Sheeit, This Is Gonna Hurt!

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Debben crashes onto a planet inhabited by women.
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Sheeeit!! This was going to hurt. The thought flew through my mind as I struggled for control.

I stared out of the screen as the ship hurtled its way through the stratosphere on a sure fire collision course with this world. I knew that I was so far off the beaten stellar highway that I was going to be the proverbial Robinson Crusoe, marooned in space.

I fought the controls hoping that I could get some semblance of flight from this flying brick, a worthless attempt, seeing it was never designed for travel in anything other than the void of space. It was a losing battle, the ship was rolling and tumbling, without the inertial dampers to smooth out its flight path I was going to get really hurt, that is if I survived the crash, and it was going to be one Hell of crash at that.

My name is Debben Reed, entrepreneur, which is why you find me in this predicament. I had made a mountain of money from trading between planets, but the thrill of the chase of a new money making scheme is what makes life for me, not the accruing of the wealth at the end.

I had more money than I could spend if I lived my life ten times over, but I still wanted the chase. I had heard a rumour of a new pharmaceutical to be had on one of these distant planets, and as usual I booked myself a space hopper out of Debben Incorporated's space dock, much to the chagrin of Tesa Rane my security chief. She hated me going off on these wanderings, knowing that I preferred to be alone and she couldn't bring the security resources of D.I to my protection.

The hopper plunged toward a heavy landing, I was now low enough to make out topography of this alien world, it looked green, so it had to have water, and if it was green chances were I would also find food.

The sweat was standing in beads on my forehead as I continued to fight the controls, only managing to keep the thing the right way up. I was a couple of hundred metres up from the ground now, traveling at over 400 kilometres per hour, it was going to be a fine balancing act between hitting the thrusters to slow the craft and hitting the ground hard.

I was mentally checking the height of the craft and trying to look for a 'soft' landing place, the craft continued its ungainly descent, just as it seemed nothing could stop me from opening a crater a hundred metres wide in the ground, I hit the reverse thrust lever.

I was thrown forward in the seat harness as the thrusters kicked in, the hopper skipped and bounced across the landscape, without warning I was torn from the seat harness and thrown across the cabin, my last thought before consciousness left me was the fact I had somehow survived.

I don't know how long I was out, all electronic systems on the ship were dead, the chronometer's once glowing face now just a dead glass eye staring from the centre of the instrument console, at least life support was still working, I could hear the soft hum of the air recycler as it sucked up stale air and gave back fresh.

I pulled myself upright, my body ached as though I had fought a ten round fight with a sleek bodied Arang from the planet Golgoth, believe me, that is an experience you don't want! I hurt in places I had long since forgotten I possessed, muscles spasm-ed as I moved. I gripped the back of the flight seat and stared out of the screen, I was still alive and from this point of view the ship looked battered but okay. Maybe I could effect repairs myself, at least get the comms set working and dial in the automatic distress beacon. Get that going and it was only a matter of time before Tesa Rane and a posse of security 'bots would be in to get me.

I settled into a routine of checking through the instruments that I could get working, and so far everything checked out perfectly, so I wondered, what had caused the craft to crash? Only one other area to check and I would have to leave the safety of the pod for that. So I began the ritual of sampling outside atmosphere to make sure it was breathable, that would take thirty minutes or so for the whole gamut of toxicological tests to run.

I sat in the rear of the cabin where it afforded me more room to stretch myself, I swallowed down a couple of pills to ease the pain and took a can of isotonic fluids to keep my own fluid levels balanced. It was as I was drinking from the can I heard the noise from outside, a banging, like someone hitting the ship.

I stopped in mid gulp and looked out the screen. Screens on hoppers are not unusual in ship design nowadays, made from a one way material, it allows you see out, but from the outside just looks like any other part of the hopper, in other words the whole vehicle looked like a tortoiseshell with no apertures to see inside it.

