We Need To Talk Ch. 03 (Conclusion)


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"Chris? Do you know who you have here?" He looked at her, puzzled. "Remember that motel receipt you found?"

"You're shitting me! No! The world isn't that small!" He laughed. "I don't think you ever told me her name." He looked at Liz. "You and Dougie, you were the ones she put up in the motel, when that ape you were married to started punching Doug around?"

"Well, he wasn't an ape when I married him, not 'til he lost his job and started drinking." She turned to Ellie. "I never did get a chance to thank you for helping us. If you hadn't, I hate to think what might have happened."

"I'm glad I was able to. How are you doing, and Doug? Where is he?"

"Doug is married. He and his wife are both in the military, deployed in Germany. She is an Army nurse. He is based near the hospital and is the platoon leader for one of the hospital security teams. At least, I think that's how he described his job" she laughed. "I'm hopeless with details about their work. I guess it boils down to she's a nurse, he's a cop."

"And you?"

She gave a brief, cynical laugh. "I'm doing okay, I guess. A widow and twice divorced, both messy."

"Widow?" asked Sue. "I didn't know, Liz. I'm sorry."

"Don't be, Susie. Carl, my first husband, had the grace to get himself killed in a bar fight the week after I filed for divorce. Unfortunately, he started the fight, and had let his life insurance lapse, so there wasn't any money, but I also wasn't responsible for his debts. Small favors, huh?"

"Two messy divorces?" asked Ellen.

"Yeah," replied Liz. "My ability to choose men never did improve. My second husband was a contractor. One day he came home and said he had to go down to Texas. When he came back a few days later he had an eighteen year old Mexican girl with him. He told me she was a present for me, to take care of the house. She was going to be a live in maid.

"A few days later, I came home and heard her crying, saying "no, please, no!" over and over. He had her in our bedroom, trying to rape her. I guess since she didn't have a work permit, he thought she would have been easy. She got her green card, I got a divorce, he got fifteen years in a federal prison for smuggling aliens.

"The last son of a bitch, I really should have known better. He was just too damn charming to be true. Doug and I moved to Springville, downstate. I had managed to get a beautician's license and was able to rent a chair in a couple of upper level salons. I developed a good customer following, one of whom was Dick Pieters.

"After a couple of times in my chair, he started hitting on me, and I fell for it. Long story short, we were married about four months after our first date. He convinced me to open my own shop. He said he would handle all the paper work for me so I could concentrate on my customers. He handled it alright.

"Everything was in his name, including the house I bought before we married. In essence, I was working for him. When the business was slow to take off, he became abusive, physically, mentally and verbally.

"We had been married about four years; yeah, it was almost two years ago. He had started spending nights away from home. I frankly didn't care any more, and was thinking about how to get out. There were a bunch of bills that needed paying so I could get some supplies. I found the checkbook and discovered it was empty, even though I was depositing over $700 a week in it.

"He had arranged it so that as soon as the money was deposited, it was transferred to his personal account. That's when I discovered he had put everything I had in his name--the house, the business, the car.

"I found a good lawyer and was able to get almost all of it back, but in the meantime, he had started spreading lies about me, claiming I was a lesbian, although I didn't really give a shit about that one, as many as it might turn off, it could attract a whole other segment of the population.

"But he also started rumors that my license was fake, that I used inferior products, that the shop was a front for a prostitution ring, a drug ring, you name it. I can't count the number of times I'd be in the middle of a procedure and the cops would come storming in and search the place.

"They eventually realized what the prick was up to and stopped responding, but by then customers had stopped coming to the shop. I started making home visits, but it's more expensive, and I can't raise my prices enough to cover all the added cost, but I'm getting by. Mostly."

Sue reached out to take hold of Liz's hand. "Oh, Lizzie, I am so sorry. Why don't you stay with us for a while? Chris and I will be gone during the week, but we'll back on weekends. You can keep Ellen company while we're away."

"What? What kind of honeymoon are you taking?"

Ellen briefly explained, then re-extended the invitation. "Unless there is something you absolutely have to do back in Springville, I could really use the company."

A ringing cell phone precluded Liz's reply. She flipped the cover open and answered it. "Liz Danials here?"

"Yes, Sheriff. I'm fine. I'm visiting my sister in upstate New York. Why do you ask?"

