Valerie Ch. 05


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"I'm not sure. I don't think I have more pain tolerance than all of you combined. But I want to try, at least long enough to give each of you an orgasm or two."

"Good girl. Let's start."

Immediately, the vibrators in her pussy and ass came on and the device on her clit (she would later learn it was called a butterfly) buzzed as well. The combined assault catapulted her to arousal heights at light speed. She opened her mouth to cry out in ecstasy and found a pussy covering it, muffling her cry. She heard a swish and a cry from the black lady, Marcia, as she jolted on top of Val's mouth. The blows for Valerie started as well, criss crossing her body with stripes of pain. The mixture of sensations was nearly overwhelming. She had the revolt of eating a woman, the waves of pleasure radiating from her pussy and ass, and the flashes of pain erupting with every lash that landed.

Unable to see, she let her mind's eye picture the people around her, becoming aroused by the scene, pussies dripping, bodies flushing, cocks going erect and tits standing at attention, as they watched her and whipped her and Marcia. She reached out for that feeling of pleasing others and giving herself to them. Her tongue licked Marcia's pussy with abandon, taking deep swipes that started at her ass crack, delved deeply into her pussy and finished across the top of her clit. Juices flowed freely, drenching Val's face as she was unable to capture it all in her mouth. When Marcia's orgasm came, Val's face was plunged into a flood of fluid that poured out of the black woman's cunt.

Valerie's own arousal climbed to an extreme plateau that she couldn't seem to cross. The constantly applied pain seemed to balance with the never-ending stimulation of the vibrators, poising her on the brink of orgasm for an almost endless time. But when Marcia bent over and sensuously licked her own juices off of Val's face, whispering "That was an incredible cum, you did well," Valerie went over the edge. Her mummified body shook within its wrappings and she cried out in pleasure, the blows now reinforcing the orgasm, driving it on.

They stopped briefly to alter positions and change instruments. A cock appeared at her mouth and she sucked it in as the whipping resumed. Val focused on the cock, concentrating so as not to bite it. This level of focus seemed to almost insulate her from the severity of the pain being rained down on her. Val sucked on it, creating a partial vacuum in her mouth. She caressed it with her tongue, at times literally circling it completely. With a skill born of dozens of past sexual partners craving fellatio, she had the cock erupting in her mouth in a matter of minutes. Cum poured out, spilling onto her face when she couldn't swallow it all. Milking the penis with her lips, she savored every drop of the salty fluid. As the cock was pulled out, she was aware of just how much she was in pain, crying out at the sudden flood of awareness.

Between pussy juices, sweat, and semen, her blindfold was soaked through, forcing her to keep her eyes closed beneath it. Her cries seemed to go on endlessly (though only for a couple of minutes). The blows stopped again as her body was repositioned, moving her head fully onto the table. With the pain stopped for a minute, the constant erotic stimulation was able to send her over the top again. This orgasm left her incoherent, moaning in ecstasy, writhing in pleasure. Still the vibrators pulsed on, refusing to show mercy to her over-stimulated pussy and ass. She was vaguely aware of someone crawling on top of the table with her, and them someone else.

Something fleshy, that felt wrong, lowered itself to her face. When she did not react to it, Sally raised a hand to halt things. She bent down and asked, "Val, are you all right?" When all she got in response was an incomprehensible mumbling, she motioned for Marcia to kill the vibrators. With the vibrators off, Valerie was able to recover slightly. After a few tries, she got out "Yellow light."

"What is it honey?"

"Too much vibrator. I couldn't think straight."

"Do you want to continue?"

"Yes. But can you have them go on and off like the ones from two weeks ago?"

"Dear, these are the ones from two weeks ago. Are you sure? You might have less orgasms."

"Yes. If they stay on all the time, I'll red light shortly. If I get a break every once in a while, it might be frustrating, but I won't be overwhelmed. Also, I'm concerned that the wetness on the blindfold will leak into my eyes. Can we take it off, or replace it?"

"Sure thing. We have a water resistant one. Keep your eyes closed." The old mask was taken off and her eyes wiped off. Then a vinyl mask was put on. "Are you ready to go again?"

"Green light!"

