A Christmas Present


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Anne was just laying there watching me. She had a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. "I thought that I would never see you looking at me again. Oh, God...I thought I lost you...I was so afraid..."She wept.

I went to her and put my arms around her. She held me tight and said, "Oh Georgie, hold me, just hold me. I need you to hold and never let me go. Please promise you will never let me go. I need you so badly. I love you Georgie."

She then broke down and wept deep sorrowful sobs. I held her and whispered sweet nothings into her ear, telling her that I loved her and that I would never leave her again.

Then as if she were once again taken over by a sexual demon, she pushed me onto my back and got on top of me. Her lips mashed into mine and forced her tongue into my mouth. I opened my mouth and our tongues wrestled and loved.

My hands pulled her gown off her shoulders and I slipped it off her shoulders and she lifted up, shucked it off and threw it onto the floor. She ripped my pajamas off and they were on the floor in no time. She moved down bent over and took my dick into her mouth. She started bobbing as she sucked and ran her tongue over the entire length.

I was holding her head and groaning and moaning, telling how much I loved her and how wonderful it felt. I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up and I kissed her lips. I said that I didn't want to cum in her mouth.

She giggled and said, "You really want to get me pregnant, don't you? I obviously haven't been on the pill and you want to fill me...Well my love that's what I want. I want that so bad."

She lifted her hips, took my erect dick in her hand and dropped onto it, impaling herself. I was completely inside my Ann in one fell swoop. She just sat there for a moment, like she was enjoying he sensation of once again being filled with my cock.

She slowly almost agonizingly so, she lifted off of me and then dropped. That started a wild, passionate coupling. She rode me. She rode me hard and fast. Her hips were like a blur moving up and down on my steel hardened dick.

At first, I just lay there, but then I began to move with her. I slammed up as she dropped and very quickly we were in wild, wonderful rhythm. Loving and fucking like nothing else in the world existed. And right now nothing existed other than this fantastic beauty on top of me.

Not having made love in almost a year, I knew that I wasn't going to last long. But I didn't care, I didn't try to hold back. I knew that I would be loving my wife again and again. I shoved my dick up as far into her as I could and erupted, shooting my hot virile seed deep into my Anne's womb.

Anne went stiff and sat straight up and moaned. I could feel her vagina clamp around my dick and I knew that my wife was having a climax. She then gave out with a sigh and fell forward on top of my and held me.

I could feel her shake as she wept. She held me in almost a death grip and cried. I whispered my love for her and told her that I was sorry that I had caused her so much distress. I kept saying that I was sorry and asking her to forgive me.

Slowly she stopped crying and lay on top of me with her head on my chest. In a soft voice she said, "Oh Georgie, I'm not mad at you. None of this was your fault. Things that we couldn't control took our lives over and we have both suffered. But now you are back in my arms and I will never let you go. I love you my darling and I will love you forever."

Then Christina started to softly cry. Anne giggled and said, "She isn't hungry or wet, I think that our daughter feels left out and she wants to be with us."

Anne got up and went over to the crib and picked Christina up and brought her into bed. The baby stopped whimpering as soon as Anne picked her up. Anne placed our daughter between us and she seemed to be happy. She just lay there cooing and what I thought was snuggling into us. Whatever, I was in heaven.

We lay there with our child and I told them about the months that I spent with Dmitry and his family. After I returned and especially during the trip to Kyrgyzstan, Nousafarin would tease me about getting married so quickly and kept telling me that I would be having many children. That Dmitry and I were real studs and that our poor wives wouldn't stand a chance and would be having children by the dozen. Oh yea, Nousafarin then informed us that she was pregnant again.

Needless to say, I am sure that both she and Dmitry will get a great laugh when I tell them about Christina. Anne giggled and said, "Well you know that I'm not on the pill now and you could be catching up with your friend real soon."

It hit me that if we wanted to wait we would have to be careful. Then Anne told me that she should be safe for a while and would start taking the pill today. But she had all intentions of giving Christina a brother or sister in the future. I wasn't going to argue with that.

We then heard someone banging pots and pans around and realized one or both of the grandmothers were advising everyone that Christmas breakfast would be ready and we had better get down to the dining room soon. So I got up put on my sweats, picked up my daughter and took my wife's hand and the three of us went down to breakfast.

