4 Little Words - Story B: Replacement

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A friend takes over husbandly duties.
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I wrote a story a while back called 'Avoiding those 4 little words,' it wasn't very popular and scored low, I expected that as it didn't involve an obvious BTB for the wife. However there was interest enough to try a few more short stories on the same themes. I have used the same introduction for the couple and diverged from there. They are stand-alone stories and do not have to be read together or in order. Please be warned this group of stories explores hotwife and cuckold themes but with different consequences. I appreciate that's a major turn off for many and reading something else might be a better a choice for you. Still, I hope some folk enjoy them.

Matt was nearing 50, at 5ft 10inches and 180lbs, he seemed to be in a never ending battle not to put on too much weight and just about managed it, at least most of the time. His original dark hair had increasing flecks of grey, which he laughed off as a distinguishing feature. Still working as an engineer, the job took up a lot of time but as he enjoyed it so much he didn't mind the extra hours. Thankfully as the children had begun their own adult lives, this meant Matt had more time to pick up on the hobbies of his youth including golf, fishing and anything relating to the outdoors, he was at last able to go on the extended trips with his long standing friends.

As for me, 'Susan', I was 46, 5ft 7 with green eyes and blonde collar length hair cut into waves. Regular gym sessions helped me stay in shape but age had still impacted leaving a curvier figure. I worked part time as a teacher and had a passion for reading, theatre, film and the arts. I loved classic films from the 50's and favoured vintage fitted skirts, dresses and jackets.

I missed the children terribly, there was a huge void when they left home and I felt lonely, this seemed to be compounded by Matt being endlessly busy at work or away on another trip. My self-confidence was completely eroded and I was so uncertain of myself. At first I was sure it must just be a phase that many empty nester mums had to get used to. We had talked about it endlessly but he seemed oblivious, whilst repeated attempts to do things together as a couple were relegated behind both his work and hobbies. Given how hard he worked I was happy he had time to do the things he enjoyed, I just wished more of them involved me.

Months later and nothing had improved; in fact they were significantly worse. I went to my GP and he diagnosed depression, I was horrified and embarrassed.

and tried talking to Matt who seemed to think the tablets would fix it, he didn't really offer any support. I also talked to friends and family, especially my best friend Helen who was really concerned about me.


Glen was my best friend since we played football together as youngsters. He was pretty much destitute after his divorce and we were short of cash, so I offered him the old granny annex attached to our house to live in temporarily.

Things worked out really well, we were great friends and did loads of renovation and extension wok on our home together, which help keep the costs down. The kids had doted on 'Uncle Glen', once they grew up and moved out he even co-signed as guarantor to our son's mortgage and loaned our daughter money to start her own business. I raised concerns with Susan about that being our job, but she dismissed them quickly saying we were lucky Glen was so supportive. She also thought he doted on our kids so much because he had missed out on his own.

At the neighbourhood parties we hosted, Glen was the life and soul; he had an outgoing and engaging personality and seemed to naturally take centre stage. He joked a lot with Susan and they got on really well.

To be honest I was glad he was there; I worked long hours and had a lot of hobbies which I loved. I worked long hours, but saw that as necessary to provide for my family and I was lucky enough to enjoy my work, most people didn't.

Glen being around during Susan's illness, doing more of the things she liked seemed to rekindle some of her old spark. I was more than happy to avoid, theatre, galleries and shopping and was relieved by Susan's upturn in mood. It occurred to me that Glen had gradually undertaken more and more of my duties as a husband, we were all such close friends it didn't worry me too much. But still it was something I intended to correct after my next business trip.

I was due to go away on a week's trip the following Monday and was once again thankful Glen would be around to make sure Susan was ok. It wasn't just the safety aspect, Susan was better with people around her. It helped her emotional state, something which had become brittle over the years. Once the kids left home it seemed to get worse, she over analysed everything and was constantly anxious. I tried my best to be supportive and positive, sometimes down playing things to balance out her negativity.

When I returned, things were weird. Glen seemed to be avoiding me, and Susan looked decidedly sheepish. I repeatedly asked if she was ok, but got palmed off each time. Her emotions were always erratic and I thought she might be having another down period.


