A Company Man: The CIA & Me Ch. 02


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"If you could work in the west -- say after retirement, would you? If you could make a lot of money would you?" I asked.

"Oh, in a flash. Except for Alyana I have no strings. Maria ... she'd probably be happier if I left. My job ... lots of young guys ready to take it over and they might even do better at it than I do. Friends ... a few but Alyana is the most important to me and I think she'd come with me. That's all. So, yes, for more comfort and ease I'd leave Russia. I might never go back."

"Let me see what I can do for you Ivan," I said. "Now, it's late and I have to shine with my clients tomorrow. You said you were leaving. Are you going to the C-SIMS conference in Paris in April?"

"No. Should I?" he asked.

"Yes, you should, if nothing more than to hear the wonderful presentation I'm going to make on Expert Systems," we both laughed; I added, "Let me see if I can find any "deals" for you between now and then."

"Wonderful, my friend."

We hugged goodbye and I wondered if we were turning a dangerous corner. Sooner or later I was going to have to ask him to do the deed and probably reveal that I was employed by an un-named yet well-known government organization.

The next day Katrina flew in and we had a long lunch in Tivoli Gardens near our hotel. The weather was unseasonably warm and sunny that day and I was pleased to find that the young women that worked in all the surrounding offices flooded into the park at lunch, stripped to their panties and lay in the sunlight. The whole park was full of nearly naked women. Katrina chided my wandering eyes and laughed at my obvious erection.

We solved the erection problem by going back to the hotel and making mad passionate love all afternoon. We broke for dinner and then did it again. We were both happy with each other.

We also strategized about Ivan Rostofsky and what we could offer to entice his transfer of information to us, and possibly his defection. We both saw more value in his long-term presence in the west where he could be an adviser regarding Soviet defenses. I expressed my own concern regarding my own position and the potential dangers I saw. She nodded in agreement.


One Month Later

Kat flew to London and we met at our flat. She brought her "bug tool" but we found the flat was not under surveillance. This was a good sign; it meant Stacy and I still hadn't been 'discovered'.

Katrina had a big smile on her face as we started meeting. I have some news for you -- both good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"

"Good news," Stacy injected into the conversation.

"I've negotiated a deal for Stacy, you, me ... and for Ivan." She paused for effect, "EACH of us will each get $10 million tax free if we can deliver the software for the Soviet defense system -- what we've been calling their 'Star Wars Program' -- similar to the one in the U.S."

My jaw fell open. Stacy fell back in her chair, her eyes as big as saucers. I think I said "holy shit" about a dozen times.

"Now for the bad news," Katrina finally said slowly. "This is one of the most dangerous assignments I've ever heard about. It goes far beyond just shuttling memos and bits of information and mis-information from one person to another. Their program is huge -- millions and millions of lines of code all in an arcane machine language. One guy in The Company I talked to said that if it was printed out on paper it'd probably fill a two-story house floor to ceiling. I'm at a loss to think of how we could get all that out of Russia let alone out of the secure facility when Ivan works."

"What about microfiche or a micro-camera?" I asked.

"A possibility, but a very time-consuming process to take all those pictures. You get about fifty lines of code on a page -- there'd be hundreds of thousands of pages."

"If it was put on a disk or a reel of tape, what was your expert's estimate on size?" Stacy asked.

"He didn't mention it. I don't know what the compression ratio is. I'll ask and that's a good idea."

"So," I started slowly, "someone has to ask Ivan to defect, get the code ... smuggle it out of the country ... and ... come along with it."

"That about sums it up," Katrina said. "Further, it can't be me. I'm on profile with them. They don't mind me wandering around Western Europe doing whatever it is I do, but I can't cross the border without being double-teamed. Even my courier days are over."


Stacy came with me to Paris for the April C-SIMS meeting. I gave my speech and suddenly Ivan appeared to congratulate me. The two of us walked out of the auditorium and I found Stacy and introduced them. I could see that Ivan was impressed with her and vice versa. We made arrangements to meet for dinner at our hotel - the George V, a grand hotel and restaurant. Ivan was openly impressed.

