Valerie Ch. 09


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"So, do you think I could come by and get that stuff tonight after work?"

"Yes, I'll have it ready and I'll give you the 25 cent demonstration of how to use them. You know we've moved?"

"No, I didn't. Are you having a house or apartment warming?"

Sally and Valerie looked at each other. Valerie answered, "We hadn't even thought about it. We're still settling in and we'll need to take some time. But that's a good idea."

They finished their lunch, Lilly getting the address down, and the lovers escorted her back to her job. After that, they headed to Francine's place to see about getting some of her stuff moved so that she would feel at home at the new house. Valerie, once they had arrived there, stood outside the door, reluctant to enter.

Sally took her arm, making her presence felt, "Memories?"

"Yeah. I so want to run. I know it's silly, but it feels like going in is to invite it again."

"There's a reason people set up shrines at accident sites. It's to take the evil from the place. We can't set up a shrine, but we can face it with courage. It scares me to. I don't want to lose you, and if Robert hadn't seen Francine with Painmaster the night before, no one would have come for you. Someone was looking out for you and I'm sure he still is. Now, let's go make Francine feel at home tomorrow."

Valerie grasped the handle, unlocked the deadbolt and stepped into the house where horror had taken place. They moved quickly to Francine's bedroom, bypassing the entryway where Val had hung helpless. Francine's bed was large. A canopy bed, with four carved pillars, it looked to be a challenge to move. Valerie knew the secret, however. The bed could be disassembled by two people of reasonable strength and a Leatherman multi-tool. The process of getting the pieces of the bed into the truck took an hour. Sally had to do most of the lifting after the first half hour when Valerie's scars began to throb and actually radiate heat.

With the bed ready, they moved to Francine's drawers. The hand truck that came with the U-haul was invaluable in this respect. The 100 pound oak dresser was manageable by Sally with the wheeled leverage it provided. Francine's computer station was also easily disassembled for transport. Finishing off with many of her personal belongings, the couple finished the packing job.

Back to the new house, they repeated the process, moving Francine into the other first floor bedroom and putting her bed and dresser back together. Lilly showed up to get the restraints that Sally had promised to lend her, and insisted on helping. Francine's computer station was put in the front room and her belongings left in boxes in the bedroom.

Having sweated profusely, they took another shower together, looking forward to when they could make these events more pleasurable. While Sally dressed braless in a knee length sleeveless dark green dress, Valerie stood and stared at her wardrobe.

"What's the problem, hon?"

"I want to dress sexy, but I'm concerned about people's reaction to my back. Even if they don't know where the scars came from, they will stare, point, and whisper. I've seen it when disabled vets wheel themselves on the sidewalks. I know it's human nature and people don't mean badly, but…"

"You don't want to be that center of attention?"


"Think about this, Valerie. Once you give Master your gift, you'll always be the center of attention. Collar and cuffs in public? Val, you're making a statement with that. Why wait till then? Go for it, girl. Plus, I want you sexy, too."

Encouraged, she opted for a backless full length dress with a dropping cleavage that showed off her breasts without revealing the enticing parts. Her light blue lace bra was complimented by the darker blue dress. The slits that went half way up her thighs left plenty of freedom to dance in.

"How do I look?"

"Do I really have to take you out before I ravish you?"

"I'm afraid so. Anyway, how can you drive your friends wild with jealousy if they never see me?"

They drove to Gatsby's, arriving by 7:00. They entered the restaurant and dance club arm in arm, heads turning to see who had come in. Valerie, who had never been in a place frequented by gays and lesbians, was mildly surprised to see that it was no different in appearance to any other club, with the exception of the presence of same sex couples on the dance floor. Still, many of the couples were mixed gender, saying much about society's powerful expectations. "Straight and vanilla." Val whispered to her self.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, just old ways of thinking dying a gentle death."

They were seated in a booth and given menus. Both ordered non-alcoholic drinks, Sally because she was driving and Valerie because of her meds. While they were looking at the menus, a man walked up and boldly spoke up, talking to Valerie. "Good evening, lovely lady. Would you do me the honor of a dance?"

Sally, looking at the man, smiled and said, "Go ahead, I'll order you something scrumptious."

"I'd be delighted." Smiling a little wicked smile, she asked, "Are you any good?"

