A Double Dose of Desire


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"That's...perfect," Mary could barely say. Swooning again, her legs felt numb and rubbery. Backing up until she sensed the wall behind her, an acute feeling of being fully nude overwhelmed her thoughts for a few seconds, her eyes watching Jimmy's as he looked at her body. "She was...sitting? Your porn girl?"

Jimmy nodded.

Mary nodded, and she slowly sat down on the carpeted floor, thinking her movements were awkward and not youthful. Leaning back against the wall, with her legs straight out from her, she looked into Jimmy's eyes. "Like this?"

"Her knees were up."

Mary felt a flush of heat within her again, knowing now how the girl must have been, knees up and spread, the vibrator against her wide open pussy. This was suddenly more than she'd bargained for, Mary questioning her own sanity again as she raised her knees and opened her legs. With the vibrator not yet in use, she let Jimmy look at her, a happy tingle giving her goosebumps as she saw pleasure in his eyes.

Jimmy's fingers moved from his balls, encircling the lubed shaft of his still mighty hard cock again, and his slow stroking resumed.

"Jesus," breathed Mary, touching herself for the first time, her fingers low on her belly, just above the slightly feral-looking pubes she wished were well-groomed.

Jimmy stayed silent as he slowly stroked himself, not wanting to break this magical spell, watching as Mary's fingers gently caressed the top of her thigh, breathy moaning sounds escaping her open mouth as she tickled her inner thigh just an inch from her pussy. "Fuck, Jimmy," she breathily sighed. "This is...crazy."

Jimmy nodded, eyes sparkling, knowing that she meant 'crazy good.' It was, in fact, the most crazy good thing he'd ever done, or felt, or seen, and Mary's eyes told him she was right there with him in the same sensual wonderland. Floating in it. Getting thrillingly lost.

A faint, soft buzzing sound overtook the silence, the vibrator come to life, Mary's other hand holding it. Her eyes showed a sparkle, a strange new kind of smile, as she touched the buzzing end of it to the tender lips of her pussy.

It's quieter than I thought it would be, Jimmy wanted to say, but he just watched, unable to speak. He saw Mary's eyes occasionally flutter, and her ab muscles tighten and relax, her body seeming to be fighting to hold onto some composure.

"Do you need to cum again?" she asked. "You probably should. You need to. Over and over."

Jimmy nodded, thrilled by the breathless rapture in Mary's voice. This was the dream. The porn girl come to life, so pure and real, so soft and human. And it's Mrs. G!

Mary watched as his fist tightened around his cock, the slippery lube still wondrous, his stroking speeding up. She held the vibrator tighter against herself, letting it slide up onto her clit more often, then holding it there as her eyes fluttered and rolled. Jimmy moaned and she did too, she and he fully joined now in a spiritual union of pure pleasure, an orgasm rising up in her as she watched Jimmy's face give away his ecstasy. His cock erupted with cum again, much less this time but a beautiful glistening mess of it on his stroking fist, and Mary lost control, her mind gone to fully orgasming euphoria, certainly the quickest she'd ever traveled there.

Astonished that her body wouldn't stop spasming, Mary tried to regain her composure. "God!" she huffed, knowing now that it was one of the deepest, most physically altering orgasms she'd ever had. Never before had these twitching spasms lingered so.

Jimmy took in the womanly beauty of it — the red flush across Mary's chest, the wildly beautiful arousal of her nipples, the goosebumps on her thighs and her heaving, spasming belly. He wondered what to do about his messiness, but this situation was too good, and too quietly hushed, for him to worry about it. So he kept up the slow stroking of his cock, the messy cum mixing with the lube to make the slipperiness a bit stickier, a bit noisier.

"You're staying so hard," said Mary, her breathy and still rapturous voice sounding so sexy to Jimmy. "When my husband takes the pill, he doesn't stay hard the whole time like you are."

"Should I...worry?" asked Jimmy.

"No. I'm just...impressed. You can just keep working on it. It'll be back to normal eventually. At least that's how it's supposed to work. Let's rest for a minute, then you can try the turbo thingie again."

Jimmy smiled. "Only if you try yours again."

"Oh, bribery now, huh?" said Mary, smiling. "Okay, I'll give it another go. I hope you realize how unbelievable this is. You and me, naked in my bedroom, doing...what we're doing. I'm not sure I've processed it all yet. Have we lost our minds or...maybe something else is going on."

Jimmy nodded, fully understanding the unbelievability of what was happening. Never in a million years would he have thought he'd be masturbating with Mrs. G, and that she'd be masturbating with him! "Something else, I think."

