out one, allowed me to suck in lungfuls of much needed oxygen.

I was transported back to the heaven burned into my memory from early Sunday morning. My heaven was instilled in his cock, I knew immediately that I had never had a cock in me as good as this one was, and I've had a few believe me. Most of them had been before I was married, and also one or two after. And I can categorically confirm, that this one was beyond doubt, by far the best.

He had me by the waist, just above my hips, and Leo lifted my legs and feet which he enveloped with his arms as he held me in position for him. Then he gave me a battering to end all batterings, beautiful, majestic in and out strokes. His cock touched and ate everything in it's path, there wasn't a fraction of my fanny that didn't burn from the sloppy hot friction. I suppose it was the stamina and determination of his youth, but whatever it was, it worked, and magically, I can tell you.

How many orgasms he made me have, and put me through, only the good Lord will ever know, I don't, but they were the stuff of unknown quantity, and absolute quality. He caused further havoc in me, by crushing and decimating my nipples, squeezing my full breasts tight, nipping them, it was so utterly painful they made me cum more and more.

Later I would have to wear a cover up, or a large bra to hide the big blue bruises on them that he gave me. Talk about being marked, it was like I had been daubed by a deep blue marker pen! His cock kept up the fabulous onslaught, he fucked me into next week and back again. I had had no say in the matter at all, I had tried to refuse, he had walked right past my refusal, ripped my clothes off and away. And now he was fucking and making love to me, as if I had chased him down and begged him to do me like this.

I was looking at him with fogged eyes, glazed, hardly seeing, such was the catatonic sexual state I was in. No man, not even ten men could have done to me what Leo was doing to me this instant. I tried to raise my arms to him, they fell back again. I had no strength, nothing to give. But I so wanted to kiss him, and he to kiss me. This would have cemented where I was, at his sole beckoning.

Then he grunted, I sensed him stiffening, I couldn't see it, but I knew, he was going to cum. "Leo," I tried to say, "don't cum in me, I'm not on the pill, don't make me pregnant, please?" Do you know what came out of my mouth, nothing! It was the same nothing which had come out of it on the Sunday morning, when he had screwed me stupid with his cock.

Then that not too familiar blast of red hot steaming cum from him, he filled me up to neck high, in a court of law I could swear I was tasting it in my mouth, it could have choked me there was so much. My, unknown to me, closed eyes opened, and he was leaning right over me, driving in and out to make sure he got every bit of cum he had right into my womb. It was there I could feel it.

I suffered when he pulled out, I hate that sudden empty feeling of cock having gone. I was bereft, desolate, I wanted him to stay in me. But I had no words, my voice was no more, "Leo," I whispered. He smiled at me, he was a very happy satisfied boy, as I was now a very happy and satisfied loving wife and mother. He had slaughtered his mother's good friend on her table. Now he could if he wanted, dissect her.

I lay there unable to get up, my strength was nil, and my power of will had been taken from me. Leo looked at me, there was a loving kindness on his handsome face. He peeled his top off, I felt him kick his legs, I guess that were his jeans disappearing from his feet. He helped me up into a sitting position, and actually asked me very tenderly if I was okay. I appreciated that more than he would ever know.

"Yes Leo, thank you," I replied squeakily, I was still trying to breathe normally, as he was too, we were both panting. He stepped away from me. I thought he was going to leave now he had had me, I started to panic, but before I could say anything, he locked the door, and picked up his shirt and jeans.

Then taking one arm, he helped me off the table, I nearly fell down such was my weakness now. But he held me, and kissed me. It was the sweetest of kisses, I revelled in it. Then the room spun, and I landed on his shoulder. Leo walked away with me laying over him. He stalked up the stairs with me hanging on, and also knowing for sure where I was going, where I was being taken, and what was going to happen to me when I got there. It was with the certainty of a million to one favourite. My bed!