Dinner was a grand affair. I watched with delight as Stacy and Ivan flirted incessantly with one another. He rapidly became enthralled with her and she with him. I knew we were making progress when I saw lots of touching and rubbing happening on their side of the table. Stacy was her most sophisticated and sexy self plus she'd dressed to all but reveal her breasts to him. Ivan responded well to her challenge.

After dinner we invited Ivan up to our room for an after-dinner drink. He was more than happy to follow Stacy wherever she was going to lead him. We'd left the lights dimmed and the radio playing some soft jazz, so the room was already 'romantic' when we all walked in. Stacy sashayed into Ivan's arms, putting both hands behind his neck and whispering, "Dance with me." He started out politely, however, she pushed her body into his as much as she could -- from chest to knees, making a definite connection at hip level. I smiled to myself as I saw Ivan's eyes go wide at her first contact; Stacy can be very convincing.

To help get things started, I excused myself, ostensibly to go to the bathroom. Instead I went and turned down the large bed so it was ready when they were. I gave them about ten minutes and then slipped back into the living room of our suite to see what was happening.

Stacy had Ivan's cock out and in her mouth. She was practicing some of the things that Katrina had taught her about giving head and deep throating someone. From what I could see, she'd learned her lessons well. Ivan stood there with his pants around his ankles and a wide-eyed expression on his face. He was totally enjoying himself and, for that matter, Stacy looked like she was having fun too.

"If you keep that up you won't get what you really like," I finally said to Stacy. She paused and looked at me, nodded and then started to pull Ivan towards the bedroom by his erect cock. Of course he couldn't walk with his pants around his feet, so a rapid shedding of clothes by both Ivan and Stacy took place. Eventually a naked Stacy led a naked Ivan to the large bed. I shed mine as well and soon all three of us were in the bed together with Stacy in the middle. Stacy focused on Ivan, massaging his cock and pulling his head to her breasts. This gave me an opportunity to launch myself into her pussy, licking up the delicious nectar that her body produced when it was in heat. She was in heat big time -- there was a lot of nectar.

I suggested that Ivan and I change places and he seemed to like that idea. He proved to be better at cunnilingus than I gave him credit for. Only a few minutes after our switch he brought Stacy to her first orgasm of the night. She clutched onto me then pulled my mouth to hers as she spasmed into the orgasm; I could almost feel the blood from her intense kiss.

"Ivan, fuck me," she finally said. "Bring that big, beautiful cock of yours to my pussy and sink it into me. I want to feel every inch of you in me ... and I mean right now."

Ivan shot me a glance to see if I was still in full approval of what was happening between Stacy and him; I nodded encouragingly as I prepared to lean in and suck on her breasts some more. I knew that Stacy loved having her nipples sucked and lightly bitten and I intended to satisfy.

Ivan moved into position and then sank his long rod into her body. Stacy sighed with pleasure as he sank to his full depth in her body. Then he started a gentle in and out motion, apparently content to watch the erotic scene unfold before him. I sucked on her mammalaries. Stacy had another small orgasm, as she was prone to do when she was in a heightened state of sexual arousal. Ivan nearly lost it.

I whispered to him, "Ivan, don't cum. When you feel you are getting near, pull out and we'll swap places." He understood and nodded as he started to thrust into her again. Stacy was becoming a writhing mass of hot flesh on the bed. Two minutes later I heard him grunt and saw him withdraw, the purple head of his cock suddenly swinging into the open air. Stacy moaned and then the moan extended as I thrust into her vagina with my own hard rod.

Ivan managed to position himself so Stacy couldn't reach and fondle him; he wanted to cool down whereas she wanted cum all over her and deep in her body. We'd get there but not on her timetable.

I felt my cum arriving but pulled out before my body went on full automatic and I couldn't stop. I whispered, "Ivan, your turn." He took my place again burying his cock in Stacy's pussy. Stacy came again, writhing, arching, panting and moaning as she did. Ivan kept his nice steady pace right through her release.

I rose and got our tube of Astroglide from my suitcase and returned to the bed. I motioned for the two of them to roll over so that Stacy was on top of Ivan. She did, tucking her knees up beside his prone form as she started to pound into his pelvic region with her own. I stopped her briefly as I lubricated her little pucker hole; then I pushed her down over Ivan and pushed into her with my steel rod. We'd done this before but not for a long time so Stacy knew to relax; in only a few seconds I slid deep into her ass. She not only gave a little shriek but also had another orgasm. Ivan's eyes were huge as he understood what we were now doing.

