
Jan 2023

I’m afraid that for the foreseeable future I’ve had to put hold any work on current and future stories on this site. There is so much going on in my life currently that I’m unable to justify the time I spend writing short stories. Hopefully this will be a temporary hiatus and I’ll be back posting soon. Thank you for your understanding.


Oct 2022

Unfortunately I haven’t been well for the past few weeks and had to put any writing on hold. Feeling better now and I’m working on the second part of Kim, hopefully I will be submitting it soon.

Sept 2022

I’ve posted the first part of a new story. I’m a fair way though the second part. It should be posted in a couple of weeks.
A lot of things have changed over the past two years. A disagreement with my old editor led to me losing enthusiasm for writing short stories. But that didn’t stop the creative juices flowing. I’ve had a novel accepted by a publisher that will be published mid 2023. It’s very loosely based on my story ‘The Rings’ which is the reason I have removed the original from this site.

Dec 2020

I have a new website that features a sample of my photos


A Brit on a boat in France



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