We're Screwed


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As she walked towards the student parking lot, and for the whole drive home, Madison kept trying to think of what she'd say to Nathan. Should she be blunt and a mean? That path would certainly sever any future desires he might have, but it was a bit chilly and Madison didn't want to be cruel. But if she played it too nice Nathan might think she had doubts about what she was saying, and he might think it was okay to continue pursuing her. Or was she over-analyzing the situation? Was it possible Nathan felt the same way she did, and wanted nothing more to do with her sexually?

Madison scowled at herself as she drove. Why did the notion of Nathan not desiring her seem so bothersome?

She was happy to see Nathan's pickup in the driveway when she got home, relieved that he hadn't been out with friends or late at football practice. She'd have about an hour before her parents got home from work to sort the situation out.

"Nathan," Madison called out upon entering the house, "you home?"

"Upstairs," he called back from his bedroom.

"Hey," Madison greeted as she appeared in Nathan's bedroom doorway. She was wearing her favorite white-denim jeans and a pink baby-doll tee. Her long blonde hair was gathered away from her face in a pony tail.

"Hey," Nathan greeted back, seated on his bed and tying his tennis shoes. His only other article of clothing was a pair of baggy shorts, which left his torso bare. A basketball rested on the floor by his feet.

"Going somewhere?" Madison asked.

"Just out to the driveway to shoot some hoops."

"Mind if we talk first?"

"No," Nathan shook his head. "I assume you want to talk about last night?"

Madison nodded, licking her lips. She caught herself staring at Nathan's abs and quickly lifted her eyes to his, "Sorry I freaked out on you last night."

"It's cool," Nathan assured her. "It wasn't exactly a normal situation, huh?"

"Definitely not," Madison grinned. She was glad that Nathan realized, at least on some level, that what they had done was wrong. "You didn't tell anybody, did you?"

Nathan winced.

Madison approached him, "You told somebody?!"

"Just Warren," Nathan admitted.

"Nathan!" Madison slapped his bare shoulder with the palm of her hand. The sound echoed through the room, and Madison realized she had hit him harder than intended.

"Ow!" Nathan flinched away from her.

"I can't believe you!" Madison exclaimed, "We agreed not to tell anyone; so you go tell Warren? The whole city is going to know about what happened!"

"He's not like that," Nathan defended his friend. "Warren isn't a gossiper."

"Even if he does keep our secret, how do you think that makes me feel? Every time he comes over to hang out with you he's going to look at me and know what we did!"

"I'm sorry," Nathan replied honestly, "I hadn't even thought about that. Seriously, I'm really sorry."

Madison stomped her foot and fumed, "God! Why didn't I just go live in the dorms? This never would have happened."

"I'm glad it happened," Nathan said.

Madison glared at him, "So you like making my life a living hell?"

"No, but you're the sexiest girl I've ever seen. Last night was amazing, I've never been so turned-on in my life."

Madison blinked, her anger fading.

"I'd give anything to do that again," Nathan continued. "I don't care what anyone thinks. It's not like we're related; so what if our parents are married? If you were just a girl at school I'd be chasing after you to be my girlfriend."

"Nathan..." Madison murmured, wanting to say more, but everything she had come up with to say while driving home evaporated from her brain.

"I've had a crush on you since the first time we met, back when dad was dating your mom." Nathan stood up from his bed, "I can't help how I feel. So yeah, I'm happy about last night. It was like a dream come true for me."

Madison laid a palm on Nathan's bare chest after he stood, "That's really sweet, Nathan, and if you weren't my step-brother I probably would date you. But the fact is: you are my brother. I also happen to have a boyfriend."

"I get it," Nathan nodded. "I just wanted to be honest with you about how I felt. You deserve that."

Madison made a thankful smile before lifting a kiss to Nathan's cheek, "I'm glad you understand."

Nathan bent to pick up his basketball, "And I'm glad you didn't stay mad about me having pictures of you in your bikini."

Madison laughed when Nathan winked at her, "Just keep them off your Facebook page, okay? Otherwise do with them what you will."

As Nathan went outside to shoot hoops, Madison returned to her room. She was thankful that Nathan didn't get too weird or clingy; he had actually been rather charming about the whole situation. But as she sat down at her desk to power her computer on and so some homework, Madison thought back to what Nathan had said about having a crush on her. Few boys ever admitted such things and Madison found his honesty attractive; she liked that he was willing to appear vulnerable instead of putting up a macho front or playing games.

