A Blind Hunt

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Bounty hunting is a mesmerizing profession.
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Patreon voted Bonus Pairing #1 Vampiress vs Hunter

Thunder vibrated the wooden building as Han Helbringer strolled through its doors. The rain would start soon, he imagined, though the clouds above looked darker than the black abyss. This might be one of those storms that lingered, causing destruction across the land.

The man kept his buffalo hide duster pulled tightly, covering his six-shooter at his hip and keeping his gaze low under his ten-gallon hat. The room went quiet when he entered. All eyes were on him.

Han hated this part of the job. Walking into a room full of the competition. He knew they were all sizing him up. However, he had no choice. This was how the monster bounty hunting guild founder wanted it. All the hunters hanging out in the same bar. Han didn't understand why in, all honesty. Maybe the old wolf just liked the company. Reminded him of home, perhaps.

The wolf claimed to be from another world. Here against his will.

Helbringer strolled towards the far side of the room. A low rumble met his ears that he could have mistaken for thunder if he didn't know any better.

"Paragon, that was quite the job you pulled. I'm impressed," the voice proclaimed, using Han's guild name. No one shared their real names.

Han looked up, piercing blue eyes locking on the man he sought, or rather wolf. Sitting at a table with a full mug of ale was Fenris himself, the founder of their little band of bounty and monster hunters. Everyone assumed it wasn't his real name but with him, you never knew.

After the demon, Meridiana had been banished Fenris had thrived. The werewolf longed to return to his world but alas didn't know how to. Instead, he made the best of his situation by gathering people with skills he could train and mold. Before long he had formed a guild of bounty hunters. Their goal to track down and deal with the succubus' daughters.

Over time, some of their prey had joined their ranks. Most of them just whored themselves out. Han didn't like it, but to each their own. To be allowed to 'feed' without harming innocent people.

The wolf slid a bag of coins across the table. Payment for resolving his 'bounty' as it were.

"What made you decide to let her live?" Fenris asked, baring teeth in a smile. Han held back a shiver as those sharp eyes stared him down. It felt like the wolf could see right into his soul.

"Her innocent victims weren't dead. Just held against their will. Wouldn't have been an honorable kill."

"Good lad, you're one of my favorites for a reason. Don't tell these other mongrels," the wolf said with a laugh, knowing all eyes were on them.

"You say that to each of us that complete a job," Han replied, bored of simply being there. He stepped forward and retrieved his payment. The bag felt heavier in his hands. Bounties paid more to bring them back alive.

Despite liking fenris, he didn't like being around so many people and creatures he didn't know. It simply wasn't the type of profession you spent time getting to know your peers. Each were out for themselves and would gladly stab you in the back for their own gains. Han (Paragon to Fenris)was no different in that regard.

"Perhaps, perhaps. Sit, have a drink."

"I want my next job," Han spoke softly, glancing around the room. It seemed each time he returned there were more monster-girls hanging on hunter's arms. Even he had begun to save a few of their kind. Was he going soft or were they adapting to the times? Learning that certain behavior signed their death warrants.

"You look like you could use a break. Perhaps I could..." Fenris gestured to a slim woman at the bar. She was an Orc by the look of her green skin, pointed ears and small tusks sticking out from between her lips.

"I just want my next job."

"Heh, alright," the wolf huffed, "ever been to Travercraig?" He flicked his wrist with claws sharp as talons. The Orcish woman returned to the bar with a frown.

"No, but I know of it."

"There have been reports of townsfolk going missing. The usual. Go there and sort it out. Rescue the folk if you can. Bring back the culprit dead or alive as always."

"Right," Han nodded and turned to leave. The wolf paid more when it turned out to be one of Meridiana's creations. Human bandits and outlaws barely kept you fed. Monster-girls and the supernatural on the other hand, paid handsomely.

"Maybe someday you'll slow down to enjoy life. One never knows when they'll meet their match. Would hate to lose one of my best because you got greedy."

"People are always in need. It would be dishonorable to go on leave and let them suffer," he replied, tipping the brim of his hat and turning. Or lounge out at the bar while the innocent suffers, he thought to himself, giving another hunter a grimace instead of a smile.

