Valerie Ch. 04


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Moving over to the whips and such, she was overwhelmed by the selection. Charles joined her and said, "For your first time, I would limit yourself to the cat or the paddle. They're the hardest to make mistakes with. Choose a cat with short wide straps. Your first paddle should be a softer material that gives a little."

Valerie made her selections and had an evil thought. She thought for a moment, recalled Sally's request "Don't hold anything back. I want orgasms this weekend." She strode over to the implement table again, selected an unweighted clamp and tried it out on her clit. The flare of pain was so intense; she started to put it back. Charles leaned over, "Try putting it on the entire hood, instead of the clit directly." She did and felt that she could live with that.

Moving back to Sally, she saw that she had juiced up tremendously, clearly aroused by her predicament. When Val touched her clit, Sally struggled, shifting violently. Val reached up and swatted her ass with a hand, settling her down. She attached the clamp to the clit and got back up, her eyes brimming with tears. The helpless woman was writhing in the stocks, setting the weights on the clamps swinging. Valerie picked up her paddle and started to spank her new friend. She put all her strength behind it, being rewarded with a resounding smack followed by a muffled cry of pain from Sally. Taking her cue from her own punishment earlier, she gave slow steady swats, watching the weights swing violently each time. In short order, Sally was crying out, albeit muffled, constantly. Sally's ass was turning bright red and Val could see rivulets of pussy juice and perspiration dripping down her thighs. Valerie's pussy was not wet. She felt no arousal and the knot in her stomach grew worse.

After about 30 strokes, she had another thought and ran back to get a butt plug and lube. After lubing up Sally's ass liberally, all the while the woman tried to complain through her gag, Valerie tried to push it in. One of the men grasped her hands and guided her in how to slowly rotate and penetrate instead of pushing straight in. The head plopped in and the plug was sucked in up to its stopper. Tears began to flow from Val's eyes. Her head felt light and she had a lump in her throat.

She picked up the cat, not sure how to start. One of the women, the black lady, came up and, taking the whip, showed Valerie how to swing it forcefully in short strokes that allowed accurate placement. She also showed which areas were safe to hit, the upper back, buttocks and thighs. Standing back, Valerie took a stroke and smacked the whip against Sally's ass.

The victim jumped, moaning in pure pain, red stripes appearing on her ass. Valerie struck her again and again on the legs and ass, avoiding the upper back for fear of missing. As each set of stripes appeared, Valerie cried harder and harder, sick with what she was doing to the helpless woman. After ten strokes, she collapsed, crying over and over again, "Red light, red light."

Charles was right there, "What's wrong, love?"

"I can't do it. It hurts too much. I feel like a part of me is withering away. I'd rather leave forever than hurt her any more."

"Valerie, I had no idea. I have never had a submissive that was so hurt by being dominant."

"It's not being dominant, it's the hurting. I would be okay tying her up and torturing her with endless orgasms. I just can't hurt her. Please don't make me."

Charles looked at this confident business woman, breaking down and totally unaroused. She had derived no pleasure at all from what she had done. "Valerie, you'll never have to punish or inflict pain again. From now on, this is considered a red light activity for you. Look at me."

Valerie looked up, tears still flowing.

"You'd trade places with her in a heartbeat, wouldn't you?"

Val nodded vigorously.

"You'll never be asked to inflict pain again."

While they had been talking, the others had released Sally. The striped woman came over and hugged Val. "You wanted me to tell you no, didn't you?"

Val nodded again.

"I'm so sorry. I should have noticed. Will you forgive me?"

Val embraced her Mistress, nodding vigorously.

Charles looked up at the group. "Our lady friends are going to take a break. They've earned a few orgasms; in an hour, we'll give them a chance to earn more. If you wish to play for an hour, pair off and choose who will submit. I'll be taking Surmi."

Sally led Valerie to another room where they could sit down and recover their wits. Sally held Val until the crying had stopped. Once done crying, Valerie dozed in Sally's arms, worn out emotionally. Sally hoped that this crisis didn't ruin the lifestyle for this special woman. As the hour was ending, Sally woke up Valerie and led her back to the dungeon.

