Thorne Ch. 02


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He could hear the surprise in her voice when he identified himself.

"What can I do for you?" she asked warily.

"Are you still accepting new patients?" he asked.

"I am... does someone have need of me?"

"There is a woman that I would like for you to see tomorrow night if possible." Thorne replied.

"Is she pregnant?"


"Is the child yours?"

"That is to be determined." Thorne replied his tone terse.

"Did you rape her?" Gretchen asked. The question had become one that she now asked routinely since Ethan raped Katrina.

"No I didn't rape her, but she says that the child is mine and I want proof before I determine my next step."

"I'm confused." Gretchen admitted. "How do you know this woman?"

"You don't need to know that." Thorne replied. "Will you see her or not?"

Gretchen hesitated. A feeling of déjà vu hit her as she asked the next question.

"Is this woman your mate?"


"Then the child in all likelihood is yours unless she was with someone else before you." Gretchen said.

"I want to be certain." Thorne said.

"Does she know what you are?" Gretchen asked already knowing the answer.

"No but I will inform her pending your confirmation that the child is mine. She will be at your office at nine this evening. Call me with the results as soon as you have them and send the bill to me."

Thorne hung up a moment later and went back to work pushing Barb out of his mind.


Barb was livid! No one had ever treated her the way that she was being treated. She thought she had him when he brought the portable microphone to the table. When he asked her to tell a story what she should have done was announced their engagement. But the opportunity had come and gone. She had been unprepared for his cold and callous attitude toward her. She had been even more surprised that he didn't respond to any of her threats. He really didn't care.

Carrying her out of the club as if she was a bag of trash was the final humiliation. That he would allow strangers to pinch and slap her ass as if she were a whore only added to her anger and humiliation. When the cab pulled up, she stopped arguing with the security guard and got in grimacing at the pain in her backside.

"Where to?" The cabby asked eying her appreciatively.

Barb gave him the address in a tone that made the cabby flinch and dismissed him. Twenty minutes later she was in her apartment changing clothes. She cursed when she saw the packed suitcase sitting by the sofa. Her confrontation hadn't turned out the way that she had planned. But it wasn't over yet she reminded herself. Once the paternity test proved that the baby belonged to Thorne then it was easy street.

She poured herself a glass of milk and sat on the sofa debating her next step. She decided that there was nothing that she could do until Thorne had proof that the baby was his. It didn't stop her from daydreaming about the perfect life that she was hours away from. Her daydreaming was interrupted by a thought. How long would it take to determine paternity? She tried to remember what they said on the Maury Povich show when they did the baby daddy episodes, but couldn't remember. The other question that she had was if she had to wait until after the baby was born. If that was the case, she was stuck in the tiny apartment for at least another seven months.

She opened her laptop and Googled paternity tests. To her relief she saw that she didn't have to wait until the baby was born. The OB/GYN could do an amniocentesis once she reached the fourteenth of pregnancy. The other option was the Chorionic Villus Sampling which could also be done at the fourteenth week mark. She really didn't care which method was chosen. Either of them would give the same results.

The anger at the treatment she had received diminished as she got online to shop for maternity clothes. She didn't buy anything but put the items in her virtual basket. When the time came all she would have to do is enter the credit card information and hit submit.

She spent the rest of the night surfing nanny sites. Once again, she didn't buy; but put her future purchases in a basket. She made sure that all of the women in the profiles that she chose were older and unattractive. The next thing she did was shop for wedding gowns. She didn't see any that she liked but kept looking until early morning when she just couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. She went to the bathroom, washed her face and brushed her teeth. She made her way back to the small sofa, laid down and was asleep within minutes. Like every night for the past few weeks, she dreamt of vampires with one new element. Her baby was a vampire too.


The rest of the night at the club passed quickly. Thorne was busier than normal with settling disputes and on occasion throwing someone out of the club. Two of those that he threw out were the vampires who had gotten a human woman drunk weeks before. They did at it again not believing that Thorne would keep his word.

"Do you know who we are?" One of them asked.