He leaned over and I dropped down, my arms flopped like broken winds on a bird. My clothes, what was left of them, came off, for me they didn't come off fast enough, oh no. Now I was dead in the water, all I could do was look up at him. How old was he, a hundred? He had all the answers for all the questions, I had nothing.

And then that all consuming wonderful feeling of hot hard cock digging a hole in me, I felt my legs spread, my knees come up, my feet went over his ass, my nails went into his back, and my teeth went into his shoulder, heaven was relocated! I don't know if there are any manuals out there for 39 year old women, on how to handle the power and stamina of a 19 year old boy when he's on a rampage inside you.

His weight, his sheer determination, his cock, they all overcame anything I had to offer. Everything was new, there was nothing he had done up to now, or was doing, that hadn't been done to me before, nothing was happening I hadn't taken part in. Except with the ripping my clothes off me like that, torn attire had happened before. But it all felt brand new, I couldn't understand me, let alone him.

Not that I was bothered, not right now, because right now I had a super duper hot, thick, and terrifically dynamic young cock in me that was seeking me out wholesale. And I was selling! I held him tight and just let him get on with it, I knew he would get his again for sure, but I was, and I would be, the main benefactor here, that was unequivocal.

Leo pressed his shoulders to me, and shoved his hands under my ass, he forced me up into him, and I could feel his fingers digging into my cheeks. It had the required affect I think, his cock seemed to go even deeper into me, and I came. But his grip was tight, too tight really, it was a little painful but I never said anything, I just came once more instead.

I hope you don't mind, but here I'll digress for a moment while I tell you something. You may be wondering how I'm able to even say all I'm saying, whilst being battered from pillar to post by my friend's 19 year old son. It's because I am writing all this after the event, recalling how it all happened. None of what I'm writing could possibly be even coherent, if I had put pen to paper right after it all would it?

Now back to my little story. Leo was on a roll, the bit was between his teeth and he was riding me to glory. He humped and bumped me all over my marital bed, he was manic, and it all served to let me know I was in with a champ, no one had ever in my life got close to this. And feeling his cock thump against my cervix like it was, was a first for me too. He was red in the face, I kissed him, there wasn't much more I could do, not when I was underneath him as I was. Leo grunted, it was the sign I was waiting for. He was about to cum again, knowing that sent me back over the edge. How many times he had thrown me over I wouldn't know, but being the stalwart I was, I kept coming back for more. And not once did he disappoint me.

Leo's hips crashed into me one final time and again i felt the surge from him, it was pointless to ask him not to cum in me, he had done once, so once more wouldn't make any difference, not now. I swear I felt his cock tickled my tonsils, and the ensuing explosion hit me, it was all I could do just to hang on to him while my final defeated cry was crushed out of me.

He lay on me, I couldn't move, I had to wait until he slid off, his cock being dragged out and away, and again I experienced that awful empty feeling as it did. I turned my head to look at him, a little sensibility returned to my scrambled mind. "What the fucking hell has happened Sal?" I asked me. "What the fucking hell have you done to your life, you got to get some control here babe, or you are going to ruin everything!"

I knew I was right, but that reasoning was a hard thing to digest right now. As it turned out, it was taken from me by Leo himself. I rolled over and my ass hurt, I got off the bed and left him there. I struggled into the bathroom, and turned my ass to the mirror. At the moment it was pock marked with red blotches, this was where Leo had gripped me, I knew they would turn to bruises, and I would have to hide them too, along with the ones that would show on my breasts.

I got into the shower, and ran it hot and long, I was joined a little later by my magnificent young lover.

"Hi," he said, "are you alright Sal?" he enquired, and I was in his arms again. We loved and kissed, toyed and played, I paid special attention to his cock and superb body.

I also sank willingly to my knees, up until now I had had no say in the proceedings, well now I would, but even I doubted that I would be able to make him cum for me. I mean, he had so recently detonated two massive amounts of it in me hadn't he? But I was determined to give it my best shot, no pun intended.