The six players were looking satisfied with themselves. One of the men and all three of the women were marked in various places, which struck Valerie as odd. Anticipating her question, Sally whispered, "Robert and Marcia enjoy mutual domination, where they either trade off positions or, rarely, mutually dominate each other. It's quite enjoyable to watch."

"Ah, the wayward submissives are back. Valerie, are you up to some more fun?"

"Yes, Master. I'm ready to serve."

"I assume the two of you would be interested in earning unlimited orgasms for the weekend?"

"Yes, Master!" the two said in unison.

Laughing, he instructed them, "Clasp each other in a hug." When they did, each of their wrists were captured by a rope and tightly tied to the other woman's wrist, effectively making each woman a straight jacket for the other one. Their waists, ankles, and knees were also bound together. Valerie was a little uncomfortable with the closeness of their pussies, but had the feeling that that would be the least of her worries shortly. She was right.

"This is what's going to happen. For the next hour, all six of us will whip you with a variety of implements. You'll be lying on the ground. The two of you will be free to decide between you at any time, who will be on top and who will be on bottom. You can change as often as you wish. If neither of you ask for mercy in any way, then you will have earned any orgasms you can achieve for the rest of the weekend. If not, you'll only have the two each that Valerie earned you an hour ago. Any questions?"

Both submissives shook their heads. As they were lowered to the ground, Valerie said, "Me on top first, you were whipped more recently." They rolled over and the six players began to swing away. Valerie's back exploded in fire as six separate whips laid into her. Valerie could not see what was being used, but Sally could see three cats, two floggers and one crop. She laid there, watching her friend's face absorb the pain, screaming freely in agony. The blows kept coming and after ten minutes, it occurred to Sally what was happening. Valerie was intending to take the entire hour herself!

Bracing herself for the pain, Sally gave a mighty heave and rolled over, exposing herself to the blows. Gritting her teeth, she looked Val in the eyes and whispered, "Don't you dare hog all the fun, girl!" Message delivered, she allowed the screams to escape, each cry a cathartic release, enabling the next blow to be absorbed. When she felt she couldn't take any more with out crying for mercy, she looked at Val again, and as if they could read each other's mind, the two rolled together, putting Valerie on top.

During this time on top for Valerie, Sally could see that Charles had gotten a bull whip. Knowing what was coming, she whispered, "Don't panic!" Charles cracked the whip right above them without actually touching. Valerie, unable to see and hearing the dreaded crack of the wickedly long and brutal whip, screamed in terror and pleaded with her eyes to roll over.

They rolled, Sally unconcerned about the bull whip, knowing that Charles considered it too dangerous for anything but psychological effect. She saw that Valerie's eyes were closed in terror, unable to see that the dreaded crack never made contact. She hissed, "Look! See what's happening."

Valerie looked, opening her eyes, flinching as she saw the wicked end of the bull strike…at the air above them. She still flinched at the sound, but the panic subsided and she was back on track. It continued like this for an hour, Sally enduring five minutes for every ten Valerie took. Sally was envious of Valerie's pain tolerance and grateful for the ten minute respites. The hour came to a close and neither woman had begged for mercy. Their voices were raw from the screaming and their bodies had red marks all across them.

The two were led to a room with two couches where they had soothing ointment rubbed into their bodies. The pain receded to a dull ache as the massage took the stiffness out of their muscles, and the ointment took the majority of the sting out of the welts and stripes. Charles came in and told them, "You two did very well. We're done for the night. I want both of you to get a good night's sleep. Valerie, you will be performing household chores in the morning. No clothes are allowed and whoever is directing your chores is Mistress or Master. Sally, you have an errand to run in the morning. Be sure you have clothes suitable for public appearances after a scene. You both have earned as many orgasms as you can achieve this weekend, though no masturbating independently. You both may bring each other to as many orgasms as you want tonight, provided you are asleep by 11:00. It's now 10:15."

Val looked down demurely and asked, "Mistress, are you going to force yourself on me tonight?"

As Sally licked her lips, Valerie smiled and shuddered.

The two girls walked hand in hand upstairs and made a bee line for the second master bedroom. As they entered the room, Val dropped to her knees, saying, "Please don't make me do this, Mistress."