"I don't give a fuck." Thorne replied. "This is my club and you are no longer welcome here now get out."

When they didn't move, Thorne grabbed them by the lapels of their jackets and dragged them through the club. When they got to the front door, he tossed them out.

"You are not to return to any club that I own now and in the future."

When he wasn't busy he worked on the design of his new club and decided to have a small luxury hotel attached to it. That brought up the issue of location and some other issues as well. By morning, he had decided that entrance to the new club would be by reservation only. That way he would have control over who came in. No walk in's would be allowed.

He left the club in the hands of his new weekend manager and went home. He pulled into the garage just before dawn in relatively high spirits. The mental plans for his club were coming together as well as his plans for the woman who was supposed to be his mate and the child. Even if it wasn't his, it would be cared for, that was the way of his kind.

As far as the woman was concerned, he felt at peace. He would never love her. He knew that and was alright with it. He only had to decide where she was going to live. There also had to be some ground rules one being that there would be no nannies or sitters. She would raise the child with his help. Thorne smiled when he imagined what her reaction was going to be. She had another surprise coming, there was going to be no wedding or honeymoon. They were mated that night and the biggest surprise of all was that she wouldn't have total access to his accounts.

By later in the evening he would know where she was going to live and would have the vampire talk with her. He laughed out loud at the thought.

"You are getting so much more than you counted on." He murmured under his breath.

Surprisingly, the idea of a child didn't upset him. That Barb Yancy was the mother did. He already knew what she was thinking and looked forward to crushing her dreams. He found Noel and Felix in Noel's wing painting. He noticed that the canvas with the eyes was covered and once again wondered about it. He pulled up a stool and sat next to Noel.

"How are things?" he asked as he looked at what Noel was working on recognizing it as the view of the club floor from his office.

"It's good." Noel replied with a grin. "Mother called today. She's on her way to one of her month long getaways."

"Did she say where she was going?" Thorne asked.

"No she didn't." Noel replied. "She never does. So what's going on with you?"

"Several things." Thorne replied as he took off his suit jacket. "The first thing is I'm opening a new club and I would like for you to be a partner."

Noel laid down his brush and looked at Thorne.

"I don't know anything about running a business much less a business like yours." He said.

"That's the beauty of it... I'll run the business end of it, you get to decorate it. Let me tell you what I'm thinking..."

"I like the idea." Noel said after a few minutes. "I also like the name. But there's one thing that I would like to add."

"I'm listening." Thorne said.

"I want you to show your paintings alongside mine..."


"Come on Thorne, your paintings are brilliant!" Noel exclaimed.

"I don't know... I don't need the money." Thorne said.

"Then don't sell them." Noel said shrugging his shoulders. "In fact, you don't even have to sign your name on the front if you don't want to. Just initial the back."

"If I say yes will you agree to be my partner?" Thorne asked.

Noel gave it another moment's thought.

"Alright, so where is this club going to be located?" He asked.

They discussed the new club for a few more minutes before he moved on to the next topic.

"Felix, I need for you to hear this too since you live here." Thorne said.

Thirty minutes later, Noel and Felix were staring at him speechless.

"I'll have her stay in the wing close to my side of the house and she won't be allowed access in here." Thorne said.

"What aren't you telling me?" Noel asked.

"Felix, could you excuse us for a moment?" Thorne asked.

When they were alone, he continued.

"The woman's name is Barbara Yancy Simpson." Thorne said. "We met under very... let me just tell you what happened."

"So you're saying that you took advantage of this woman because she was connected to the Sinclaires and it came back to bite you on the ass." Noel said when Thorne was done talking.

"That's about it." Thorne said.

"And she's pregnant with your child..."

"I don't know that it's mine." Thorne broke in.

"Yes you do." Noel replied. "And even if it wasn't, you would still accept it as yours. That tells me something, the problem isn't the child; it's the mother."

Thorne was surprised at how quickly Noel understood the situation and noticed something. He hadn't referred to Barb as his mate and was curious as to why.

