The Right to Surrender Ch. 04


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"I'm going to push this TV stand back in for you, why don't you two decide what you want to do tonight. Like I say as of right now I am going to instruct my lawyer to release that box to your boss. If it helps I really enjoyed what me and Chloe did that night we had together. I think doing that again would at least make me really not want to hand you two sluts over"

He disappeared into my living room as Maya rushed to me and gave me a big hug.

"Oh my god this is such a fucking mess!"

"You're telling me! At least you weren't nearly hung!"

Maya increased her hug and kissed my cheek.

"Oh Baby, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault I shouldn't have planted that stuff. Fuck, I'm such a fool!"

She cradled me awkwardly for a while longer before continuing.

"We have to do what he wants. There is no way I'm going down for this, my flat, my job, gone like that! And you know what they would do to us inside. Oh Chloe, babe."

I comforted her with words, my hands s till being handcuffed.

"We have got to make him play along. What did you do the first time?"

Ah, here it came, the path towards our evening's entertainment. I played it coy and reticent to begin with, as if it had been the worst thing in my life and certainly not something that I had written a note to this known sex offender inviting him into my home while I lay naked, helpless and tied up on my bed.

"Well, he took an extreme pleasure in cutting my ponytail off, God I think he nearly came just from doing that."

Maya looked at my short blonde hair and knew it wasn't mine that was likely to get the chop this time. She instinctively felt at her own long, brown hair and gave a long, defeated sigh.

"Well I guess that's not impossible. What else did that sick freak do?"

"He had me go out with him into the night and he fucked me in a dirty, stinking alleyway, then the bastard made me.."

I broke off and threw in a choking sob, which got more sympathy before I was softly urged to continue.

"He made me service a group of tramps sleeping at the end of the alley after he had done me. I was humiliated, I felt so pathetic."

Maya looked shocked but she clearly believed my lie, of course I had done all sorts at the behest of Norman over the weeks since I had surrendered myself so completely to him but that was not what we had done that first night but it was generally what Norman wanted to do with us, and specifically Maya tonight. She looked like she was going to be sick there and then, her face turning a ghostly white shade as the enormity of our situation hit home.

"Oh Babe. What have we done? We're going to have to do that aren't we? We are going to have to go in there and volunteer to do all that and more and even that might not be enough to get him to keep his word. And no way can we trust him, can we? No way he'll just get rid of that film."

"What choice do we have Maya? We just have to do what he wants tonight and maybe with a bit of breathing space we can buy him off or do something to keep him quiet."


So in the end it was Maya and myself that ended up going through to Norman, finding him jerking off on a glamourous picture of myself that I was pretty proud of and kept on my sideboard and telling him what he should do with us that night. He listened, like a cat playing with two helpless mice and nodded when we were done.

"And you think that would be enough to convince me not to hand you in?"

There was a long awkward silence as he let that sentiment hang in the air.

"Well I guess it will depend how well you do things, if you do all you say you will do and throw yourselves into it fully then fine, but if I get the feeling you are phoning it in or faking it then that will be a different matter. First thing first Officer Lopez I think I need a name for you."

Again Maya was confused. I didn't really blame her, just this morning she was preparing for a bust that would get rid of a career criminal, save her lover and probably get another boost up her career path. And now she stood before him naked practically begging him to do literally anything to her.

"Well blondie here is Fuckpig, I guess I could call you Fuckpig #2 but that isn't really great. How about Whorecop? Or Pigslut? What are you, Mexican? I know! SpicSlut! How'd you like that my fiery little tamale?"

I could see Maya didn't like it a bit, she was fiercely proud of her heritage but what could she say? She just nodded at Norman.

"But I'm kinda forgetful you know? I mean those cameras in my flat are real helpful to remind me where stuff is, like planted evidence, eh? Ha! So how am I going to remember your name?"

He pointedly looked at the word daubed on my chest in red lipstick. Maya took the hint eventually and mumbled.

"You can write it on me like you did to Chloe."

