A Costly Mistake - Alternate Version

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One poor decision leads to unintended consequences.
7.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/14/2021
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Shit, shit, shit... Matt knew he had made the biggest mistake of his life and now the owner of the facilities firm he worked for wanted to see him immediately.

He stood and proceeded towards Dan Connors' office. His mind was racing; there was no way Dan could have found out. As the Accountant and General Manager only Matt ever looked at the detail within the companies transactions and at month end all the accounts balanced.

Matt was sweating and feeling sick as he reluctantly knocked at the door. He reminded himself there was no way Dan ever checked the detailed accounts unless there was an obviously discrepancy in the balance sheets.

Dan looked serious and nodded at the seat as Matt entered. Matt's illusion of safety was shattered immediately, "So I guess the question I need to ask is just how long have you been stealing from me?"

Matt's head began spinning, "What, I have no idea what you are talking about!"

His denials continued, until Dan produced the transaction logs proving a significant amount of money had spent some time in one of Matt's personal accounts before being paid back into the company. He knew the facade was over, he was caught red handed.

"I'm really sorry Dan, I just needed a short term loan until the bridging company came through, otherwise we would have lost the new house Susan had set her heart on. I never really stole it, I paid it back as soon as I could and before month end."

"I don't know what they will class it as Matt, theft I guess or fraud but you could be looking at jail. Even without that you're looking at losing you job; I can't possibly trust you after this."

"Please give me a chance, it was a moment of madness, I've worked for the company almost twenty years and have never thought of doing anything like this before and won't do it again."

Dan stood and looked out the window seemingly in deep contemplation, "You and Susan have been my friends for a long time; I guess that makes this all the more disappointing, did Susan know you did this?"

Matt was surprised by the question. He thought back... it was actually Susan's idea. She was so desperate not to lose the house she suggested it convincing Matt no one could ever find out. Matt thought involving Susan might mean Dan didn't report it to the police but he didn't want to implicate her, after a long pause he said:

"No she didn't, it was my idea."

Dan seemed surprised by Matt's response but let it pass, "I need time to think this through Matt; I'm not sure what to do for the best. Go home, don't come back in the rest of the week, I'll make a decision on Friday.

All the way home, Matt couldn't figure how Dan had found out. No one but him ever looked at the transactions and Dan certainly didn't do detail. His primary concern was about which option Dan would choose. None of them were very appealing, but the shame of a court case and time in prison left him in a blind panic.

He knew Susan wouldn't be expecting him; he looked at their new home as he approached deeply regretting buying the bloody thing in the first place. He suddenly recalled all those stories where a guy comes home early to find his wife having an affair, wouldn't that just cap off a perfect day.

Thankfully Susan was her usually bright sunny and fully clothed self as he walked into the kitchen. He marvelled again at her beauty, just shy of her 40th Birthday her long curly brown hair was pinned up with her fringe resting over a set of deep brown eyes. He preferred her figure now which provided a few more curves and a lot more cleavage since she had their two children. Most of all he loved her smile, a smile he was about to remove for the foreseeable future.

Matt updated Susan with the account of his discussions with Dan and the damning evidence he had.

Susan gasped, "Oh my God... I'm so sorry this is my entire fault, it was my idea!"

Matt shrugged, "I told Dan you didn't know anything about it, it's pointless getting us both into trouble and we need to think about the kids."

Susan thought for a few seconds before asking, "Maybe if I spoke to him and pleaded?"

Matt suggested they just wait. He knew it was going to be the longest three days of his life; they could try the pleading if Dan chose the destruction option. He wondered what he would do in Dan's shoes, they were friends outside of work, often going out and attending parties together, maybe that gave them a slim chance.

Dan texted to say he would come to their home at 7pm on Friday. Both Matt and Susan were sick with anticipation.

Dan arrived exactly on time and was met with a few strained greetings and Susan offering him a beer as usual. Before he could say anything Matt dove in, "I just want to say how very sorry I am Dan. I let you and myself down badly, I understand I've put you in an impossible position and I'll cope with whatever you decide."