"That isn't how you see her." Noel replied. "You see her as a nuisance and someone that you will have to tolerate because of the child. If she weren't pregnant you would have been content to let her continue on her merry little way."

"How do you know this?" Thorne asked.

Noel shrugged.

"Some of it is common sense, but most of it... I can feel. I have only one request... no two." Noel replied. "The first one is to keep me out of your domestic difficulties. The second is that she cannot come in here, at least not until she is invited."

"Both are reasonable requests." Thorne replied.

"When do you anticipate moving her in?" Noel asked.

"I hadn't really thought about it." Thorne said. "But I'm willing to bet that she's already packed and thinking about how she's going to spend my money. Noel, doesn't it bother you that she's connected to the Sinclaires?"

A troubled look crossed Noel's face and then was gone.

"No... should it?" He asked.

Thorne had seen the look but didn't press... yet. At some point he was going to find out why Noel didn't remember that night. He also realized that through Barb, the Sinclaires and the Blackwell's were forever tied together.

"Shit!" he muttered.


Barb was up by early evening puzzled by the reversal of her sleep schedule. After trying for several minutes to think of a cause, she gave up. It was early yet and she still had a few hours before her appointment with the OB/GYN. It suddenly occurred to her that she didn't know the name of the OB/GYN. In fact, she knew nothing other than that the doctor was someone that Thorne knew. The second thought that crossed her mind was that the doctor could rule in Thorne's favor and say that the baby wasn't his. According to her research, Thorne had enough money to buy anything and anyone he wanted. He had as much money as the Sinclaires.

Just the thought of knowing how close she was to her dream made her heart race with excitement. The excitement turned to caution when she remembered that she had to get through the paternity test. If the doctor ruled in Thorne's favor; she would go to another doctor and have the test repeated.

She thought about Thorne's reaction to the news about the pregnancy. It wasn't what she had expected. He had actually laughed at her. She also had the sense that he really didn't care who she told. The proof was when he handed her the microphone and told her to tell the patrons of the club how they met. She squirmed on the couch and grimaced. Some of the slaps and pinches to her ass had been quite hard and she wondered if she had any bruises.

"What kind of man are you?" she asked or loud as she got up from the sofa and headed to the bathroom.

She used the toilet, washed her hands and then tried to look at her ass. Sure enough, there were a few bruises where she had been pinched. She cursed under her breath and thought about calling the police to report the club. She had been assaulted hadn't she? Reason took over. If she wanted Thorne to marry her, reporting him to the police wouldn't help. The other problem was she had no idea of who had pinched and slapped her so it would have been pointless.

As she stripped for her shower, she examined herself. Her breasts were tender and sensitive and her stomach really hadn't changed as far as she could tell. She didn't look pregnant, but she knew that she was. She wondered if Louise was showing yet and then remembered her dreams about her being a vampire. She shook her head and laughed.

"It has to be hormones." She said as she stepped into the small shower.


Thorne and Noel painted until late morning. Felix had already excused himself leaving the two brothers alone to talk. He had been surprised at the announcement that there would be someone else moving into the house and asked if he could say something. When Thorne gave him the go ahead to speak, he voiced his opinion.

"I know that this is your home and that the woman is your mate." He said. "But please stress upon her that this wing is off limits to her. I as well as Noel value my privacy. If she is going to live here, I would suggest placing wards on the places that we don't want her to go."

Thorne thought for a moment before replying.

"I think that you're right." He said. "But the wards may not work because she is my mate and the house will recognize her as such but... we could get human locks and keys."

Felix crinkled his nose. He didn't mind humans, but he hated all of the things they had to do to protect themselves. He also understood human psychology.

"Do you know what's going to happen when you tell her that certain rooms are off limits?" he asked.

"She'll want to go in." Noel said understanding what Felix was getting at.

"Bingo!" Felix exclaimed. "She won't be able to help herself."

"What are you suggesting?" Thorne asked.