My gaze fell on the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. Obviously an upright biped the same as we humans, however she if indeed it was a she, how was I to know at this point? Had the most stunning looks and beautiful body under a long flowing gown. The chiffonous material whilst not see through clung to her ample curves and showed her off to perfection. I judged her to be very tall, must be over 1.8 metres, around 10 centimetres taller than myself.

Still the air quality sample wasn't finished yet and I wasn't about to take chances by stepping out of the protection of the ship just yet, not even for a beautiful creature such as she was.

She disappeared from view and I switched to the hopper's outside viewing camera's to see where she had got to. Once again stunned as she climbed aboard the back of a creature that seemed to be a cross between an Earthside zebra and llama. The creature had a long neck and face like a llama but the striped body of a zebra, the patterning fading as it rose up the creatures neck.

She pulled on a reign and the creature turned about and walked away.

I watched her disappear into the distance before she was swallowed up by some long vegetation. Well, what on the moons of Keybasa was I going to do now?

It was obvious I wasn't going to sit in the ship for God knows how long before rescue, especially when such a gorgeous creature existed out there! I set to and finished off the instrument checks, replaced a bridging component in the emergency beacon, set it to transmit my last coordinates and inserted it into its launch tube.

I hit the launch button and watched it zoom into the sky on the outside camera. It would sit in a geosynchronous orbit above my position until the end of time if necessary, drawing all its power from the nearest star.

I watched the comms panel come to life before me and made sure the ship was transmitting its own distress coordinate to the beacon now high above us in space. I looked at the last part of the equation, a tiny capsule that was either surgically inserted under the skin of the forearm or swallowed, depending on how long you expected help to arrive. I wasn't too keen to cut into my arm, but it had to be done, it would only take 36 to 48 hours for the capsule to leave my body naturally and how long was I going to be here?

I took another of my painkillers, something we had invented and sold by the billion to the Galactic Protection Force, three were enough to kill the pain of even losing a limb in battle. Turning my attention to the laser scalpel I made a two centimeter cut in my arm, there was no blood because of the cauterizing effect of the laser. I inserted a spreader tool and created a tiny pocket between the dermal layer of skin and the underlying muscle. I pushed the minute tracking beacon into the hole and then sealed the cut with staples, they would drop out as the skin healed itself in the next day or so.

I checked the readout for outside conditions, Hot around 25 Celsius and the air was breathable but could be heavy going if any physical exertion was to be done, rather like being in the Tropics back on Earth I thought.

I strapped on a stun gun to my belt and hit the cabin's exit button. The hatch opened with a hiss and the outside warmth flooded into the air conditioned cabin. I turned off the aircon unit to preserve what power I had left, it may be a nuclear fuel cell but even they can be run down if overused and I had no idea how many flight hours this one had on it. I picked up the infra red remote unit for the door and clipped that to my belt grabbed myself a couple of bags of water and swung down out of the open hatch.

The ground under my feet was springy, like trying to walk on a huge bed, each foot movement was accompanied by a sense of overbalance, now I knew how the ship got off so lightly in the crash. I moved away from the ship then turned and zapped the door closed with the remote unit. They always amazed me the way they looked when stranded like this, a large metallic ovoid just laying there like a half buried Yeelon egg.

I had only traversed half the distance between the ship and the long vegetation when I became aware of movement just inside the long grass looking plants. Dropping to one knee to be less visible I watched intently, two gaps opened up and two of the creatures I saw earlier emerged, both of them carrying people, the first I recognized from earlier, the second one equally as beautiful had darker hair than the first. They were on a direct path to me.

Once I was sure that no others were around I slowly stood, they continued toward me, not gathering pace, just the same slow amble as before.

It took perhaps five minutes for them to get to me, smiling I greeted them, foolish I know, how was a people on a planet so far out on the rim going to understand Standard Galactic English?

The female, yes they had to be female, that came earlier slid from her mount and approached me. Then without warning she raised her hands and gripped my head tightly, clamping her mouth to mine, the last thing I was aware of was a long tongue sliding into my mouth, then I passed out again.

