A Conversation with Andrew

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I'm so turned on by my mum.
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I've been reading your conversations. I'm sooo turned on by my mom, it's just crazy! I so desperately want sex with her. Can you give me advice on how to make my dreams come true, please?

Hi there. Well, have you not got sufficient pointers from my advice to others? Ah well, I suppose all people are different, so tell me the background to your relationship with your mum, in the same way others have given me. What is there about her that turns you on?


Hi Sarah.

I haven't told many people about my fantasy. There is also something about your writings that really made me drawn to you and feel I could open up to you. Thank you so much for replying? Will you tell me a bit about yourself? I'll tell you the whole story more in detail when I get home tonight, but I'll tell you this in the meantime. I have an extremely high sex drive. The moment I hit puberty I couldn't help but fantasize about her. She's tall, long legs, huuuge tits, blonde hair that's just starting to go gray. She has a great personality, sense of humor, and me and her have always been very close. In the very beginning when I started fantasizing I tried to tell myself it wasn't really about her but maybe the idea of incest in general. But the more I started having dreams about her and getting turned on around her I had to accept the truth. When I get home from college, I'll tell you what has been happening and I'll ask you what you think I could do to have something happen with her. Thank you so much for replying and I hope we can get to know each other more. My real name is Andrew by the way. Friends call me Andy.

Thanks Andy

Nice name. If you want to know about me, read my story 'The Real Vicar's wife' - it's all in there. I'm 51! Blonde, slight figure, 5'7. Married to third husband. No children. Step-son living in London with drop-dead gorgeous wife. Lovely passionate girl friend (the real vicar's wife!). No incest for me - mother and I didn't get on. Love masturbating though! For the rest, read all about it!

Your mum sounds a good sport! With big boobs! Mmmm! Is there a husband around, or is she 'single'? Does she masturbate do you think? Perhaps she fantasizes about you as well! Give her a hug and stroke her bum for a start! Flatter her! Tell her how much you admire her. Etc...


Hi Sarah.

Okay I'll read it tonight! You sound beautiful I'd love to see pictures of you some time. She's single and she does masturbate. In fact I'm sure get my high sex drive from her (I love masturbating too. I do it at least five times a day everyday). So I started masturbating in her panties. It's been turning me on sooo much. I love the feel of them around my dick. It feels so good! I did stroke her butt today and she didn't mind. Looks like a good sign! I've also been playing around with the idea of leaving dirty pictures of me for her to find on the computer. Or moaning "mom" while I masturbate! I've done that before, but never really loud enough to be sure she could hear. What do you think? Mmm I'm so horny right now. I'm stroking it thinking about her as I'm writing this.


OMG Andy.

Five times a day! That's what I call greedy! I'm wondering of you prefer the fantasy to the reality here - your mom seems perfectly relaxed about stroking - by all means cry out mom as you cum! Do you every hear her cumming? Try pressing your erection against her groin as you embrace, and rub it gently. See how she reacts. She may turn round, bend over and drop her knickers for you to fuck her from behind!! Fill her with cum! I wish I wish!


Hey Sarah!

The last couple days have been amazing. I'll tell you all about it. But yeah I know masturbating five times a day is a lot, but I can't help it it just feels so good!! Yeah I have heard her cumming a few times, but not very often and it was quite a while back. When I did though, it turned me on more than anything else in the world. Her moans sounded so hot! So a few things happened recently. First I found a pair of panties in one of my drawers. A pair I didn't steal myself. I'm not sure if she mixed up the laundry and it ended up in there (it's happened a couple times before). Or if she put them there on purpose. I guess I'll find out soon I hope. The second and third things were both really surreal and still can't believe it happened, but it really drives me insane just thinking about it. First, she heard me jerking off last night and asked me from outside the door if I was doing it! And I told her "yes" and she laughed, and told me to have fun. Then today she just walked in while I was doing it, and asked me if I needed tissues. I told her "yes" ( I didn't even stop) and she brought me tissues, commenting in a teasing way about how big I am and how I'm always so horny. She kissed my forehead and walked back out, but didn't touch me otherwise. The whole experience just really blew my mind!!

I'm starting to really think that something could happen but I don't know why I haven't brought myself to just ask her already. I mean she's always been really open with me about this kind of stuff and it's never been awkward, so I guess maybe I'm still unsure whether or not she wants me, or if she's really that laid back. I've been toying around with an idea. I don't know how this would work but do you think if I gave you her email you could maybe urge her to do it? I don't know haha ... it seems pretty crazy but you seem like an amazing person it would be a dream come true, if something actually happened.