He laughed and picked up my expensive, designer lipstick and scrawled the word "SPICSLUT" right across Maya's midriff while she stood there and silently fumed. While he was there he picked up her handcuffs and snapped them on her wrists and took great pleasure pulling her arms behind her back and clicking them to her other wrist, leaving my partner in much the same position as I was.

"Now why don't you speak about things a bit more, make sure you really want to do this, and once you are sure come on down to my flat and we can have a little aperitif before we go out for a big night out."

Once he had gone Maya looked at me and I could see the defeat in her face. Of course it was wrong, but seeing my tough as nails police partner and lover reduced to this was a huge turn on to me, I felt a fire in my crotch that I craved to assuage but dare not so I tried to looked as miserable as Maya.

"Babe, what are we going to do?" Maya was looking to me for guidance and I knew my role.

"We do what he wants, we do what we said we would. We get through tonight, God knows we deserve it, what were we thinking planting evidence? I've done it once before, we keep him sweet and after tonight forget about it, never mention it again, we move on and thank our stars we didn't fuck up even worse."

So we moved out of my flat like that, naked and with our wrists cuffed behind our backs. It was awkward to move down the flight of steps from my top floor flat to Norman's on the next one down, we had to watch and not trip and even more our ears were listening for any signs of anyone coming up the stairs. There was no-one and we made it to his landing to find his door shut. I moved to the door and pressed the bell with my forehead before dropping to my knees and adopting a submissive position in front of the door. I looked at Maya and hissed.

"Do the same, it'll keep him happy."

I supressed a smile at Maya's reluctance to obey but she did and soon we were lined up on our knees before Norman's entrance. The bastard made us wait a full five minutes before he opened his door. I knew better than to ring again so we just knelt there in silence and listened for any noises on the stairs below. When Norman did finally emerge he was equally naked and sporting his large, long erection. Maya scowled at it but there was more in that look and when he had her shuffle in on her knees behind him I could see she was like a lost lttile girl. I made to follow them but he stopped me.

"You stay there Fuckpig. It'll be up to how good a cocksucker that your friend is how long you have to wait."

The door closed and I was left there alone. Soon from behind the door I could hear the telltale coughs, splutters and gulps of air that came with one of Norman's hard, fast and forceful face fucks. I cursed that I wasn't there to watch Maya's degradation but I imagined it in my mind's eye.

I could just imagine my fiery Latino lover on her knees and helpless with Norman's long, slick cock fucking her throat. He would be pulling at her hair or her ears to keep her in place but give no concessions to her trying to keep up with his ferocious pace. How I envied her. I wondered if Maya would grow to expect and crave this treatment as I had, I wondered if she was already wet between her legs at the humiliation she was enduring. Oh God how I wished my arms and fingers were free and I could frig myself!

"Er? Excuse me? Are you OK?"

I nearly shit myself at the voice from my right. Frantically I turned my head and found myself facing a young man with an armful of flyers that he was no doubt posting through letterboxes. One of the other residents must have let him in to distribute them by hand. He was in his late teens, tall and student looking. And it looked like he couldn't quite believe his eyes. There was nothing I could do to cover my embarrassment, I pressed my thighs together but with my arms behind me there was no hiding my exposed breasts nor the crude daubing on my stomach.

"So, like are you OK? Do you need me to call somebody?"

I don't think he knew what to think, say or do. He certainly knew where to look though as he couldn't take his eyes off my tits. I had to think quickly.

"Erm, no. I'm fine, it's just a little game with my, er, boyfriend. You know, bit of a thrill. Don't tell anyone, please!"

"Right, well, er, will I post this flyer through the door..."

His question died in his mouth as he heard Norman and May grunting and groaning frantically behind the door as Norman clearly was on the verge of cumming.

"Like I say it's just a bit of adult fun. Tell you what if you want put the flyers in my mouth and that'll give my boyfriend a surprise when he comes out."

It looked like he was thinking of doing more than that but at a final, long moan of ecstasy from within the apartment he hurried over and placed the fliers between my lips and retreated down the stairs as we heard movement within the flat towards the door. Norman came out, saw the flyers and heard the descending footsteps and laughed at me. He plucked a flyer from my mouth and looked at it before noting.

