Thorne Ch. 10


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Eustace stood up to leave and Thorne stopped him.

"Please- sit down. I think that I've chosen the right man even if I don't like what he has to say."

Eustace sat down and waited.

"I'm not used to being questioned about my thoughts or motives," Thorne replied. "I also have to admit that this is much more difficult than I thought it would be."

"I can appreciate that," Eustace replied, "but you still have to decide how hard you are willing to work and if you want to be honest with yourself."

"You really are a hard ass aren't you?" Thorne asked with a chuckle.

"I've been doing this for a long time," Eustace replied with a small smile. "If you want time to think about it or if you prefer someone else- no hard feelings."

"I don't need to think about it," Thorne replied. "Ask your questions."

Eustace asked the same question as he asked before.

"Who would you choose as a mate and why?"

"Louise Sinclaire."

Eustace, who was rarely surprised, was surprised for the second time that night and didn't hide it.

"Louise Sinclaire? Why her? I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with her. She's beautiful and powerful, but your answer surprises me."

"Dr. Matthews..."

"Please call me Eustace," Eustace interrupted.

"Eustace- if there's one thing that I know about myself it's that I can be a cold, unfeeling bastard. Women like Barb and my mother bring that out even more and I am fully aware that I allow it. Women like Louise Sinclaire are what men like me need in our lives to balance that coldness. Am I in love with Louise? No... at least not much, but the fact remains that if I were to choose a mate, it would be someone like her."

"Explain," Eustace said.

"I don't know if I can," Thorne replied. "That night at the club- the night that she and the others came for Barb- you should have seen how she fought for her sister. She puked all over the floor, but she didn't care. I watched as she loved someone who didn't want to be loved. I know that on the face of it, many would consider her weak because she is by nature a shy, quiet woman. She is also innately kind and gentle. Those qualities would not only rub off on a man such as me; they would make me stronger. They're also a part of her strength."

"What about her sister- your mate?" Eustace asked.

"What about her?" Thorne asked. "She is persistent but her only priority is herself. I suppose that somewhere there is a man who could appreciate that- that man isn't me."

"Tell me about more about your family," Eustace said.

By the end of the night, Eustace came to one conclusion- the fates had fucked up yet again. Barbara Yancy Simpson no more belonged with Thorne Blackwell than she did her original mate Hans. It reinforced his beliefs that the fates didn't always know what was best and sometimes acted out of vindictiveness or because they thought that it was funny. He also knew that Thorne wasn't really in love with Louise Sinclaire and breathed a prayer of thanks. If he were, could have complicated things a great deal.

"Bastards," he growled under his breath as he thought about the fates.

Thorne watched Eustace as he was thinking about the next step. He liked him he decided and would recommend him to Noel although Noel might need someone with a gentler touch.

"When did you last speak with your mother?" Eustace asked.

"I haven't spoken to her since I took Noel from her home," Thorne replied not at all ashamed by his answer.

"Then she doesn't know about your mate or coming child," Eustace mused. "Are you planning to let her be involved in your child's life?"

"I hadn't given it much thought," Thorne replied again not feeling ashamed. "There were other things going on."

"Understandable, but that's over for now." Eustace replied. "I think that you need to start repairing that relationship. I'm not saying that you have to become the family that you never were, but I am saying that you need to have a relationship that is based on mutual respect. I don't know your mother, but I would guess that she would love her grandchild."

Thorne didn't agree that his mother would love her grandchild, but on the other hand; maybe she would. The child wouldn't be living with her and she wouldn't be responsible for him. He also reluctantly agreed that maybe it was time to make some kind of effort to reconcile with her. He was honest enough with himself to admit that he would never love her as a son loves his mother; but they could have some kind of relationship.

"I want you to call her," Eustace said. "You don't have to tell her about your mate or the child unless you want to. The goal is for you to take the first step toward a healthier relationship with her so in turn; your son will develop a healthy relationship with her. As far as your relationship with your mate goes- it mirrors that of your mothers. Even if you don't live together as mates, you need to find a way to get along with her."

