Literotica Editor's Profile

@metajinx has published 24 Works since 01/01/1970

Contact Editor
 I prefer gay male stories to any other story, but in very few cases I'll make exceptions. I dabble mostly in fantasy (any fantasy, so dark fantasy, low fantasy, high fantasy, urban fantasy and the likes), sci-fi and any kind of BDSM - no kink is too kinky! I can handle violence and non-consent stories (no glorified gore, no detail rich splatter), but I definitely need a solid, thought-through storyline, realistic, vibrant characters and a good plot. This also is my main field in editing: plots, characterization, clearness of context and word flow. I can also handle basic grammar and spelling rules, but nothing too elaborate. If you need someone to check your story for "readability" and coherence, you're at the right place. -- Selbige Angaben gelten auch für deutschsprachige Texte! Bei Übersetzungsschwierigkeiten bitte einfach kontaktieren.
This editor will edit stories in the following categories:
Maschi omosessuali
Non umano
Non inglese
Fantascienza & fantasia
This editor can edit stories in the following languages:
Submission Format
This editor can accept submissions in the following formats:
Text file (.txt)
Rich Text file (.rtf)
Microsoft Word document (.doc)
Member Information
01/01/1970Member since
12/14/2012Editor since
01/07/2013Last updated