The next three days were wonderful. We spent Christmas at Aunt Milly's. Of course Mom and Uncle Milt also stayed. Then we went to Mom's and we spent the next two says there...with Uncle Milt.

Then after much argument, with Mom, Uncle Milt, Aunt Millie etc., the three of us returned to Chicago. The doorman was happy to see Anne and Christina, but he just gave me a nod of recognition. I was just glad to be home. I couldn't believe what Anne did to the place. I always thought that this place was great...but now it was fantastic. She had done a wonderful job turning it from a Bachelor Pad into a home.

We went into the Master bedroom, Anne had put Christina's crib in there so she wouldn't have to go too far for the night time feedings. I put my sleeping daughter into her crib and turned and looked at my wife. She took my hand and we walked into the spare bedroom.

Anne looked at me a little sheepishly and said, "I did a few things in the apartment. I hope that you don't mind. Christina needed a girl's room and the furniture in here yelled bachelor pad. So I sorta made it into a little girl's room."

I laughed out loud and said, "It looks great. We couldn't have our little one in a room that wasn't all pink and girly, now could we?"

Anne ran into my arms and held me. Once again she started to weep, holding me tight and kissing my cheek and face. I had my arms wrapped around her and was returning the kisses, telling her that I loved her and that I was never going to leave her...ever.

I scooped her up in my arms and was once again surprised just how little she weighed. I carried her into the bedroom and laid her on the bed. I lay next to her and took her into my arms holding her close. I kissed her all over her face, neck and shoulders. I couldn't get enough of her, I wanted to kiss every inch of her body from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. We made love, got up to feed Christina, ourselves and went back to bed and made love.

We both fell asleep around midnight and Christina went over six hours before she informed us that she was hungry and wet. I got up and changed her diaper and brought her to Anne for breakfast.

We got up and I made us coffee, decaf for Anne and some pancakes. After cleaning up we put Christina in her crib and she slept. We showered and once again made love as the hot water ran over our bodies.

I had called Carl and arranged to come into the office today. I had told him that I would be in around nine but he said to take my time and that ten thirty would be better. He had some things to take care of.

As the office was only six blocks from my apartment and the weather was unseasonably warm, we decided that we would walk. So packing up our daughter's supplies and taking the stroller we headed out in plenty of time.

When we arrived at the office, Josephine the receptionist, ran over to me screaming and throwing her arms around me. This of course brought the whole office staff out into the reception area.

I was given a hero's welcome. Everyone came out and was shaking my hand and pounding me on the back, welcoming me back from the dead. But as soon as everyone saw Christina, I was forgotten about and she became the center of attention. George's daughter was far more important than George. And that was fine with me...she was the most important person in the world...after her mother.

Carl was there laughing and slapping me on the back. He then told me that the Board of Directors were here and that I was wanted.

I went into Carl's office knowing what I had to do. I went into that room knowing exactly what I was going to say.

I followed Carl into his office and shook hands with everyone. I then looked at the members of the board and I started, "Gentlemen, if I could say something..."

The President of the Board said, "In a minute, George, if I may...well...we have something to ask. You have been with us for quite a while and in all of that time, you have been traveling. There are people who have been here for over five years and they have no idea who you are."

The other members of the board laughed and nodded.

"Everything you have worked on has been completed with the minimum of trouble...well before the latest one and even that you were able to pull that out of the fire. The government of Tajikistan recovered the dam and they say they couldn't have done it without your help. They were able to get to the demolition charges before that General could have his people set them off."

"It seems that they had no idea what to do when they couldn't detonate the charges remotely. Disabling part of that transmitter was a stroke of genius."

"Needless to say the Government of Tajikistan is very happy with you...and by extension with us. Look, I know that you have always been on site with these projects. You are our best...but I want to ask you for something...as you know, no wait you don't, but Andrew is retiring and before you were reported dead we had decided that we wanted you to take over his position, as executive vice-president of European operations."

"Now as you know that this position doesn't involve much travel and when you do it will be in Europe. But, most of the time you will be here in the office. It will be a big change for you. We really want you to take this...think about it will ya?"

