For Every Action

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A violent act begets a violent response.
  • September 2006 monthly contest
7.3k words
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Author's note: the following story is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. Let me warn the reader that this story contains violence and acts of revenge; if you do not like such stories, please go read something else. The author wishes to express his gratitude to the very lovely and gracious Copperbutterfly for her editing to make this a better story.


Sean Harper was nervous as he pulled his car into the driveway of the home where Rita Murray lived with her parents. The house was dark and quiet, since her parents were out of town on a long weekend visit to relatives.

Rita, on the other hand, sat so close to Sean that if he had not put his arm around her shoulders there would have been no room for it anywhere. Sean had taken her to a restaurant with more ambience than flavor, although both of them had enjoyed the meal, paying more attention to each other than to the food.

Sean had selected a romantic movie for their evening's entertainment. They sat in the back row of the sparsely occupied theatre and held hands as the previews rolled. Then as the movie got started, Rita moved closer to Sean and cuddled under his arm, holding the hand of the arm draped over her shoulder while her fingers lightly rubbed the contours of his digits.

The entire plot of the movie was emotional, with the long time lovers being separated because of family problems, pining for each other and finally being reunited in a very emotional scene. Rita had let Sean pull her face to his for deep kisses several times through the various scenes, always giving him a long deep taste of her mouth and a swabbing with her tongue.

Until this point in their short dating lives, they had not gotten past the kissing and heavy petting stage. Rita did not believe in having sex casually; she wanted to believe that she really felt something for a guy before she would let him do more than an occasional touch. Tonight, however, Sean felt he had reason to be hopeful. Several times, during the more emotional scenes, Rita had snuggled closer to him and brushed her hand over his crotch. At the end, as the main characters were finally together again, she had grasp his hard cock through the cloth of his pants and held him tightly, jerking him up and down several times in an unmistakable motion.

Now, pulling into the driveway and around to the rear entrance garage, he had hopes that Rita would take him to her bed tonight. Even as they drove from the theatre to her house, she had repeatedly stroked his cock, keeping it rock hard and throbbing to be inside of her. She had not said much but she had looked up at him lovingly several times, enough to get his hopes up.

Parking the car in front of the garage doors, he hurried around to the passenger side to help Rita out. He stayed right by her side as they approached the back door and he watched her unlock the door and followed her inside.

Rita's scream had just begun to register on Sean's brain when the lights that had just come on in the back entrance went out with a flash of stars and the crash of something into the back of his head.

Sean's next conscious thought was that there were a herd of wild horses stampeding in his head, causing a tremendous throbbing pain between his eyes. When he tried to open them, the bright light caused even more pain. He opened them just a bare slit, trying to get his bearings. He finally realized that he was laying on the floor, on his side. The carpet was that of the family room. His legs were bent out in front of him with something that looked like a belt tied around his ankles. His arms were pulled tightly behind him and also tied. He struggled to pull them free but his bindings only dug into the skin of his wrists.

There were men in the room - the number he could not determine - but they had shoved the furniture around, leaving a wide open space in the middle of the room. He recognized Rita's voice as she cried, begging the men to leave them alone. When he was, at last, able to open his eyes enough to find her, he was shocked to see her lying on the floor naked. Her clothes seemed to be in shreds and were strewn over the furniture.

The men - he was able to spot three - were in the process of removing their clothes. They all wore rough work clothes and heavy steel-toed boots. As shirts and overalls and then underwear were discarded, their intention became all too clear. All of them were hard and they were bragging about how they were "going to fuck the bitch."

Sean struggled to sit up but couldn't make it. When one of the men dropped to his knees and roughly yanked Rita's legs apart, Sean yelled, "Leave her alone! If you touch her, I swear I'll kill you!"

All three of the men laughed at Sean and the two still standing both came over and kicked at him repeatedly. Their heavy boots connected with his stomach, knocking the breath out of him, rained blows on his legs and ribs, and twice grazed his chin. Sean struggled to pull air into his lungs and had no strength to resist when one of them brought a dirty old rag and stuffed into his mouth. As hard as he tried to spit it out, he couldn't eject it from his mouth.