Thorne had a disquieting thought- Barb and his mother together. He could see it now- his mother teaching Barb the ropes and pointing out her mistakes. It didn't matter he decided. The two of them could sail the seven seas together for eternity if they wanted to; the only thing that mattered was his son. If he had to learn to play nice with them in order to be a good father; he would.

"We'll meet again next week," Eustace said. "I expect to hear about the phone call with your mother."

Thorne stood up, offered his hand to Eustace and nodded. He had just completed his first therapy session.


Barb finished packing and checked her bank account. She gasped and sat on the bed sure that her bank account must have had a coronary. There had never been so much money in there at one time and this was for a month! She sat looking at the balance for several minutes not quite believing that it was there. She picked up the phone and called her bank.

"The balance available for use is..."

She hung up feeling giddy with happiness. All she had to do was now was to get through the rest of the pregnancy. She logged off from her bank account and went to a Hawaii realtor's website. It would be months before she could move, but she could arrange to go look at places and then buy one if she liked it. There was more than enough money to buy a place plus hire a cook/housekeeper. She opened her word document and began to construct a list of things that she needed to do in order to get ready for her. When the time came, she just wanted to board the plane and be gone.

"Tsk tsk...."

The voice interjected into her thoughts and said no more.

"Here's your food," Adrianna said by way of announcing herself.

Barb looked at her wondering why the change in her mood.

"I talked to Thorne," Adrianna replied said. "I guess I'm staying as your permanent security detail- in other words I go where you go. The best part is Cheung- he's my mate gets to come too."

"What?" Barb exclaimed. "You and whatever his name is aren't going anywhere with me!"

"Of course we are," Adrianna replied. "Just because Rufus Saunders is dead doesn't mean that the threat is gone. You will always need protection. In addition to me and Cheung, there will be a wolf couple. They're good friends of ours so no worries."

Barb couldn't believe it. She still wasn't free.

"Don't worry, we won't be living with you- you won't even know that we're there, but the rules are the same. You go nowhere without us and when we tell you to move, you move."

"This is not happening," Barb muttered under her breath and then out loud. "This is not happening! I'm having this baby and then I'm out of here-alone!"

Adrianna shrugged and walked away to call Cheung. There was no point in arguing with her. It wouldn't change anything. She was glad that Cheung was going with them- he had little tolerance for pettiness and wouldn't tolerate Barb's tantrums. Neither would the wolves for that matter. She listened to Barb muttering and called Cheung. He was thrilled and wanted to know how soon it would be before he could see her. It had been weeks.

"Come over later, Thorne isn't here and he wants to meet you before you meet his mate and child."

"Will we have a moment alone?" Cheung asked. "I have missed you."

"I miss you too and I think that a little conjugal visit can be arranged. I'll let you know when he's back."

Adrianna turned to see Barb looking at her with something akin to intense dislike. She shrugged it off and said goodbye to Cheung. Barb didn't say anything but went back to her laptop to shop for a one bed room condo. She earmarked three of them and sent an email the realtor. After that she pulled up her virtual calendar and began the countdown for her delivery date and her departure date. What surprised her was the voice hadn't spoken. Instead, she spoke to it.

"Nothing to say?" she asked.

No response.

"Look, I kept my parental rights when I could have signed off didn't I?" she asked exasperated.

"True," the voice replied, "but ask yourself why you did it. I think that you'll find that the choice wasn't made out of the goodness of your heart or because you want what's best for your child."

This time it was Barb who went silent.


Samantha Blackwell was relieved that her sons were safe. She only knew because Noel had been calling to keep her posted on events as they happened. It was on his advice that she hadn't gone back to California after her last trip and on his advice that she hired additional security. That Thorne hadn't called her told her just how little he thought of her and surprisingly; it had hurt. She was also relieved that the Sinclaires and Blackwell's were once again protecting each other. She had never believed that the Sinclaires had betrayed them- but her husband wouldn't listen to her. It hadn't made sense then and it didn't make sense now. The Sinclaires had nothing to gain by betraying them. They were wealthier and more powerful than the Blackwell family and that they were allies was nothing short of amazing.

