Tom's Noisy Girlfriend Ch. 03


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The blond led a thoroughly mortified Janet toward the door. My cousin refused to meet my eyes. My eyes darted first to Helen and then to Marie, hoping one of them would help, but neither bothered.

"Janet, I really do love you," I said softly, but I wasn't sure she heard. This did earn me an odd look from Helen. I smiled sadly. She shook her head and followed the others out of my room.

The first drink did not go down smooth, but by the time I seriously dented the mini-bar in the room I was feeling no pain. Oddly, despite the numbing affect of the alcohol, I found my pillow wet with tears just before I passed out.


"Go away!" I cried at whomever had the audacity to knock on my door after the night I had, but the knocking continued and I stumbled to my feet. I nearly bumped into the wall before I found the doorknob.

"Oh damn!" Helen said with a frown when she saw me. "Janet was afraid something like this would happen."

"I'm surprised she cared," I grumbled, reaching for another bottle from the mini-bar.

"Don't be an ass!" Helen snapped. "Of course she cares! She sent me, didn't she?"

"Did she?" I asked with a frown.

"Yes," Helen replied, taking the bottle from my hand. "Last night after everything calmed down and Marie and Dayna went to sleep, Janet and I had a long talk. She really does love you."

"Then why did she leave?" I asked, plopping down into the one chair in the room.

"You know why," Helen sighed, starting the small pot of coffee percolating. "You're her cousin."

"So?" I grumbled, knowing I wasn't being fair, but not really caring at the moment.

"I don't think you understand what happened after the last time you two got together at Tommy's wedding," Helen said. "Janet explained it to me last night."

"What?" I frowned.

"You left and went across the country," Helen explained. "Janet stayed and had to face everyone on her own."

"Oh," I said dumbly.

"Exactly," Helen nodded. "Her mother was the worst, but there were others. Your cousin Hank was a real jerk."

"I knew I should have kicked his ass more when we were younger," I sighed.

"Janet says his parents weren't kind either."

"I never had much use for that branch of the family," I said, shaking my head.

"It took her years to live it down," Helen continued. "She lost a bunch of friends."

"I didn't realize," I said slowly. "She didn't say anything."

"What was she supposed to say?"

"I don't know," I said, rubbing my hand through my hair. "But something. I would have come back if she asked."

"And that would have made things better?" Helen asked. I didn't bother to answer.

"How is she?" I asked, accepting the first cup of coffee.

"Okay I guess," Helen replied with a shrug. "Dayna was really pissed and her reaction reminded Janet of that last time."

"Marie wasn't much better," she continued. "My sister can be a real prude considering how many guys she's slept with."

"But you're okay with this?" I asked. I actually thought that Helen would be the worst when the ladies learned the truth.

"Not really," Helen smiled. "But Janet is my friend and she loves you. She's hurting now and I hate to see it. Besides, you can't always control who you fall in love with. My Ken is a darling man, but ten years ago if you'd asked me if I would ever fall in love with an older, balding, slightly overweight man, I would have laughed in your face."

"So, what should I do?" I asked numbly.

"I don't know," Helen replied. "That's really up to you, but I'd suggest strongly that you don't go back to drinking. It will hurt Janet too much when she finds out." I nodded in understanding and agreement.

"Do you think she'll talk to me?"

"Not right now," Helen sighed. "Give her time. Vacation is just starting."

"Do you have any idea how boring it is to be on vacation by yourself on an island?" I asked glumly.

"Not really," Helen smiled. "But isn't Janet worth it?"

"Definitely," I smiled back. "But have a heart and stop by every once in a while. I'm going to go stir crazy."

"Don't worry," Helen laughed. "I have a plan."

"What?" I asked.

"You'll see!" Helen replied, slipping out the door.

The rest of the day was one of the longest of my life. I didn't know what was worse, being so close to Janet and not being able to talk to her or being by myself with a restocked mini-bar.

"Shit!" I grumbled over and over again as the day slowly passed. I went out once to the pool. I saw Janet and the others, but Dayna and Marie quickly led her away from me. Helen smiled sadly and waved as she followed.

That night was even worse. It took me hours to fall asleep and I woke up early feeling exhausted. I took a quick shower and went downstairs for breakfast. I was just leaving the restaurant when I saw Marie, Helen and Dayna come off of the elevator. It took me a moment before I realized that Janet wasn't with them.