"Yes," said Mary. "Something else. Our friendship has always been special, I've thought. I really like you, Jimmy."

Jimmy smiled, his eyes looking again at Mary's post-orgasmic body, the state of her physicality looking limper now, maybe even relaxed, leaning back against the wall, still red in the chest and with her legs languidly splayed. She made no attempt to hide the glistening lips of her pussy.

"Would you like to clean up?" she asked. "Maybe you should wipe off, and use some fresh lube. You don't want to overwork that tender skin. Use the bathroom there, if you'd like."

The door was open, just a few steps away, the light already on inside the bedroom's private bathroom. Jimmy knew he was messy, already responsible for a few spots on the bedspread, so he stood up and walked there, his cock proudly hard, leading the way. Mary softly moaned at the sight of him, the exuberance of his cock and the delightful youthfulness of his ass. She loved that he left the door open, her eyes watching him as he washed his hands in the sink and wiped his cock with a tissue. It struck her as maybe the sexiest thing she'd ever seen in the privacy of her bedroom, and Jimmy heard the faint, soft buzz of the vibrator again. Glancing at her, he saw her eyes on his body, the buzzing ball-end tip of the vibrator already touching her pussy, her body responding so beautifully as she re-energized her impatient clit.

"Do it standing up, Jimmy," she could barely say, when he returned. "Fuck that turbo thingie, standing up."

Jimmy's eyes sparkled at this new sexual side of Mrs. G's personality. He wanted to do anything that would please her, so he stood in front of her, reached for the lube on the bed, and made his powerfully hard cock slippery again. Then he thrust himself into the clear, squishy sex toy, and he moaned from the awesome pussy-like feel of it.

"Use your body," Mary breathlessly said, her clit fully electrified with incredible vibrations. "Fuck it like you'd fuck your porn girl."

Jimmy moaned louder as he began, his pelvis thrusting as he held the device still.

"Oh, fuck!" Mary gasped, her body responding uncontrollably. "Turn sideways. Let me see you fuck it."

The moans in the quiet room, both Jimmy's and Mary's, were fully loud now, this an uninhibited session that became quickly orgasmic, Mary crying out especially freely as both she and Jimmy came again. Mary's deep spasms, and her afterglow spasms, were even more profound this time, these orgasms today quite unlike anything she'd experienced before.

"God, Jimmy......Holy shit," she huffed, her thoughts a wonderfully pleasant whirl of reverie.

Jimmy had no more semen in him other than a few dribbles that had already dropped to the carpet, but his own orgasm had felt just as astonishing as Mary's, just as powerful as the first one that had blasted cum halfway across the room. He thought of staggering to the bed, but wanted to stay this little bit closer to Mrs. G, his feet close enough to hers to almost feel her warmth. Feeling discombobulated but bold, he moved his foot and touched hers.

"Jimmy, no. Remember? Just watching. Nothing more, okay?" said Mary, reluctantly pulling her foot away from his gentle touch.

"Sorry, I..."

"No, don't be sorry," said Mary, closing her legs so as not to look so lewd. "It's just...delicate, this situation. It's all happened so fast, and so easily. It's because I like you, Jimmy, and I trust you. I wouldn't be here with you otherwise." Mary looked down from his eyes, seeing his reddened cock. "It looks like the pressure has gone down a little, but you're still nearly fully hard. Still no aches? Do you feel all right?"

"Yeah, I feel normal."

Mary smirked. "Normal. Jeepers, Jimmy, you came three times and you're still hard. If that's normal I'm starting to wish I was young and single again."

Jimmy smiled softly, his self confidence nicely buoyed by Mary's approval.

"I'll tell you what," Mary said, "I can tell you want to be close to me, and I want it, too...so...if you promise no touching, I'll get on the bed with you. It'd be nice to be more...comfortable."

Jimmy nodded. "It's a big bed."

Mary smiled at the agreeable look in Jimmy's eyes. "Yes, it is," she said. "I'll lie on my back, and you can...watch me, however you wish. I didn't think I'd like it so much, but...I do."

"Can you...touch yourself more? Like you did at the beginning?"

Mary tingled with goosebumps. "Yes, if you'd like. No vibrator?"

"Not at first."

Mary smiled, liking this gently assertive Jimmy. Standing up for the first time since her deep orgasms, she felt all rubbery again, and she felt Jimmy's eyes on her as she walked around to the other side of the bed. As she lay herself down, her full nudity came to the fore of her mind again, the feeling of it so decadent, and naughty, and absolutely thrilling.