Glen was a godsend to me when Matt was away on business trips, making me feel safe and helping with the kids before they grew up and left. I have to admit, I liked Glen's company, he was outgoing and funny, always flirting and full of compliments, compared to Matt who was more of an introvert. Matt hated shopping and golfed on a Saturday, but Glen would always offer to accompany me, he encouraged me to try different styles, it made me feel good, really good if the truth be known. Matt liked them as well when I showed him later. I started to feel more confident again, that sounds insignificant but it was perhaps the biggest dynamic in my life, how I felt about myself. I think Matt could see Glen had a positive impact on me; maybe that's why he never objected; relieved he had a happier wife.

We often shared meals together; it was easier than Glen cooking for himself, using the term cooking would be an exaggeration of his abilities. It wasn't unusual for us to go for dinner when Matt was working away but it was all plutonic.

I'm not sure where the boundaries began blurring, but at times Glen started to feel as much my husband as Matt did. We spent a lot of time together as Matt was always busy with either work or his hobbies. Can a single touch change a relationship? Glen looked down at my hand and then into my eyes. I felt myself blushing and tried pull my hand back but seemed unable to do so. We were moving closer, were we going to kiss? Thankfully we both came to our senses and the moment was broken. I removed my hand and returned to discussing dinner options, the rest of the night passing relatively normally but with a slight sense of unease.

I lay in bed thinking about the exchange, recalling the subtle looks Glen had given me. I thought he checked out my figure a few times especially my cleavage, but I m well endowed there and all guys tended to do that. I found it flattering especially as Glen was so handsome and fit. We got on so well, I hadn't realised it at the time but it was almost like we had been dating.

I had plenty of time to reflect on the things missing in my relationship with Matt. Although best friends we had few shared interests, sex was fine but rather uninspiring. It seemed we had been drifting apart for years and the kids had been a big part of what held us together.

Glen asked Matt if I could escort him to his company's awards evening. Matt laughed saying, I was bound to want a new dress for it.

Glen agreed, "Yeah bet you are right, but I insist it's my treat and I'll endure the pain of going shopping with her to find one, it should only take a few weeks he added sarcastically.

Matt quipped back, "If you are lucky, I'll be thinking of you from the golf course."

I told them they were both cheeky bastards and that I didn't have to go.

Glen arrived to go shopping just as Matt was leaving for golf. I dragged him around all the dress shops amazed at his patience, the complete opposite to Matt. We ended up back in the very first store we visited with me struggling to choose between two dresses.

I went to try them on, one a black taffeta shoulderless ball gown which flared out from the waist and a blue satin clingy full length evening dress, with a split to the thigh.

Glen's mouth dropped open as I exited the change room in the back gown, I liked that reaction but I held up the blue one as well, "Well it's between these two."

"Wow both look stunning, the one you have on really shows off your curves nicely."

I noticed Glen re adjust himself, and started wondering if he was aroused. The assistant asked me which one my husband preferred. I looked at Glen, trying not to laugh at the mistake, instead playing along with it.

"Well which do you prefer hubby?"

Glen said he liked them both, the assistant wasn't going to miss that opportunity saying they were both on sale, and that one suited summer the other winter as it would be warmer with nylons. Glen smiled and said he liked the nylons idea and winked at me, then went on to say we would take both of them. The assistant was delighted and took the blue dress, saying to bring the black gown up when I had changed.

I didn't realise at the time, but there was a gap in the change room curtain. As I slipped the dress off, the next thing I knew Glen was in the change room with me, he looked me up and down.

I raised my eyes "Glen, whatever are you doing?"

Glen looked hesitant before grabbing my hips, "Well you said I was your husband right? So I am just doing a husbandly thing. I've always wanted you and Matt does not give you the attention you deserve. As his best friend and your second husband I think I need to help him out."

"Listen Glen, I am flattered you like me, but it was just a bit of harmless flirting and Matt is your friend."

I saw a look on anguish in his face, "Susan I am sorry, I thought ...I thought...shit!"

Feeling guilty, for teasing, I moved my hand to his face, "It's ok, I really am very flattered."