Helen saw me and said something to the other two. Her sister nodded. I slipped off to the side before the others noticed me. Dayna and Marie continued to the restaurant while Helen waiting at the elevator. I joined her as soon as the coast was clear.

"You look better," Helen said, and then smiling added, "At least a little."

"I'm sober, if that's what you mean," I sighed.

"Good!" Helen said. "Now, you've got twenty minutes to a half hour to talk to Janet. Make good use of it."

"Pardon?" I said as I registered her words. She looked at me and grinned. Slowing I realized what she was offering. "Thanks, but I'm not even sure I can get her to open the door to her room in that time."

"I'll handle that," Helen said as the elevator doors opened. "Follow me."

The elevator ride was the slowest and fastest in my life. I had no idea what I was going to say to Janet. I wasn't even sure how she was going to react to me. All I was certain of was that I was deeply in love with my cousin.

Helen opened the door to their room and called out to Janet. My cousin came toward the door with a frown. She was already dressed for the beach or pool with a white cover-up over her bathing suit.

"What's wrong?" Janet asked Helen.

"Nothing," her friend replied as I stepped in front of the doorway. Janet's mouth fell open and she turned a little pale.

'Well,' I thought. 'At least she didn't faint or start yelling.'

"You two have a half hour to talk. I'll stall Marie and Dayna," Helen said and then disappeared down the hall.

"Janet, will you talk to me?" I asked once we were alone. She hesitated before finally nodded. "Then let's go for a walk on the beach." Again she nodded and grabbed a sweatshirt.

We traveled down the elevator in silence. I wasn't surprised to see that her eyes were sad again, but that didn't mean I didn't hurt because of it. We slipped out of the hotel and to the beach without incident.

It was still pretty early and the beach was empty. We walked next to each other without talking. Janet would stop every once in a while and pick up a shell. The half hour was almost up and we barely said a word to each other.

"Janet," I said, stopping and facing her. "I'm sorry." She looked at me for a moment before shaking her head.

"Last night was as much my fault as yours," she said.

"That's not what I'm sorry about," I said. "I'm not sorry about any of the times we've been together. I love you and we should be together. I know it deep down and so do you, but that doesn't make it any easier."

"Then why are you sorry?" Janet asked with a frown.

"I'm sorry because each time we were together I left you alone afterward to face the repercussions of what happened," I replied. We looked at each other in silence for a few moments.

"It wasn't so bad the first time," she said sadly. "No one else knew. I was just so confused and lonely."

"Me too," I put in. "But that doesn't excuse me."

"The second time was worse," Janet said half to herself and half to me. "A lot worse."

"I thought leaving would make it better," I said glumly.

"I know," she said, smiling sadly. "That's what we agreed to on the phone, but it didn't."

"I'm sorry," I sighed.

"You already said that," Janet said, her smile becoming a little less sad.

"I'll probably be saying it a lot for the rest of our lives," I grinned.

"Don't worry about it," she said, losing her smile. "It shouldn't be all that bad. We only see each other once every few years."

"You don't understand," I said with a shake of my head. "I'm done leaving you alone. I'm not going anywhere."

"But we can't be together for real," Janet sighed. It was the same old argument that both of us were tired of. "We're cousins."

"You know," I grinned. "I learned an interesting little fact a few months ago." Janet frowned and waiting for me to explain. "Come to my room and I'll tell you about it."

"Are you crazy?" Janet said. "I'm sure Marie and Dayna are already scouring the hotel looking for us."

"So they'll find us," I shrugged. "We'll face them together."

"Won't that be a pretty scene?" Janet said sarcastically.

"Janet, do you love me?" I asked, taking her hand. She looked up into my eyes hesitantly.

"You know I do," she finally replied.

"And I love you," I smiled. "The rest doesn't matter."

"Oh yes it does!" I heard Dayna's shrill voice cry from behind me. I saw Janet's face literally blanch before I turned around and faced the woman angrily. I refused to let go of my cousin's hand despite Janet's attempts to let go of mine.

"No, it doesn't," I said firmly to the blond. Marie and Helen were behind her.

"You're a sick bastard!" Dayna cried.

"Maybe, maybe not," I shrugged. "But this isn't any of your business."