Hello Andy. It seems to me that it's there for the taking. Your mum is just waiting for your invitation. She's obviously a bit shy of physical contact, though I can see that she's anxious to grab your cock and do it for you! She just needs a little encouragement. Tell her you've heard her masturbating (maybe she makes sure you can hear her!), so suggest you do it together for the fun of it! She's seen you, so maybe you can see her at the same time. Once you've got over that, you'll be surprised how quickly it could escalate.

I don't think I should step in yet - and even if I did it would have to be at your mum's invitation via the literotica stories.


Hi Sarah.

Yeah, you're probably right. It's just that I think both me and her might be the kind of people that need the other person to make the first move? I like the idea of asking her to help me, or leaving the panties I use on her bed. That really turns me on. But I haven't worked up the confidence to do it yet. I feel like if I knew for sure she wanted me to, then I'd just go for it. But maybe she's thinking that exact same thing! That's why I thought of you emailing her could help, but whatever you're comfortable with. I appreciate having someone to tell these secrets to anyway, so thank you! But if you do decide to email her, that'd be amazing. The last couple days not too much has happened, because I've been so busy with college, but I've started to moan 'mom' a lot when I'm jerking it and getting louder too! By the way, would you like to see a picture of me?


Well Andy.

One of you needs to make the first move. During one of your sexy chats, suggest she reads my stories and see if she responds. Good luck!


(A few days passed without further words.)

Hi Sarah!!

I'm so sorry it took so long to get back to you, I was having internet problems again + college has been keeping me really busy as well. I've had a fourteen-page paper to work on, so that's been keeping me pretty occupied. I'll be done in just one week! Can't wait.

Anyway, I have a lot to tell you! It looks like my dreams might finally come true after all. I've had a few events happen these last few days that have left me speechless. I think I'll finally be able to be with my mom after all!! I still can't believe it. It's all because I decided to take your advice and just go for it. The fact that she's been driving me crazy all week helped too. I'll tell you what happened: First, every time I've masturbating I've been moaning really loud. Especially been moaning "mom" knowing she's home and can hear me. Then a few days ago I left a cum stained pair of her panties in plain sight on my bed (I wasn't brave enough to leave it on hers but I knew she was going to clean the house while I was out and I knew that included my room. In fact, later that night, I found the panties back in my drawer.)

Then she had a conversation about sex with me again, asking what's been turning me on so much. That gave me the chance to give her a link to your stories!

Then last night, yet again she started having a sex conversation with me, this time in a really playful way. basically teasing me about how she walked in on me and that she's been hearing me. She didn't mention anything about the panties at first but she said that I don't have to worry and that I can moan as loud as I want. Then I got hard right in front of her as she was saying these things! She noticed and laughed and asked me if her saying this stuff was turning me on and I admitted to it. She asked me if she turned me on and I told her she did. She told me she knew because she'd hear me moan 'mom' and she knew I'd stolen her panties, both of which I again admitted to.

She told me she realized this was the case for sure, once she went on your site and found the stories about incest. Finally she told me not to be ashamed and she found it really flattering, and that it actually turned her on too. I couldn't believe it when I actually heard her say it. We hugged and before I went back to my room she did the most amazing thing that's happened in my life yet!! She took her panties off right in front of me and gave them to me and she told me to jack off in them. She said she hasn't been able to stop thinking about playing with me ever since she saw my cock! You were right all along.

This is all still so surreal that I can't get over it. She told me we can't do anything yet but that once I'm done with my finals, she plans on having fun with me. (I'm not sure why stuff didn't happen right there and then. Maybe she's worried that I'd be distracted - although I already am, anyway!)

Anyway that's all that's happened so far. I'm pretty much in shock. I just wanted to thank you and that I'm glad we met. I'll keep you posted on anything else that happens and let me know if you'd ever like to see those pictures of me.


Hi Andy.

Well, there you are! Wonderful!! You see, your mom wanted sex with you all along. Get an A+ in your finals and she'll give you a blow job and let you fuck her as often as you like! Or a little mutual masturbation maybe? By the way, she didn't send me a message after reading my stories! I hoped she might, then I could have nudged her in your direction. Anyway, you don't need it now! She's there for the asking when your exams are over. A new life event is waiting! Let me know all about it when it happens.