The two of us developed a technique of alternately thrusting in and out of Stacy's body, each of us in the hole we'd selected. She came again ... and again ... and then a third time with the two of us pushing into her and smoothing all over her body. I reached around at one point and massaged her clitoris right above where Ivan's cock was moving into her body. That was one of the three.

Ivan finally said, "I am very near my friends. I must release or my whole body will explode from the planet."

I nodded at him and said, "Me too."

Stacy said, "Thank God. I can't take much more of this. Finish me. Fuck me. Fill me with your cum -- both holes ... all holes. Shoot in me or all over me, I don't care which, just do me!"

Ivan groaned and thrust his body up into Stacy. Through her peritoneum I could feel the final thrusts of his cock into her body. I knew from the intensity that he was cuming deep in her cunt. Stacy started to spasm, not only in her pussy where I could feel it but also with her rectal muscles. The spasms rippled through her entire body. I shot my full load of jism deep into her bowels as I added my final thrusts to Ivan's. Stacy had her most intense orgasm of the decade, shrieking and moaning as she jumped around between the two of us with body-racking twitches and spasms.

Finally, she fell forward onto Ivan, pulling his face to hers and smothering his face and upper body with kisses and tongue. We were all in a high state of bliss.

I pulled away, leaving the two of them coupled. I slid off the bed and retrieved some washcloths from the bathroom. I waited to have them drenched in hot water before I wrung them out and brought them to my bedmates. Ivan appreciated the effort immediately and thanked me.

Stacy rolled off him onto her back, her legs spread in open invitation. I could see the two rivulets of cum starting to ooze from her body orifices. I had no aversion to cum so I sank down and put my mouth over her entire vagina and sucked. I couldn't see Ivan's face, but Stacy told me later his jaw dropped open in amazement and awe. Stacy threw her head back and rode me as I ate the cum from her pussy; in the end she climaxed again, this time holding onto Ivan for dear life as the pleasure swept through her body.

I took the washcloth I'd brought for Stacy and then cleaned her up. She just lay back in Ivan's arms and enjoyed my ministrations. Eventually I tossed the cloth on the floor and came up and kissed her. She came into my arms and we kissed passionately. It told her I loved her deeply and that I was pleased we'd been able to bring such pleasure to her.

Ivan apparently took this as his cue to leave. I nudged Stacy; she rose and went to the nude Colonel before he'd found his clothing, "You could stay the night with me if you want."

"No, Stacy," he said, "you and your husband need time to savor the love you have for each other. With your indulgence I shall join you tomorrow for breakfast; please call me when you are ready for my company."

She kissed him tenderly and whispered "Thank you" to him. He left five minutes later.

Stacy came to me in all her sexiness, pulling my cock into her mouth to harden me again. Finally, she rose over me, dropping her moist pussy down my cock; "You know I never get tired of making love with you -- any way at all. What Ivan and you did to me was intense and I loved every second it and I look forward to a repeat performance some time soon. That said, I'm content when it's just the two of us making love or fucking or screwing or whatever it is depending on our mood."

I kissed her and she kissed back. Then she added emphatically, "Now fuck me -- hard!"

I did.


The next morning, Stacy and I met Ivan and a small and relatively unoccupied outdoor café just down the street from the hotel. The three of us got our pastries and liquids and sat in relative silence. Stacy finally leaned in and kissed Ivan and said, "Thank you for last night. It meant a lot to me. I can tell you like me." She gave him a big grin as he started to protest the use of such a weak word for what had happened.

Eventually he said, "I could love you forever Stacy. Who knows, perhaps I will."

We ate and watched the commuters racing by to their jobs.

I mustered up my courage and finally broached the most delicate of subjects with Colonel Ivan Rostofsky, head of Soviet Missile Defense Software Systems. "Ivan, I need to talk to you about something very sensitive. It concerns your job and ... well the future of you in Russia and ... who knows, maybe what happens between our countries for the next thousand years."

Ivan looked intrigued. Stacy understood the cue and said, "This sounds like 'men talk,' please excuse me while I look at that little newspaper stall just down the way." She got up and left the table.

