Literotica Editor's Profile

@GrandPaM has published 5 Works since 01/01/1970

Contact Editor
 As a lifelong SF reader and fan, (ok, an SF geek, alright?) I appreciate the questions that drive SF authors to explore the words they craft. However, there is a difference between "Good" SF and "Bad" SF. Usually that difference boils down to one base line item: consistency. Good SF only works if the words the writer build for their stories are self-consistent, but also at least tangentially related to the world their readers live in - because the basis for a reader's understanding of the SF worlds writers build for us to explore with them is the world they themselves know. While SF starts by building us new and "different" worlds to explore, these worlds are all built with the raw materials being the lego blocks of our own known real-world. Knowing where and how to deviate from that and keeping everything consistent is the greatest determiner between "Good" SF and "Bad" SF in my opinion. With that in mind, my best service to aspiring SF writers is to help them to build and maintain the consistency of their worlds (and ours). Be it mind-space or deep space, the rules of the road still need to be adhered to, because crashing through guardrails doesn't do anybody, reader or writer, any good.
This editor will edit stories in the following categories:
Casalinghe appassionate
Controllo della mente
Romanzi e novelle
Non erotico
Fantascienza & fantasia
This editor can edit stories in the following languages:
Submission Format
This editor can accept submissions in the following formats:
Text file (.txt)
Rich Text file (.rtf)
Microsoft Word document (.doc)
Member Information
01/01/1970Member since
01/22/2017Editor since
02/16/2017Last updated