Sarah xx


Mmm all of that sounds amazing. I'll try to get her to message you but yeah I just cant believe this is all happening it's so surreal I feel like I'm in a dream. I can't thank you enough. I'll let you know everything that happens. Would love to chat on Yahoo with you sometime.


Well Andy.

Not long to go before you fulfil your dreams! But I guess the time difference makes chat difficult - and I'm not on yahoo anyway! But I'll send you an invite on my own messenger just in case. And if it helps to turn you on - as if you needed any excuse! - do send me pics of that special cock that never stops being wanked!! Meantime here are some of me.


Oh Sarah!

Mmmm! God! You look absolutely amazing! Wow, you're so damn sexy! In this email I've attached two pictures of me. Hope you like!


(Checking the mail next morning, I found his email, and was looking at the photos he'd sent of his very substantial cock, one showing sperm dribbling down the shaft, Andy suddenly came on line. It was only 7 am here.)

"Hey Sarah. You there?"

"Andy! Not asleep then?"

"No! I'm still awake (been writing papers all night, really in need of a good jerk off!). I saw you come on line and hoped you'd be around for a chat. It's been so hard to focus, thinking of how soon I'll get to experience my mom. It's been driving me insane!"

"Mmmmm. Wonderful photos!"

"Glad you like! Would love to see more of you. I'll send more soon as well."

"Lucky mom! She'll love that!"

"I'm the lucky one to have her! I really hope she'll like my dick. Of course if she didn't, we wouldn't be in this situation, I'm sure."

"You have nothing to worry about, believe me! What a marvelous weapon! Let me have a feel! I don't usually chat with guys!"

"I'd love it if you did feel it. And more. I'd especially love to make you cum Sarah. You are so very sexy."

"Ooooo yes! Well ... it's a bit early, but here we go! Let me smear all that cum over your hard cock! I'm grasping it lightly, slowly rubbing the sticky cum up and down the shaft! Oh yes! I can feel your loins clenching already."

"Fuck Sarah! I can feel your hand on me. Wow! Marvelous! Jerking my dick."

"And your fingers dabbling in my wet pussy lips. Oooh I love it! I've never done this to a guy on line before! My pussy is dripping wet!"

"You have the most fantastic pussy Sarah! I can feel your belly trembling! Your thighs shaking."

"I'm not surprised. Oooo, OMG that's so nice. I LOVE your cock Andy. Oh God! Let me squat over your head. Rub my soaking pussy over your mouth and nose. Here we go."

"Fuck Sarah! That's great. I'm inhaling your scent. Your special pussy smell. Delicious! Tonguing your clit."

"I'm taking your cock in my mouth now. Gosh! Feeling the head rub against the inside of my cheeks. As my tongue lashes round the head. Savoring your cock and its juices."

"Oh fuck!"

"Mmmmm. Delicious. I can taste the cum. Will you cum again?"

"Try stopping me. Cos I can't stop it! I love eating your pussy."

"Andy! You're cumming! WOWWWW!"


"Yes yes yes! Fill my mouth with sperm. Mmmmm. Oooo Andy! Thick and tangy! I'm swirling your sperm round my mouth. And .... I'm cumming as well. Swallowing your cum! Ooooooo! OMG. OMG. OMG!YEEEEEESSSSS!!"

"Fuck Sarah! You've soaked me!"

"Well, don't go soft on me. I want to feel it inside me! Thick and hard. Just slip it in here for a few minutes. Mmmmmmm that's great! I LOVE it! Come on ... fuck me Andy! Make me cum again!"

"Oh fuck! I'm deep inside you. Fucking hard!"

"Mmmmmm. I can't stop moaning! Panting hard. Keep going! Keep going!"

"Wow! This is so INCREDIBLE! Unbelievable! Never in my wildest dreams ..."

"It's sheer ecstacy being filled with a hard thick cock! Nothing like it! Oooooo yeees!

"Fuck Sarah! I'm going to cum again! Again! Already!"

"YES! Do it! Don't stop. Keep going! Fill me with your cum. Arrrrrhh! Yeeeeeees! Come on! Do it!"

"Can't stop it! I'm CUMMING! YES! ... YES! ... YES! Yes! Yes! Oh God!"