Liking this new position flat on her back, she relaxed, knowing her stomach looked younger this way, and her breasts, and...yes, this seemed a nice way to present herself, much more aesthetically pleasing than on the floor leaning against a wall. Without thinking, her hands began right away, touching her electrified skin, her fingers on the tops of her thighs, sliding onto the tops of her hips and then her stomach, her ab muscles tensing, a soft moan emanating from her when her delicate touch began caressing her breasts.

"You can sit next to me, if you'd like," she said, her voice already softy breathy.

Jimmy climbed onto the bed, kneeling, sitting back on his feet, looking down at Mary's beautiful sensuality. Without thinking much, he picked up the lube, held it over her breasts, letting a dollop fall on each one.

"Oh my God," she sighed, feeling the cool of it, and the remarkable inner tingle of her excitement. Using her hands to spread the slipperiness of it over the fullness of her breasts, she moaned.

Jimmy's eyes were wide and subtly smiling, his hand squeezing the bottle again, these few dollops landing on and near Mary's bellybutton and the top and sides of her pussy.

"Naughty," she sighed, eyes twinkling, as her hands caressed their way there, picking up slippery all along the way. "You've been naughty all day today."

Jimmy smiled. "So have you, Mrs. G."

"Yes, I have. And I'm happy about it. So far, anyway." Her voice all breathy, she turned her head to look at Jimmy again. "Look at you, all super hard again. We'll have to keep going, to work all that bad stuff out of your bloodstream. Work on it, Jimmy. Right here, close to me."

Jimmy squirted lube onto his hand, took hold of his cock, moaning openly as he began to stroke it. His lovely moans triggered Mary's, and soon it was a seductive chorus of sexual sounds — moans, slippery stroking, slippery clit diddling and wet pussy noises. They were both all-in again, Jimmy and Mary were, the only thing held back being their cravings to touch each other.

It took longer for each of them to cum this time, so this full-on masturbation went on and on, Mary getting so wound up the room began to spin. "Oh God!" she huffed. "I need something. Promise not to laugh?"

Jimmy nodded eagerly, watching as Mary rolled onto her side, her arm going to the lower drawer of her bedside table, finding a dildo there. Without a word she rolled onto her back again, and she placed the tip of the rubbery cock against her pussy, and she writhed her hips as she worked the first inches of it into the inside of her.

Jimmy couldn't believe his eyes. Mrs G has a dildo! And she's using it!

"Lube it," she huffed, breathing hard, holding the now wet tip of it toward Jimmy.

Jimmy squirted some lube onto it, and Mary placed it at her opening again, got the slippery tip where she wanted it, then began ramming it home more energetically. Soon she was a whole new kind of woman.

"Oh, fuck yeah!" she exclaimed. "Fuck me with it, Jimmy! Just do it! Fuckin' fuck me with it!"

With those commands out there, she lifted her knees and held them in her hands, pulling them toward her shoulders with her bare feet high in the air. As wide-open sexually as ever, the dildo halfway impaling her, she said it again. "Fuck me with it, Jimmy. Just do it."

Jimmy did, thinking of nothing but the awesomeness of it. The dildo, a bit thicker than his own cock but not much longer, thrust easier inside of her after her pussy accepted it. His hand controlled the rhythm, speed and depth, a deep and smooth fucking that transformed Mary yet again; now she was quieter, huffing air through her nostrils, her entire body writhing, riding the deep pleasure waves, her back arching up off the mattress.

Letting go of her knees, her legs stayed in the air, her hands now sliding up the already slippery sides of her body to her shiny lubed tits, and the wild sex show was visually complete, this new vision of Mrs. G completely blowing young Jimmy's mind.

"Oh fuck yes!" she breathily exclaimed, her writhing body fucking the dildo as much as it was fucking her. "Fuckin' fuck yes!"

Jimmy, wide eyed, took it all in as he fucked this amazing woman, a real, honest to God woman, hearing her impassioned plea. "Don't stop!...Fuck!...Don't stop!"

"I won't," promised Jimmy.

Soon she cried out again. "I'm gonna cum!...Oh shit!...I'm gonna cum!"

Jimmy, right there between Mary's wide-spread legs, breathed the scent of her pussy, heard the sounds of it, and nearly could taste the flavor of it. His wildly firing imagination could taste it, for sure, and he ached to put his mouth there. But there were rules of engagement today, he'd promised Mary, so he did only what she asked of him, and he made her cum, so very hard, her arms flailing as her body went spastic, her legs in the air trembling, her thighs quaking, her voice now stilled again, mumbling with guttural sounds.

Jimmy didn't want to stop, ever, but he did, slowing the fucking dildo to a deep stir, then ever so slowly withdrawing it. Mary's body's energy appeared to be mostly spent, her eyes still rolled back and fluttering.