Suddenly distracted from her thoughts of Nathan by her ringing cell phone, Madison saw that her boyfriend Grant was calling. "Hey sweetie," she answered.

"What's up?" Grant asked.

"Nothing, I just got home a little while ago; about to do some homework. But I'm glad you called, I was thinking about you."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you something." Madison propped her phone between ear and shoulder as she typed a password into her laptop's start-up screen. "Do you ever fantasize about me when you masturbate?"


"Sorry," Madison giggled. "I know that question is out of left field, but I was curious."

"I don't do that," Grant declared defensively.

Madison laughed at the obvious lie, "Whatever. It's okay Grant, all guys do it. I just want to know if you ever fantasize about me."

"You shouldn't ask me that kind of stuff, it's private."

Madison started to get irritated by Grant's resistance, "Too private for your girlfriend?"

"Why are you asking about this? You shouldn't talk about stuff like that."

"About masturbation?" Madison frowned, "What's the big deal?"

"It's embarrassing," Grant replied.

"Grant, I'm your girlfriend. What is so embarrassing about telling me that you fantasize about me? I'd love to know something like that. Girls like knowing they're desired."

"What's wrong with you?" Grant wondered. "You're acting weird."

"Nothing is wrong with me," Madison sounded offended. "It's a simple question."

"Well I don't want to talk about it, okay?"

Madison exhaled her frustration, "Fine. What are you doing tonight? I haven't seen you all week."

"I'm busy tonight; me and the guys are getting together to play 'Madden'."

"So you'd rather play video games over spending time with your girlfriend?"

"It's not like that..."

"You're always hanging out with the guys," Madison complained.

"Jeez, when did you get so clingy?"

Madison let out a stunned breath, "What did you just call me?"

"What do you expect me to think? You bitch about me hanging out with my friends and you're asking me all these weird questions about..." Grant whispered the last word, "masturbation."

"Well I'm sorry I'm such a demanding and clingy girlfriend," Madison fumed angrily. "But if that's the way you feel, you better start getting used to jerking off because you certainly won't be getting any more from me!"

Madison growled in frustration and hung up her phone. Boys could be so infuriating!


Curling his wrist and letting fly, Nathan watched in satisfaction as his shot hit nothing but net. He trotted to retrieve the basketball when he heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Hi Nathan."

Nathan picked up his ball and turned around to see Millie. She was on her mountain bike, stopped and leaning on one outstretched leg at the foot of the driveway. She was wearing a pair of tight spandex shorts and a matching sports bra. Millie was a tall and attractive girl with short black hair and big green eyes. She also had been Nathan's first and only girlfriend, though they had broken up more than four months previous.

"Hey," Nathan replied, dribbling as he walked towards the end of the driveway. "What's up?"

"Just out for a ride," Millie replied. "The season starts soon and I want to be in shape."

Nathan remembered that Millie was the school's star Girl's Volleyball player and often rode bicycle to stay fit, "You're looking pretty good to me."

"Thanks," Millie smiled. She looked over Nathan's sweaty torso, "You look good too."

As the former couple continued to chat at the foot of the driveway, Madison happened to be in the kitchen fetching something to drink and glanced out a front-facing window. She was surprised to see Millie, since her and Nathan had broken up months ago, and moved closer to the window to see what they were doing. Millie was smiling and laughing at Nathan as the two looked to get on well, which created a ball of jealous energy in the pit of Madison's stomach.

"What is wrong with me?" Madison wondered aloud, forcing herself away from the window. She knew she had no right feeling jealous over Nathan, but the emotion was welling within her all the same. Retreating to her bedroom Madison did her best not to think about Nathan, Grant, boys, or sex. She sat at her desk and started working on a paper due the following week, tapping away upon her laptop.

During dinner with their parents later that evening Madison tried to act completely normal but found she couldn't even look at Nathan without thinking about what a sexy chest he had, or what it felt like to feel his orgasm spill out onto her stomach. She wondered if Nathan could tell that she was having problems making eye contact with him.

By the end of the evening, after her parents had gone to bed, Madison had gotten so worked up thinking about her brother that she was practically dripping. She tried to deny her desires, but her brain refused to cooperate with her libido. Madison decided she had to do something and knew that she'd never get to sleep unless she masturbated.