The whips started again, bringing a cry of pain from three people at the same time, causing Val to realize that the strange flesh she had felt was a cock and pussy joined together, fucking. She attacked the combined erogenous zone with her tongue as the vibrator in her ass also started up. She mashed her face up into the crotches that were moving against each other, practically sticking her nose into the woman's asshole. She tried to wedge her tongue alongside of the cock, letting it draw her alongside and into the pussy. She held it there, wriggling around, stimulating both people at the same time.

The cries of pain that each blow against her legs or belly elicited acted as additional stimulation on the cock, sending it into orgasm after only a few minutes. She could feel each pulse from inside the penis flow past her tongue to end up somewhere inside the pussy. As the cock pulled out, she forced her tongue against it, forcing the last of his semen out the tip as it moved past her lips. The pussy dropped down onto her mouth and she went deep, searching for the cum she felt a desire to consume. Each swipe of her tongue coincided with a blow against her from one of the crops that were now striking her, letting her transmit the pain she felt into the cunt she was licking. The combined taste of semen and cunt juice was heady, almost a pleasure in and of itself. The butterfly and pussy vibrator had replaced the ass device in stimulating her, driving her arousal up again.

Val was vaguely aware that she didn't feel disgust at eating this woman and that she felt she should have, but was too lost in the moment to worry about it. The whippings didn't deter her next orgasm, causing her to cry out into the cunt she was licking, sending it into an orgasm. The onlookers stopped and watched; the sight of Val and Surmi locked in a mutual orgasm making their mouths water (as well as their pussies and cocks).

As Surmi climbed down, Valerie felt bereft somehow, crying, "More please, can I have more please?"

Two more bodies climbed up, a pair of pussies being lowered to her mouth. Lashes struck at her body again and she could hear the two women, Sally and Debbie, crying out themselves as they too suffered under the whips. Valerie's tongue and lips could feel that Sally's pussy was still padlocked shut, depriving her of penetration. All three vibrators cut off at once, leaving the lashes as the only stimulation. Valerie raised her head as high as she could, sticking her nose into the unchained pussy and licking the other for all she was worth. She shook her head back and forth, screaming her pain into the two pussies she was attending to. She wanted to reach their clits, but they were so close together that she couldn't reach them.

She decided to concentrate on the open pussy first, reaching in with her tongue and swirling if around, letting her cries of pain from the whips resonate into Debbie's pussy. Val went back and forth from fucking Debbie with her tongue and swiping that tongue from pussy to ass. In the distance, above the sounds of her own screams and Debbie's, she could hear Sally crying in pain and desire, "Please, don't leave me, fuck my pussy, I'm begging you."

The desperation in her friend, fellow submissive and dominant's voice spurred her on, moving past the pain, creating a desperation in Valerie to please Sally that overwhelmed her. She strained up, frustrated at the bindings that kept her from her best efforts, sticking her entire face into Debbie's cunt, shaking her head and wriggling her tongue like a living vibrator. Several minutes of this assault overwhelmed Debbie, sending her over the brink into a massive orgasm. The Nordic lady fell back, only to be caught by Steven, as her orgasm consumed her.

Able to reach Sally completely, Val went at her with a gusto. She probed the locked cunt with her tongue, looking for a way in. She found it, just below the clit, too small for a cock to penetrate, but just large enough for her tongue. She dove in, letting the flat of her tongue rub against Sally's clit while her friend's pussy was penetrated for the first time in a month. Sally cried out, "Yes, yes, fuck me, fuck my pussy!"

Valerie, lost in the pleasing, barely registered the lashes falling upon her. The ass vibrator and the butterfly started up again. Wanting Sally to have an immense orgasm, she stopped short, letting the beatings that she was receiving bring her down. Sally begged for orgasm, lost in the desperation, forgetting that she could order it. Valerie brought the needful woman to the edge twice; glorying in what she knew was to come. The pain of the whippings and the stimulation of the vibrators were reaching the point where Valerie was not sure she could go on. She knew she would safe word if not for Sally's need.