"He did what?"

"You caught him in the act? But you say not soon enough. How much damage was done?" The people with her saw Liz slump in her chair. Chris took the phone from her and spoke.

"Sheriff? This is Chris Davis, Liz's brother in law. What has happened?"

"Do you need her to come back right away?"

"Not at all until the trial, then. Fine. Let me give you my e-mail address, then you can share that with whomever needs to contact Liz. I don't think she'll be up to coming back to Springville for a bit. The patrolman actually saw him light the car up?" Chris shook his head in wonder, listening to the sheriff.

"Sheriff, can I ask a favor? Liz is going to be an attendant in a wedding here tomorrow. Would it be possible to delay any questions until Monday? From what she has shared with us, her relationship with the arsonist is pretty well documented in a series of false reports and accusations, not to mention his attempts to rob her blind. Thank you, we appreciate that. Good night, Sheriff Williams."

As he closed the flip phone, he took Liz's other hand and looked up into the questioning faces of the other women. "Her ex was caught setting fire to her car and house. They weren't able to save anything.

"Oh, Liz," said Sue, barely able to choke her sob. "I am so sorry. That settles it. You stay here until you have to go back for the trial." Liz nodded, silent tears running down her cheeks. Chris caught Sue's eye and gestured toward the lobby.

She stood up and whispered to Ellen to stay and sit with Liz. In the lobby, she looked at Chris, waiting. He led them to an out of the way sitting area. Taking her hands, he started, "I know I told you I didn't want you to share me anymore, but..." Her kiss stopped him.

"Thank you, Chris, my lovely man. I was going to ask you, but was afraid because of what you said. I think Liz may need you more than Ellen did. What has happened to her is awful. I almost don't want her to go back to that awful town at all."

"Where are you and Ellen planning to get your hair done tomorrow?"

"Oh, we hadn't made any plans. Why?"

He took out his phone and dialed. "Marie, Chris Davis. How are you? Yeah, I been waiting on her for twenty years and finally let her catch me. Could you do a wash, style, and set, for three tomorrow morning? Thanks. Around ten? That's great, Marie. Thank you so much. "Oh, Marie, one of the women has a shop in Illinois, but is thinking of moving here. Do you know if her license would transfer, or what she would have to do to work here. Oh, yes. She's very good. She had a chair at one of the Chicago area country clubs. She told me one of her customers drove 75 miles each way every three weeks for her coloring services. Great, I really appreciate this Marie. Anytime."

Sue's eyes were bright and her smile, wide. "Dammit, Chris, I just want to fuck you into forever," she sighed. "but I guess it will have to wait until tomorrow night. Tonight, you sleep with Lizzie, and I'll join Ellen; she'll enjoy that. I think she and Liz are going to get on fine."

Chris stood up and pulled her up to him, locking her lips up with his while his hands explored her ass. "Where is our first stop tomorrow night?"

"I don't think we'll be going any further than the house until Monday. Ellen and I changed our plans a little this afternoon while you were gone. We can send her and Liz back here so we're alone, if you want."

"What do you want?"

"As long as I'm first and last, that's all that matters."

"You'd be okay with all three of you in bed with me on our wedding night?"

"As long as..."

"Mrs. Davis, you are a remarkable woman. My brother had no idea how lucky he was. God, I love you!" he exclaimed, picking her up in arms.

"Chris!" she laughed. "Put me down! Let's go eat this fancy meal you ordered for us. It's going to be an early morning tomorrow, and it looks like a late night for some of us." She gave a small giggle. "Let's not tell the others about the sleeping arrangements yet. We'll surprise them. Boy, will we surprise Liz."

The dinner was as delicious as Chris had hoped. Beef Wellington, loaded mashed potatoes, a lettuce wedge salad, followed by home made vanilla ice cream with a brandied berry sauce. Over an after dinner cordial, Chris shared the results of his call to Marie's Hair Salon with Liz and Ellen.

Marie, although she had been in business for nearly twenty years, was not quite forty, younger than any of them. In addition to her business, she also taught at the local vocational center, teaching students who, like her, made the decision to eschew a college education and prepare themselves for life after school.

She was familiar with state licensing requirements and would be able to help Liz arrange for a practical exam, as well as any follow up training if needed.

