The Virgin Ceremonies Ch. 02


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"Do we have to continue this discussion?" Diana said.

"I'm sorry, but this is Ginny's ceremony," Quinn said. "Doesn't she have a right to know?"

"Quinn, you are creating drama," Olivia said. "I simply asked him to show me a picture. He showed it. That was the end of it."

"He just happened to have a picture of it?"

"He's a teenage boy. They all have pictures of their dicks on their phones."

"He's a teenager?" I spoke up. "So, he's 18 or 19?"

"Goddamn it!" Olivia said. "We are done with this subject."

"I quite agree," Diana said. "That is enough questions."

"Now back to the matter at hand," Olivia said. "Virginia, is my choice acceptable, knowing his inexperience? Keep in mind, if it is not, we'll have to roll the dice with an escort."

"Yes, he's acceptable," I said with a sigh. "Can I ask one more question though?"

"About the young man? No," Olivia said.

"No, about the ceremony," I said. "Can I kiss him?"

"His body, yes," Diana said. "And he will kiss yours."

"I meant his lips."

"Of course not," Diana said. "No kissing, and he will wear a mask."

"I'm going to kiss him," I said.

"You most certainly will not!" Diana said.

"Where is this coming from?" Olivia asked. "You know the rules."

"I know, and I think it's wrong that I can't even kiss him. I don't want to have sex with someone before I even kiss them."

"There is no kissing on the lips. It's too intimate," Diana said.

"But having a stranger's dick inside me isn't intimate?"

"Trust us, Virginia, it's not worth it," Olivia said. "We've seen what kissing during the ceremony does to young women." She and Diana shared a glance. "The very last thing you want is to have an emotional connection with him, or to confuse feelings with sexual experience."

"Exactly," Diana said. "This is about pleasure and sex education. Don't complicate it with feelings."

"I'm just saying, I might kiss him."

"We're telling you not to," Diana said.

"It's my ceremony."

"That's enough now," Diana said. "No kissing."

"Well," Olivia said with an exhale, "I think we're all squared away here. I know you're nervous, Virginia, but I assure you he will be kind and gentle and patient and most importantly, obedient. You're going to have a lot of fun. I promise."

"Fine," I said tiredly.

My mother stood up. "I have dinner plans with your father and some of his colleagues, so I must be off."

"Thanks for making the time to attend my ceremony tomorrow, Mother."

Diana put her hands on her hips. "Why must you take any opportunity to insinuate I am an absent parent?"

"I didn't," I said. "Maybe that's your guilty conscience."

"Look around you, Virginia," Diana said. "No mother has given her daughter more."

I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything.

"Oh, goodness, that reminds me," Olivia said, standing, "Ophelia won't be able to attend your ceremony after all. She said she would call you."

"She did this morning," I said. "She said she's busy at work and couldn't get a flight out of London."

"I hope you won't be too disappointed. Our European branches are still dealing with a recall. Duclark's reputation is on the line."

"Grandma owns the company. She can't pull some strings to give Ophelia a few days off?"

"It's not a matter of time off. It's about responsibility. When you join the company one day, you'll understand your responsibility to the family as well."

"It's fine. One less person to watch the hound pound," I said.

My mother scoffed and shook her head.

Olivia smirked at me. "Sometimes, dear, it is liberating to let the bitch off the leash for one night. Tomorrow is your night. It will change your life. I promise."

After they were gone, Quinn and I got into our pajamas and went into veg mode to decompress from our parents in our space. We shared some ice cream, lying on the couch together and watching some trash TV.

"Channing 2 seems nice," Quinn said.

"We'll see if he fits the name," I said with my head in her lap.

"How's your excitement level now, higher, lower?"

I rolled over so I could look up at her. "A little higher, actually. I'm relieved my guy's inexperienced."

"You probably won't enjoy it as much though. He'll cum five minutes after meeting you and then it'll be awkward."

I shrugged. "Guess the evening will end early then."

"You're not actually going to kiss him, are you?"

"I am," I said.

"You really want some wrath, don't you?"

"Kinda, yeah."

Quinn and I hung out for the rest of the evening and soon went to our separate bedrooms to get some sleep. In the morning, she woke me up with a party horn and blew some confetti in my face. It was cute. She made me breakfast too and sang, "Happy Ceremony to you." Throughout the whole day, I kept thinking about what was going to happen to me. My anxiety was building.

Around 6:00pm, I sat at the vanity in my bedroom, brushing my cheeks with blush. I smiled big, checking my teeth, applying my light pink lipstick, carefully checking it, turning my face from side to side. I cleaned a few stray pieces of gunk from my long lashes and checked my eye shadow. I fluffed my hair. I took a deep breath. I was as pretty as I was going to get.

