
Update: The first chapter of my new story "A Spectacular Pair Of Tits" has been submitted to Literotica. It should go live in a few days. The second chapter will follow next week.


Hello, fellow Literotica lovers! If you're new here, grab a warm blanket and get ready to enjoy some titillating lesbian erotica. I write short and long stories — the slow "fine-dining" (as one of my early readers told me) and literary kind. I like taking cliché storylines or scenes and twisting them, sprucing them up, and spinning them into a whole new universe.

If you're getting to know my writing now and are wondering what else to read, here are my recommendations:

1. I Dare You: an elaborate naughty plot and the most fun storyline I've ever written. It's light, warm, and cute, and it even won a monthly award when it was published! I won't say more.

2. Taste Me: a single-scene with a back story full of angst and heartache. This one is an emotional rollercoaster. I hope you'll hop on and enjoy it too.

3. 3 Crushes And A Wedding: a 7-part, 70K-word series that took me several years to push across the finish line. The whole idea started as a short "what if" thought. What if you met three of your teenage or early adulthood crushes during the same weekend? But the characters kept going into unexpected directions and developing the storyline in ways I hadn't imagined. This one is a long read, but if you make the time for it, it's a rewarding journey.

4. I Know Where Your Tongue Has Been: one of my earlier works. It also has a special place in my heart because of the way it's written and conceived: backwards.

5. I Want You, Professor (college student + professor)
6. I'm Seducing You (mother + daughter's best friend)
7. J'ai Envie De Toi (two strangers in a bar)
All three are good for a short burst of eroticism. They're stories that encapsulate one moment in time — one high-intensity scene, start to finish.

8. I'd Go Gay For You: a simple but sweet three-scenes series that describes two best friends who slowly discover they have deeper feelings.

9. I've Seen The Way You Look At Me: my earliest story here and my first time attempting to write erotica. It explores the growing attraction between two married women.

10. Making Love To A Nipple: a very, very short poetical ode to nipples.


Please keep posting comments and sending feedback if you like (or not) what you just read. Us writers live for those and they're the only compensation we get.

Author Stats

13 Years AgoMember Since
28My Favorites
2Series Published

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