With tears in her eyes, she put her arms around Chris' neck, and looking at her sister, said, "Susie, I'm going to give this guy of yours a tonguesillectomy. I hope you don't mind, but I don't really give a...you know." she said, biting off her comment as the waitress approached.

"Good evening, Mr. Davis. The chef was wondering if you were satisfied with the meal this evening."

Chris looked up to the waitress. "Tell him I said it was...No, tell him I said it was okay, but the crust was too brown," he said, with a wink to his companions.

The young woman looked at the remains of the perfectly golden crust on the serving platter. "But..."

"It's okay, Claire. Just tell him what I said." After the young woman left, Chris said to the ladies, "This should be fun."

"What! That silly-assed son of a bitch said what?" came the shouts from the kitchen. "Too Brown! I'll show him too Brown! He wouldn't know a decent crust if it bit him on his too brown!" the chef expostulated as he burst through the kitchen doors. "Where is the ignorant..." he stopped, seeing Chris sitting surrounded by three of the most beautiful women he had seen in more than a few years.

"Hey, Sammy, how are you this evening? Can you join us for a few minutes?"

Wordless, mouth agape, the chef sat down. "Uhh uh, Claire said there was something wrong with your beef crust."

"It was perfect, Sam, just like I knew it would be. But if I had sent that message back, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to introduce you to my companions. Sam, this is my fiancé, Sue; her sister, Liz; and my ex-wife for fifteen years, Ellen. Ladies, Sammy Angel, chef and food designer extra ordinaire."

"Pleased to meet you all, I'm sure. Fiancé? When did that happen? I was sure you were about as confirmed a bachelor as the Pope. Have you set the date yet?"

When the girls gave a small laugh, Sam hit his forehead with his hand. "Tomorrow! The dinner for twenty! Christ, I'm gonna quit, losing my mind. At least, what's left of it. Congratulations, Chris. Sue, my sympathies; anytime you want to get rid of him, I have a cage in the kitchen where we keep meat to be dry aged."

"Thank you, Sam, I"ll keep that in mind. It was nice to meet the chef who put together such a wonderful meal. Thank you for that, too. Chris, we really should be getting home. Tomorrow is going to be a long day."

"Too true. Sam, it was fabulous, as usual. If you have a chance tomorrow, please come out and say hello, steal a dance with the bridesmaid or something." Getting Sam's assurances he would, the small group departed.

While Chris took Liz's bags to his and Sue's room, Sue drew Liz to the couch in the living room. "Ellen," she said, "I'll join you in your room tonight. I'll be there in a few minutes." She directed her gaze to Liz.

"No argument or discussion. Tonight, you get Chris all to yourself. After what you went through, and what happened today, you deserve to know what a caring man can do for you.

"You'll find that, as far as sex is concerned, we're pretty open. Chris and I both have our one on one's with Ellen and with each other, and often it is the three of us. You will be welcome to join us, individually or as part of a group.

"There are only two rules. After tonight, nobody sleeps with Chris unless I'm in the bed, too; and, mine is the first pussy to get fucked each day, and the last. Otherwise, Chris' prick is up for grabs; just remember, we have to share. Any questions?"

"Shit, Susie! What's he done to you? He told me a little of this on the drive from the airport. He said you weren't the Sue who was married to his brother, but my Gawd...hell, you're kinkier than I ever thought of being."

She glanced toward the hallway. "You do Ellen, too?"

"Mmhmm, and I bet after you try it once, so will you. Chris is good with his tongue, as I'm sure you'll find out tonight, but a woman's tongue, it's just so much more delicate. And of course, we're smaller boned, so penetration is more comfortable, in all the portals."

"All...you...I can't believe that! Ms Prude?"

"Well, so far only a finger or thumb, but I'm going to try, soon. You, ever?"

"Not willingly. One night when Carl was drunk, he forced me to take it there. And the firebug...I found out he was pimping a couple of girls when he brought them in to be made up for a special party. He had canceled a couple of good customers for this freebie.

"When I recognized who I was working on, I objected and refused to continue. He hit me once and knocked me down. I still refused so he had the girls hold me down while he did it. I don't think I would ever consent to that, not unless I was too drunk to know what was happening."

"That's one of the nice things about being with Chris, you let him know your limits and he will take you to them, but not beyond. If your limit is no anal play at all, then he will caress the area between your vagina and anus, but not touch you there.