The big bald man between Rita's legs pointed his cock at her opening and pushed into her. Rita screamed in pain, obviously too dry to provide easy entry. But it didn't matter to the clod that was holding her legs high and wide. When she began to beat on his chest with her hands, a smaller blonde man grabbed her hands and pulled them above her head, laughing raucously at her feeble attempts.

"Aw, man, this bitch is tight!" the big man proclaimed, plowing her pussy unmercifully.

"Yeah, come on. Fuck her, man. I want my turn," declared the third guy, a sizeable redhead. His cock appeared to be even bigger than the one who had gone first.

"Hey, Snake," muttered the bald man, now banging poor Rita as hard as he could. "Make her suck your cock."

The blond guided his pole to Rita's lips. She jerked her head away but the blond pinched her right tit extremely hard, causing her to cry out in pain.

"Now, bitch! Suck my cock. And if you bite me, I'll kill both you and your wimpy boyfriend over there. Do it."

Reluctantly Rita opened her lips and took his cock into her mouth. He started to fuck her mouth as if it was a vagina, causing her to gag but he didn't give her time to recoup before he was stroking again. She managed to suppress her reflex and kept her lips around the intruder, bringing groans from all three of the men.

Baldy groaned and jammed his cock deep into Rita's pussy. Sean knew that he was emptying his balls into his girlfriend's insides, taking what might have been his that night, although if he had gotten it, he knew it would have been more loving. Sean knew that some men liked to watch their women being taken by other men but this was not erotic, not hot; it turned him off, knowing that this was not what Rita wanted either.

As soon as Baldy pulled out of Rita's now sloppy pussy, Red took his place, jamming his cock into her all the way to the root with his first thrust. Rita groaned in pain again but Blondie kept thrusting his cock into her mouth, leaving her little option. A couple of minutes later, both men came, splashing more cum into her pussy and shooting a load down her throat, which she had no option but to swallow. At least they were all finally finished.

She wished. Baldy grabbed Rita's legs and twisted, turning her over onto her stomach. Then he spread her legs again and pulled her butt cheeks wide apart, examining her puckered anus.

"Yeah, man, do it!" Blondie encouraged.

Baldy stuck three fingers into Rita's pussy and extracted a glob of cum. Smearing it on her tiny opening and the head of his cock, he put the two together and pushed, jamming most of his length into her as she yelled in extreme pain. It didn't bother Baldy. He let go of her buttocks and grabbed a handful of her long hair in each hand, yanking back until her head was stretched as far backward as it would go. Extracting most of his cock from her bowels, he rammed forward again twice, until the root of his tube was pressed against her anal sphincter, Rita's repeated screams going ignored.

"Gawd, this fucking bitch is tight, man! You wouldn't believe how tight this little ass is!" Baldy proclaimed.

Then, grabbing her hips again, he suddenly rolled them over until he was lying on his back and Rita lay on his chest, his cock still buried in her anus.

Again he grabbed her hair and yanked, pulling her head back, her open mouth screaming her outrage.

"Hey, Red," Baldy called. "Put your cock in this bitch's mouth and keep her quiet, huh?"

Red came around the united couple and crammed as much of his cock into Rita's mouth as he could. Blondie, spotting an opening, spread Baldy's and Rita's legs and plunged his cock into her pussy. For what seemed like an eternity, all three of Rita's openings were ravished by uninvited intruders. One by one, the men shot their loads into Rita, forcing her to take whatever they produced.

After they had recovered, Baldy said "Okay, change in plans. Snake, you stay here for now and make sure the bitch doesn't do anything stupid. Red, go move the van around to the back of the house and then come help me."

Red disappeared out the back door, coming back in a few minutes to find Baldy. While they carried TVs, VCRs, and other electronics out the back, Blondie held onto Rita, roughly squeezing her tits and finger-fucking her pussy. When he got hard again, he rammed his cock into her anus and fucked her hard.