Dan gave a strange smile, "I do hope that is true Matt, I do have a proposal for you to consider."

The following silence stretched onwards becoming unbearable, before Dan finally continued, "As well as this issue I have another which I'm wrestling with and I'm hoping I might 'kill two birds with one stone' so to speak. I've been under pressure to seal a major new contract, the customers are extremely family orientated and highly religious. I was in such a panic to get the deal over the line I may have suggested to their Chairman that I was happily married. I never thought they would follow it up or want to meet my wife but seemingly they see that as key part of the deal and building a long term relationship."

"Ok" mused Matt, "and that impacts us how exactly?"

"Well I'd like to... borrow Susan and ask her to pretend to be my wife at least until the contract is sealed."

Matt reacted angrily, "Just exactly what do you mean by 'be your wife'?"

Dan laughed, "Oh nothing inappropriate Matt, just attend a few functions and meetings on my arm. We've been friends for a long time and Susan can play the part far better than anyone else I can get at short notice. There is another factor; Susan is brilliant at engaging and making people feel good. I think she will have them eating out of her hands. If it all goes well we might be able to make it a Client Relationship position within the company. No one at our company really knows Susan so we can keep everything covered up."

Matt grumbled, "I'm not sure if I like that idea that all."

Dan went on, "I would really appreciate this favour from you both. I probably would have asked anyway before your... your error in judgement. We've been out together before as friends so it's not much different to that. The deal would double our turnover Matt, making the company and your job secure. They have a long list of associate companies; if we get this deal over the line the opportunities are endless."

Susan answered first, "Can't you just tell them the truth and I'll come along as the Client Manager for free, it would be easier in the long run."

Dan responded, "I thought that at first, but I'm certain that would lose the contract to our main competitors. Another thing for you both to think about: if you did this for me, well its for us all really; the issue of your theft would go away. No police, no court cases or prison and you stay employed."

Susan could see Matt weighing up the options, "We need time to consider it, we can't decide something like this quickly."

Dan turned to Susan, "Of course, there is a function next Friday but I'll need some notice if you feel you can't go through with it. Can you let me know Monday?"

With that Dan made his excuses, leaving them to talk things over.

They did talk it over endlessly, neither of them were keen on the idea but the reality of the situation left few alternatives. Come Monday they told Dan they would do it. He sent over a client information pack and contract details which made things feel professional. Susan read those and researched the company. They spent the next few days making up Dan and Susan's back story. They mirrored Matt and Susan's relationship to stay as close to the truth as possible, including how they met, engagement and wedding details.

The week was agony for Matt and Susan. They considered calling the whole thing off numerous times but couldn't think of a better alternative. Eventually Friday arrived; they left the kids with Matt's parents. Susan took ages getting ready struggling with the balance between a professional look and evening wear. She was also conscious that she didn't want to go overboard and hurt Matt's feelings but she also needed to make a good impression with the clients.

Reluctantly she chose a black cocktail dress Matt had bought her for their anniversary. The over shoulder styling and long sleeves helped disguise her large breasts, although the neck line provided a subtle hint of cleavage. It was made of a ruched satin fabric, finishing at a respectable knee length matched with nylons and heels which accentuated her long legs. A thin silver shawl finished the outfit.

Matt did his best to muster a smile and said she looked lovely. Dan arriving to collect his wife was a weird experience for Matt. He noticed how delighted Dan seemed to be at Susan's appearance, at least he had the sense to not make any complimentary remarks in front of Matt. Dan went over a few pointers about the clients to keep the discussion professional and tried joking that he would have Cinderella back before midnight.

The jokey effort only elicited a frown from Matt. Susan noticed and reminded Matt and Dan that this was just a straight forward business meeting. She kissed Matt quickly before leaving.

Watching Dan hold the car door for Susan and then walk around to drive her away left Matt with a deep feeling of loss and regret. A feeling which stayed with him throughout the seemingly never ending evening. He resisted the urge to drink just in case Susan needed picking up, that decision seemed to make the night drag on even longer.