"Indeed, safe travels Paragon."

Helbringer stepped outside and took a deep breath. He hated spending time in there. It always seemed to be the same faces hanging around getting familiar with the ladies. Did they even hunt anymore?

Guess it made sense in a depraved way. The women were captured after harming the innocent. Fenris let them live and in turn they 'fed' off the hunters in a controlled environment. Han had a suspicion that the act was addictive.

The ladies appeared to have regulars just like at a brothel. Paragon refused to allow himself to join the growing ranks of regulars. He preferred the company of normal women, or none at all. The job kept him busy, traveling around the known world. Just the way he liked it.

He opened the coin purse and pocketed a few coins, closing the purse. After a quick stop, he'd be back on the road.

The next door he opened greeted him with a blast of hot air. Han grimaced, wishing he had left his leather duster outside.

"Ah Helbringer, welcome back!" A large man called out from his forge. "I've got that special order completed if you've got the," the greasy man paused, catching the coin bag tossed at him. "That'll do nicely. Good on ya lad, set your eyes upon your new sword."

The blacksmith pointed to a display case at the fore of the shop. Han bent down and retrieved the silver katana. It felt perfectly balanced in his hands.

"To your liking. lad?"

"Oh, yes. Very much so, thank you, Roger."

"Glad to hear it. She'll treat you right out there."

After a bit of small talk, the monster hunter returned to his trusty steed. It would take him several days to reach Travercraig.

Han only needed to do a few more jobs to fully upgrade his kit. The next one he wanted would be adding armored plates to the lining of his leather duster. He hoped this job would turn out to be one of the demon's spawn. The sword had cost him the whole bounty. Minus the extra for bringing the target back alive.


On the road, he had the nagging feeling that the storm clouds were following him. He kept looking back as he traveled. The clouds were gaining on him. He pressed on, hoping for the best.

Then his luck ran out. He spent several hours in a down pour before giving up and seeking shelter. The hunter found an entrance to a cave. Han spent the night leaning against his trusted steed, his soaked duster drying off to the side.

The next morning, Paragon arrived at the small town known as Travercraig. It didn't look like much. Simple, with all their main buildings on one street. The homes were spread out around the main hub.

Han strolled down the muddy street, easing his horse towards a resting post right next to some water and hay. The town was kind enough to build an overhang over the area. Not many places did that for the horses.

The dark sky didn't look like it would be clearing up. Black, angry clouds hovered above like a bad omen.

With his steed tied to the post, he headed into the tavern--modest building with a bar and a few tables. The two patrons stopped their conversation to stare at the new arrival.

Han tipped his hat at them and walked over to the barkeep.

"Evening sir, I'd like a drinkand some information," he tossed a coin the man.

"What kind of information?" The skinny man asked as he poured a glass of ale.

"Thank you," Han took a gulp and sighed. A cold drink after traveling always hit the spot. "I'm here about the missing people. Anything you know will be of help?"

"Oh, I had lost hope that anyone would care about us." The barkeep replied, shoulders slumping. "Three of our young ladies went missing right after their coming-of-age day. Sweet girls, I dare not think about what was done to them."

"How much time passed between each disappearance?"

"About a month or two between each one."

The man drew a crude map of the town, making notes of each girl's last known location. Han noticed right away a possible pattern. A half circle at the edge of town.

"What is this lone building here?" He pointed to a square the man had drawn just outside of town.

"That's the old count's manor. It's been abandoned since before I was a kid. No one goes there."

"So, no one looked there for the young women?"

"Not a chance. Anyone foolish enough to venture there never returns."

Han tried his best to refrain from rolling his eyes. Sounded like a clear case. The women were at the manor, dead or alive. Part of him ached for a good fight. The last job had been rather lack luster. Innocent people were returned to their homes and the monster-girl was handed over for rehabilitation.

No doubt he'd be seeing her at the hunter's cabin on his next visit. If any of the other hunters had taken that job, they may not have resisted her charms. She had been a crafty minx. Han just didn't mix business with pleasure. Made things complicated. He didn't like complicated.