"I'm not looking to split you up or steal you away from him, your right he is my friend, but I just can't resist you any longer, you've been on my mind constantly. I well, I ... love you Susan, have done for years, why do you think there was never anyone else.

I was staggered, I knew he liked me but love me! Now I did feel guilty then I realised something else, I cared for him, cared a lot and wanted to return the love that he had shown me over the years. I looked down and could see he was erect, my mind started racing. To have that affect on someone as handsome as Glen was intoxicating, I heard myself saying.

"Well, I guess I could help with that, you being my husband and all."

I reached down and squeezed his bulge; he let out a low moan as I unzipped him and pulled his cock out, it had an impressive weight in my hand and was still growing."

I started stroking him, squeezing harder, "This is a reward for loving me."

"Oh God Susan, that feels so good."

It didn't take long, the next thing I knew there were ropes of cum shooting into the air landing on my bra, stomach and panties.

Glen was breathing heavily and was unsteady on his legs. I kissed his cheek, and wiped myself down before redressing. We walked out of the cubicle hand in hand and Glen paid for both dresses; I linked arms with him as we left.

The tension between us was palpable after that but I kept my distance from Glen to avoid any temptation. Things weren't improving with Matt but nothing else happened until Matt's business trip and when it did, it was at break neck pace.

Glen was with me as I waved Matt off, as his taxi turned the corner, Glen put his arm around my waist and turned toward me.

"You're my wife now, and I intend to bed you!"

I simply nodded; he spanked my arse as I turned to go in. He kicked the door shut behind us and pushed me against the wall in the hallway. We kissed desperately, my mouth opening and tongue exploring as he hiked my skirt up and moved my thong aside. He ripped open my blouse and felt up my tits, I pulled his head into them. Kissing my breasts through my lingerie he pulled down the bra cups and sucked my nipples in turn, flicking them with his tongue.

I spread my legs for him and he rammed his cock into me, fucking me urgently. We lost balance and landed on the stairs but he wasted no time remounting me and fucking me in earnest. It was so desperate and intense, years of frustration coming to the fore. His hands held my wrists above my head, pinning me down, and then he went at it even harder, really slamming into me.

I never usually said anything during sex but found myself shouting, "Yesss baby, take me."

Continuing to holding my hands above my head, his other gripping my arse cheek tight, Glen fucked me harder. I screamed and bucked in orgasm as the rammed into me, my nails digging into his back. His body slapping against me as he burst deep inside me.

After that first fuck he carried me to the bedroom and took me again, kissing across my face and into my neck before collapsing against me.

"That was amazing, I had no idea it could be like that."

"Your pussy felt... incredible, like home."

Glen spent the rest of the week living in my house; we slept in the spare room and fucked a lot. I was sucking his cock the day before Matt was due back, enjoying it throbbing in my hand and decided to tease him a little.

"If I keep sucking it, do you promise to be faithful to me, I know I have Matt as well, but I want you just for me."

"I'm literally all yours Susan... you know I'd do anything for you."

With that I bent over and engulfed his cock head with my mouth, looking up to maintain eye contact and sucking hard with my cheeks hollowing.

"Holy shit..." he moaned.

I sucked again, and then popped off the end before going back down on it. Another low moan of pure pleasure emitted form Glen. I cupped his balls with one hand and held the base of his shaft with the other. Looking up again, my mouth full of cock, I heard him continuing to moan. I latched onto his cock fully, closing my eyes, cheeks hollowing again as my head started bobbing. He moaned again loudly as I squeezed his balls and shaft, letting his cock slide down my throat.

"I'm going to cum... you might want to stop!"

Looking up, I winked, "mmmhmmm"

He immediately shot his load into my mouth as I stayed latched on and swallowed, gulping it down 5 thick shots. His knees buckled, "Fuuuuck... Susan."

I stayed on it as he finished spasming in my mouth, looking up at him and swallowing.

"I'm completely yours, Susan" he said breathlessly.

It was in the afterglow that the dreaded question was broached: What do we do when Matt comes back?

"He asked me to look after you, maybe deep down he knows something was possible between us?"