A few moments later, with the pussy-wet rubber cock still in Jimmy's hand, Mary's legs lowered to the bed, surrounding him, embracing him, the first real, intentional touch she'd given him all day.

"I can't believe you did that," she said, her voice all breathless breath. "You kept your promise. You fucked me without touching me."

Jimmy smiled at Mary's exhausted smile.

"You're the nicest boy ever. No one else would have kept their promise. Even I wouldn't have."

Jimmy nodded, glad Mary was pleased. Glad she orgasmed so amazingly. Glad he spent an hour every week working in her yard.

"Jesus, Jimmy," she breathlessly said as she lay there wrecked. "That didn't help you much, did it. Are you aching?"

"Yes," Jimmy said. "Now I am."

Mary propped herself up on her elbows. "God, we shouldn't have done that. Is it...worse?"

"I don't know. Just...the same."

"Show me again. I want to watch you again. Maybe I can...Jimmy, give me that turbo thingie. If you can do me without touching me, I can do you, right?"

Jimmy's eyes sparked with wonder at this new idea. His hand reached for the squishy device, Mary already sitting up with the bottle of lube in her hand.

"Lie down," she said, taking the turbo thingie from him. "I want to see you lying down, on my bed."

Jimmy was flat on his back pronto.

"Hold it up for me," Mary said, smirking sexily. "I'm not allowed to touch you."

Jimmy smiled, held his powerfully hard cock straight upright. Mary squeezed lube onto it and lowered the Quickshot Turbo, engulfing him in the awesomely pussy-like feel of it's chamber. Mary watched, wide-eyed, as his shiny slippery tip protruded from the end, then she began the up and down fucking motion, smiling when Jimmy moaned so deep and loud.

"See?" she said, with twinkling mischief in her eyes. "I can do it, too. A touchless fuck."

"Ohhhhhh," Jimmy moaned, his body beginning to writhe.

"That's it, beautiful boy. Work it out. Let your blood go crazy, the way mine did." Mary's face was close, listening to the sounds, inhaling Jimmy's masculine musk, her hand now becoming fully energetic, gradually building speed until she was fucking the shit out of him with the sex toy.

"Fuck yeah!" she breathily exclaimed as Jimmy came hard, his body free with an uncontrolled writhing Mary loved to see. A single spurt of cum flew into the air, the rest a lesser dribble, one that she wanted so badly to taste. Only rarely a cum swallower, this time she craved it.

But no, she'd done it, a touchless fuck, her cravings now beaten down and reluctantly retreating.

"Is that better, beautiful boy? Another little bit of that bad stuff out of you?"

Jimmy smiled, woozy, his post-orgasmic mind still full of colors, scents, and beauty.

Mary withdrew the Quickshot Turbo, and she got up off the bed, Jimmy wondering if everything was over. He watched her go into the bathroom, the door staying open, the sound of water running as she rinsed the squishy sex toy under the faucet. It was in her hand when she came back, along with two towels, one of which she tossed to him.

"We've made a mess of this bedspread," she said. "I'll have to wash it later."

Jimmy nodded, began to towel all the slippery from his cock and groin. "Do you...want me to leave now?"

"What? No, why would I want that? Do you think I'm a wham, bam, thank you ma'am kind of girl? No, Jimmy, this is the nicest afternoon I can remember. I mean it's been totally crazy, but...really nice. Clean yourself up and we'll see how your...problem is doing." Mary smirked at that, her sparkling eyes watching Jimmy's naked body as he cleaned it. His cock, which had softened some, was once again stiffening with arousal.

"My goodness," she said, happiness glinting in her eyes. "It still looks...eager. I guess you know what to do if you ever want to get into the porn business. Take two Viagra and become a star."

Jimmy smiled. "You never told me about the porn you watched. You were supposed to tell me the most recent one."

Mary smiled shyly. "Oh. Yes. It was...a couple, a man and a woman, the guy giving great oral. I don't know why that gets to me so much. The guy's ass is a big part of what I look for. There's certain porn made for women, supposedly. It sometimes has a lot of good shots of the guy's ass as he's...doing things."

Jimmy nodded. He'd seen the 'Popular with Women' tag on certain porn clips before, and always wondered if it was true. "So what do you mean, 'giving great oral'. What does that mean? What makes it great?"

Mary's shy smile warmed her face again. "Oh, well, you've done it, haven't you? Probably with your last girlfriend at least, and maybe even when you were younger. What's it called nowadays? Giving head? Eating pussy?"

Jimmy nodded. "Both those things. But...I just wonder what makes it...great. I just...wanna be good at it."