It took me nearly 15 minutes but I did get a small load, I gave him everything I had. I love sucking cock, and I love even more the reward you get for your efforts, and I well earned mine that day. The thing that will stay with me forever, was the way his cock actually slid past my tonsils when he shot. It was the first time I had ever managed that, I had tried many times but had always gagged, but not this time, I took it, and the feel of his cum hitting my deep throat made me cum too, again!

We finally finished in the shower and went back to bed, both of us could only play and love now, we were dried out completely. Then it was time for him to go, we started saying goodbye's etc, and eventually he had to leave, and that was when it all changed. As a parting gift, he grabbed me, I laughed and struggled lamely taking up the role of the helpless girl. Then I soon found out he wasn't playing, he forced me over his knees, held my hands behind my back, and he spanked me, and I mean, he really did spank me.

I cried, and I tried me damndest to break free and I couldn't, and Leo hurt me too, when he finished he threw me off, laughed loudly, and told me.

"Now Sal, you know whose woman you are, who you belong to, okay?" He started to get dressed, and it was then I realised he wasn't a sexy dominant personality, the one I thought he was. No, he was a bully, now I could see it too. There is a big difference between the two, I decided there and then he would never get me again.

I never replied or spoke before he left, I was on alert now in case he tried something else. He went with a huge knowing smirk on his face. I attended to my upcoming bruises, and remade the bed, straightened the house and went to sleep, Ian my husband and Mark my son, came home in the early hours, they had lost, so they were sulking.

The next day, I had to make a real effort not to limp until I was alone, again I attended to my really sore rump, my breasts were hurting, and I began to think I was a bit lucky for finding out about him sooner rather than later. I also knew that he had been the best lover I had ever had, bar none, present incumbent included.

My husband keeps a baseball bat behind the front door for, he says, you never know when you might need a deterrent. I was hoping Leo would call round to 'claim' his woman again, fortunately for me he did. The bell rang and I opened it, and there he was, he looked great, and as sexy as hell, and obviously up for round three with me. I admitted him, the bat was already in my hand behind the door. He walked past me, but I called to him, he turned round, and I jabbed him super hard in his stomach. He went down as if he had been shot!

I stood over him and cracked him on his head, not hard enough to wound him, but hard enough to get his full attention.

"Leo get up, get out of my house, and get out of my life. I tapped his head again and he howled, he began to get up. But I didn't want that just yet, I needed to finish what I was saying, so I whacked his knee. "Stay there until I finish speaking," I told him, crunching his elbow this time. "Don't you ever come back here again if I'm on my own, you will not get in, and I will break your legs with this if you do!" I waved the bat at him and hit his shoulder.

He had got the message, I knew that because he began to cry, it was like watching a baby, I stood to one side, tapped his head, and said, "Right, up, and go, and now!" He staggered to his feet and limped out of the door, I limped after him and slammed it, he was gone. I never had any more bother with him, his mother never said anything, and he hardly came around afterwards so I guessed I was in the clear.

But I have to confess I missed the best sex I had ever had, and my husband isn't who I had thought he was, not after Leo anyway. Now I sometimes wonder about my son, who eyes me like only a boy who fancies an older woman does.

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albert1eralbert1erover 2 years ago
I enjoyed it.

Good story, well told.

PeterrowlandsPeterrowlandsover 8 years ago
So very good!!!

This is the most realistic and best short story

That I have read on Lit and I have read a lot.

Go girl. So much so I may write you an email

With a tale for you to run with.

Thank you.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Americans like "pussy" over "fanny"

. . . . but you Brits do it your way, don't you. It's okay, I guess, but to me, awkward. "I'd love to shag her fanny" doesn't hit the bulls-eye like "pussy."

.I liked the story. Have only one constructive critique. I'd rather you let your characters tell the story of what they are doing rather than the narrator (the lovely lady) simply describe it for me. In other words, more dialogue, less description.

LancerInLALancerInLAover 8 years ago
Wrong place?

I think Loving Wives is a better fit. But Mature is acceptable.

She is a bad woman.

chytownchytownover 8 years ago

For the read.

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