"Why does she need to be here?" Felix asked. "You and I both know that humans are a nosy bunch and speaking for myself, I find them a pain in the ass. But this is your house. Now if you'll excuse me."

After Felix was gone, Thorne turned to Noel.

"What do you think about Felix's suggestion?" he asked.

"It has merit, but if this woman is supposed to be your mate; shouldn't she live with you?" Noel asked.

"In a perfect world that would be true." Thorne replied. "But this woman cares only for money. She is using the child as a way to reach her goal of being supported by a man of means."

Noel was silent for a moment before speaking again.

"She reminds you of mother doesn't she?" He asked softly.

Thorne looked at Noel and wondered how he had come to that conclusion.

"I didn't say much, but I watched." Noel replied. "I saw that while father may have loved mother, she didn't return the sentiment. When she did; it was false. This woman thinks that she needs money to be happy and as long as she has it; she will be... for a time anyway. My question to you is this, can you live with a loveless mating? And what of the child? How will your relationship or lack of one affect him or her?"

Thorne had already thought about those things and had come to a few conclusions.

"I will not live a lie." He said firmly. "I will not live as father and mother did before he died. The woman and I will come to some agreements which will include limited use of baby sitters. The child will be loved and cared for no matter what the relationship between me and its mother is."

"Eternity is a long time not be loved." Noel said softly. "Maybe it would be best if you did as Felix suggested and put her in her own home."

"Maybe." Thorne agreed. "I'll give it some more thought."

They continued to paint in silence until Thorne spoke again.

"When are you going to tell me about the eyes?"

Noel gave him a guarded look and then answered.

"I... don't know her name or where she is, but she calms me... we calm each other."

"Is she your mate?" Thorne asked.

"I don't know that with any certainty." Noel replied. "But I hope so." He added with a smile.

"Well, whoever she is, she has the most amazing eyes." Thorne said before letting the subject drop. "I'm going to clean up and get some rest. I have the feeling that tonight is going to be rather trying."

"Aren't you going with her to see Gretchen?" Noel asked.

"No." Thorne replied. "I don't want her to get the impression that this is any more than what it is but I will be there for the birth."

"I know that this is your affair, but Thorne; if you want to have any kind of working relationship with this woman you need to go with her. Whether you like it or not, she's still your mate and that child is an innocent. The fact that she is pregnant rests on both of your shoulders. I think that you need to remember that you were the one that brought her home and you didn't have to use her as you did."

Thorne didn't reply. What could he say? Everything that Noel said was true. He would go to the appointment.


Barb showered, got dressed wand waited for her ride to the doctor's appointment. She wasn't really nervous as much as she was excited. A light tap on the door made her jump and then frown. She didn't recall giving Thorne her address. She hurried to the door, opened it and was surprised to see Thorne standing there.

"What do you want?" she asked testily.

"I am going to the appointment with you." Thorne replied his voice cool.

"Why? To make sure that the doctor tells you what you want to hear?" Barb retorted.

Thorne turned and walked away without replying. She was coming or she wasn't; he didn't really care. He heard footsteps behind him and he kept walking not stopping until he was at the car. He waited until she reached him, opened the door and helped her in.

Barb got in; but was disappointed. She had half expected to receive a kiss on the cheek or on the temple like she had seen Louise and Kevyn receive. She looked to see Thorne staring at her.

"Don't tell me that you were expecting to be greeted with a kiss." He said coldly.

Barb's face burned. How had he known that?

"I want you to understand something." Thorne said in the same cold tone. "I don't like you. In fact, I dislike any woman whose only gain is to find a man to care for them without returning that care. I saw you for what you were the first time that I laid eyes on you and I wish to god that I had never seen you."

Barb felt as if he had just slapped her, but he wasn't finished.

"I have even less respect for a woman who uses a child to reach her goals. Don't take the fact that I'm going to the appointment as a sign that I'm accepting you because I want to. I'm going because as someone told me this morning, it's the right thing to do. After the appointment we'll discuss the terms of our relationship if you want to call it that."

"I don't want your damned money!" Barb exclaimed.