"Mmmmmmm! Deep inside! Me too! Don't stop! WOWWWW! I'M .... OOOOOO.... CUUUUMMMMING .... NOOOOOW!"

(A short silence!)

"Phew! Andy. Wow! So very good. What a load of DELICIOUS sperm! A second offering! Thanks for the fabulous orgasms! It was so quick!"

"No! Thank YOU, beautiful Sarah. I never expected to have sex with you - even if it's only on line! I had two fantastic ejaculations!"

"Wonderful! Now for your mom! She'll be over the moon! You're unstoppable!"

"So hey! I don't finish my finals until this Friday. However, mom said she has a surprise for me when I get home tomorrow. So maybe I'll get lucky before expected. I really hope so!"

"Good luck Andy! Mmmmmmmm. What a lovely way to start the day! Now get some sleep you naughty thing!"

"To dream of my lovely Sarah!"

(A couple of days passed.)


I've had an incredible couple of days after our online sex! I'm still in shock over what happened and don't think there are words I can use that can give it justice. When I got home that day, she called me from her room. I walk in and there was my mom - in lingerie - laying down on the bed. I immediately got a hard on like I've never felt before. She asked me how my day was but I could barely even speak. I remember her asking me if I liked what, I saw to which I just nodded in amazement. She asked me to lay down next to her. She took my hand and put it on her tits. And I rubbed them slowly. Fuck! She looked amazing. She asked me if I wanted her. To admit to her how badly I wanted her. I told her I wanted her so bad, and all of a sudden she started to make out with me passionately. Her tongue playing with mine. Fuck! It turns me on so much just thinking about it.

I started to squirm and moan in her mouth. And as we kept doing it, she started rubbing my dick through my pants. Finally she took them off of me and teased me about how hard I was. She told me to stroke it for her. How I do it when I'm thinking about her. She told me to moan "mom" loud for her, making her know what a horny perv I am. She really took control of the situation. It was just incredible. The entire time I felt like I was dreaming - the whole experience being so surreal that I'll never forget it. As I kept stroking, looking into her eyes, and moaning loud she started kissing my body up and down making me moan even louder. She started talking dirty to me too, which really made me insane, to see my mom like that. In lingerie, kissing me, tell me to jerk my dick, and moan for her!!

Finally she asked me if I wanted her to touch it. I told her yes while breathing really heavy, turned on beyond what I could have thought possible. She told me to beg and to moan how badly I want my mommy. I did what she asked. She grabbed it and started stroking. And I just went crazy. I've never felt anything that good before. That is until she got in between my legs and started sucking on it, and I squirmed and moaned more than ever before. Just seeing my own mom sucking me off in between my legs was the most amazing sight in my life. It wasn't long until I came really hard in her mouth!!

That was just the first day. I have more to tell you as well and I will once I get home tonight. I'm still in such shock..it was the best experience of my life. She is just so amazing!!


(Two more days passed.)

How are things Andy?? I keep thinking about you and your mom.


Oh Sarah!

Things couldn't be more amazing. The past couple of days every night we got in bed and played with each other passionately. We make out like crazy. Our tongues playing with each other. She kisses me and licks me everywhere and it sends waves of pleasure through me. It's unbelievable. I've been playing with her too, sucking her tits and eating her pussy. The entire time we're moaning, sweating, talking dirty. And I just cant believe it's her I'm doing all of this with after fantasizing about this for so long!! It turns me on so much seeing my mom naked. Pleasuring each other. Hearing her talk dirty to me and watching her touch me. I have never felt anything remotely close to this kind of pleasure and it turns me on even more that it's my own mom who is so good at touching me. Watching her suck me off as I moan 'mom' over and over. It's just heaven.

I made her cum last night while fingering and eating her out and it made me so happy. She tasted so sweet and good. She felt so incredible. I love being able to come up behind her and kiss her neck while grabbing her tits. Or having her tease me throughout the day. I just can't believe all of this is happening. It's hard to really put into words what it is I'm feeling. This is her. She's my mother. And I'm her son. And we've made each other cum over and over. I have never been this horny in my life.

And tomorrow she's said she needs to feel me inside her. She told me that, at first, she wasn't sure if she was going to allow it to go this far, but given how much we've both been loving it, there is no way we'd be able not to. Even as I'm writing this I'm so damn horny at everything that has been happening that I'm stroking my dick. And it feels sooo good!! This all feels like a dream. She's absolutely amazing! And so are you!