It was 11.30pm when Matt heard Dan's car pull up. He checked out the window, they seemed to be talking before Susan got out of the car. Dan waited for her to safely enter the house before pulling away.

Susan smiled as she came in and saw Matt, "I'm guessing you had a difficult night?" walking up she kissed him fully and passionately.

Thankfully Susan recounted her night without Matt having to ask too many questions. She confirmed it was a relaxed professional dinner involving about 20 people from both companies and everything went off without a hitch. She had met the Senior Directors and their wives. The Chairman seemed impressed with Susan's knowledge of his own company. Dan maintained a good balance between pitching for the contract and allowing his guests to have an enjoyable evening. Susan was quick to confirm Dan had also acted as a perfect gentleman throughout the night, his only contact with Susan was to hold hands as they entered and left. Dan was ecstatic because the clients loved Susan, their cover story held up easily and he was confident of landing the contract.

Matt did feel much better once he'd heard all of the details. It all sounded professional and above board. Happily Susan suggested Matt shouldn't waste the opportunity of her being all dressed up and having had a couple of drinks. He agreed completely and began kissing her passionately his hands beginning to explore her body. He felt uncomfortable when he realised Susan was wearing hold up stockings rather than tights. But she explained that she always found them more comfortable, they didn't show any lines through her dress. What's more Matt was the only one who was ever going to see them. His doubts were quickly forgotten when Susan removed her dress and stood in heels, stockings and a matching black satin thong and bra.

With her hands on her hips she remarked, "I do hope you intend demonstrating just whose wife I am!"

Matt undid his jeans, his eager cock springing out to attention, "That I can guarantee".

They kissed again Matt's hands exploring Susan's lingerie; the only difficulty was deciding where to touch next. He loved it when Susan wore lingerie; she seemed to read his mind:

"If you like them that much, why don't you kiss then all over, and I do mean all over."

Matt kissed her cleavage and nipples through her bra before removing it and sucking roughly on her tits. His head continued down kissing her stomach and then her thighs before kissing through the thin material of her thong. He pushed the material aside and went straight into licking her neatly trimmed pussy with gusto. Susan slowed him down and suggested kisses on her outer lips and working his way in before playing with her clit. At that point she wrapped her stocking clad legs around his head. This drove Matt on pushing Susan towards an orgasm. Matt didn't let up and Susan's body began convulsing as she climaxed. Once she had recovered Susan casually took hold of Matt's painfully hard cock and led him by it to her bedroom.

Susan looked into Matt's eyes, "So how do you feel about reclaiming your wife?"

Matt pushed her onto the bed struggling not to rush it he entered her slowly. Susan squirmed and groaned as he fully buried inside her. He withdrew almost fully and then drove into her again. Susan responded with her nails scraping down his back. He repeated the slow withdrawal and forward plunge several times. On the next withdrawal he hesitated and asked Susan what she wanted.

Susan eyes flashed open, "Take me!"

Matt drove in, then picked up a steady rhythm encouraged by Susan's cries of 'yes' and 'fuck me'. He continued to pick up his pace and was now ploughing into her. Susan was panting heavily, gasping then emitted a low groan as she began to orgasm. It was all the encouragement Matt needed as he let his own orgasm overtake him. They both came heavily as Matt fucked her for all his worth. Was there extra passion and desire in their love making or was his mind playing tricks on him. He certainly felt like it was the best night they'd had together in a long time. Subconsciously the idea of reclaiming his wife seemed to add an edge for both of them.

The primary contract was agreed, meeting associated companies became a regular event, with Susan attending every couple of weeks. There were moments of tension including an occasion when clients insisted Susan attend a contract signing event at Dan and Matt's office. At one point Susan was introduced as Dan's wife to the new associate clients whilst Matt was in the crowd. Susan and Matt's eyes met before Susan recovered and continued smiling through the introductions. Matt felt like screaming the truth but managed to choke back his objections before making his excuses and leaving.

As Dan predicted landing the big initial contract led on to more bids for associated firms. It was all a revelation for Susan, the constant bidding and negotiations were enthralling. She felt she was adding value in liaising with the new firms and charming the Directors and their wives. She had always been good with people, making them feel at ease just came naturally to her and she was genuinely interested in them. It was all so exciting, they were on a roll and business was booming.