I continued, "I have a proposition for you that you may just want to reject out of hand. I hope you'll listen all the way through this with me and ... and not lose your temper ... and certainly I hope not reject our friendship." I made sure he was with me and went on, "I have explored the job situation and have a very unique offer for you. The benefit is that it will provide you a bank account with $10 million in United States currency."

Ivan's jaw dropped open much as mine had when I'd heard the amount. He was numb. I waited a moment for the idea to sink in.

I eventually went on, "The quid pro quo for that money is that the United States government would like to have the software code you and your group have developed for the missile defense system." I let the entire proposition sit on the table for a minute before I went on. Ivan frowned.

"We'd talked in Copenhagen about how loving people is sort of like politics. I'd like to think that such a move would help put a damper on the Cold War and help improve U.S.-Soviet relations. My guess is that when we saw what you have, we'd stop worrying about our own Star Wars project or whatever we call it."

"Why do you say that David?" Ivan asked suspiciously.

I laughed, "Well I understand software and information systems -- in fact I am almost a world-class expert in parts of this industry. Someone told me that your programs are probably millions and millions of lines of software code." Ivan nodded in agreement; I went on, "Well, unless you are phenomenal, walk on water, talk to God, and probably come from another solar system, you can't have that many lines of code unless it is riddled with hundreds -- even thousands -- of errors. What you have is basically useless; it can't drive a missile defense system. Well, maybe it can, but you're as apt to shoot the top off the Kremlin as you are to bring down an incoming ballistic missile with it." He nodded slowly in agreement.

I went on, "If you were to 'leak' the code to us, we would see all that was wrong with it. Believe me, I don't think the United States is any further along. In fact, I guess based on the news and blabbing congressmen that we're much farther behind. That makes us edgy and thus we have our fingers closer to the trigger for World War III. If we knew what you had was basically a pile of shit, we'd back down." I smiled at him. He nodded some more.

We were both quiet for a long time. He thought about the whole proposition. I could see him weighing the pros and cons of the deal.

"Where would I go afterwards? The U.S.?"

"I think you can go anywhere in the world you want to go. My guess is that, at least for a while, you won't be too welcome in Russia. Maybe after a decade you could go back; people have a way of forgetting. We'd provide you a complete identity change if you want it -- even plastic surgery."

"What about Alyana ... and Maria?" he asked.

"Alyana can come too. No problem. We can give her a new identity too. That said, Stacy, Katrina and I want to see you twp and be with you both often." I smiled at him. "As for Maria, the less you tell her the more protected she'll be. She can't say anything about what she doesn't know about. I doubt even the KGB will hurt her except for some injections of truth serum that will prove she doesn't know anything." He nodded and thought some more. Over his shoulder I could see Stacy browsing magazines at the newsstand on the corner.

"What would I do? How do I smuggle out thirty-five million lines of code that exist on three separate mainframe computers?" Ivan asked.

"We haven't got the slightest idea," I said, "I guess that's part of how we'll earn our millions. We've talked about it and tapes seem the most logical way, but ..." I shrugged.

"David, I am not proud to admit that your proposition intrigues me. I am likely to do what it takes to earn that money. I will eventually miss Russia -- at my age I think I could never go back alive. Let me think about this and we will be in touch somehow." He paused then added, "You might wonder whether I will talk to anyone else about this. We seem to have some trust with each other; I want you to know that I will never speak to anyone of this other than you -- not Alyana, not Maria, no one."

"Thank you, Ivan. I know this is not the easiest situation I have put you in and for this I am sorry. That said, I cannot picture you in your retirement playing chess in front of a gray projekt apartment complex. You need love and sunshine; I think Stacy and I can help you find that path."

We stood and he hugged me like a brother. We looked closely at each other's faces. Then he walked down the street towards Stacy. I watched the two of them embrace, kiss, talk briefly, kiss again, and then Ivan walked away on his way back to Moscow.


Katrina flew in to Paris and we spent the night together. The first part of the evening she de-briefed us. I tried to repeat every word and phrase and nuance I'd sensed from him. Suddenly I learned why Katrina was a handler. With Kat, too, we could be completely open about our sex and love making the night before. She understood and even grinned at us as we told her of our erotic escapades.