One last time, she dove into the locked pussy, moving in for the kill. She funneled the struggle she was having to keep going, letting the beating continue, into her efforts, energizing her tongue into a climax creating machine. She felt the first quivers of Sally's orgasm and she sucked the clit in front of her between her lips, letting her teeth just graze it, shattering any sensibility the woman had left as a mind blowing cum overwhelmed her. She fell forward on top of Valerie, pressing against her body. Sally's convulsions sent Valerie over the edge one more time, her body shaking beneath her friend's. She could hardly breathe, the feelings overwhelming her. She had reached her end, unable to take more, but could not find the breath to say what needed to be said.

A voice next to her head (she could not tell who) whispered, "Are you trying to use a safe word?" Val nodded. The whipping sopped immediately. "Red light?" the voice asked. She nodded while Sally was being lifted off of her. She felt something cold and metallic slip under the plastic. Like magic, the plastic parted and her crotch was freed. The vibrators were removed as was the blindfold. Deft hands guided the medical scissors as the plastic was cut away in short order. She shivered at the sudden cool breeze that swept across her sweat covered body. For the first time since she had been wrapped, she began to cry.

Surmi bent over her, red marks visible across her breasts, "What's wrong, love."

"I don't know. I feel overwhelmed, but I don't know by what. What's wrong with me?"

"Shhh. It's all right. You're just coming down from an incredible high. You'll be all right. Just let the stress pour out of you. You've been whipped for over an hour, as well as having been stimulated by the vibrators. It's not surprising that the sudden lack would leave you reeling. Just relax." She lifted Valerie up and hugged her close, holding her while the submissive recovered from the past hour.

Once Valerie and Sally had reclaimed their wits, the seven looked at one another, covered in perspiration, sexual fluids and red marks. No one was sure who started, but they were soon all laughing. Of course, that led to groans of pain, as the sore parts of their bodies ached anew at the violent shaking the laughter brought.

Robert looked around, regaining his composure first. "I think we could all use a good soak in the hot tub, after a hot shower." His suggestion was greeted by a chorus of agreeing voices. They led Valerie to another of the rooms she had not been in before. One end was dominated by a large hot tub, capable of holding a dozen people. The other end had a communal shower similar to a locker room. The group washed under the showers, groaning a little as the hot water aggravated the sore muscles. The initial pains subsided as the warmth loosened aching muscles.

The hot tub, with wonderfully soothing jets, drained the pain from their joints and muscles. In spite of the universal nudity, no one was much interested in sex, though Marcia gave a wonderful back rub to everyone. After a relaxing hour in the hot water, they all retired to their beds.

Sally joined Valerie in her room, wanting to talk a bit. "Val, how are you doing? You've had a stressful day, and I'm concerned."

"I'm not sure. I've had the most wonderful time submitting to you all. Some of it has been hard. Oddly enough, the humiliations have been harder. Having to drink my dinner through a straw: I know I acted like it was okay, but it really bothered me, almost as much as realizing what it was doing to Lilly."

The memory of Lilly, in tears at the table, brought Val to tears again. She sobbed, clutching Sally tight, unable to articulate the feelings that were overwhelming her. Fear and a strange loathing had crept into her heart, tearing at her soul. Sally held her, waiting for her to be able to talk again. "My God, Sally, I made her do it again. I forced her to puree my food and I knew she didn't want to. I'm just as bad as Charles was."

"No! Don't you dare. You didn't use her, you reassured her. You let her know that it was all right. You did what any good player does when their partner shows signs of uneasiness, you reassured her that it was all right and that she could continue without fear. You effectively told her 'green light' Valerie. I'm sure she doesn't hate you."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. There's more. What else is bothering you?"

"I don't know how to explain. I've had a wonderful time, not just this weekend, but ever since I first came home with Charles and was soundly fucked by his hand. I'm changing, Sally. I don't know what it is, but I'm changing. It frightens me. Will I like what I'm becoming? Will I hate myself? And I found myself, all this week, looking forward to this weekend. I think I was so distracted that I may have missed something important at work, something that may cost the firm millions. How do you go from such incredible weekends back to your mundane jobs during the week?"

"You are changing, Valerie, becoming what your soul was always meant to be. You'll love who you're becoming, I know I do. You're becoming a truly caring person who will sacrifice herself for others. That's why you chose to feed me instead of yourself. That's why you confronted Charles over Lilly, believing that it could mean your being sent away. How could you grow to dislike such a person?"

"I guess I wouldn't. Is that what you see in me?"