Susan got on really well with Dan. He remained gentlemanly usually limiting their contact to holding hands. He'd put his arm around her waist on occasion and a few times they had to dance together at functions but it was all above board. They were both wrapped up in the excitement of making new deals. He did make a lot of flattering comments but none felt inappropriate.

Matt was starting to resent all of the extra time Susan was spending at functions and with clients. He was left looking after the kids who he loved but would have preferred to be spending it together as a whole family. This was compounded as they expanded and needed to undertake trips to different cities. He told Dan exactly how he felt as he arrived to whisk Susan away on yet another client dinner. Dan's response was a plea about how important Susan now was to the business, he offered her a formal position adding her to the payroll. Susan was delighted with the offer and accepted immediately.

Dan continued talking but Matt zoned out, he came back as Dan was saying, "You will still have her for 90% of the time, it will just be an odd Friday evening and a trip every month or so."

Matt couldn't seem to process any information and was struggling to speak. One of the many ironic thoughts racing through his mind was that it was good of Dan to accept spending less time with his wife than himself! But actually if he worked it out as purely leisure time spent alone with Susan, he got no-where near 90% of her time; and they rarely went out for dinners or socially anymore.

Susan found herself loving the excitement of her new role. The expense accounts, nice hotels, additional income and spending were further attractions. She was a little worried that she was spending less time with Matt and he clearly resented the continued pretence that she was Dan's wife. At least with her new role their money worries were over and to Dan's credit he never mentioned the money Matt had 'borrowed' again.

And then everything changed...

Dan and Susan finally signed a contract they had been chasing for months; it was their biggest so far. Matt had expressed concerns about over extending the company but Susan thought he was just being difficult as it involved spending more of her time with Dan. Their bid team were celebrating with champagne in a hotel bar. It happened without thinking, in the melee she turned and found herself kissing Dan, the initial kiss lingered. As everyone thought they were married they didn't think it unusual other than they were usually so professional at work events. Susan finally broke the kiss and the others cheered. Both blushed but Dan held on to Susan's hand squeezing it. The stare they shared carried an intensity that acknowledged it would not be their only kiss. They were both distracted as the celebrations continued. As they retired Dan led Susan to his room and she followed without objection.

Susan was trying not to think about her husband, feeling lightheaded she reached behind herself and lowered the zipper of her dress. The feeling of anticipation and excitement was tinged with self-doubt. Was she sure she wanted this?

With a shrug of her shoulders, the top of the dress dropped own to waist level, revealing the lace bra that barely contained her large breasts. It crossed her mind that Matt had helped her pick the bra out. With that, she let her dress fall to her feet. She kicked it aside and stood there in matching bra and girdle with suspenders and nude stockings.

Dan's mouth was hanging open his hand moved to his lap and he shamelessly massaged his straining cock. Susan blinked as she made out the outline of his manhood, feeling herself getting moist. She reached behind and unhooked her bra letting it fall to the floor before holding her breasts in her hands as if offering them for approval.

"Come on over here and give me a closer look."

Susan stepped over in front of Dan between his outstretched legs. He leaned forward, put his hands on Susan's hip, and took a nipple in his lips. The sensation was almost more than she could bear. She put her hands on his head and pulled him closer. It was ecstasy but images of Matt kept flashing into her mind as Dan buried himself into her breasts continuously sucking and licking.

Dan steered Susan down to her knees before smiling and lowering the zip of his trousers. Susan reached slowing in through the zipper opening. When her hand touched him, she let out a gasp. Knowing she would never get it out that way, she unhooked Dan's belt and opened the top of his pants. She hurriedly pulled down his trousers and boxers. Before her eyes popped up a surprisingly large and very erect cock. The veins of his cock stood out in relief, signalling the degree of his arousal and it seemed to pulse constantly. She leaned closer and looked at the mushroom head while stroking slowly. A drop of pre-cum appeared on the tip.