I came to in a high ceiling-ed room, laid out on what appeared to be a bed, I was aware that I was now naked, where had all my belongings gone to? The room had six walls and no visible doors, kind of like my ship but from the opposite view point. As I sat up and swung my legs over the edge, a slight whisper came from one of the walls, a panel slid upward almost noiselessly and in came the female that had kissed me earlier.

She began talking or rather I could hear and understand every word of hers, except she never spoke. Each word seemed to form in my brain and could be understood, was it telepathy?

We spoke to each other for a long time, I was seated on the bed and she remained standing. She was aware of me inside my ship from the first moment she found it, she just could not gain entry. She was curious to know where I had come from and what the outside worlds were like.

Time passed and I was keen to be back to my ship and told her so, she began laughing at me. The words once again formed in my head.

I couldn't leave. She found me and by right of accession I now belonged to her, to serve and do her bidding and would be treated well compared to males of this planet.

After what seemed many more hours of arguments I had the full story. On this planet the female of the species ruled, there were no wars, no famine, no destitution. All men once of legitimate age were to serve the needs of the females. A woman could take as many men as she so wished, a man could not object to ownership, unless of course he was already claimed by another female, at that time they would enter into a barter system should either female think the man was worth it.

To disobey incurred severe punishment and for repeated disobedience death was always an option. Men must always be kept in their correct place less they should have ideas of overthrowing the Amazonian regime.

Amazonian? My eyes must have bulged at that. Did the ancient Earth story of a world of women warriors actually exist? It seems that it could indeed, but how? So far out on the rim, how did our forefathers know of these people.

She had read my mind and was smiling, the thoughts entered my head, they had at one time traveled the galaxy in great ships looking for a world to settle, many they visited were such as ours, a young developing race, but far too violent to be tamed, even by a race such as theirs. Finally they found this world and settled it.

She turned to the wall she had entered and the door opened again, in came a man totally naked, carrying a tray before him.

Again thoughts entered my head......

'These will be your clothes, wear them at all times, unless of course you want to enter service as one of my male slaves and not a consort'

She left taking the man with her.

I took up the clothing, a pair of flat sandals for my feet and the clothes as such consisted of a pair of black figure hugging boxer shorts with a hole in the front. I was at a loss for words when I pulled them on. They hugged my ass making my cheeks look tight and rounded but my balls and cock fell out of the hole at the front, making them stand away from my body.

Ten minutes later she returned again smiling and projecting words into my head.

'All our consorts dress as such. It is a mark of great respect to have our males genitals on show. Other women can see what you have to offer and if it comes to bartering for a man she can see what she is bartering for'

'You mean that your consorts are nothing more than male prostitutes?'

'If you so want to think of yourself like that then yes, that is exactly what you are. I much prefer to think of you as my current lover. A special one at that, you are not from our planet and have much to offer, the price you would command would be great, but for the moment I shall enjoy you for what you are'

I was dumbfounded.

She led me out of the room and into a courtyard, there were many young ladies there and quite a number of totally naked men. If this was indeed her estate she must be a very wealthy woman in her society.

In answer to my thoughts, my head became full of answers, the young women were members of her immediate family and yes, if they so wished they could use me, the men were common servants, deemed not good enough for procreation. They were not good enough because their sex organs were deemed not large enough to pleasure women, as such they were eunuchs, their testes being surgically removed on entering service.

The look of shock must have been visible on my face because my head was full of the thoughts of many of those present, strangely enough all the thoughts came from women, none from the men.

All the thoughts answered for me, yes my genitals were indeed considered acceptable, indeed on the larger side of average for the men of this planet, which was why I was now a consort. The men of course being barbarians had never developed the need to communicate by telepathy and kept the odd and slow method of speech.

I was now embarrassed to realize that my genitals were hanging in front of me for everyone to see, indeed several of the bolder women were now approaching me and projecting lewd comments into my head.