Think about it? I wanted to jump up and shout to the heavens. This was a gift from the gods. Exactly what I wanted. To be in the office...no more travel...no more sleeping on cots...no more being away from my family.

I smiled and said, "Thank you, I will give it a lot of thought. Now that I think of it, I am getting a bit tired of travel and now having a family..."

They all smiled and Carl got up and said, "I think that it's time to really welcome our own hero back, so let's party...no working today."

We went into the Board Room and the place was decorated to the hilt. The board table was covered with foods of all kinds and the sideboard was backed with bottles of liquor, beer and soda.

Anne gave me a questioning look as I walked over to her and Christina. She whispered, "I didn't think that they would be so happy after hearing your news."

I smiled and said, "Yea...well..."

I saw a look of fear in her eyes and she said, "You didn't tell them, did you."

I gave her my warmest smile and said, "Trust me," and I gave her a light kiss.

She smiled and said, "Of course, my love."

At that point, Carl stood up on a chair and cleared his throat rather loudly. He started, "Excuse me, everyone. First, I want to welcome our own George back from the dead and I think that I speak for everyone when I say just how happy we are to have him back."

There were cheers and clapping. When it quieted he continued, "I also have an announcement. As everyone knows the 'Old Man' here is retiring." He pointed at Andrew and Andy bowed. There were comments and clapping again.

"I want you to know that we have offered Andrew's position to George and we are still waiting for his decision...so I want everyone to get on his back until he accepts," that was met with laughter and cheers.

Anne looked at me with surprise as Carl continued, "Of course that will mean that he will be here in the office...Sorry George, no more gallivanting around the world anymore. You will be stuck here in the office."

There was laughter and someone yelled, "Hey Carl you are supposed to be talking him into taking the job not scaring him away." Again more laughter.

Anne looked at me with tears in her eyes and whispered, "Three hundred and sixty four noisy dinners?"

I laughed and said, "A whole lot more than that, I can assure you."

Then I leaned in close to her and said, "By the way, I think that I'm taking the job. What da ya think?"

Anne smiled and said, "Oh Georgie...I'm so happy. This is better that I could have dreamed. Yes, take it."

I shouted, "Carl, you are such a smooth talker and a real salesman. I'll take the job."

A cheer went up and Carl and the board came over to me and I said, "I've conferred with the boss and we have agreed that the time has come for me to stay home."

They all laughed and Carl said to Anne, "You may be the boss for now but when she gets a little older, if she is anything like my daughter...you will lose that position."

The rest of the day was great, we got home around six in the evening. Both of us were exhausted, being in the spotlight can do that.

Carl told me to take a couple of weeks off and go away. "You need to reconnect with Anne and get to know your daughter. Don't think about this place for a while."

Needless to say I didn't think about work at all and spent the time getting reacquainted with my wife and getting to know my daughter. And, no Anne didn't get pregnant right away, but a few years later Christina had a baby brother and later a sister.

The Grandmothers are in their joy, babysitting and learning to like this Chicago place. Anne and I are still going strong after all of these years. Of course we eventually gave up the apartment for a house and a white picket fence. I do some traveling but I take Anne and the family with me when I can. And when I don't it's a very short trip.

And no, I don't miss the projects and the living in exotic places, I have all of the excitement here at home with the soccer, baseball, school concerts and plays. And I have my own exotic beauty waiting in bed for me each and every night, she is my Anne, my Christmas present every night of the year.

Hope that you think that the time you spent reading this was worth it. Again please tell me what you think.

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TomNJaxTomNJax5 months ago

Excellent story. Loved the character development. Highly enjoyable!!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Absolutely loved the story. The only problem I have is the time-line. George was gone just over a year, 9 months of pregnancy and 2 and a half month old baby doesn't work, it would have to be some other guys kid. Sorry to be so anal about that. I still just had to give it 5 stars.

MoogPlayerMoogPlayer11 months ago
Just as good as the first time I read this!

This story has been on my "Favorites List" since 2014. I always enjoy coming back to visit George and Anne....Great Story!


unclemerv77unclemerv77over 1 year ago

This was a great story with very good ending. I read these stories not for the sex but, for the romance.. thank you very much, this was very good

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

a great well written story with a fab storyline

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