"I'm not letting you take advantage of my friend!" the blond cried. I opened my mouth to reply, but Janet interrupted.

"You know," Janet said in annoyance as she stopped trying to let go of my hand. "That's one of the worst things about this whole situation. Just about everyone assumes I'm the victim. I'm not."

"Janet, what are you saying?" Marie asked with a frown.

"Just that the truth is that I was probably more of the instigator the first two times we ended up together than he was," my cousin replied, now squeezing my hand tightly. If felt amazing. "Especially the second time. I practically had to club him over the head to get him into bed."

"You were rather randy after your brother's wedding," I joked. You don't know how good I felt when Janet actually laughed as my poor attempt at humor. This time we were together facing the ridicule and that made it bearable, possibly even laughable.

"That's disgusting!" Dayna cried. "Cousin's shouldn't..."

"Dayna, let it go," Helen interjected. "I'm not saying it's right. I'm not saying it's wrong. All I'm saying is that it's their decision."

"I can't believe you!" Dayna cried. "I don't have to stay here and listen to this!"

"No, you don't," Janet said sadly. "Dayna, you've been a good friend. I'd hate to lose you over this, but I understand if you can't handle it."

"I'm leaving!" the blond snapped, not even hesitating. "Marie, are you coming?"

"Actually," Marie replied. "I'm just standing here trying to think if I have any single hot cousins."

"Well, there is cousin Emily," Helen put in with a grin.

"Incest and lesbianism?" Marie frowned.

"Too much?" Helen asked, fighting back her laughter.

"Maybe, maybe not," Marie replied, causing the two sisters to laugh.

"You're just as bad as they are!" Dayna snapped and then stomped off.

"Not really," Marie said more somberly to the blonde's disappearing back. "But I always hate when people get that 'holier than thou' attitude."

"You had it pretty strongly last night," Helen said pointedly.

"And I'm sorry about that," Marie said more to Janet than her sister. "You were right. I thought you were a victim, not a willing participant." She smiled briefly before adding, "Or should I say instigator?" Janet blushed and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I think we should leave these two alone to work things out," Helen said to her sister. "Let's go hang out by the pool."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Marie shrugged. "See you both later."

Janet and I watched as the sisters made their way off the beach. I shook my head as I saw them arguing about something.

"If the rest of their family is anything like them, I would love to see one of their family gathering," I smiled.

"You have no idea!" Janet laughed, but it didn't last long. She met my eyes and I think the reality of what we'd just done hit us both.

"Let's walk," I suggested. My cousin nodded a little numbly and we started drifting down the beach.

We didn't speak. I was too shocked by what we did to know what to say. I assume Janet felt the same. We not only admitted we loved each other in public, but we also stood up to someone who ridiculed us for it. I was both elated and horrified by our audacity. Yet, both of those feelings were replaced by a deep sense of satisfaction.

I held out my hand and my heart skipped a beat when Janet took it. I looked into her eyes again and suddenly we were both smiling. We were together for the moment and it felt good!

The walk was a long one, but eventually we ended up back at the hotel. I don't think either one of us wanted the moment to end, but there was still a lot to be discussed.

"Let's go to my room and talk," I said as we entered the elevator. My cousin nodded.

We made it to my room and I noticed that she looked very nervous as we entered. I knew I was just as nervous. It wasn't a sexual thing either. We both knew how important the next few minutes were going to be.

I swallowed hard and tried to figure out what I should say. I knew what I wanted and I thought I knew what Janet wanted, but would we actually do it? Standing up to Dayna had felt good, but it would be a hugely different to stand up to everyone we knew, including our families.

Besides, let's say everyone accepted us without any problems. What about the rest of it? She lived on the east coast and I lived on the west. I had a good job and a few close friends like Terry that I didn't want to lose, but what about Janet's job and her friends?

She stayed near the family all these years despite their ridicule. Was she that attached to them that she would choose staying close to home over me? I could move home despite my job and friends, but would that be a good thing or bad?

There were so many unanswered questions that I literally fell onto the couch as the weight of it hit me. I rubbed my hands through my hair and then looked ay my cousin Janet. She was sitting next to me. I could see that similar thoughts were going through her head. My mind spun as I opened my mouth to speak. I wasn't sure which concern to bring up first.