When the others decided that they had gotten everything they wanted, red and Baldy met back in the family room and again fucked Rita, red in her ass and Baldy in her pussy. Her protests were silenced with a rough hand over her mouth. When the three men walked out the door and drove away, Rita was barely conscious on the floor a few feet from Sean.

It took nearly twenty minutes for Rita to regain her senses enough to see that Sean needed her help. She laboriously crawled over to Sean and untied the belt around his legs, then began tugging at the rope holding his wrists. His efforts to free himself had caused his wrists to bleed, making the tight rope slick and difficult to work on. It took her several minutes to work the knot free and pull off the rope.

Sean tried to stand but found that he could not put any weight on his left leg, plus he had a stabbing pain in his left side. He wound up crawling over to the end table where a phone sat. He called 911 and struggled to get out a short version of the rape and burglary.

A few minutes later, the house was swarming with police and EMTs. Sean and Rita managed to tell their story, although neither of them was completely coherent. Both were rushed to the nearest hospital for treatment. Rita had multiple bruises all over her body, as well as tearing in both her anal and vaginal flesh. Sean had a broken left leg, three broken ribs and bruising all over his body as well as the cuts on his wrists and a swollen black eye.

Because of the lateness of the events, both Rita and Sean were held over in the hospital overnight. A hospital aide contacted Rita's parents and explained as best she could the events that had befallen their daughter. They immediately headed back home and arrived at the hospital by seven-thirty the next morning to care for their daughter and take her home. Sean, left behind, allowed himself to be wheeled to the exit where a taxi waited for him to take him back to his apartment.

Unable to work for a few weeks at orders of his doctor, Sean spent most of his time alone, reliving the nightmare of what should have been one of their best times together. Instead it had been ripped asunder and their lives left in pieces. He and Rita talked several times on the phone but he could tell that she was not comfortable talking with him any longer. Their conversations lagged and died after just a few minutes and they said their goodbyes.

He wondered if Rita blamed him for what had happened, like he blamed himself for not being able to protect her. His heart ached with remorse for something he could not quite pinpoint. No matter how he pondered the events, he could not see how he could have changed the outcome. Should he have spotted the intruders' van on the street somewhere? Should he have known somehow that they were in the house? Was there something he could have done to get free? The questions tore him up, keeping his stomach so upset that several times he just made it to the bathroom before he threw up.

When he was able, Sean hired a taxi to take him to the Murray's house so he could see Rita and also retrieve his car. Rita came down to the living room to talk with him but ten minutes later, she ran up the steps crying uncontrollably. Sadly Sean hobbled around to his car and drove slowly home.

Returning to work the following Monday helped take Sean's mind off the problem, at least until he got home in the evening and then the issues around the gang rape settled on Sean like a black shroud. He could think of little else until he went to bed and, even then, he had problems falling asleep.

He called Rita on Wednesday night to talk with her a bit and ask her to go to dinner with him on Friday night. He was pleasantly surprised when she accepted hesitantly. The rest of Sean's week went a little better.

On Friday night, Sean walked Rita to his car and drove to a quaint little Italian restaurant, one they had enjoyed before. Although the conversation between them was a little stilted, they were midway through their entrees when Rita began to cry. At first it was just a few tears rolling silently down her face but then it turned into an uncontrollable flood. Signaling to the waiter, Sean stuffed enough bills into his hand to take care of the bill and tip and, putting his arm around Rita's waist, guided her to his car.

He drove to the Murray's home, helped Rita from the car, and explained to Mrs. Murray what had happened. She took charge of Rita and led her up to her room while Mr. Murray tried to console a disconsolate Sean.

Several times as the weeks went by, Sean checked with the detectives in charge of investigating the case. Each time they had nothing new to report. They had few leads to the identities of the rapists and Sean got the feeling that there was little hope that they would be found. Even if they were found, there was even less hope that they would be made to pay a penalty commiserate with the pain and agony they had caused.