"Young lad was it? Bet he got a thrill seeing you, bet he brings back a load of mates next time. Maybe I'll tie you leaning over the bannister and put a sign out saying it's ten dollars a fuck, might some business from you yet Fuckpig! Ha.Ha!"

While I contemplated that prospect he ushered me into his apartment on my knees where I saw Maya kneeling with a thick mixture of cum and saliva dribbling down her bronzed cheeks and chin.

"Clean her up, I got something to show her."

With my hands still incapacitated I thought I knew what he meant by clean her up so I shuffled over to Maya and began to lick the mixture off her skin. She looked sadly at me as if she was sorry for me having to do it. I had licked and sucked most of the cum and spittle off by the time Norman returned, he was carrying a picture frame which he made a great show of revealing to display that it held my ponytail behind the glass, splayed out like a trophy.

I got a little shock, I didn't even know he had kept it let alone that he was so proud of it that he had framed it. But I think Maya got a bigger shock, seeing it like that. I looked at her, specifically her mane of luscious long locks trying to convey wordlessly that now would be the time to offer the next part of our contrition payment. She took the hint and reluctantly spoke in a voice that I could barely reconcile with the tough police officer I had shared so many cases with.

"If you want to do the same to me, to cut off my hair then you can, I'd be fine with that if it meant you didn't pass on that evidence you have."

It didn't sound that she was Ok with it though. But hey she had said those words. It was as well I was handcuffed at that point because if I hadn't been I don't think I could have stopped myself playing with my leaking slit at hearing Maya submit to this horrible pervert. Norman was loving it too and a large pair of scissors had appeared in his right hand by then. He clipped them together a few times for May to watch before standing behind her grabbing her long, brown hair in his hand and asking one last time.

"Are you sure Officer Lopez? Are you really sure I can cut it off?"

"Y-Yes" Was the eventual whispered answered.

Then with a snip that I watched and heard it was done, Norman lifted his hand up to reveal Maya's long hair that had seconds before cascaded down her naked shoulders was disconnected from her scalp and he lifted it aloft in triumph. He smirked at me behind Maya's back before taking it round for the Latino to view, she could barely look at it. It was done but our evening of perversion was far from over.


An hour later saw the three of us walking down the dark streets of Downtown. An area Maya and myself had patrolled many times in uniform but never quite like this. We walked slightly behind a confident fast paced Norman and were each dressed exactly the same. That is that Maya and myself each wore high heels and one of Norman's old smelly, stained, trench coats and nothing else at all. Although that's not entirely correct as we each had a dog collar around our throats with a cold steel chain that hung down between our breasts. Oh and we also had a toy sheriff's badge on, with its pin pushed through each of our right nipples. It had been sore when I had pushed it in and through but I was starting to relish pain now and feeling it throb as we walked along gave me yet another turn on that night. I had come up with this forfeit for us to perform with prompting from Norman and Maya had been willing to go along, she even suggested certain aspects of the evening to try and convince him.

We were heading into a scuzzier and sleazier part of town with every step and starting to get a few looks that were more than just passing glances as to why we were both clad in such disgusting raincoats.

So this criminal with a rap sheet as long as your arm led us, two police officers, into the dankest, dirtiest alley that I think the city had. Really, it was a disgrace. There were rubbish bins overturned, plastic bags of crap that had obviously been lying there for years. Rats scurried from their evening meals as we walked down it. The walls were crumbling and covered in graffiti, the doors in the alley were fire exits for the disused building either side of the alley and it was lit by just a couple of street lamps that still worked out of the ten that lined it.

It was a horrible place for the horrible things we were about to try and satisfy Norman. We stopped half way down it, the noises and lights from the main street already all but gone and with a look from me both Maya and myself shrugged off our coats and dropped them to the damp, dirty cobbles of the street below. He treated us to a toothy grin, displaying his stained dental work and undid the belt to his trousers to unveil the long cock that I had become so intimately aware of in the last few weeks. What we would do in this alley had been agreed by all before we had set out .