"Well, I'll start by visiting each location you say the women were spotted last, go from there." He tossed another coin, "Some provisions to go please."

"Right away, sir," the barkeep nodded before fetching some food.

Paragon returned to his horse. He hurried to each location. Hoping to find anything he could before the rain caught up with him.

Each location had been as he expected. Absolutely no sign of a struggle. Or anything at all that lead him to believe someone had been taken.

Perhaps they had all ventured closer to the manor before the creature struck. He grabbed his pistol, spinning it before checking. Fully loaded and ready. Back to his holster. He slid off his horse.

"Better sit this one out girl. Don't know what we're up against." The horse leaned down for some grass as if not hearing him. Han rubbed behind her ears, "That's my girl, I'll be back."

The hunter kept to the shadows, creeping from tree to tree. Without the sun shining through, he had to be extra careful. His prey might already be stalking him.

The sky lit up with a flash. Thunder crashed, making his ears ring. Rain started a few seconds later. Han cursed under his breath. It would be much harder to find any tracks now.

Sure enough, he snuck all the way to the manor without noticing anything out of the ordinary. The building gave him the creeps right away. Exceptionally large and practically a ruin. The roof had collapsed in on itself, siding barely hanging on.

He spent the next hour circling the building. Nothing stood out to him. The barkeep said no one ever returned. Yet, he found nothing that showed signs of anything living in the area. No trails or animal sightings at all.

Then a flicker of light caught his eye. Someone had lit a candle in the foyer. Han ducked low and moved closer to the front door.

A young woman with long black hair pulled into a ponytail. She wore a black and white maid's outfit, holding the candle in one hand and a duster in the other. She had one of those hair bands that had cat ears on them.

Paragon didn't know what to think. Why would a ruin like this need a maid?

The woman looked out the broken door, right at him. Her red lips turned up into a welcoming smile. Han froze in panic. How did she know he was there?

"Good evening sir," she waved. "Please come in, out of the rain and cold."

He stood up, heart racing. She looked at him with big brown eyes, smile beaming, ear to ear. It had an innocent yet, sinister look to it.

"Hurry up now, you're letting the cold in."

The door was in splinters... clearly, she could see that. Regardless, he entered with caution. Walking past the girl, he got a good look. She was pale, very pale. As if she hadn't seen the sun in years. The only blemish on her smooth skin were two small puncture wounds at her neck. They looked old.

After closing the door, if you could even still call it that, the woman turned towards him. Her brown eyes were milky and unfocused.

"I'll take your coat mister?"

"Paragon," he replied, still confused. "Are you all alone out here?"

"Oh, heavens no, the mistress is waiting for you in the dinning room."

"She's... waiting?"

"That's right, she smelled you out there I believe. She's eager to meet you. Your coat please."

Han couldn't believe what he just heard. He knew some monsters had keen sense of smell, but he didn't think there was anyone in the house. The maid hung up his wet coat before he realized he had even handed it over.

"Your weapons, please."


"I can't let you meet the mistress armed sir." She arched an eyebrow, tapping her foot impatiently.

"And how do I know I'm not walking into a trap?" Obviously, he knew he would be. The lady stood there with her hand out. "Are you one of the missing women from town?"

She didn't answer, brow twitching slightly. Well what else could he do? Assault an innocent woman and rush in guns blazing?

"Ugh, fine," he relented, unstrapping his belt and pulling his sword off his back.

"Very good sir, please follow me."

Unlike his coat the maid kept hold of his weapons as she led the way. The cold breeze from outside gave him the chills. He wished he hadn't given up his coat, wrapping his arms around himself, rubbing his biceps.

They walked slowly through the manor. Through a waiting room and down a hall. Then the black-haired woman turned into a well-lit room.

The dining room wasn't as large has he had expected, but it had a lit fireplace. Han hurried over and rubbed his hands before the fire, sighing contently. The warmth spread throughout his body.

He had rushed by a large table that took up the center of the room. It had five chairs on each side with one on each end. The chair at the end near the fire had been turned to face the warmth.