In reality, Valerie was experiencing desire for a woman for the first time. In the last several hours, something she couldn't put her finger on had changed subtly. Her resistance had become more of a game. She still felt uncomfortable about pleasing a woman sexually, but the level of anxiety was less. She wasn't sure if it was a general change or a change with respect to just Sally.

Sally, recognizing the playful attitude in the submissive, played along and shouted sternly, "Get on the bed, slave!"

Valerie cowered and crawled to the bed, climbing on and extending her arms and legs to be tied. Sally connected the ties to her wrists and tightened the clamps, stretching the now helpless woman taut, without being too tight. Climbing on top, Sally ordered, "Please me, slave. You don't cum until I cum twice."

Sally lowered her pussy onto Valerie's head. Valerie attacked the pussy using her tongue and mouth with a vengeance. The prospect of an orgasm energized her, overcoming any lingering discomfort. She took long deep strokes with her tongue, letting it slide into Sally's pussy lips and over her clit. Sally growled with pleasure, grinding her pussy against Val's mouth. Unbeknownst to Valerie, Sally had not had an orgasm in three weeks. The desperate woman was not going to let this opportunity pass.

Pussy juice smearing on her face, Valerie shuddered, becoming aroused at just the thought of sending Sally over the top. With the pussy against her face, she plunged her tongue in and wriggled it around like a vibrator. Sally responded enthusiastically, crying in pleasure, wriggling her pussy even deeper onto Val's face. It only took another couple of minutes, for Sally to shudder and scream in pleasure, flooding Val's face with fluid from her cunt.

Sally rode the cum for almost a minute, weeks of sexual tension pouring out in a flood of pleasure. As she came down, she yelled, "Again, make me cum again!" Valerie renewed her efforts, rewarded by Sally's tongue probing her pussy as well. They traded tongue stroke for tongue stroke, each pushing the other to higher and higher levels of excitement. Sally, closer to exploding when they started, screamed her release directly into Val's pussy. The vibrations from her voice broke Val's dam and the submissive exploded in a massive, long-awaited orgasm. Her body shuddered and shook to the limits that its bonds would allow.

After recovering from their climaxes, Sally released Val's bonds. "You need to give your muscles a rest. Sleep until you're woken up. You're going to have a long day tomorrow."

"Thank you, Mistress. Good night, Mistress."

Sally left and Valerie was asleep within five minutes.


Valerie woke to someone shaking her and calling out, "Lady Valerie. You need to wake up, ma'am."

"Uh… What?"

"Lady Valerie. It's 8:00, you have an hour to bathe and eat breakfast. Then you must start your chores."

Regaining her senses, Valerie answered, "Yes, Mistress. I'm getting up."

"Oh no, I'm not your Mistress."

"According to my Master, anyone giving me instructions is my Master or Mistress today."

"Oh. Do you need any help?"

"No, Mistress, I can manage on my own."

It was only as she reached the bath that she realized that the girl who woke her up had plainly seen her marks from last night. She felt oddly at peace with that, especially since the girl had not seemed bothered either. She took a quick shower, dried off and headed downstairs to the dining room. There was a pot of oatmeal on a warmer, but no one else there. She fixed a big bowl, realizing how hungry she felt and devoured it along with two glasses of orange juice. Finishing five minutes early, she relaxed.

At exactly nine, Herman, the butler, came in. "Good, you're ready. If you will come with me?"

"Yes, Master."

Led into the kitchen, she saw that the evening's dinner dishes had not been cleaned. Herman pointed to them and instructed her, "You are to clean all the dishes. By hand. Dried by hand. If they are not satisfactorily cleaned, you can expect to be punished later. I'll be back in an hour."

Val started immediately, thankful that her mother had insisted that all her children knew how to hand-wash dishes. The job was not terribly onerous, but she felt a little strange doing them totally naked. She had the dishes themselves done in 40 minutes and used another ten to clean up the sinks so that it didn't look like anyone had been here. She went back to the dining room and gasped as she saw her breakfast dishes still on the table. Rushing, she refilled the sinks and cleaned those as well, finishing cleaning the sinks just as Herman walked back in.