I went to move back from their clasping hands but the woman who brought me here, her thoughts overpowered all the rest in my head...

'I was not to move, if a woman wanted to touch my genitals I was to stand and allow them to do so, to move away would show great dishonour to them and I would be severely punished. I must now learn my place in society and that place was for the pleasure of women'

I stood there my head full of strange and lewd thoughts, all vying for attention. I thought I was going mad, it was like being in a room full of people talking loudly, everyone of them trying to speak above the person next to them, until the talking just became an incessant noise overpowering my mind. My head began to swim and a greyness began to descend over me.


That one word overcame all the others and my head emptied. It seems that my cry for help was answered, all the thoughts withdrew from my mind leaving it clear once again.

My owner, for want of a better word came to me and led me away back into the building.

'What is your given name? I have to call you by something, it may as well be your rightful name, unlike those other consorts on this world. I shall grant you the favour of keeping your own name instead of choosing one for you'

'My name? It's Debben. Out there in the great void, I am a very rich and well thought of person, a leader of society'

'Well Debben, that is a part of you that is now long gone, you are mine and shall remain so until I tire of you, then if you are lucky you will be passed on to another as a consort, if not you will go into slavery, with all that carries with it. Go now, that is your room over there, you need to rest. I shall call you when I need your services'

So, I was dismissed. I entered my room, similar to the one I woke up in, just a bed and nothing else. The door slid quietly shut behind me and I was left staring at several walls. Wondering what to do, I was about to slip into bed and fall into madness induced sleep when another door opened.

In came the male slave from earlier.

'Hello master'

He actually spoke to me!

'Please don't call me master, I am not your master, address me as Debben'

'If it so pleases, then Hello Debben'

'Why are you here? And what is your name?'

'My name is Gedo, I am your servant, assigned to make your stay enjoyable. To explain everything you have questions about and to make things run smoothly for you.'

'Well Gedo, I have plenty of questions. The first one is, what are my chances of escape in this place?'

'Escape Debben, why would you want to escape? It is every man's dream to be a consort. To be having sex all day every day with beautiful women, who could want for more?'

'Gedo there is more to life than sex.'

'Not on this world Debben. There is only sex as a consort, or work as a slave. I am lucky in that I serve a household, many other men labour long and hard and are treated like animals'

I followed him from the room, adjoining this one was another, about half its size containing a sunken bathing pool. Gedo gestured for me to remove my laughably small garment and enter the water. I did so.

As I lounged back Gedo hit a switch and the bubbling of a hydropool started, relaxing and soothing tired muscles in my body.

'Gedo, I must find a way to escape. Surely all men on this planet don't accept their given station in life? There must be others that feel the same as I?'

'Yes indeed Debben, there is an underground movement, but to speak of it is certain death. I caution you to hold your tongue lest anyone hear you. Only speak of these things with men you know and trust. NEVER allow a woman to read your mind when thinking of thoughts like this!'

'You mean we can block their intrusions into our minds?'

'Yes of course. You only need to concentrate, think of something bland, picture staring at that white wall for instance, that will stop them from looking into your head. Of course with practice you can shut them out altogether. But you have to understand, you are at the moment a puzzle to them, your skin colour is almost white itself. As you will have noticed ours is a pale blue. So you are an enigma. All the women will want you, will want to try you. So they will all be assaulting you mind'

'Thank you Gedo. Hopefully I won't be here too long. I put my trust in you my friend, when the time comes would you like to escape with me?'

'Escape Debben? Just how will that happen?'

'My ship has an automatic homing beacon, rescue ships will already be on the way, hopefully I won't be here too long before they find me.'

'Debben, did you wonder how they overpowered you and brought you here?'

'Yes the thought had crossed my mind, how did they do that?'

'Simple they overpower your mind and then kiss you, their tongues are capable of secreting a substance that induces unconsciousness. Any rescue party will not succeed.'