"Madam, your guest has arrived, Mr Paragon." The maid said with a slight bow before walking off with his weapons.

"Thank you," Han turned, flinching at the new feminine voice. The smooth voice came from an elegant woman sitting in the chair, right by the fire. He had walked right by and never saw her.

Now that he did, he couldn't look away. Her skin was so pale it almost looked semi-transparent, like a spider. He could almost see her veins. She had straight, long red hair, green eyes with a red tint and red luscious lips.

Her black outfit made his mouth water. A tight corset with decorative fabrics like satin or silk presented her large breasts. They looked ready to bust free. He struggled against the urge to lick his lips, gulping instead. Her silk skirt went down to her calves with a slit up the side.

The way she had her legs crossed at the knee, he could see the whole side of her leg, up to her hip.

"Good evening, what brings you to my humble home?" Her voice had a strange undertone to it. Han swore he heard another voice but couldn't make out the words. His skin tingled as he watched her lips move.

"I-I um," he stuttered, caught off guard.

"Well... out with it boy," her lips curved upward slightly.

"I-investigating local disappearances, madam."

"Oh, interesting. You think they're here?"

"All leads pointed to here, yes."

Her eyes sparkled, reflecting the fire light. Han felt his head go lightheaded. His eyes got heavy as he sat down, dizzy suddenly. All he could focus on was her. The rest of his vision blurred.

"Did they?" She leaned forward and Han's eyes started to water. How long had it been since he blinked? The red tint in her green eyes flashed.

The quick burst of light lingered on his vision as his body felt a wave of pleasure. Did he just moan?

Sweat beaded on his forehead, dripping down. He had to get a hold of himself.

"Relax... stare into my eyes... trust in me." The green in her irises flickered out, replaced by red. It steadily got brighter as he stared, consuming his vision. A wave of erotic bliss flowed with it, making his body desire her above all others.

"Do they know about me?" Her eyebrow arched. A smirk formed on her lips.

"Who?" He said with a dumb smile and a vacant stare.

"The town's folk in Travercraig, of course."

"Oh, duh haha, no they just avoid the manor like it's cursed."

"Good boy."

The following shiver went right up his spine. His upper body shook, and his surroundings came back to him. He blinked his tired, aching eyes and wiped his chin. He had drooled at some point, so embarrassing.

Han sat up straight and relocated his erection, cheeks flushing red at the same time. What just happened?

"What are you?"

His question was met with the most beautiful laugh he had ever heard. The woman brought her delicate hand up to cover her mouth.

He caught sight of her red eyes and quickly looked away. He felt drawn to them for some reason.

"I'm your wet dream come to life, darling."

He gulped. Paragon knew he was in over his head. She looked human but he knew that she couldn't be. The seer power emanated off her in waves causing his skin to tingle. He tried to be subtle as he adjusted his pants nervously.

What did he know so far? The place was run down--a complete ruin. The lady had a young maid for some reason. Her eyes made him lose himself, and he had given up his weapons. The biggest mistake of the night.

Anything else? What was he missing? Then it hit him. The maid! She had looked hypnotized and had two puncture wounds on her neck.

Damn it, he wished he knew what he was up against. He started to stand, feeling degraded sitting below the lady.

"I didn't tell you, you could stand, did I?"

His mouth gaped, mind confused and knees wobbling. Han froze mid way in an awkward position. Why did he stop?

"Sit," she said with a conniving smile.

Paragon tried to fight the sudden pressure on his mind. In the end he felt his butt touch the floor.

"Good puppy," she patted his head and Han gasped as pleasure flushed through his body.

"Now, look into my eyes."

Han felt the room roll out from under him as a strong psychic force pulled at his mind. It sent his thoughts into a murky mess, breaking his defenses. Only the gorgeous woman remained in his vision. She looked like a glowing angel in a chaotic world, come to save him. Everything about her called to him, consuming his attention.

"There you go, look deep into my eyes." Her smile widened, revealing two sharp fangs that he couldn't notice. The hunter simply sat on the floor looking up into reddish green eyes like they were his only reason to live.