First up I knelt and sucked and licked Norman's balls enthusiastically. While I did this Maya shuffled behind him and both kissed and licked his ass. He had been insistent that it was Maya did this. We treated him with our tongues like this for a few minutes until he was ready and he pushed at my head to put me back. Taking my cue I lay on my back, partly on my coat and partly in a dirty puddle and Maya came from Norman's backside and crawled over to lick my pussy out whilst he got in behind her (while still standing) and speared his long cock into her tight asshole. I felt her tongue judder inside my cunt at exactly the moment he slid his dick into her ass and nearly came there and then from it.

From my position on my back I could watch the pervert as he ass fucked my partner. Grinning manically as he ploughed down on her while she struggled to eat me out. Looking at Maya though I was starting to believe she was actually deriving some kind of enjoyment from this treatment. Maybe she wasn't as twisted and perverted as I was but it did seem from the crazed, determined look in her eyes that she was getting something from this. Norman continued to ass fuck her doggy style until he grunted and came deep within her, he pulled out and moved around to offer his dick fresh from her asshole to her mouth and she accepted it between her lips and sucked him clean before leaning over and sharing a saliva filled French kiss with me. She whispered to me.

"Come on babe, just this night and we can forget this ever happened."

Damn, she was naïve (in more than one way too) but I just nodded and returned her caress before allowing her to help me up to my feet. I felt at the pin through my nipple the pain still pulsing through pleasurably, Norman had chucked our coats into the gloom and instructed us to walk deeper into the alley as we were in just heels, collars and badges. Maya reached over and we walked forward hand in hand, after a few steps Norman leered forward between us.

"Aww! Isn't that sweet? Let me tell you two pigs this is your level, this is what Nazi scumbags like you deserve. What you are going to do here should serve as a bookmark for your place in this city. It is your correct level."

We rounded a corner and came to the end of the alley. It was brighter here, though not because the lights were working rather because three drums had fires going in them and by that light I could see over ten down and outs, vagrants and tramps, the city's homeless and the debris of their lives hanging about clearly awaiting our arrival. I swallowed hard as terrible as this was this was a fantasy of mine, a dirty, hidden, explicit fantasy but mine nonetheless. Maya paused upon seeing them, so did I, Norman pushed us on towards them...


The vagrants turned their attention to us as we approached them, our heels clicking noisily on the cobbles. Before I dropped to my knees to crawl into their midst I had a chance to appraise the group of men Maya and I were about to sexually service. They were, to a man, hairy and disgusting, sporting straggly beards and long unkempt hair. There were clothed in rags and cast offs and there were two hungry looking dogs sitting around in the encampment too.

As we approached the group though Norman put his hands on our shoulders and stopped us.

"I've changed my mind. Fuckpig, you can stay here and entertain these gentlemen on your own. Spicslut, you can come with me, I think I'll enjoy that hot Latino body a bit more myself first before loaning it out to such a large, disgusting gang. You never know what you might catch from them. You can make your own way home bitch, be back by morning, I'll leave your coat there."

And he tossed my jacket into a dirty looking puddle beside me.

Maya seemed upset more for me than herself, little suspecting that inwardly I was licking my lips at being left to the mercies of these dirty, nasty tramps. I turned to watch as he led her away, wondering what he had in store for her and hoping I would hear about it from both of them. I was brought back from watching Maya and Norman disappear and wondering what he had in store for my partner by sharp pain on my chest. I turned and looked down to see a grubby hand holding the badge that pierced my nipple tugging me around. I looked up into the filthy, bearded face of one of the vagrants. He cleared his throat and spat right into my face and growled.

"On your knees copper."

Obediently I dropped to my hands and knees right in the middle of a puddle as he grasped the leash connected to my collar and walked me forward into the middle of the near circle of tramps. The smell and sense of decay was palpable and claustrophobic as a couple got up and crowded around me, two flipping out long, greasy cocks that they prodded at my mouth. Embracing my inner slut I opened up and tried to fit them both between my lips, simultaneously fighting off the desire to gag at their taste. They settled to a rhythm of pushing their dicks in and out of either side of my mouth while the female tramp came over to me on her hands and knees, grinned a toothless grin and me and began to play with the badge pinned to my nipple, twisting and pulling it to her glee.