The other question that she had was about Noel. Why did he think that he wasn't at the fight that killed her mate and his father? Granted he had always been a sensitive soul, but something was blocking that memory. Maybe the years of his father's abuse had taken its toll or maybe there was really something there. She pushed the question aside and thought about Thorne. He had asked her several valid questions with the main one being why she didn't tell him that she didn't want Noel living with her. She didn't give him an answer because she really didn't know or told herself that she didn't. It was because of all of her sons, Noel reminded her most of her husband. Whenever she looked at him, she felt as if it were her husband and that he could see every infidelity that she had committed and every wrong thought she had about her sons and mate.

She had never wanted children and had prayed that the fates wouldn't give them any. Her mate and the fates had other ideas. Before she knew it, she was a mother to four boys of which only two still lived. In a perfect world, she would be close to her remaining sons and bugging them about grandchildren. But this wasn't a perfect world. She would never be the woman who thought that the sun, moon and stars revolved around her children. She was content to continue as she was taking her trips with her lovers and answering to no one.

Samantha knew that her attitude was a major issue for Thorne. Of all of her boys, he was the one that had the biggest issue with her lack of enthusiasm for the role of mother. He was also the one that she couldn't buy off. She consoled herself by reminding herself that the boys had the best of everything. Thorne apparently didn't see it that way.

"Oh well," she said out loud and proceeded to plan her next trip. There was nothing that she could do about it. She wasn't sure that she would do anything even if she could. Thorne unnerved her even more than Noel did and would accept no excuses for her lack of mothering. The fact was- there was no excuse. She couldn't even say that she had been abused in any way. Her mate had given her a free hand-perhaps too much of a free hand- to do as she pleased. She did admit to her role in making Thorne as he was. But it was too late to change that too. "Let bygones be bygones," she thought as she booked a trip to the Netherlands.


Thorne stayed at the club for a couple of hours after Eustace left making phone calls. He thought about calling his mother and decided that it could wait a few days. He needed a break. Instead of calling her or going to the house that he had shared with Ethan and the others; he went to the beach house.

"Who's out there?" A voice called out when he appeared on the edge of his property.

He was impressed that someone remained on high alert, but where were the others?

"WHO IS OUT THERE?" the voiced boomed clearly impatient and ready to challenge him.

"Stand down!" Thorne called back. "I'm Thorne Blackwell."

There were several seconds of silence before the vampire that was guarding the property appeared.


Thorne looked at the vampire who was swaying on his feet and realized that he was seriously hurt.

"What happened to you and where are the others?" Thorne asked as he moved to offer the vampire support.

"Many of them went home to their families as soon as we got word that the head hunter was dead. The others went to join those in opposition to making peace with the hunters. What you see is the result of me trying to talk sense to them."

"Let's get inside," Thorne said after assessing the vampire for deceit. "You can tell me what you know after we get some blood in you."

Thorne took the vampire inside after extending his senses looking for any signs of trouble. He helped the injured vampire to the kitchen, took down a large glass and filled it with blood. The vampire grabbed it and drank it in one long gulp. By the time he was finished, Thorne had another glass filled and warmed in the microwave. He waited until the vampire had finished before asking questions. He started with the names of those who had joined those in favor of continuing the war with the hunters. He then asked about those who had gone home to their families and where they stood.

The vampire gave him the names albeit reluctantly. Many of those who joined the opposition were his friends.

"Why did you stay?" Thorne asked as he rinsed the glasses out.

"I stayed because you hired me to do a job," the vampire replied. "That has nothing to do with politics- it has to do with keeping my word. I also happen to believe that it's possible for the different species to get along. Joining the other side doesn't mesh with that."

"What's your name?" Thorne asked.

"George Tomlinson," the vampire replied.

"Do you have a family?"

"Yes," George replied, "they are safe."

"Thank you for staying," Thorne said. "And thank you for speaking up- you could have been killed."