Lying upon her bed, wearing only her tight pink baby-doll tee, Madison reached between her legs and sighed as her pointer finger found her clitoris. She rubbed against it in little circles, closing her eyes and spreading her knees. Images of Nathan filled her mind's eye as she pictured him stroking his beautiful cock. A quiet moan escaped her throat when she imagined that he was sitting at that same moment, looking at his pictures of her on his computer, and shooting his cum all over himself. It was a powerful aphrodisiac to be desired in such a carnal way and Madison liked being the object of Nathan's sexual attention. She loved the idea of him finding her so attractive that he beat off in his room to fantasies of touching her body.

Suddenly, as the lust-filled thoughts of her step-brother dominated her mind, orgasmic tremors fluttered between Madison's legs. She switched fingers and began vigorously flicking her middle finger against her swelling clit. She quietly gasped at every quake of pleasure as her orgasm slowly grew, and before long she was squirming over the covers of her bed and near the precipice. Her knees curled and her legs kicked as Madison dug her heels into the bed. She clutched the bedspread tightly, her face a wincing twist of arousal, and then her orgasm overcame her. She took deep gasping breaths while her whole body shook and Madison had to consciously prevent herself from crying out in sexual pleasure.

She came down slowly, her finger still lightly dancing against her sex, and Madison finally opened her eyes with a satisfied sigh. Glancing at the door she realized she had forgotten to lock it and smiled at her own carelessness. She imagined Nathan walking in on her, just as she had walked in on him the night previous. What a sight she would provide with her legs spread wide and her fingers glistening with her own slick juices. Perhaps she wanted to get caught, Madison thought, and she pondered what she would do if Nathan did appear.

She didn't have long to ponder.

"Hey Maddy?" came Nathan's sudden voice from beyond the door, followed by a knock. "You took Algebra last year, right?"

Madison's eyes went wide and she froze as the door knob turned.

"Can you help me?" Nathan said as he opened the door and walked in. "I can't figure this... problem... holy shit."

Both siblings were still for several moments as though time was standing still. They stared right at each other, unable to wrap their minds around the irony.

Nathan was the first to speak. "I-I'm sorry," he stuttered.

Madison sat up and pushed her knees together; her tee-shirt fell to partially cover her trimmed mound, "Nathan...!"

"I'm really sorry," Nathan repeated, though other than his mouth he was motionless.

"Um, could you shut the door?" Madison asked shyly, fearing that her parents would be the next ones to barge in even though she knew they had gone to bed. She purposefully let it be ambiguous what side of the door she wanted Nathan to be on when it closed, curious what he would do.

Reaching his arm back, Nathan pushed the door shut without taking his eyes off Madison. "How fucked up is this?" he said in a quietly calm voice.

Madison curled her arms around her legs, mindful of her modesty, "I know, I can't believe this happened two nights in a row."

Nathan stared at Madison's bare legs, admiring their shapely perfection. "So, um, what were you thinking about?"

Madison swallowed under her step-brother's scrutiny, aroused by the way he was looking at her. "You," she whispered.

"Did you get to finish?" Nathan asked, duplicating the question Madison had asked of him roughly twenty-four hours earlier.

Madison made a tiny little smile. "Yeah," she answered, her voice a murmur, "but I was working on round two and didn't finish that one."

Nathan stepped closer to the bed, "Do you want to?"

"Yes," was Madison's heated reply.

Nathan pulled a worn basketball jersey over his head and let it fall to the carpet before crawling onto Madison's bed, "What were you fantasizing about, when you thought of me?"

Madison's legs parted slightly, giving Nathan a view of her neatly-trimmed blonde pubic hair, "I was remembering how you stroked yourself for me last night, and how hot it was watching you cum."

Kneeling on the bed and facing his sister, Nathan pushed the hem of his loose shorts so that they fell to mid-thigh. His erection was already fully developed and it strained against his tight boxer-briefs, "Do you want me to do it for you again?"

Without any conscious thought from her, Madison's knees slowly parted even further. She stared at Nathan's bulge with wanton eyes and nodded at him. "Yes," she whispered in a barely-audible voice.

Nathan pushed the elastic hem of his briefs down, letting his erection spring out.