"I doubt that, I don't think it will have even crossed his mind, he is so trusting. He's a good guy and I still love him, I need to try and look after him whatever happens with us."

"Of course, he's my best friend, so I obviously care too, I am just praying after waiting so long, I don't have to give you up."


The Return:

It was a couple of weeks since Matt had returned from his trip. I had tried acting normal but I was distracted and Matt noticed. I hadn't spent any 'alone' time with Glen and was trying to convince myself I could make everything ok with Matt.

Ultimately I failed, and sat down at the kitchen table with both Glen and Matt. I had dressed nicely, wanting both men to see what they might end up missing.

I looked at the floor, "Matt there is something I need to tell you, it's a confession of sorts and you won't like it, but I'm hoping you will hear me out and let me try to explain things as best I can."

He didn't stop me so I went on, "I think we have been struggling for some time, drifting apart and not spending time together. I've been unwell and felt so lonely, and to be honest Glen has filled that gap in my life. Me and Glen... well we have developed feelings for each other.

"Wait, are you having an affair?"

We've become closer recently. Glen has helped me... us so much, I feel healthier, he has become part of our relationship and I want to look after both of you. It's not fair to exclude Glen given how close we all are.

Are you fucking him or not?"

"Don't be so crude, but yes we have been...intimate."

"You fucking slut."

Glen stepped in at that, "Don't call her that, Susan needed an alternative because you all but ignored her. She should have left you years ago, be honest with yourself, you haven't provided a real relationship in years."

"And what are you... the white knight riding to the rescue, what should I do, thank you for fucking my wife for me."

I stood up, "Both of you need to calm down, everything is going to be fine."

"How the fuck can anything possibly be fine, are you deluded."

"Nothing much needs to change Matt, we're all friends. We work well together, have done for years, the sex just completes my relationship with Glen. Neither of us wants to hurt you, we can work through this together."

"Are you talking about sharing?"

"You won't miss out on anything, you work hard, do the hobbies you love and have a wife and home to come back to. We share family and quality time together. Glen just continues as he always has with one slight change."

"Say what it is Susan, you're fucking him and you get two cocks to play with."

"I knew you would focus on that. Right fine, if it's easier for you to lash out at that then yes. I am a slut and get more cock. Come on Matt you know me better than that, I could have had sex with numerous men over the years, the sex is secondary. The truth is I love you both!"

My blurted out confession of love stopped Matt in his tracks, he looked distraught and walked out without another word. Shit, why on earth did I say that, Glen cuddled me saying Matt would calm down and that it was better to be honest about things.

I burst into tears, "Jesus I couldn't have made it any worse for him, you're his best friend, we cheated and I confessed loving you. This is a disaster, what have I done to him."


Matt didn't come back and it had been a week. All my calls and texts were ignored. Previously I would have insisted a lot of my support came from Glen, it was only when Matt wasn't there that I realised the vast majority came from Matt. He was always there for me, a quiet reassuring and positive presence, steady when my moods were erratic. I thought he was away a lot, but not having him there to go to sleep with, wake up with and snuggle into to watch a film left a huge void. I was distraught and started to fall to pieces. There was little Glen could do to help, he stayed in the annex but we weren't intimate again, I was too distraught for any of that.

It was Glen who eventually managed to track Matt down at a friend's house, explaining to him that he was worried for my health and pleading with him to come back and talk to me. It was enough to get us all back to the kitchen table; it was Glen who started the conversation this time.

"I am really sorry Matt, this is entirely my fault, I have loved Susan for years and couldn't contain it any longer. When I confessed, I think Susan realised she had similar feelings."

"Well that seems pretty straight forward then," Matt said it without emotion.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean divorce, and you can happily pick up the pieces you have been sniffing around for years whilst pretending to be my friend."

I could see Glen's body sag, "I don't want to break you two up, you are such a good friend, and it would destroy Susan to lose you. She's told me numerous times she still loves you. I'm so sorry I grew close to Susan; I guess I was always a little in love with her. I can't change that but please don't leave her, try and work it out between you, I should be the one that leaves, I'll go now and start moving my stuff out of the annex.