"True, but then people die in wars don't they? Look, you and I both know that the defections are only the beginning. Soon the supernatural world is going to be involved in a civil war of sorts. The lines are already being drawn as we speak. I plan to fight and die for the right side- that means your side if you'll have me."

"I-we would be honored," Thorne replied offering his hand. "Now go to your family and spend time with them. Let's hope that this civil war can be avoided."

After the vampire left, Thorne walked around the house one more time. He stopped in his office, got online and put the house and property up for sale. He packed up the laptop, emptied his desk of anything that he deemed important and vanished. He would never return to the house again.


Barb fumed over the fact that she would still have guards, but realized that it would be pointless to argue about it with Thorne. Once she got over her initial anger, she logged on and began to shop for maternity clothes using the cards that Thorne had given her when she first moved in with him. After that was done, she began looking for furniture for her condo. She jumped when she heard a tap on the door.

"What?" she snapped thinking that it was Thorne.

Noel stuck his head in and asked to speak with her. Barb rolled her eyes, closed the laptop and told him in a curt tone to come in. Noel hesitated. He really didn't care for this woman who was carrying his nephew.

"What do you want?" Barb asked impatiently.

"Do you know," Noel said softly, "that physically you are a beautiful woman? I could paint you and make a lot of money from it. But then, all the Yancy women that I've met are that beautiful."

"Is there a point to this?" Barb asked.

"Not really," Noel replied. "It's just an observation. I came by to let you know that I'm moving away."

"Really?" Barb asked surprised. "Where is Thorne moving you to?"

"Thorne isn't moving me anywhere," Noel replied. "I'm moving myself. Contrary to what you believe, I do have money..."

"Sure you do, just like you're some famous artist," Barb said sarcastically.

Noel sighed, shook his head and laughed.

"I really don't care whether you believe me or not," Noel said between chuckles and ignoring the angry looks that he was getting from Barb. "Here's the problem as I see it," he continued. "You see everyone as you are. Not everyone is money hungry and not everyone is insecure enough in who they are that they have to namedrop to feel important. Isn't that part of the reason that you're mated to my brother?"

Barb was livid. How dare Thorne talk about her-but then she remembered that everyone knew about their initial meeting.

"At any rate, I'll be gone by the end of next week. I do plan to be back in time for the birth of my nephew..."

"Tell me something," Barb interrupted. "If you're so famous, why haven't I heard of you?"

"Are you interested in art?" Noel asked. "Do you frequent art galleries and keep up on news from the art world?"

"No, but if you're famous I still should know who you are. I still think that you're a wannabe who's taking advantage of your brother..."

"Since when are you concerned about my brother?" Noel shot back. "From what I can see your first and only concern is yourself. If you can't be honest with others, be honest with yourself- the question has nothing to do with Thorne per se, but his money. But- I'll humor you. Go to this website and tell me what you see."

Barb gave Noel a dubious look, but pulled up the website. Her eyes widened as she saw what was going on. It was a live auction website where Noel's paintings were being bought for amounts that boggled the mind.

"Seen enough?" Noel asked amused. "Now go to this one."

Barb went to the next website and stared. It was a virtual tour of Noel's art galleries in New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles.

"So you see," he said coolly, "I don't need nor do I want Thorne's money. I'm here because he's my brother and just as I will always have a home with him; he will always have a home with me. That is what families do, but then; you wouldn't know about that would you? You keep your family at arm's length unless you want something from them."

Barb didn't know what to say. Once again she had seriously misjudged someone.

"I-I'm sorry..."

But Noel was gone.

"You don't learn do you?" Adrianna said from the small room off of the bedroom.

When Barb didn't answer, Adrianna came to the bedroom and sat down but didn't say anything.

"What now?" Barb snapped.

"Nothing; but I do have a question for you- do you want to be loved?"

"What kind of question is that?" Barb asked. "Of course I do! Who doesn't?"

"Do you believe that one has to also give love in order to receive it?"

"I- no," Barb replied. "Family is supposed to love each other no matter what..."