Taking in a sharp breath, Madison couldn't look away. She leaned back against her bed's pillows and her hand immediately went between her thighs as she watched Nathan grasp his shaft with a firm grip. "I can't believe we're doing this again."

"I know," Nathan replied, beginning slow strokes. With his other hand he reached out, rubbing a palm against the inside of Madison's thigh to feel her soft skin, "You have such sexy legs."

Madison lifted the leg Nathan was caressing and propped a dainty foot against the slender but defined pectoral muscle of his chest. She watched as he dipped his chin and kissed her painted toes. His hand was sliding along the underside of her shapely calf, giving her goose bumps.

"I love how you look at me," Madison whispered, watching the way Nathan's eyes roamed over her leg in tune with his caressing hand. Occasionally he glanced down to her pussy, where she was teasing her engorged clit with the tip of her middle finger.

"The real thing is so much better than a picture," Nathan said. The feel of his step-sister's leg felt amazing against his hand, arousing him beyond what he thought was possible. His erection was rock hard in his masturbating hand, and slippery pre-cum leaked profusely from its tip.

Madison smiled gently at Nathan's comment. "You're such a perv," she teased. But she loved the forbidden attention Nathan was giving her. She had to slow her masturbating finger for fear of an orgasm arriving too soon.

"You like it," Nathan accused, seeing the lust in Madison's eyes.

Madison nodded in admission.

"You like watching me jerk off."

"I do," Madison murmured, her eyes lowering to his hard length. Nathan was pumping it with long slow strokes and she sensed he was holding back just as she was. His defined cock-head bulged with arousal and secreted a clear fluid every time Nathan's fist moved over it. "You have a really beautiful cock, Nathan. I love watching you touch it."

"It's so hard right now," Nathan informed her.

Madison lowered her foot from Nathan's chest and sat up, getting a closer look. Nathan stared as her breasts strained against the tight material of her tee and it was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra; Madison's stiff nipples were poking at the cotton material.

Nathan's breath caught in his throat as Madison reached forward; he stopped masturbating when she wrapped her fingers around his shaft. She let out a surprised breath when she felt how turgid it was. It was warm against her hand, and his skin was slick from all the pre-cum that had been drooling out. Nathan's breath came with a struggle as soon as he felt Madison's hand on his ultra-sensitive skin, his scrotum immediately puffing up to a rigid state in an affect similar to her goose bumps.

"It looks so powerful," Madison said, trying to stroke him like she saw Nathan do to himself. She noticed that he had been squeezing his cock tightly, so she squeezed her fingers with a firm grip. "Your cock looks like it could explode at any moment," she murmured, feeling it pulse in her hand.

Nathan daringly reached down and grasped Madison's breasts through her tee, one in each hand. She whimpered when she felt him grope her and the motion of his squeezing palms caused a friction between her shirt and her nipples. A fire began burning in her clit and Madison sped up her masturbating finger, rapidly flicking it against her swollen button.

"Do they feel good?" Madison asked in a breathy tone.

"Fuck yes," Nathan moaned. His hips started to move and he began humping his cock into Madison's grip. Her breasts were like soft gelatinous mounds in his hands and Nathan kneaded his fingers into them roughly.

"Oh my god," Madison gasped suddenly, "Nathan..."

The way he was groping her breasts was driving her crazy; his hands felt so hungry as Nathan continued squeezing and fondling her. A shiver consumed her body as Madison's orgasm moved from a simmer to a raging boil. She whimpered softly, soft chirps of pleasure escaping her throat. "I'm cumming," she squeaked, her expression twisting; the hand between her legs was a blur as she rapidly masturbated her clit.

Nathan watched as his sister humped against her own fingers. The grip she held on his erection weakened, so he replaced her hand with his own and began rapidly pumping his cock.

Madison looked up to Nathan's eyes when she felt his pawing hands leave her breasts, seeing a need in his face. He looked like he was in pain, but she knew it was only the urgency of his arousal. "Cum on me again," she urged.

"Oh god, Maddy..." Nathan moaned.

She yanked on the hem of her tee, pulling it up. Madison arched her back and showed Nathan her suddenly bared chest, "I want to feel your cum on me again, Nathan, I want to feel your hot cum on my skin."

Nathan grunted when he saw Madison's tits. They were perfectly-sized sacks of flesh with chewy-looking pink nipples that hung against her ribs. He pumped himself obscenely, aiming his cock towards his sister.