He gave an exaggerated bow and answered, "Ma'am, there is no better dancer in the entire world." He extended a hand to assist her out of her seat and lifted her into his arms as he swept them onto the dance floor. He was indeed a fabulous dancer, matching Valerie's skill move for move. She lost herself in the dancing as the band moved from one dance number to another, varying the speed and romanticism levels with consummate skill.

It was only as she saw her food arriving, that Valerie realized that she'd ignored her date for almost 45 minutes. Thanking Frank for the wonderful dance (they had exchanged names at some point) she breathlessly returned to the table, the wonderful smells greeting her.

"I'm so sorry, Sally. I shouldn't be ignoring you like that."

"Valerie, you looked so happy out there. I think you forgot all the bad for a time. I would never begrudge you that. Besides, Frank has had no one to match his skill on the floor for quite some time. Did you notice how many couples were just watching you two? You became the center of attention and it wasn't for your back."

Valerie smiled at the compliment, digging in to her dinner. Sally had ordered her lobster stuffed peppers with Caesar salad and twice baked potato. Sally was having filet minon, broccoli in cheese sauce, and steak fries. While they ate, several ladies and men came over to find out who Sally's new beau was. It was a new experience for Valerie to be checked out by the women and not by the men. It was also a new experience to be checked out without being visually undressed. The banter was friendly and Val found herself liking everyone who came over.

After they finished dinner, Valerie asked, "Sally, would you like to dance?"

"I'd love to."

Dancing with Sally seemed as natural as dancing with Mike. As they danced, it was as if the rest of the dance floor faded into oblivion. It was over an hour later when they returned to their seats, Sally's feet starting to hurt. One of Sally's female friends, Gwen, asked Valerie if she was up to another turn around the floor.

"Go on Val, enjoy. I haven't danced in over a year. I need to work back up to long stints."

"Don't go anywhere, we have something we have to do after we get home," Valerie said with a sultry whisper.

Valerie felt a little strange dancing with Gwen. It bothered her that she still was anxious about close contact with women. She could feel herself tensing, losing the enjoyment of the dance. They were in a slow dance, their heads on one another's shoulders.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"I'm sorry. I…I was straight a month ago. I'm still trying to understand what's happening."

"It's okay. We were all awkward when we started defying society's expectations. You love Sally. That's makes you a good person. Try to relax. You're a wonderful dancer."

"Thanks. Everyone is treating me so good, I feel like family."

"You are, dear, you are. Are these from the incident?" she asked, tracing the scars on Valerie's back.

"Yes." Valerie twitched under the touch, the scars still sensitive.

"Were you frightened? How bad did it hurt?"

"Not at first. You know I went there to let her, right?" Valerie thought it odd that she felt more comfortable talking about her BDSM life than in holding a strange woman.

"I read. Seems strange. Don't understand it."

"I can try to explain sometime, if you like."

"Sally's tried. I don't get it. Then I don't get how people can eat carrots cooked. Different strokes."

"That's as good an explanation as I've ever heard. Anyway, I wasn't really scared until I realized that something was wrong with her. She ignored a big safety issue."

"How bad did it hurt?"

"A lot. Even before I was scared, it hurt. It's not the pain for me, it's the giving in. But it got really bad after she went farther than I wanted."

"I'm sorry it happened. Will you do it; I mean the stuff you like to do, again?"

"Yes. It's like having a bad date. You don't stop dating; you keep on risking, because if you don't, you curl up and wither."

"I know what you mean. So, is the sex good? With Sally?"

Valerie sighed, "Fantastic."

"You know Sally's not monogamous."

"Yes. Neither of us is."

"Is there any hope, in some distant future when you're more comfortable with yourself, for a real lesbian to take you on a date?"

"Are you asking me out?"


"Well, assuming Sally's okay with it, ask me again in six months. At the rate I'm adapting, I should be up to it by then."

"I'll hold you to that." Gwen gave her a squeeze as the slow number ended.

When the slow dance ended, the band charged into a swing tune, letting Gwen and Val tear up the floor. The energy and increased separation enabled Val to enjoy the music and movement more, and the two of them returned to Sally, breathless from five minutes of vigorous foot and body work.

Gwen told Sally, "Girl, you've got a very loving and sensitive lady here. You take good care of her."