Quinn came in, her makeup looking on point, her cheeks and lips purple and red. She held up two different dresses, a long purple one that covered everything, and a short sexy black one.

"I can't wear the black one?"

"Purple!" I whined. "You're not allowed to look prettier than me!"

"Fine, fine."

She left to change. I changed out of my t-shirt and shorts, as well as my panties and bra. I slipped on a brand-new pair of lacy baby blue panties and a matching bra that was sheer. Then I slipped on a pair of long black stay-up stockings that clung to my thighs. I wore my new blue dress, which came down to my thighs, just past my stockings. It had the effect of showing a sexy hint of thigh skin whenever I sat or stretched. I tied the lacy fabric belt around my waist and buttoned the three buttons on the V neck. I looked in the mirror. I unbuttoned them again and opened the fabric, showing my cleavage.

"Oh, wow!" Quinn said from the door, now in her ugly purple dress. "You're beautiful."

"Really?" I asked, looking in the mirror again. "I don't feel pretty."

"Oh stop, you're gorgeous. You're a queen. Even if I wore my black dress, you're still prettier than me, so I seriously resent wearing this thing."

She went to my jewelry box and took out the gift she'd given me on my birthday, a new sapphire necklace, and an old pair of sapphire earrings that were a close match. I stuck the earrings in while she slipped on the necklace.

"You look really amazing," Quinn said. "Queen Virginia."

"I don't know why I'm trying so hard," I said, looking at Quinn in the mirror. "I'm just going to have to take my clothes off so he can screw me."

"Would you stop the pessimism? It's your ceremony day. Act a little happy. And you're in control tonight. You take off the clothes when you want."

"I don't want to take my clothes off," I said. "I want to be with a guy who undresses me slowly, first with his eyes, then with his hands, who is passionate, who is all over me."

"So, tell the guy to take off your clothes slowly."

"Ugh, you don't get it."

"Hey, I get it. I of all people get it."

"I'm sorry. I know. I'm just so nervous."

"It's fine. Remember, you're in control. Everything that happens tonight is up to you."

I took a breath as I looked in the mirror. "Okay. I'm in control. I'm the queen."

"You're the queen. He's nothing but a worker bee, buzzing around to please you."

"Yes, okay," I said, psyching myself up.

My phone rang, and Quinn grabbed it. "It's the car service." She answered it. "Hello? Yup. We'll be down in five. Okay, thanks." She hung up. "Ready?"

I held my breath. "Ready to face the music. Ready to face the dick."

"Let's go, Queen," Quinn said. "Buzz buzz."

"Buzz buzz," I echoed.

Together, we buzzed out of our apartment and found the driver double-parked outside. My mother had rented a suite at The Plaza. We arrived soon enough, and Quinn and I headed inside through the doors, the floor shiny under our feet. I hated places like this. I always felt uncomfortable, like others were judging me, sizing me up, trying to determine my wealth from a glance. I would never mention such a thing to Quinn though, because she would have only said, "Flaunt it."

After speaking to the concierge, a bellboy escorted us up the elevator and down the hall to a room with double doors. He opened it and held it for us. We walked in and the door closed behind us. I looked around. Everything was highlighted with gold trim, from the bright plush red chairs, to the velvety sofa, to the satin curtains, even the feet on the tables and chairs were plated gold, all ornately carved antiques.

"You're late," Diana said as we came in.

"'Welcome, sweetheart,' would have sounded so much better, Mother," I said, putting my purse down on the table near to the door, along with my backpack. Quinn and I had brought a change of clothes for later.

Diana's expression softened. "Welcome, sweetheart. It's your big night."

"There's my grandbaby," my grandmother, Nancy said, coming over and hugging me.

"Hi, Nana," I said, hugging her.

"Your dress is beautiful," Nana said.

"Thank you. Quinn and I went to a dozen places. I wanted to looked nice."

"It's a little promiscuous," Diana said. "You should have dressed more conservatively, like Quinn. She's fashionable and sensible."

"Oh, hush, Diana," Nana said. "Your daughter is a goddess today. Treat her like one."

My mother closed her mouth, and I absolutely reveled in those moments when Nana shut my mother down. She was the only one who could.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Nana continued. "You must be so excited to become a woman."

"Thrilled," I said. "And here I thought I already was one."

Nana laughed. "You'll know what it means to be a woman by the end of the night, I promise."

Even though I adored my grandma, I really loathed the idea that she was going to see me entirely naked, getting bent over with some guy's dick stuck up inside me. I fought with my mother enough that I took some joy in the discomfort it would cause her, but Nana was another matter. I suppose she wanted to see this though. After all, I remember vividly how she had clapped for Quinn and Ophelia the moment they'd been penetrated. I'm sure I'd get applause too.