"Yes. You're a caterpillar who has entered her chrysalis. What will emerge is a beautiful butterfly that will be the envy of all who see her. It's not surprising that you should feel fear. Change is a sometimes violent process, but a necessary one."

Valerie started to snicker, "A violent process. Sort of like being whipped." Her snickers turned into laughs, laughs that Sally joined in too, saying, "I suspect no butterfly had to be whipped into shape." At that, the two ladies were rolling on the bed, laughing uproariously. It went on until their sides hurt.

As they came to themselves again, Sally addressed Valerie's second and possibly more urgent concern. "Your other concern is actually the most immediate one that we should talk about altogether. If we continue the initiation like we normally do, you'll have a chance to be tied to the chair and ask questions about your concerns. We all have different ways of dealing with what I call re-entry shock. So I don't want to deal with that ahead of time. But maybe I can help with your other problem. My day job, so to speak, is disaster analysis. Talk me through your problem and maybe I can see something you've missed."

Valerie told her about the assignment. The accusation of breach of contract, the fact that the original contact person was fired shortly after the job, how a addendum was added after the fact with the signature of someone who was 1200 miles away at the time it was signed, that the added section contained language that no one would ever agree with. Sally listened carefully, falling into analytical mode. When Val finished, she had questions of her own.

"This Brad character, how much do you know about him?"

"Personally, not much. I suppose he has a file in personnel. Do you think he had anything to do with it?"

"The signature speaks to an inside job. It's easy enough to include a blank sheet in a pile of papers to be signed. Managers are very dependent on their subordinates. They don't have time to look at everything, so they trust their people. But for that to happen, someone your president trusted had to be in on it, obtaining the signature in advance of the section being written. After that, child's play. This Brad is the most likely culprit. The only person with more access to the president's signature will be his secretary. Unless she's new, that's unlikely."

"She's been with him for 20 years. She compliments him perfectly."

"So you need to check out Brad, both past and present. See if he has any ties to the client company. If so, you'll need to prove he engineered the whole thing. It won't be easy, but you might be able to bluff the company into backing off."

"Amazing. You went from player to professional like you threw a switch. I don't know if I can ever do that."

"You may not need to. Your coping method may be different. Is there anything else you want to talk about?"

"Talk, no. It may seem strange coming from me, but I want you. It doesn't scare me much, at least not with you. Will you make love to me?"

To answer, Sally leaned forward, grasping Valerie in her arms and gently kissed her on the lips. She started with light kisses, almost non-sexual. "Let me show you what lesbian love is like between equals; no domination or submission."

"Yes, I want to know, even if it's only this once."

Holding Val's back with one hand, she caressed her belly and face with the other, murmuring how beautiful her skin was and how soft. She kissed again, her tongue gently probing against puckered lips until they eased open, accepting the loving intruder. Valerie, unsure of herself, afraid of her possible reaction, kept herself limp, responding to advances, but not initiating.

"Relax, dear. Let me make love to you. When you're ready, you can make love to me. If it's too much, just say so. I won't be hurt," Sally whispered as she lay Val down on the bed. She rubbed her hands along the straight woman's legs, admiring the marks on the smooth skin with her hands. "Val, you're so lovely, and you're skin is so soft and enticing." She slid down to the end of the bed, caressing Valerie's feet with just enough pressure to not tickle.

Val stretched out, instinctively making as much of her body available to her lover as she could. She felt warmth and wetness on her toes, realizing that Sally was sucking each one in turn, giving them a sensuous, though short, blowjob. Val had no idea that her toes could feel this sexy. With each toe properly worshipped, Sally slowly kissed her way up Valerie's left leg, seemingly planting a moist kiss on every square inch. Once she reached the hips, she crossed over and kissed her way down the right leg.

Valerie couldn't believe how hot she was. Sally had not touched a single erogenous zone, yet Val's skin was flushed with erect nipples and a moistening pussy. Sally could smell the aroma of love juice and smiled. She adjusted her position and began to lick the perspiration off of Val's tummy, leaving her saliva in its place with long slow licks. Moving up, she avoided the breasts themselves, kissing her way up the cleavage to Valerie's neck. Small kisses were planted there before she moved back up to Valerie's face, once again kissing her full on the lips.