With his ribs healed enough that he seldom had problems with his breathing any longer and his legs healed enough to discard the crutches, Sean resumed most of his normal duties at work with his architectural employer. Most of his work was drafting certain detail functions as directed by the chief architect of whichever project he was assigned. As each project progressed, he was required to visit the site and insure that the plans were being followed. Out of curiosity, Sean also followed, from a distance, the progress of projects designed by other architectural firms, picking up ideas that might be useful to himself as well as noting places where he thought their own techniques were superior to their rival's.

It was on one of those observation trips that Sean received the second greatest shock of his life. He recognized one of the concrete finishers working on pouring the support columns on the lower floors of what would be a skyscraper. At first he thought he was mistaken so the following day, he put his 10*50 power binoculars in his car and made an excuse to take an early afternoon trip by the site again. This time there was no doubt that he had located Baldy. With patience, he located Blondie and finally Red. They were all part of the concrete crew.

Sean backed away from the site and drove back to his office, lost deep in thought. He should go to the police ... but if he did, what price would the men pay? He didn't like the odds.

Over the next few days, a plan began to form in Sean's mind. It wasn't pretty, and he knew he would forever pay a different price for it but ... well, he decided that it was what really needed to happen.

On Saturday, he called an old high school acquaintance, one who had a little less than exemplary reputation. He asked for a meeting, suggesting that he buy the old friend dinner. They met that evening at a small out-of-the-way restaurant and conducted their conversation, concluded when Sean passed a manila envelope to Carl under the table. They arranged to meet at the same time and place in one week.

The following week, Sean played detective every evening after he finished work. He would drive to the project where the rapists were working and park inconspicuously among the workers vehicles. Every day the three men would pile into one vehicle, although it changed from day to day, indicating that they carpooled to work. They drove out to one of the old state highways, on the outskirts of town, and stopped at one of two rundown old motels. Red stayed at one of the old all-ground-floor units with carports that connected the units. The other two occupied separate fake log cabin units just a few hundred feet down the road. They always cleaned up a little and then met at a bar between the two motels. They didn't return to their rooms until well after dark.

Every few days, Sean called Rita to see how she was doing. Every conversation was almost identical. They exchanged pleasantries, talked about Sean's work (Rita still had not returned to her own job, having been placed on medical leave-of-absence) and about then the conversation broke down. Rita began to get emotional and her hovering mother ended up telling Sean that Rita needed to rest again. Each time he hung up, Sean felt like crying for what had been stolen from his girlfriend - not the physical items taken from the house, but her self-esteem, confidence, and bubbly personality.

On Friday night, Sean again met his friend at the little restaurant. They ate a casual meal, passing the time with desultory conversation. They each had a desert of Italian ice following the meal and Sean paid the bill. They walked out to their cars, where the friend passed a long slim package to Sean to stow in his trunk. They parted then, each driving in different directions.

At home, Sean removed the package from his trunk and, under cover of darkness, took it inside. Placing the package on his kitchen table, he removed a rifle from the cloth bag and checked it over. With his Army training in the not so distant past, he knew enough about the rifle to verify that it was a working piece.

Having done some internet research, he knew that he could create a sound absorbing device, a sort of homemade silencer, for the gun. It would not totally kill the sound of a shot but it would keep it down to a whisper. It would take some work to wrap the rifle in the material but he was not in a hurry; his quarry was not leaving the area for a while, he felt certain.

During his reconnoitering visits to the area of the motels, Sean discovered that there was a small river meandering along behind the industrial waste and closed businesses on the other side of the road. There were scrub trees and undergrowth all along the banks along with tall grass, common for areas where the owners saw no advantage to keeping the place neat. One evening he parked his car, among other cars at a neighborhood bar, nearly two miles upstream from the motels. He worked his way over to the river and hiked through the growth and trash until he stopped in a place across the road from and about equidistant from both motels. After examining the area from all directions for better than an hour, his plan was settled. He hiked back to his car, being careful to disturb the environment along the way just as little as possible.