"You do know I love you?" The words slipped out of my mouth. Janet's worried expression disappeared and she smiled warmly and nodded.

"And I love you too," she said. I started to smile, but my cousin's expression grew sad as she continued.

"We've both said it enough this vacation that I think it's safe to assume it's true, but that doesn't mean we should be together. I'm not sure that there is a good reason for something so crazy." Janet turned away from me as she spoke.

"How about the fact that we're both miserable when we're apart?" I asked.

"Do you think we'd be any less miserable if we were together?" she asked in reply, still looking away.

"You know we would," I said softly, grabbing her chin and turning her face toward me.

"Don't!" she cried, but her eye said different.

I leaned forward slowly, giving her a chance to pull away if she really wanted to. Janet's eyes were locked with mine. My lips brushed hers and we both froze for a moment before sinking into a passion filled kiss. Janet accepted my tongue into her mouth willingly.

She stiffened slightly when my hand cupped one of her breasts, but a moment later her body relaxed and I felt her hand rubbing against my cock through my pants. I started pulling off her top.

"This isn't going to help!" she moaned.

"You're joking, right?" I asked. "We both need this so badly that it can't do anything but help!"

"Are we sure?" she asked, momentarily stopping me.

"Absolutely," I said as I stood, held out my hand and smiled down at her. Janet returned my smile tentatively and took my hand.

I helped her up and led her to my bed. We stopped at the edge and faced each other. I started removing her clothes. My cousin reached out and did the same for me. It wasn't long before we were both naked. We looked at each other in sudden tension. I laughed and picked her up.

"Hey!" she cried as I literally threw her onto the bed. I quickly followed behind her. She tried to escape, but I grabbed her ankle and pulled her back until she was under me. I rolled my cousin onto her back and looked into her eyes.

"Don't even think about trying to escape me!" I said, letting her see my desire. Her eyes grew big as she looked up at me. I kissed her once passionately, but only briefly before adding, "You're mine now!"

"For today," she agreed after a moment's hesitation.

"No Janet," I said confidently as I slowly pushed the head of my cock into her. Janet gasped as I added, "For forever." The words spooked her badly.

"That's crazy!" she cried, struggling to get out from under me again.

I refused to let her up. In the end, her struggles didn't do much but sink my cock deeper. My cousin eventually stopped fighting and looked up into my eyes. I smiled down at her.

"The last time, at my brother's wedding, we agreed to be with each other until we found the right person. Can't we can go back to that agreement?" she asked desperately.

"No," I said with a shake of my head, but I was smiling and working my cock slowly in and out of her as I added, "I've already found the right person and so have you. We're meant to be together."

"But we're cousins!" she cried.

"That didn't bother you before," I said carefully, pushing a little deeper and feeling her tighten slightly.

"Of course it bothered me!" she snapped, but then moaned and wrapped her legs around me, pulling me even deeper.

"I can tell!" I laughed, enjoying the feel of my cock buried inside my cousin. I picked up the pace and Janet moaned again.

"You..." she cried, but was unable to finish her thought. She tried again, but gave up as my thrusts became more insistent. She moaned and finally said, "Talk...later!"

"If you say so," I smiled. "But it isn't going to change anything."

Janet frowned briefly, but then lost herself to the moment. I leaned down and kissed her. My cousin's tongue pushed into my mouth and danced there madly. She actually came a few minutes later. I hadn't realized that she was so close to her orgasm, but that didn't stop me from enjoying it.

I watched her face with a deep sense of satisfaction as she came. I didn't let up and kept stroking in and out of her until her orgasm subsided. Our kissing grew gentle after that and I slowly my pace slightly, but I didn't stop it all together.

"You are so amazing!" she groaned when her body started responding again.

She was holding onto my shoulder as I picked up the pace again. It was only a couple of minutes later when her next orgasm threatened. I wasn't really surprised at how quickly she was ready to cum again. That's just what happens when Janet and I were together. My own orgasm was growing near as well.

"It's not me," I smiled. "We've had this discussion before. It's the perversion of being together. We're cousins and we're fucking. It's wrong and incest, but it drives us both crazy!"

"No!" Janet gasped out in denial. "It's you!"

"If you say so," I smiled. "Of course, if that's true then it's you too."

"I don't care what or who it is!" she cried. "Cum in me!" I looked down and saw her eyes flash in desire and lust.