"Don't I know it. You ready to head home for some nooky?"

"Are your feet up to it?"

"I don't plan on being on my feet much, you little hussy."

Gwen laughed, "I can see when I'm not needed. You two go and have even more fun. I'm going trolling. You lovebirds have made me hot."

Valerie and Sally left the restaurant and headed back to the house. On the way, Val had her hand on Sally's leg. "You know that Gwen made a pass, or rather, a future pass at me tonight."

"I thought she might. What did you say?"

"I said that she should try again in six months, when I might be more comfortable, assuming you were okay with it."

"That's great! If you can, that'll mark another major growth for you. You'll find that she's very butch in the bedroom. It'll feel a little like being dominated. She'll take the initiative and leave you breathless."

"You won't be jealous?"

"No. I'll just find someone to whip that night," she said with a chuckle. "It's not like we have the ability to stay faithful when our Master can order us to fuck anyone he wants."

"No, I suppose not. I was faithful to Mike, but I'm not that woman anymore."

Once they were inside the house, they embraced, kissing each other, playfully at first. Their hands explored their bodies like it was the first time; tentative, trying to read the wants and desires the way a blind man reads a Braille book.

Valerie whispered, "God, I love you so much. I can barely remember what it was like to not know you."

"I love you, too. I knew you were special even on that first Saturday when you were so honest about your same sex problems and concerned about offending me. I didn't know how special until your initiation, when you took my humiliation on."

"I cared so much. I think that was when I began to love you instead of just lust for you." She punctuated her statement with an aggressive kiss, wanting to move beyond playful to erotic. The two women, still kissing, danced their way slowly to the bedroom, following a melody that only they could hear. An observer would have seen two women dancing an incredibly erotic waltz that lacked the blatant suggestiveness of dirty dancing. It was one of those dances that would have been at home on any dance floor; yet if found there, would announce to the world that these were passionate lovers, comfortable with the whole world knowing it.

Somewhere along the way to the bed, they both lost their shoes. Valerie had dropped the zipper on Sally's dress, giving her access to Sally's back, caressing the small of the back with the hand that was not holding her head in place. Sally, already having full access to her lover's back, was caressing from neck to ass, treating the healing scars as an erogenous zone, enjoying the way Val twitched at the nearly tickling touch on the sensitive spots of skin.

The bed against Sally's legs, Val reached up and pulled the straps off her shoulders, starting the inevitable collapse of any visual decency that might have remained for Sally. In full cooperation, Sally shrugged the dress off, revealing that she had gone sans panties as well, leaving her open to any advances that Valerie cared to make. Sally reached up and flicked the straps of Valerie's dress off her shoulders, removing the only support it had had. As the dress fell to the floor, Sally reached out and caressed Val's breasts through the lace of her bra, enjoying the feel of the lace designs under her fingers.

Valerie pushed Sally down onto the bed, kneeling at Sally's feet. She showered affection onto the stocking clad limbs, giving each enclosed set of toes a slow blowjob while running her thumb up and down the sole, enticing little tickle jerks from Sally's legs.

"Oh, God, stop that, it's so intense, so…ahhhhh" Valerie had not stopped, but had grasped both feet in her hands, holding them tightly together, and run her tongue up the sole of each one, from heel to toe. Sally writhed on the bed, captured by a sensation that was part tickle, part massage, and all erotic.

"Ohhhh…ahhhh…Uhhh…where did ahhh you learn ohhh this?"

"It's something Mike used to do to me." Valerie's speaking gave Sally a minute respite from the sensation overload her feet were experiencing.

"The man's a ohhhh…ahhhh…uhhhh…a genius. God! Don't stop, I might cum from just this… uhhhh."

Sally had lost all ability to speak, her writhing body plowing forward in arousal. Valerie, still holding the feet immobile with one hand, was inching Sally's stockings, which had come loose from their garters sometime during the motions she was being forced into, down her legs. Sally had no idea what was to come as each foot was freed from the cotton sheath they had been in. As Valerie's tongue swiped its way up the first freed foot, Sally bucked; the direct contact even more intense than the touch through the fabric.