"Thanks, Grandma."

"Have some hors d'oeuvres," my mother said.

"I'm not hungry," I said.

"Are those scallops?" Quinn said, drooling with a glance at the food table. "Remember last year, I wanted scallops and they were out?"

Nana joined her. "Try some mussels. They're a natural aphrodisiac, you know."

"Ginny will need a tray of those," Quinn said.

Nana laughed. "Any new boys in your life, dear?"

"Well, there is one guy I kinda like," Quinn was saying.

"So," I said to my mother, "where's Aunt Olivia? And where's my date? I thought I'd be on all fours by now."

"Must you be so flippant?" my mother said.

"It's how I deal with stress, and I'm very flippant right now."

"This is a joyous moment. Your aunt is in the second bedroom preparing the young man."

"You met him? What do you think?"

"I'm sure he will be more than adequate for your first time."

"Ah, high praise," I said. "Can I have a minute alone before he comes out? I want to sit down and breathe and throw up."

"By all means." My mother motioned to the bedroom doors. "Take a moment to see the bedroom."

I headed toward the master bedroom. The doors were already open. Once I was in, I turned and closed them, and then I looked around. The chairs had already been set up around the bed, ready for the viewing. So, this is where I was going to lose my virginity. It was a big, beautiful bed, with tall wooden spires on the corners. I sat on the edge of it. I really did feel nauseous.

"...psst, psst..."

I glanced to my left. Nothing. I glanced to my right. Nothing.

"...psst, psst..."

Up from the bed, I saw a vent near the ceiling. Someone was talking. I grabbed one of the chairs, brought it over, stood on it, and focused my hearing.

"...promise I'm ready," said one voice. It was far away, but I was reasonably sure it was a man. Was it the man who would soon be between my legs?

"Good... will perform.... last longer," said my aunt.

"Don't need..."

"Take... go home."


"Remem... follow... structions."

"Course... when... whatever... give her... night of her life."

"If you... and make... cum... will be happy."

After that, I couldn't hear well. They had moved off or were speaking softer. I climbed down and moved the chair back, sitting in it.

My heart was still thumping. That was him, talking to my aunt. I'd heard his voice, sort of. So, he could speak, just not to me. I remembered how silent and intimidating Channing had been last year. I hoped this man felt warmer.

The longer I thought of it, the more relieved I was to hear him speak. I didn't know why, but I felt I needed to have some sort of connection with him. I had to feel something, anything, some kind of chemistry. I couldn't have sex with a stranger.

The door opened. My mother was there with my aunt.

"Hi, sweetheart," Aunt Olivia said. "Are you ready?"

I took a breath. "Yes. So, what now?"

"Do you want to meet him?" Olivia asked.

"You can't put it off forever," Diana said.

"All right. Can I meet him in the front room? I'm not ready to be in the bedroom with him just yet."

"Of course," Olivia said. "It's your night. Take your time."

"Thank you," I said.

"Let's go, sweetheart," Diana said.

I came out to the living room, expecting to see a man there, but there was no one. "Where is he?"

"I'll get him. It's finally time," my aunt said, hurrying off.

"Come here," Quinn said. "Quick, turn around."


"Power play," Quinn said. "Don't wait for him to approach you. Turn around and face him on your time."

I gave her a confused look, but she grasped my shoulders and turned me around. I was looking at my grandmother and mother, who were watching Aunt Olivia over my shoulder. I could hear her coming now, two sets of footsteps behind me. My heart was hammering so hard it was hurting in my chest. Why did I let Quinn turn me around like this?

"Allow me to introduce," Aunt Olivia said, "the queen of the evening, our beloved little flower, Virginia."

I took a deep breath and turned around, guided by Quinn's hands. In front of me I finally saw him, dressed in a tuxedo with a black bowtie. I met his eyes. His face was obscured by a black mask that went down his nose and was high on his forehead. His hair was brown and wavy, a few strands falling over his black mask. He was smiling big, showing his white teeth. His figure was nice, slim and tall. For my show, he put one hand under his waist and bowed to me.

"Oh," Olivia said. "I didn't tell him to do that. Very smart."

As he stood back up, he was still smiling. I could see he was breathing quickly. He was nervous too. I wondered if he liked me, thought I was pretty, if he wanted to run out of the room and forget the paycheck.

Of course, he hadn't said a word. I realized I was waiting for him to greet me, but that wasn't going to happen. He was mute for the night, and those ghostly whispers through the vent were all I was going to get.