"If you tell him no oral penetration, he'll show you how to kiss his cock to achieve the same effect without ever taking him in your mouth. But you'll learn all this on you own. Go enjoy yourself, Ellen and I will."

They met Chris coming back down the hallway and turned him around. Sue turned into the guest room with a smile to Chris. "Enjoy yourselves. Chris, be especially good to my sister tonight. I won't be there to supervise, but I do know she is a screamer, so we'll know if you're doing things right. I love you both."

Chris just grinned at her and led Liz to the master bedroom. In the room, without closing the door, he drew her into his arms and kissed her gently. "Now do you believe me?" he asked, his hands drawing her skirt up in the back, massaging and searching for her globes at the same time. "Shouldn't you close the door?" she asked, glancing at the open doorway.

"If you want. It's been so long since it was closed, I don't even think about it."

"Even when it's just you and Sue?" He nodded, moving his hands to her waist to pull the bottom of her pullover out. "Is it ever just you and Ellen?"

"There have been a couple of occasions during the day when Sue was busy and some light necking between us escalated, but no overnights. Let's see, yeah, it was just a week ago that I confessed to Sue that I had been in love with her for almost twenty years..."

"You're shitting me..."

"No. I'll tell you all about it later. Since then, she has shared this bed. Ellen showed up last Saturday, and is welcome to join us anytime, but the understanding, from our first threesome, has been that overnights have to include Sue, and that she is the last woman each day I make love to, and the first one each morning. Beyond that, and with her blessing, Ellie, and now you, and I can screw our hearts out." He pulled her shirt over her head and reached around to unfasten her bra.

Pulling it off, he flinched seeing the five faint, thin scars across the tops of her breasts. Without waiting for his question, she responded, "My first husband. One afternoon Dougie dropped something, some pans, and made a loud racket. Carl was nursing a hangover and got upset. He grabbed a willow switch he kept by the door and started after him. When I stepped between them, he said okay, if I wanted to protect Dougie, I could take his punishment, and he could watch.

"He called Dougie to come watch, then tore off my shirt and bra and gave me five cuts with the switch. They all drew blood. I guess Dougie told Ellen about it the next day. When she came to see me, I admitted it happened, but didn't tell her how bad it was."

"God, Liz, I am so sorry. Tell me what you want, what you want me, us, to do. What do you want in terms of foreplay? I don't have any limits; if there's something you want I haven't done, tell me how and I'll try it."

"Hell, Chris, you looking at me like that is more foreplay than I usually get. Most of the guys I've been with have been the 'are-you-ready-here-I-come' variety. Why don't you make love to me like you would to Sue or Ellen?" He grinned and pulled her to him, his lips claiming hers, his tongue searching.

In the other bedroom, Sue had been surprised to find Ellen sitting on the bed, fully clothed. When Ellen looked up, she cocked her head, questioning the blonde.

"When I was teaching and helped her get away from her husband, I didn't realize who she was; she looked so different from how she was in high school. Her life since then sounds like a made for TV movie. She's been abused and debased by practically every man she's been with.

"Her story made me think about me, and me and you. Sue, I love you and that love, for reasons I don't understand, has some definite physical components to it. And while I will always want to make love with you, I don't want to be a slave, to you or to anyone else. I don't want to debase myself, and I think I'm in danger of doing that if I continue to be a slave.

"I may, I probably will, let you dominate me when we have sex, but it will be because that's what I want, at that time, not because some time in the past I felt weak and lost and needed someone to take care of me. I would like us to simply be friends, with some unusual benefits, if you will, but friends and equals." She looked at her friend nervously.

While she had been speaking, Sue's face had remained expressionless, neutral. According to their agreement earlier this week, Sue, technically, in the bedroom, was Ellen's Mistress. Ellen had been instructed to ready herself for sex with Sue. The fact that she was clothed, coupled with her speech, could be construed as an act of rebellion, deserving of severe punishment.

"Stand up, Ellen. Stand up and repeat your last sentence while you look at me." Ellen stood, but found it hard to look at the other woman whose face had hardened. "Look at me, goddam it! And tell me what you want!"

Ellen braced herself, pulled her shoulders back and looked Sue in the eye. "I...I...I want us...to be...f...f..friends and equals," she stammered.