With the feet now free and vulnerable, Valerie's tongue was relentless, probing between toes at the end of each upstroke. "Grab the head of the bed, it helps." Sally reached up and grabbed the head of the bed, holding on like she was suspended over a cliff and to let go was to fall. As she writhed and bucked, the tongue that was torturing her feet was increasingly covered in spit, as if to lube the feet for some strange sexual ritual. When Valerie's teeth grazed across the ball of Sally's foot, she screamed, feeling far more than actually happened, their sensitivity having been increased by multitudes.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God," she babbled, craving and dreading another brush with those instruments of danger. The other foot, same thing and she went wild, her feet screaming that someone was biting them. Then, Val placed her teeth on either side of the arch and held them there, waiting in anticipation.

The feel of those teeth, with the tongue tickling the arch between them, was causing a brief skirmish between desire and dread. Desire won out and she cried out, "Yes! Do it!" Valerie bit down, pinching the thin skin of the arch and holding. Sally screamed in pain/pleasure as waves of sensation, much like an orgasm, radiated from the teeth on her foot up through her body, passing over her cunt, giving it little spasms, and on to her hands, which pulled hard on the headboard, hard enough to cause an audible creak.

Val let go with her hands and allowed the foot to pull itself to safety, free of the treacherously sensuous mouth that had been torturing it. As soon as her feet were free, Sally began to come down from the high she had reached, catching her breath and moaning softly. Valerie climbed up onto the bed, holding her lover's head and kissing her gently as she panted from the exertion she had endured.

"I'm going to get you for that. I'm going to tie you down and make you suffer through that incredible pleasure and pain and tickling for hours. You are a witch, a cruel witch and you had better be willing to do that to me again!"

"I look forward to it, both. It's been years since anyone has done that to me. Mike was able to keep it up longer. He could hold on tighter than I can."

Sally bent her head slightly, taking a nipple into her mouth, letting her teeth graze across it. Val cried and moaned at the same time. "Grab the headboard, don't let go." Valerie obeyed, ready for intensity. Sally began to worship Valerie's breasts, kissing them and leaving generous amounts of moisture on them. One of her hands reached down between Val's legs, caressing the inside of the thighs, near, but not quite at, her pussy. Her other hand reached up Valerie's side and lightly stroked her underarm, making Val moan and giggle at the same time.

Valerie's body wanted to laugh as Sally increased the intensity of the underarm contact, but there was too much arousal. All she could get out were staccato moans as the outbursts she needed to give were all mixed up. It was this thoroughly confused body that Sally changed course midstream on. Her hand running along Valerie's thighs tipped up just enough to cause her nails to scrape along the skin moistened by pussy juice, while her mouth took an entire areola in her mouth and bit down. The bite was not hard, but it felt like it was on that incredibly sensitive flesh. At the same time, her other hand dug in Valerie's armpit deep; provoking a laugh response at the same time Val wanted to scream. The resultant noise was much like the bark of a hyena. Valerie's body was twisting in the bed, trying to extricate itself from the rush of sensations that was assaulting it.

Sally let up when Val let go of the bed, her hands no longer able to hold on. She practically leapt on top of Val and pressed her body down, her mouth trapping lips, tongue darting in for a passionate kiss. The two women grabbed each other, their bodies both hungry for pure raw sex now, all thoughts of play and teasing gone.

Valerie gasped, "Pussy, eat my pussy!"

Sally echoed her, "Mine! Mine too!"

Sally swiveled on top of Val, bringing her pussy to Valerie's mouth while her own face dived into the cunt below it. The two licked at each other, drinking in the copious quantities of pussy juice being produced like it was life-giving nectar. Bodies acting to prevent a cessation of the wonderful sensations being given to them, each pair of legs closed against a head, locking it in place. Their writhing, one on top of the other, was limited by the lock they had on each other. Their moans were muffled by the fleshy gags that each forced themselves onto.

Valerie reached up with her hands to grasp Sally's ass and pry it open so she could stick a finger into it, producing a muffle squeal from its owner. When she encountered stiff resistance, she lubricated her digit with some of the plentiful slick fluid around Sally's cunt. Now the wet guided missile entered that dark opening, fucking Sally in the ass. Valerie could hear Sally grunting into her pussy and she pushed another finger in. Pushing in deep, she twisted her fingers, pressing them against the walls of Sally's ass.