She spent the next four hours doing menial tasks in the house such as cleaning all five bathrooms (at least she knew where they were now), vacuuming the entire downstairs carpet, watering all 37 indoor plants, and washing all the windows in the upstairs rooms. She saw several of the players as she did her chores, but they ignored her.

Valerie's feelings were all over the map as she worked. It seemed unusual to her to be doing household chores as part of her training in sexual submission. On the other hand, she experienced a feeling of helplessness at having to do these chores. "What if this is all Charles wants of me? He hasn't touched me sexually since I arrived here last night. Could I be satisfied with being his house servant for the duration of my submission?"

She could not come up with an answer. But she did notice that she did the chores here more diligently that she did at home. She felt a sense of pride in her work and an intense desire to hear Charles say "Good job, slave." She also noticed that the sore muscles she had in the morning were almost gone by the time she had finished the last chore at 1:15. As per his instructions, she found Herman in the foyer and asked for new instructions.

"You are to retrieve the mail. The mailbox is just outside the front gate. You may wear the slippers by the front door while you are outside. Your Master will have new instructions for you by the time you get back."

"Outside? Past the gate? Where Saturday traffic could see her?" she thought. With trepidation, she stepped outside and walked the 100 feet to the gate. She saw it open a crack as she approached. She peeked out and saw that the coast was clear. She rushed to the box and opened it. As she did, the gate closed with a loud clang. Inside the mailbox was a package addressed to her! She went back to the gate and pushed the call button.

Charles' voice came back. "Open your package and follow the instructions inside."

"Oh my God," she thought, "Anyone can come by and see me."

Opening the box, she saw a harness of some sort, two dildos, four sets of handcuffs, a full head hood with penis gag and a set of eight nipple clamps. Underneath all of the items were instructions. Reading them, she blanched. "What if someone comes by? What if someone I know drives by?"

Knowing she had no real choice, and feeling the first pangs of excitement, she followed the instructions. The harness fit around her torso and legs, tightly binding her breasts and covering her pussy and ass with a wide leather strap. She put the dildos in her pussy and ass, fitting the harness over them to keep them in. Two of the clamps were to go on her nipples with the chains on them to be attached to hooks on the harness that pulled them taut, straining her nipples. The instructions said to pull her pussy lips out from underneath the harness strap. This caused the strap to dig into the sensitive inside of her labia. The six remaining clamps were to be attached to her pussy lips and their chains pulled through a miniature pulley down to hooks on the harness, pulling them taut. The hood was to be put on and the penis gag inserted. Finally, the handcuffs were to lock to her wrist and ankle cuffs and to the gate, after she stood on a small platform on it about a foot high. This last was tricky since she could no longer see. When she was done, she was chained spread eagle on the gate, gagged, blind, pussy lips and tits clamped, and stuffed with dildos.

As she stood there, able to move a bit but unable to go anywhere, she realized just how diabolical the arrangement was. To ease the pressure on her nipple clamps, she had to bend down slightly. This, however, caused the clamps on the pussy lips to pull tighter. The tight binding on her breasts made them more sensitive, as sensitive to pain as her pussy lips were. The dildos were enough to arouse her, but quite insufficient to bring her close to an orgasm. The penis gag was thicker than the one she had at home and stretched her jaws painfully. The slippers were not thick enough to provide support for her feet on the one inch wide platform she was standing on. With no vision, she couldn't tell how long she had been out here.

Then she heard a car approaching. She rattled the chains on the cuffs, trying to attract the attention of someone who could take her down. That only resulted in her tits and cunt suffering increased pain. Helpless, she heard the car turn into the driveway and stop right before her. The car door opened and someone got out and walked towards here. Moaning in desperation, she flinched when she felt a man's hands run themselves down her sides. Fear gripped her as she was powerless to stop whatever this stranger would do to her.

The hands caressed her sides and legs, lightly touching in some places and roughly pinching her in others. She tried to scream though the gag to leave her alone, but the phallic mouthpiece did its job too well. Her fear turned to near panic when a second car door opened and another set of foot steps approached. A new pair of hands started to molest her, these being female. The woman slipped her hands under the tight fitting harness, increasing the tension on her nipples and pussy. Then they slid down under the leather strap, accessing her stuffed cunt and ass.