"Nice to meet you," I said, giving half a smile. "You can call me Ginny... if you could call me anything." I gave an awkward laugh. Quinn threw me a chuckle so I wouldn't feel foolish.

"Well," Nana said, "whatever shall we name this mystery man?"

"Channing Part 2," Quinn said.

"Quinn," I said, feeling embarrassed.

"He looks like a James Dean," my grandmother said.

"You say that about every young man, Mother," Olivia said.

"Maybe call him Zorro with that silly mask," Quinn said with a chuckle.

"I think he looks like a Jerry," my mother said.

"Maybe a Mark," Olivia said, "or a David."

"I think he's a Beau," I said, staring at his beautiful brown eyes.

"Oh?" Olivia said, raising an eyebrow.

"Why is that?" my mother asked.

I stepped forward, brazenly touching his bowtie. I straightened it, keeping my eyes on him.

"Because he's my boyfriend for the night, and you dressed him up in a ridiculous tux with a cute bowtie, so Beau it is."

"I don't like it," my mother said. "How about Justin? You had that singer's poster on your wall when you were little."

"Mother," I said, blushing. "I like Beau." I stared at him. "What about you, do you like it?"

I knew it wasn't exactly good etiquette at these ceremonies to ask the "stud" a question. He seemed confused. He even pointed at himself.

I laughed shyly. "Yes, you. Do you like it?"

He gave a thumbs up.

"Do not respond to her," Olivia said to Beau. "And, you, no questions for the stud, only orders."

"All right, that's done then," my mother said. "Mother, would you like to say the ceremony prayer?"

"Oh, dear, she's your daughter," Nana said. "It's your duty."

"Very well. Everyone, come together."

I hated this part. It was so embarrassing. I stood close to Beau, feeling awkward, our eyes on each other. When I inhaled, I could smell his cologne. He did smell nice. I was still so very nervous of what he was going to do to me.

My mother stood on my right, next to Olivia, and my grandmother on my left, with Quinn. The four women joined hands, with Beau and me in the circle.

"Oh, my, these virgin ceremonies get smaller every time," Nana said. "When I was 18, there were a dozen in the circle. Those were the days."

Diana cleared her throat, raising her head. "Tonight, we gather to witness this maiden's path to womanhood."

"Sha-rah!" all four said.

Beau was startled. His eyes glanced around before they came back to me. I gave him a smile and tilted my head. He was kind of cute.

"Who here will witness this maiden's journey? Speak your name and be heard, so says I, Diana Duclark, mother of the maiden."

"I will witness. I am Nancy Duclark, grandmother of the maiden."

"I will witness. I am Olivia Duclark, mother's sister of the maiden."

"I will witness. I am Quinn Duclark, cousin of the maiden."

"Sha-rah!" all four said.

"Maiden," my mother said, "speak your name and state your intention to grow into a woman this night."

I lifted my chin, keeping my eyes on Beau. I could only imagine what he thought of us, that we were a nutcase cult or something. I felt that way about my family sometimes too. "I am Virginia Duclark, and tonight I will become a woman through this man's loins. I accept this man, and I thank him for the strength he will give me tonight, and I thank my family for providing him."

"Sha-rah!" all four said.

"Does anyone in the circle, including this man, object to this pairing? Speak now or let your silence be your consent," Diana said.

All five of us stared at Beau. His eyes glanced around but he did not speak.

"Sha-rah!" all four said after a moment.

"Virginia Duclark," my mother said, "we turn this man over to you, so that you may grow from the experience and your womanhood may blossom. Let the ceremony begin."

"Sha-rah!" everyone said one more time. Their hands broke apart.

I gulped. It was time.

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NermalKNermalKabout 1 month ago

I loved the drama of Ginny not being into the virgin ceremony, but the ceremony itself definitely screams cult. Having read your other stories, I am looking forward to the rest of the chapters.

Fenris420Fenris4204 months ago

I really like stories like this; stories that set the scene clearly and is populated with well-defined characters. The suspense of what will / might happen (will Virginia rebel against tradition?... will Brent be able to follow the rules?...) A well-written story so far. On to the next chapter! 5/5*

VanillaExtractVanillaExtractalmost 2 years agoAuthor

ST, Thanks! It's an interesting situation, almost like an arranged marriage...

Anna, thank you. I hope this story keeps the bar high and you enjoy all of it!

Comenarista, here we have Brent, feeling like he hit the lottery with this job, and on the other side of the spectrum, Ginny, who feels like she lost it. Or did she...

Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 2 years ago

You created much suspense and nervous anticipation in this chapter with Ginny and her relatives, along with the appropriate doubts and tensions--so well done. 5

AnnaValley11AnnaValley11almost 2 years ago

First rate - you have neatly raised the bar. Five stars

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